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November 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 56) • Page Image 1


November 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…newed, however) that Boston, Chica- dents must drop courses before the upon payment of a one dollar fe, the Llbraia Arrves ln Europ ad go, Philadelphia and all the othet mid-semester has been reached, un- change may be made. Word has bee received Aof the a,- N great centers have admired. less they are to suffer a loss of cred- Dean Humphreys pointed out that it rival in Europe of W. W. Bishop, Un- ni it," he continued. j is'now too late for ne...…

November 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…. ,....r.. r r..W.r.. I4 // , F j f , , k j . , .- f ( F'jIs 4 .t 1 1 ' r . . P ! ^ 1 . -- . UP W '° yZ 146 E V99E;- . t . .u.. ' 117t1tlF -.!'1 r" ,"-r- r" " ^ .'1" iyi"...r aK._ CASIL E3 . --- - -T, s i rkl i411 #4.If"' l1'. s:--- -- i j ti 3 L Y r FOR THANKSGIVING We are preparing a frozen pudding composed of whipping cream, candied pineapple, cherries, chopped nuts, etc. This pudding is especially good at 60cF QT.-35cA PT. ...…

November 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 77" i .. OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE LUNVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Pubshed everv morning except Monday during The University year by the Board in Control of Stude:' Publications Membet of Western Conference Editorial 4ssociation The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all; news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein Entered...…

November 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 56) • Page Image 5

…1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ___ . SWIFT SPEAKS ON "HELTH AND HYGIENE"! - ~r~omen I. a Athena will meet at 7:15 o'clock Emphasizing the need for social hy- this evening. There will be a business giene as bearing a relation to society session followed by extemporaneous similar to 'that which personal hy- speechez. giene" bears . to the individual, Dr, Edith Hale Swift of New York City T addressed a meeting of University There will be a meeting o...…

November 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

…1 A " * IIVIIA% ru. ++«... f.... W-44 P° i ' eo ..rr s...... t WAO _ JlUUkh~Lj~ . rr -jr F W.,9 v YOST WILL COACH 1923 GRID TEAM WITH 15 "M"5 LAERERlS ASNUCLEUS' Three fYostmenWho Wo'Frst '"M" This Year i)eelon Spikes Rui~rs That le Would Lease; Seven eterans Los toSquad WOLVERINES NOT CLXDHING I INDIVIDUIAL BIG TEN HONORSl News that will be Joyously accai- ed by 40,000 odd Michigan students,l alumni, and follow...…

November 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 56) • Page Image 7

…_.. imw "mkwAw*oowmw^ "t IN DAITIFS i Ln I1 the Wilcemen were not to be denied Hicks won the All-campus cross- l at least one victory from, a Big Ten country run from a field of 16 run- TII iI crew and nosed through a winner, 6-3. ners yesterday afternoon, his time POOeEe fCHui 1 . i Down South, Georgia gave the Lam- for the course being 16: 14. The field W ous A'abama gridders an interestiny was fast and all of the runners finish-6 time ...…

November 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 56) • Page Image 8

…'P, i=. T TE [CHIGAN DAIL1 - t- ......... T DAI LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN -Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all. members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 v. in. (11$0 a. ii. Saturday.) Voume a TUESDAY, NVOVEM ER 28, 022 Number 56 To 'the Deans: There will be no conference of the Deans ont Wednesday, Nov. 29. M. L. BURTON. University Leturs:; Baron S. A. Korff will deliver three University lectures on Monday, De...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…'INIJEI) FAIR TODAY n. sr ' , Ar iil THE ILLINI WELCOME 4,; 1 VOL. XXXIII. No. 30 EIGhT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS i y \ ,, t , a 3 t ' ...'~ r ' ..;a I.t_..«A ITs i i, .; °.; :" ' i : V V Y i . .:. : ,. ., 4 t :]. : r a '<.,1 'f .._ U NI ERBSITY CETS $4O,0OOO I3ANTT O FINISH TELESCOPE DONATION BY LAMONT, '91E, WILL A) AMSTRONOMY DE.- PARTMENT MAIN, PARTS WILL BE...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 2

