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November 30, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-11-30

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tl f



WIN.! ances. moaking short wtins of threeI PROF. RUSSELLS LECTURE.
ansd ftise yards. 'Tie bait was soon I'



By a Score of 14 to 0 the Senior lost to';,andthue selniors startetd
Laws Win from tneir Junior osst for tiheir thsirti touct.-doswn.,

Pronounced by All an Interesting
and Instructive Description .

'The isitiat gasne of the tong-tie- resiter. MecRotierts sprinted aroundel 'ie annossncsement tat Professor 4l-lkk/rAJ. l F Ls:
oe tcl samsptonshit eis a h etedfrtt'yrst: ' -'9; Fusselt, the successor of Prof. DETROIT, MICH. ''lydysedyatrontne asdhrmnadpse ~1 liceli iecaro uoyi
rathsesr isfasvorabehit csta nciesIoser the tine for thse lsst toiushi the Usiveirsitysswould'detivser a lt.(,
hefore a smallrcrosse. Ptlay tie"ans o wosss sthe gmC siss ll ke d I tare oni iis tin expedistiouis tss 'st. t43,wt 9 a ie paantga. Soe 4
sit4:3 s iss 9 lss'Issci si aaisatSt. I ia s t(ress' aslarge au n e i
94 lass' tin asccountot h str'nsiw ( Ga ie.wis iscailed a'it liie is'clsir, the Un (ity itsub ouiise last 'ilissai
swhichs tosvIer1d the fieldt sharp layi is after a as itotrs play.evenissi" Iflit.e xeittions sseri
ing seas irendered iatisost anips Potison15055 5 , a aite is the surmersn of i SS9 sind
hitity 93 sppeatresS upoisthe felh eis --_--n--or e is-------- iay S9o. Residies colt ingcaiii rga
a fislhaIsfitt aru before thseir jusiosr Irlonss c--let iiarsi _...ti .Irelianiount of sceentifsicirfoi atiusis of Wise is iiia -tthl aiesni rslisospiina stes
brollies acbetaia st-a--i------it'--i-stiruenuoflieit Ifiore.?f;uShoes ti 5cto Is-ia pair less lhan
broher bean traglig i. 9 !H il ___ ----. igh tassi isienssitis ry vartons kiiste effoir1 aas issarie Ann At's priessend frSit''salogue toi
presceatedi ais excepi oinally lucas-s 55'ssiil is-ssicapt riwli tstl ------Siiti t asciel ite mnitasis, seiies ir5
lite for a slass te am, satd seeefull I tspoier s -----_ i old -- .iliilsfe tii hestoeSstm
lits ii isisirtr-'intl------seswiaisn ilson ethg . Th eo d
if eonidseince thiat success svould ibe 1 Mtlss- s--- eftll-----------Dyr mer Prof. Russsellantihissparty' site- 101 1 BH isa 5 iNissilis&CA
on teirsidnoe. Captain Dygert, of Al in ------sist k-------oi er (altceedeid aftert great liatdsips in 11 '10 iti. N
ttes " '\ arities, '' sS selecteti as , - -- reaehiig an elesation of 14,5oo feet,
ismire wilesTihonias acted 10 the I BOOM FOR FOOTBALL, svhichi'as'e teni a sieof ass ito g~Qhnmond 5traighr Qist.
capacits of referee. 9_t wont tire__mnse expanse of country never tie- N.
toss aidtotoik tthe bait. time swege A Good Subscription Has Been fore lookeilacpois bytile eyes of (- v I A E T S
ta fren a n tihSe bait sniappsedi ti Sntad withLiberal Responses.
seas msassll.eeisveisttres5 retated b Cifarete in 5 suiilc
'ass1, sii o bitsckesthtte tine for fist'; ihe pias is >Of 'iliele assl' cs at ite lectuSrer ssere very' intertl n ist" s'tsi ns ' i the prs c o
sard~ s '5_ sh'cit op vcry wss C 'it n thes seesnit half of the "'ate aso mise Of tiseas qlisl e xalingboelms cii in t il tiisn d
slur lineadi a eftle rcharres iif ss DIs iin-a tsi . s sstc~i
