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November 30, 1911 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1911-11-30

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but he adA HOMESICK
on that the
and some FATED
w m sis AT FOR MANYI


Tri-Colored Poster Was Put On
Yesterday Afternoon in State
Street Stores.

Time Was When Thanksgiving Defedant in Condemnation Pro- "We've got half of this
Stood Preeminent as Date ceedings Asks That State out and in working orde
a-f iof Final Game Pav Suit's Cost :said Director St. John
"There's a snap and a p(
,n-opera scores before, and
n Homesick-that is the predominant Uncertainty still plays the most im- _men anxious and ready
r feeling on the streets of Ann Arbor to- portant part in the situation regarding their cues. This show w
day. Visions of the "little house on the construction of the new auditori- ner."
Is the hill," filled with dear ones and um. With the settlement of the con- Musical Instructor Ke
Cox and Julius Wuerth:
w overrunning with good things to eat, troversy over the York property near highly enthusiastic over1
g rise before the eyes of the lonely at hand, there now arises a new factor f'ast evening. "The choru
11 'studes" as they wander about the which may cause an entirely new start be better balanced,"said C
streets. to be taken in the whole matter. height or general size,
vastly more action in the
r It is Thanksgiving, and what is The court took up the question of has appeared in the proi
g such a day without home-and mother? confirming the report of the jury Wed- sented heretofore. Wuert
r All of the fond recollections of early nesday morning. The report awarded will make a hit."
youth flock back and the faint aroma the defendant $5,800 for the site on: Mrs. Huston, the high
of homemade pies and steaming turkey South Thayer St. This price did not priestess of the wardrobe
o tequal the figure held a just valuation all anxious to speak ab
l But there can be no repetition of the by the defendant, Zachariah York, and tumes last evening, but
k But dherd daysntsberpetitonotheshe brought in an expense bill of $343,. knowingly and ventured,'
k good old days this year, for home is which he claimed the state should pay will say-there are some r
ir'saway for many, and only the al-
under the statute. Attorney R. E. figures among those co-e4
ternative of hunger or a boarding
th disconso- Bunker and Assistant-Attorney Gener- ers that I measured today
y house dinner remains to al Hicks, in behalf of the state, argued ous choruses and cast will
late students.
Time was when this day ranked against the expense bill and the court ured today and tomorrc
Shigher than any other in the college decided to consider the matter for a costumes, which promise t
y~rthanenygrotesitheollerge-few days before handing down a de- he extreme.
-ege fThen the greatest football strug- cision. The immediate demand x
gle of the season was staged on Ferry Attorney Cavanaugh for the defense chasers for the opera post
field and the whole town was alive wi states that if the court allows the ex- the State street bookstore
a color and gaiety. It was no hardship pense bill, that will probably be the aday afternoon promises
r to miss the home dinner in those days Lend of the matter, as far as the de- sale of these unique cards.
e because nothing could compare to the fense is concerned, and no attempt to is made up in three colo
warriors battle on the gridiron. But appeal will be made. This would leave grade of board and is suit
nwrrits cated.Thegrfon.allButa-everything in readiness for the begin- orating purposes. Owing
now it is changed. The football sea- ning of the construction work upon the creased cost resulting frox
n sin is over and the gridiron is deserted. auditorium. sary tri-color scheme the
There are no decorations or brass ,When asked about the readiness of sell for fifteen cents ins
(Continued-on page 4.) the contractor to proceed with the cents as reported before.
work, Secretary Smith believed that, Members of the Union

show m
r right
last ev
ep in th
it mak
to cent
ill be E
npf, Cha
ner we:
the rehE
ses cou

LL c


thinks that the general opinion holds
the price of the site, as decided by the
jury, about two thousand dollars too
high, and that before the regents
would pay this amount, an effort would
be made to find a new site. No other
location has been looked over and, as
far as is known, no other is under con-
sideration, all of which presage great
delay in securing the new structure for
the university.
"Perfectly immense," said Dean Mor-
timer F. Cooley yesterday afternoon
when interviewed regarding the Ne-
braska banquet.
After the game the Michigan alumni
of Omaha and Lincoln had planned to
entertain Prof. Cooley and Prof.Knowl-
ton , but the .Nebraska people would
not listen to such a proposition, and inj
turn invited not only the Michigan fac-
ulty men, but the entire Michigan gath-
ering, team, alumn'i and students to a'
huge spread, which they called ther
"Cornhuskers" banquet. The banquet1
was held in Lincoln's largest building,
the Lincoln Auditorium Building.
"We were treated royally," said Prof.'
J. C. Knowlton in speaking of the trip.
The immense crowd of enthusiastic
Michigan alumni which had gathered'
from the farthest boundaries of the
Missouri valley was truly inspiring.
We saw a great game, a great co-intry,
and a great people. We now return to
the simple life."


The fo


western conference
Michigan. This mo'
thing for Minnesota
for western footba
smash the "confer
grown wild-eyed an
"It would also br
competition with th
time 'arrives where
nesota face Princeto
and Harvard, footb
interest involved wv
cent. better off. A
3vould broaden a ga.
further broadening
ill-shaped and out c
Hazing Fatal to
As a result of pne
on a hazing party
Freshman at the Ur
met his death last
caught by the sophc
in~ waPin tr

into a watering trougn.
Date of "Hop" is Not Changed Y. 3. C. A. to Receive at Newberr;
It was rumored yesterday that the Cramped quarters preventing o
house, the university Y. M. C. A.
junior lits had changed the date of hold its Thanksgiving r-cception
their "hop" but has proved to be with- Newberry Hall from four to six tod
iittee preparing to report on Ablanti declsion sooi, out foundation. The dance will take The program will embrace both mi
place as scheduled Saturday afternoon j and recitals, and special effort is be
nt raised for the fund because The committee, in addition to this from 4 to 6 o'clock at Barbour gymna- made to interest the Japanese stude
of the graduated classes which report will urge that the old site be sium. Dr. and Mrs. Jackson and Dean - -
subscribed have not yet stated maintained as property of the medi- Jordan will act as chaperones. Tickets Painters Busy With Flag Staff.
exact amounts they will cal department, to be used as the site may be procured from the social com- A few more days and "studes" v
when the pledged subscriptions for a medical museum and library, if mittee. overdeveloped curiosities won't
nade public. It is probable that it is decided to demolish the old build- compelled to crane their necks for
gores will extend over the $2,000 ing or to erect .a new structure. A psychological review society has campus flag-staff. Painters are b
just been formed at Purdue. giving the shaft a final coat of whi


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