…WUUEI1s HUCKU TIWHOA FLAHD FO NET WEEK! In prep~aration for the women's in- terclass games in hockey, a "spread" will be held at 5:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Palmer field for all wo- I mnen who have been out for practice. That afternoon the four classes will' organize class songs and yells with which to support their teams when tihe interclass games are played the/ following week. The spread is being arranged by Georgia !Church, '23,: ge...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY '-- f\ \ \ / ,/gyp ,^ \ \ \l\ J\! 'i/ l! j S.y. J i -( i- t ' P d ?' y ' ; s t . ti i , rr i ',t. r i :- b, s. . . ._- .-v \ . ; / . 4 \/4\ *.! 4," . . . : 1 , r, . .: 4, ".! .11 ..... ...d.. ......... .,.. ^*. r The @ehulz ROcREy EVERYTHING IN FRUITS, VEGETABLES, GROCER- IES AND MEATS C PHONE 326-327-328 114-116 E. WASHINGTON I R Coff ce u gul Ito e BREAKFAST Toast Grape Fruit Oatmeal with Cream...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 4

…11 1L 1 ..Y.1,. .aVL ** '. a/- .a.- a OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the local news published therein...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 5

…x ni. . ,lC.t I sAI I . L).HI . ATHLETIC PRI NUMEROUS CUTS CONTA BOOKLET PUT ON S) AT GAM1E Concessions for the selli Athletic Program have been and 15,000 copies are being ready to be distributed at t gan-Illinois game at Ferry morrow at a price of 10 cen The apprearance of this ye gram marks a new stage in size -and character of the r It is larger than' before tains 16 pages of pictures, do teams and general informati game. Two pages al...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 6

…. d ~1lL , Vd 1 I .A 1 V Jd All- .. . - ,dA.,h l. r ^ ! +' w g , , yy + ' ' ~ . . q H li A " 1i1 y ,,, Or" (Q11IMMll)hI 3illlViait M -44 1U EEt%, ...." ... (~Z~ N) ~%4 CHIGAN EXPECTS HARD BATTLE' IN 6R E WITH ILLINOISTOA a fair kicker. He was removed from the Iowa game in" the third quarter last, week which is held partly re- sponsible for the Indian loss. In case he does start he is not expected toj last for the whole, ...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 7

…IIAANOIS@ W-oodward 57 F. 1B. Mefliwain 51 .R H. l.,peny 8 ILLINI ARE__ALL SIT (Special toa The Daily) etroit, Oct. 27.-:Headed by Bob Zupeand Contain Dave Wilson and aeco1(I11pa ni-d' by a retinue of coaches,. {riursand managers the Illinois fm,-Loball eleven arrived here early this morning;.. After a light breakfast at the licit Shelby hotel, where they have been 'making their quarters the entirej squad went out to University of De- troi...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 8

…DAILYOB Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 3 SATiR-IAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922 Numllbei :3 aology 1, Supplementary Examination: Those who were absent from examination last June will take examina- on Saturday, Oct. 28, at 9 a. m., in Room Z-229, Natural Science building. A. FRANKLIN SIHULL. niversity of Michigan Varsity Band: Formation at L...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 9

…) ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1922 iVl SOEMICHIGAN. 'ERS !~QNE ILLINOIS m m ,.. 4' "I"%- ID QUARTER kicked out of 'bounds, etition. of the kick. kicked off to kirk on -yard line, who mix~ 75 muchdown. . Substitution, sch for Goebel at right Hill for Woodward at odie drop-kick~ed for an- Yost, Grand Old Man c 1 Has Team H. .. / as 4?6VI A e FOOT$44. PC#rY~sG )AE nd, I a r t, U, gh center. Michigan side. Illi...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 10

