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November 30, 1911 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1911-11-30

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ed from Page i)
es of the present associa-
contained exa tly the
n concerning its board off
mbers have all been al-
rivileges, regardless of
ed, since the ruling al-
>cal Association to make







wn laws on this subject.
Union Criticism is Thorn.
he Union criticism is the hardest
it can be only parried. There
ns no question that two buildings
introduce a divisive force, though
proposed Y. M. C. A. building will
sist largely of dormitories, a field
Union does not enter. But it is held
the ministers, in their various
ds, fitted up with billiard tables,
is courts, and reading rooms, are
divisive forces injuring the Union
roportion as they are efficient.
nally, it has seemed inconsistent
ry to persuade the Association to
up its building plans on the
md of conflicting with the Union,
at a time when members of the
lty who are avowed Union support-
are planning the financing and
ding of a private gymnasium and
house, in spite of the fact that they
been declared that a greater
igan Union shall be their sole -aim
he next five years. -
any letters and telephone ines-
s were received at the association
e yesterday from prominent local
promising aid to the Y. M. C. A.

Chauncey OIcett's "M13acushla."
One of the new features in hauncey
Olcott's new play, "Macushla," (Pulse
of My Heart) at the Whitney Theatre,
December 6, is the incidental music
which is played during the perform-
ance. Instead of the audience being
tired out by long overtures or selec-
tions from popular operas, between
each act, original music in keeping
with the story of the play, is played by-
the augmented orchestra, and this is
far from being the least enjoyable part
of the performance.
Majestic Theater.
"The demand for seats for the Thanks-
giving Day shows at the Majestic thea-
ter both afternoon and night will be
enormous and the management urges
the public to buy tickets in advance.
The ticket office wil be open at nine
o'clock Thursday morning and remain
open all day for the accomodation of
patrons and seats can be reserved for
both matinee and evening perform-
ances. The matinee will start at three
o'clock and give everyone ample time
for dinner and as the seats will be
reserved the same as at night no one
need be inconvenienced. The new show
will open at the matinee today and be
one of the best that has ever appear-
ed here.
Alumnus Addresses Architects.
Mr. Irving K. Pond of Chicago, Pres-
ident of the American Institute of Ar-
chitects and a member of the class of
'79 E, addressed the architects of the
university yesterday, on the "Interna-
tional Congress of Architects," recent-
ly held in Rome, Italy, where he was
the American delegate. Mr. Pond has
just returned from abroad.
The measurements of the university
girls recently taken have shown that
out of 181 first year girls there are
37 afflicted with curved spines. Vour-
teen of this number will never be any
better and the corrective work to be
given them in Barbour gym under the
direction of the phyysical director will
only keep them from growing worse.
Four of the girls were excused from
all gym work because of heart trouble.
Several seal cubs are on their way to
the University of Washington where
they will enter the zoologicaldepart-


A'etnee t Night,





With an




We sell

of the present trouble.

it F


(Continued from page 1.)
nalia. Each player's suit has been
packed up, properly labelled for next
year, the shoes have been sorted and
the socks segregated. From a big
pile of personal effects, the athletic of-
ficials were busy putting away the
"junk" yesterday, and from the variety
of articles displayed, it would seen
that a football player needed about as
much "trimmings" as a modern chor-

122 S. Main St.
Talk about
the day's

door for

Detroit, Mich. Leaving aside the canvas suits, head-
-_ . _ gears and th- more familiar football1
apparel, there were a number of ar-
ticles of which little is commonlyf
SgIG kncwn. For instance there was a
oem is located o ithe heavy padded corset worn by Jimmie
c& where everythi!) is Craig to protect his injured ribs, re-f
e week. Our speeialty issembling a horse collar in all but its
lack of leather embellishments. There
wvere hard leather thigh protectors, and
various kinds of elbow pads. Also
NfCUTIONS, CIGARS Ithere was a curious contrivance worn
iGARtT S, PiPES by shorty McMillan to protect his
-- weak leg. The apparatus was nothing
for B-B-B PipeS more or less than a support for hisI
knee, hinged to allow free action. It
please you all and give you was composed of two leather pieces'
best satisfaction. which were bound just above and be-j
IE OF CLASS PIPES low the knee, and connected by hinged
strips, which worked on two small
pivots whenever the little quarterback
J1bent his Knee.
Truly there is much abo. football
treet, AnnArbor, Mich. player which the spectator never1

ions, ingrowin:
oFd and Cured.
absolutely an-
I.1-Sand 7-] p '
I North 12th
- Phone 9894

11 you are not getting your
DAILY regularly, a postal
card to the Business Man-
ager will start something


Best GUARANTEED Hose on the
15c a pair; two pairs for
six pairs in a box, 75c.
Colors, Navy and Black

rr j ; ,
ii+J l , I I
46 11 j' 9Q
, J1I I
,III I fii I i

(Continued from page 1.)
bands to liven up the atmosphere.
Few amusements remain unless it
be to "grind" or sit in front of a
fire and reminisce.
While it is impossible for the ma-
jority of the students to leave Ann Ar-
bor for the day, several hundreds will
journey to Detroit and other surround-
ing cities for an outing. The trains
and cars were crowded yesterday af-
ternoon with merry faces, all eager to
get away, for one day at least, from
the regular routine of study. Most of
them will return tonight, thus avoid-
ing the wrath of the powers that be.
Every effort has been made to show
the "stay-at-homes" a good time and
numerous functions will help to fill up
the day. There will be 'a football game
at the fair grounds, receptions at the
various college gathering places, danc-
es and matinees at the theaters. In ad-
dition all of the boarding houses will
spread themselves to put up as good an
imitation of a real Thanksgiviig din-
ner as can be done in a restaurant.
These attentions will not suffice to
drive away that lonely feeling, how-
ever, and the flag which will wave over
the student community will be one of
a dark, purplish, blue trimmed with
Soph engineer class dance at Coun-
try Club, Saturday night.
Your friends will thank you if you send
thnm to 331 S. Main t. for their Satur-
day and Sunday meals.
Hathaway & Shamp
533 South Maiu St.




We have sold this hose for several
seasons, and find it to give the very
best of satisfaction. Try a box of
ihese at 75: and convince yourself
of its merits.


L i

u a line of the bt fitting union underwear on the m rket. I
i e are made to fit all men, no matter whether he be
stout or slender, short or tall. The outline of
these garments are symmetrical even to the
bag. ' he cub's and ar klets are a continuous yarn, being knitt d to tlhe
way with the heavy and most uncomfortable ridges. so noticeable in
-ed in knitting, -ith a military dope, assurng a perfect fir at that point.
ex plain to you the advantages of a VASSAR UNION SUIT.


onilin & Fiegel

In a New Show

4 _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ __

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G. C.


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