i., 'nm" I s i I niist Coernsell last 1 isa ha ii 0 ts tisit hssrrii (iiiisich l Sictaight
tocitoitstessionsseMllisisshsesseilisleSrte isetisi ssas iiluts t it lib y O or it.Iic(it-iettii isre 1'1tgle
'li"h -sitl siwis passedt ts o ar ftrotes-ier--ssasisteI f tiles t akenisbusthse exIsis i ' pan tics, niic-i 0
ssand a55ntdii ii 5a i sit stS silss itsut1s iis nssl th Iaso is ts'ssys sisei-lietnt' thetii 5tCC555ic-c's ii areiC''
afe y' iithst te ssei e seti ns sistess ii a iss sit tts oIIstte nssv ue 1te tis iswor asimSheio:e.siltbsereit sit.tt
ewfec l'stii toi 9set vcai li neii t ne s tses s'i Ot e tl hinds us s i is ieshe saso1y li er' lretantitl e l S list griinat71 e s oii e-erb13ts
(' reik isi theaon IsdStir ss e is atle itsritost iscie fitil t nsiet-h l i"etss es hs T he A is I lV&( -'t i ra nchss t
th sar pis-si Sat sc ls sitrsae ste fst 5 O i cla isa i ass tl atr setis e ansI'rhac o.
isiis tnu tov hu ulue foot ieritba prspstats forss t ishiatt ptse re ps"pa ue r if Iso preufusta A 5Ot li alu si
uif~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ stranuftiascturrs"alersiess.ieaciosnuihthmoni'dtnsissviosr~4'in a,.11-~
lis-sri e isass"thur Il ie wihtheoo rrEdiohownseere tile ahea -)i fteto iterslnoeitfethWowrh a tl fte Ti ewoeot edn o aIOl uves h etrewspo q-sio a l,
gnl) osh'fs, s s o rgien thsbsl"its u srpint pr m t fo tal a o ce byalag ets ces b thtr intr zat;tx
Sieakiegstheiugtiteeslinesit Isis he n the S L.Aof SEoratiSAEnR EHwhi& SON
gotths e40are t.So scA He ten p tow_____T J 'WE R
th ist py f oi th e bmsi gatitcnato n te atrcie n
cellat if donthse fin isri'len titerseniulbgsis flo edhs ar nteesPlngforannpr ofviitiep esentI Anit ii I 'liii ii 'N
of thetssatfienlsda disftiancinorgystmlfr Reervngeeat
1ss 'ir'atosse atnu tt Iiif illai nun, ad r i ssa e w s momentte si esulli ae of sas fo iisgs -i, Iias i s lii
ftd planting3theo all time 9;shelI
goa fo te frs toch-ow . sN o einit Slr fuTerAtes as
an rSoivesethntime halves beforesasey' - Sc L.ou AcouSEA on SAErshay'
11aat eri I - o.sser mre i s isl cothtitnCrct-.Q4i
incopaed toimalr.roesiagederos aI1 i.r ) ur.3 t8siocok V PC-JN
Nirety-foSiteo ol theebaioiss nde ltns-l norg te uies Eey te oeol fsasi
siplrfaey snt lnr falbc endfit egittn tin sulatNewtPlan fotv rsiy Im provw i b e sold, tus 'i0r- TCil:N
teteroiiia e aro edhu rniste ilfra
pretty f fort yardsliens sstema'ticaniastlst nesrb avin ateasqacac for ResTAILOReats
a~ol-r run 1 I llIthosewhondonCaaetonprctoase
ncungoade aothver ainempf soyards'n ile of deront mut h ls exolcted nedla echwlbecar d fo
and twas 'pusedover SFite'9tienor'Sheet ills e sa e Site aut,75r
'93'inalsec o tcs-own Ce iteo theiipy'feors. oahe sudontoshedP J INN
svas icked by Femmin Sco eacsandl antherfr uer sis lie.as celseaso r nthe Sune ts'es tu re
an dwnd hehave bfoe nyusalc Rtrb t b wlat ince asct iogneralurie for a tery 'T 70 I~.
thisisrralildimseal.eThs coersehe etiresea
Nnety-falour nwhrelo okwhebals 0 a kdhoed it Mr ese nrteolaea ucsn
the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ at centrloreitelasrtieeSieother busine--~-- son.vry thersalewilye fiseats ihen V. S'E T S
immedately sent er ful-ba A. mel o Cseiy, '94 emuat hse- bo ofen University ball esl, Sthur-
duplicaedTher reumoniperforbusioiedssicas.eayvring afi n atolschace Detoit TAIchian

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