…intil thej t it was Al that thils class omres,, juniors common respect decent attitude, lout -time to ask developing cul- ir "lowbrow s". of Joe's and the Orient their names deep in .e tables of those con-} places. Among the emory-stirring posses- tables, fastened to the Union Tap room where ee the names they care- The Union has made! reserve this tradition, all seniors carve their oak taibles of the Tap new plan is being in-' pecial table w...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 11

…HEADQUJARTERSr f1EEBJNG BUILDING % 5 3 L~~i1 "If the Chinese would pay less at- lowship wentl tentioin to caring for their dead and pi who has be n more to cultivating the soil their coun- 'Bei City Industri- tvwould not be afflicted with any ' pi,) rrible faminef,'. said Prof. I1. F, tern effect of s_.," 6 errick, of the enigineering depart. 6 F- xt, in sneaking before the Ann Ar- W bor Rotarians at their regular week- Itr ly ,uncheon held ...…

October 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 30) • Page Image 12

…1Victory Is Zfe I1 Ming Leung, J. M. LindeWnuthi, M. E.1 McCarty, Thomnas A. McGuire, Pearlj Mah~an, Harry Li. Marvin, Augusta' Meiser, Martha A. Mohnke, Floyd W.I Moore, Helene Noumlanhl, Aura Onans. Jacob S. Pearlstien, Ray C. Pellett, Erward D. Phillips, Albert R. Ren- 'wick, Harley B. Sherman, Byron E. Smith, Everett J. Soop, George A. Stinchcomb, Hugh R. Thomas, Wil- liam. AL Trap. By vote of the fac- ~ulty of the School of Education, T...…

September 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 4) • Page Image 1


September 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 4) • Page Image 2

…1 1 : 4 -1-UYRt N /tki t ItliM uGINEERS Hist WYork of Supervision aking Fourteen Indh GAuns Here 1 of KS('T0 PUTBLIC IU N. S. a short and fiery speech given relay morning b.efore the first ngof this ,year's freshinan. en- rs Admiral Plunkett drove for biy di first issue that the eoM ,ego man faxces: that Of get- 'the right start. e Admiral was itroduced. to the ings by Dean Mortimer t. Coo- of the engJinee.ring " college, after talk~s b ...…

September 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 4) • Page Image 3

…TH .sl-j i V 1-1f-i! i O'lulo P[91 VISORS MW FOR EFRESH BEN Many plans for entertainintg girls who are new on the campus were made by Junior girls at a meeting held in, Sarah Caswell Angell hall yesterday afternoon. Dean Jean Hamilton gave a short talk in which she explained that a group of three teas would bel given Oct. 18 and 25, and Nov. 1. In this way the freshmen will be able to meet each other and to know their Junior advisors. A ha...…

September 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 4) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN # Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Miember of Western Conference Editorial.l Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of alll news dispatches credited to it or not other- wise credited in this paper and the localI news published therein. Entered a...…

September 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 4) • Page Image 5

…TH E MICHIGAN DAILY At' - V., .4', THE UNIVERSITY MUSICAL SOCIETY OFFERS I IN HILL AUDITORIUM , FORTYFOURTH ANNUAL FOURTH ANNUAL Choral Union Series, IU Extra Concert Series SIX CONCERTS FIVE CONCERTS October 24-MISCHA ELMAN, Vio- linist.cTheChoral Union Scri s will be opened , by one of-the world's most distinguished violinists, who, since his last American tour two years ago, has duplicated his world wide sccess by triumphal, t...…

September 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 4) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIG it .. .. _~ ... W ._ DOWNS RlE -- - I I STB RNYCON- Line Looks Weak Before Assault of Scrub Backs; Forward Pass Attack Good KEEPER, ROBY, KNOIDE, AND CAPPON SHOW TO ADVANTAVE It took 45 minutes for the Varsity to push four markers over on the hard fighting Reserves yesterday aft- erndon^ on Ferry field and for a while after the session opened it looked as though the total score would be smaller than that. Weakness in the 'Va...…

September 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 4) • Page Image 7

…,IC-IGAN DAILY .A,.r.w ±WUHTIINLFL.6~ Tn 1S YeArs "Little Napoleon's" Team Has Finished Out of First 1411,1 ivision Once rAS FAlIIOIS TlIED) BASE~MAN ON OLD BALT/ELORE ORIOLES (By the Associated Press). New York, Sept. 27.-By adding an- other pennant to the string that has fluttered from the flag pole at the Polo Grounds John Joseph McGraw becomes more -securely .esconced in his title of "Napoleon-of Baseball." Short, stocky, dapper, ruddy a...…

September 28, 1922 (vol. 33, iss. 4) • Page Image 8

…'"AN ALY LAl 73AN ILY DAILY OFFICI AL BU1L ET IN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Volume 3 TIIU LSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2S,1922 Number 4 To All Members of the University: The attention of all members of the University is called to the fact that the Daily Official Bulletin is the official means of communication with the staff and the studen...…

July 28, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…4p Oummrr ILLY FAIR )DAY gilt qAa 4ir t i DAY AND NIGHT SERTVICE S T 31 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1922 PRICK . . . . ti k CHIGAN FUEL SITUATION ACU Looms Up In 7ailroad Shopmen's Strike - p i I LEADERS AND PRESIDENT -1 TO BE SUBMITTED TO EXECUTIVES OF SETTLEMENT WITH- D BY CONFEREES IN WASHINGTON LUTY CONSIDERED BAR TO ARMISTICE at in Controversy Gave Over, Labor Federation Lead- ers 3y Associated Press) gto...…

July 28, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 31) • Page Image 2

…the the will II SESSION 01F ig except Monday during the Summer trol of Student Publications. 'HE ASSOCIATED PRB#S iexclusively entitled to tke ars. 1stre- ispatches credited to it or otetbwiw- the local newrs published theehL :e at Ann Arbor, Michigan. as semid r mail, $r.50. is Building, Maynard Street. Editorial, 2414. exceed 300 words, if signed, the*Isia- r in print, but as an evidence of faith, published in The Summer Daily at the eft...…

July 28, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 31) • Page Image 3

…of 4 IT : , Y 1 -( I .-. i-ic1 !N ."r1 : I A /A :Zr J1 Ill til certain benevolent upholders of the British policy in India took the lead ii putting in their views. Hindus were surely justfied in reputing the false' charges hurled upon them, and The Summer Daily will surely allow us to present both sides of the ques- tion. Surely no unbiased mind will see any wrong in this. In spite of this the University officials did give a little hin...…

July 28, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 31) • Page Image 4

…' I U 111L5, U11 ,July 28 g of Personnel in Ed- iblicity in Education." nes, Superintendent Mr. of nce. Paul Wilson's Saturday, July 29. Excursion No. ten-Put-in- ke Erie. Under the direc- rof. I. D. Scott, viarMichigan railway to Detroit and to Put-in-Bay. Return to or about 11 p. M., arty for Methodist students, hall. All Summer session invited. 6:30 p. m.-Miss Kathreen Scudder leads discussion eeting at Baptist Guild. Topic, "eligious ...…

June 28, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 7) • Page Image 1


June 28, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 7) • Page Image 2

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY ~U~r ~'tt gi L'1t~t iut r + tt1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMVER SESSION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Summer Session by the Board in Cjntrol of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re- publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and the local n...…

June 28, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 7) • Page Image 3

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY CRITIQUE I A number of years ago, while in a grade school, I heard that Arkansas was bound on the east by-etc. I have really ftorgotten the boundaries, and I1 have been content merely with the knowledge that the state is a part of the Republic. But from that day al- lh u ihv" heard nothing' to see suCh a lublication sprinin up west of the Mississippi-where Cub ture is as unknown as below the hIa- son and Dixon line...…

June 28, 1922 (vol. 13, iss. 7) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WHAT'S OING 0ON 'Wednesday, June 28 4-6 p. m.-Reception by President and Mrs. Burton for students and fac- ulties of Summer session,, Alumni Memorial hall. 8 p m.-University School of Music faculty concert, Hill auditorium. Thursday, June 29 5 p. m.-Fielding H. Yost, "Athletics and Their Relation to College Life," Natural Science auditorium. 8 p. m.--Educational motion pictures, Natural Science auditorium. 7:30 p. m....…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…'AIR; PRKCB- CHANGE I it i~an &t ASSOCI. ANRE~f DAY ANDRE '" SERTI No. 175 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1922 PRICE _ _ ___.__- - _ _ . m . . i AWARlDED CEMEDAL R fECORD VEN ANNUALLY FOR AS SCHOLAR AND ATHLETE 101 DS HONORS E MAJOR SPORTS nber of Family to ic Distinction in University Gainl ATHLETIC REVIEW ON SALE MONDAY Giving a complete survey of all lines of athletic activity covered dur- ing the past year on the camp...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. StU'DAY, MAY 28, 1922 A LITTLE CHAT WITH VACHEL LINDSAY (By Lis Elisabeth W'lticosah) ''t on" "inrnion," hie confided. "I 'Still interes'ted in 1Egypotian hors-_ 'iv' hi'at 'otd flat land-Ino hills. Lots gi 'phics, Vaohe1?" asked Air. Frost. of times at home when it's so hot that There hod liee'n a little pause is the everytoily else has left town I sit andI conversation, and this questio pant or wiite, per...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 2

…1 iri1Y r1VA1.H1V LJq-iL..I aiuty Z UN] 112 .:....- I t the||a e r t rot otherWis hed theiei. 4klgua., a sOsa aerd Stret. o words, i'signed. the signa- , but as an evidence f faith, ;d in Tke Daily at tle discre- te The Daily office. Unsigned deration. 7 manuscript will o9s th esentiments expressed two ,years earlier than would otherwise be possi- ble ,the Summer school offers facilities for intel- lectual training and moral culture so...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 2

…2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 28, V5,' The May Whimsies-A Review (113 Dc I tr (lark) "And this is where my story ends,", 'While hlank youths caper to it I dsiske the May Wh'limsies for tour andsioomehows it's very funny hecause, the night long," reasons: thre apitees of verse are so yosu stunt have to function mentally isn wlets throws so sinfair emphasis o pl(0(1 they earnt sbe ss tosrn out wi'tlhoust I(rdeor tos get the story, ...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 3

…rsity Ave. .d Architects' Materials ain Pens Loose Leaf Books -as and Supplies iry. Agency Trobaccos r .1 J Iliplops And Han Grid Star Of Michigan's former athletes are keep ing in the limelight in various ways; some are making touchdowns in the world of politics while others again are putting the, law over for three bases, but one of the mnethods adopted by a gridiron star, of the seventies is be- lieved to be unique. Irving K. Pond, '...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 3

…sNDAY, MAY 2R, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE no means stops with the(, converdet 0 Tes orecealls1the dissenting opn- " "T e M nes n t e M a ing andt. f compendious ideantrito of - on 0of two jitdg~s of the Supreme of aiss all kind, anarchits, pacc- ('ort.* (Continued) ig to one threatening group united in s, ecos idelsis masu~ruading a By Ja es H rveyRobisont like-minded attempt to overthrow so- progress." The iht is ue fre God cety as we k...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 4

…PRO GRAMI CHES nature or pul- rll be ost all American" Is the Arthiur W. Stalker's, -st Methodist church ,tudent classes will ock. The Wesleyan' devotional meeting ship of Mr. Robert . Rev. Stalker will the evening service stopic tonight being e Mind in the Mak- Religion" will be Leonard A. Barrett n church this morn- sReal Freedom?" is ced for the young to be held at 6:00 h Alexander Burr, Saylers, of the First ,s as his topic for the 'Thou...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 4

…"'The Jvind in the Naking"~ (Contimlued from Page 3.) tLo.; ben the h :bit (of defondnoro tie -tol y, ohl) Virtues troin titme itu- inea~orial tOto elCr15s of others' rep- lI-HE MICHIGAN L tl!?,raie teudvoy t'to eta!,. ('litics as 'EJi)lBiot Sol'ely, 'r ° 1 1havin levi,' v ex thte argloocux of those who j ('Ott l epre riti.'isnt lest it teal) to v oece itndt letrltt.on, we may 000 j'11)11 ely 101011 0i1)1hisrcotter'tioncrt- Stainofoten negie...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 5

…" S ' O f r f.r -' . 4 NORTHERN, NORTHWESTERN IN HIGH SCHOOL TRACK MEET tinued from Page One) 1 dash: Hester, Det. North- Sternaman, -Owosso, sec- ence, Clearfield Pa., third; 'th. Time 10 3-5 seconds. I high hurdles: Toepfer, ern, first; Cooper, Det. econd; Stewart, Saginaw third; Ott, Muskegon, Ime 17 1-5 seconds. t: Simpson, Det. North- rst; Smith, Saginaw East- d; Stutzner, Hamtramck, rison, Det.Northwestern, istance 44 feet 34 inche...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE Next Brander goes hark to the good!l .' ot r, weal hrt entre leogth of l i.B lu b f r B and r id tdar when thr agert, fotr th~e So- ! ''.:tol 1 And th is rondit mit held A ra o rilety for lhe Prevention of Vice held l ' stir nearly the svholg; country, full stray and were putting Itiamtond IToray' in lhat high srliool there are (Bly Gi. D. Caton) of the old Brander hy that irreverent Dick out of...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 6

… .. Trials in's freshman track squad a most successful training ,st week by holding the final ,1s of the year. The times nces made in the events were especially the running Hahn feels'that he has guid- of the most promising team ngs in the country. In Hub- einke, Brooker, Proesser, oesser, and Isbell he has a f stars that will help raise 's track stock up to par. Moore,dAmstetz, Nicholson, d, Aldrich, .Gunn, Hindes, rittman, Gibson, Higgins...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 6

…TIHL MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 2, 1922 /' ques~~ii t iiniy nt oohnaly h esin nural t 1' nard st atie sftsofoteidatinss the realu spite oo s u the mi>s tieas isty the 151 o5.011cier 'iitheinuthtaigfher Books anEAuthors itwaswo hsar arcarathhufact thathua noi .s o ff prentnratin, v.rethreod ortstandingvefa- "AARON'S 1RO1" leaves once more, this tne fo good.' Even excluding his ideas alogete, ov, id ant a stirit, and that By D. H, Lawre...…

May 28, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 175) • Page Image 7

…T DAV CAMP! UNN AND CLARK WIN ' IN EXTEMPORE CONTEST ill hold a dual ate university >men will com- Michigan nega- >lumbus, while Columbus will bnd oppose thel )up. The ques- be: Resolved, -to-the-Atlantic gcompleted by anada and the rest in debate and proper to rhich only wo- ays Prof. T. C. ry department. four women on in the Central a the past, and ine woman de- Seventy men will complete the quota for the first section of Camp Davis whic...…

May 28, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUPNDAY, MAY 28, 1922 I1 HE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE7 helief that the tread at all Itumanity WIMISIES-A REVIEW cadenced. t'onseqctently I cannot songts ' ii. I am afraid the song it toacrdl a mare stabhle, mare discip-, (Continued fram Page 2) like Chete~r F. Kuthn's "Revenge,"; Mitt Brunt. woutld like to have tang lie, altho'ugh art less pcassioate' tat wcih the exception at these fesv beratse after reacting it I copiedl it: it notc what Asarr...…

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