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May 28, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-05-28

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or pul-
rll be
ost all

American" Is the
Arthiur W. Stalker's,
-st Methodist church
,tudent classes will
ock. The Wesleyan'
devotional meeting
ship of Mr. Robert
. Rev. Stalker will
the evening service
stopic tonight being
e Mind in the Mak-
Religion" will be
Leonard A. Barrett
n church this morn-
sReal Freedom?" is
ced for the young
to be held at 6:00
h Alexander Burr,
Saylers, of the First
,s as his topic for the
'Thou Shalt Remem-
School and Guild
ld at 12 o'clock and
'22, will be the leader
build meeting and so-
this evening, when
Christ" will be dis-a

!A description of the new Engineer-
ing shops and laboratories, giving de-j
tailed accounts of the proposed struc-
tures and of what they will mean to
Michigan,' occupies the position as1
feature article of the week's' issue of
the Alumnus. The model high school
is also described.
The article by Coach Fielding H.
Yost on "Professionalism in Collegi-'
ate Athletics" first published in Chimes
and now being distributed to papers '
an'd magazines 'over (the entire !United1
States is published in this issue.
"A Most Successful May Festival"
describes the recent musical event.
Reetplays at the Univrersity and
the Amy Lowell lecture are also com-
mented upon.

for a good orchestra) ; to cut down ex-
pensive decorations, would no doubt
lessen the splendor and brilliancy 6f'
the occasion; but it would be amply
compensated by enabling the major-
ity of the class to attend.
Is Democratic Stp
It must also be taken into account
that the' resulting increase in attend-
ance would mean an increased rev-
enue, which would go far toward
maintaining the desired pom'rp. But if
these affairs are to carry out the demo-
cratic traditions of the state and
school of Michigan, if they are to be
given: for the majority, of the 'class,
the. admission must be such as to en-
able that majority to attend.
(Signed) G. D., S.

Equipment Due June 3
All equipment in the chemistry lab-
oratories must be checked up and turn-
ed in and all laboratory experiments
must be performed by the first day of
examinations, Saturday, .June 3, whepi
the laboratories will c4 se for the: se-
Give Public Recital of Macbeth
Public recital of "Macbeth" was
given by Mr. Louis Etch's classes in
Shakespearean reading at 10 o'clock
yesterday morning in University hall.:
J-Hop Conunitee to Hold Banquet
A banquet, will be given tomorrow
for this year's J-Hop committee. It
will be held at Joe Parker's cafe


Scored Cylinders Repaid
Let us quote you prices on overhauling your

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ill Hold Communion
rew 's Episcopal church will
.Communion at 7:35 o'clock
Lng, and its regular morning
at 10:30 o'clock. Rev.
' Webb will give an address
.Xrp t Men of the Christian
fohu Wyclif," at 4:30 o'clock.
attending the Episcopal
11l meet at 5:30 o'clock for
d an outdoor supper.
of a New Religious Era" is:
sof Rev. Sidniey S. Robbins"
tthe Unitarian church this
An outdoor meeting of the
. will be held at the church
'clock this afternoon.
cosing Man 0 Speak
lpit of the Congregational
11 be occupied by Rev. Rolph
on of a Higher Type" is the
lev. E. P. Arthur's address
ing- at the Church of Christ,
J hold its annual Cap and
vice at this time. At 7:30
is evening, Rev. Arthur will
"the Master's Word About
Student classes will be
son "Fountain of Life"
onfirmation service 'will be,
,ion Lutheran church this
and at 5:30 o'clock this aft-
e Student Forum will hold
11l meeting. "Fountains of
be the subject of the even-
mn, which will be given by
scension of Jesus" is Rev.
derman's sermon topic at
utheran church this morn-
topic this evening will be
of Ages."
Ever Present Though Ab-
be Rev. C. A. Brauer's sub-
)t morning services at St.
:heran church. German serv-
e held at 9:30 o'clock, and
,rvices at 11:30 o'clokF.
ALppolnted U. S. Vice-Consul
Winslow, '20L, was recent-
ed United States vice-consul
stok, Russia., Mr. Winslow
in the diplomatic service of
States since his graduation'
University, first serving as
1at Florence, Italy. Then
d to this country, and now
;aln for his .new position.
slow is a member of Alpha
fraternity and belonged to
Phi law fraternity. While
as prominent in school ac-1

Editor, Michigan Pally.
The University of Michigan is a
state school established by a demo-,
cratic people to promulgate a democ-
racy. This aim is thwarted, to some
extent, by social functions to which
the prohibitive admission price of $5.00'
is charged. Other expenses must be
incurred by the, big majority of stu-
dents.. who do not own a dress suit
and its accessories. 'So the minimum
cost to two-thirds of this majority is
$15.00, which is far more than this
group can afford.
Could Lower AdmIssion
To lower the price of admission; to
make the, affair informal ;to hire a,
less expensive orchestra. (It is hard-
ly :necessary to send to Pennsylvanial
. YJy
See' him
smash the
coast to coast
drive his car
tOn a raging
fprairie ire~and
other thrills!1


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sent the finest clothing values of the
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prices start first thing tomorrow morn-

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A Splendid Help for Housecleaning Time.


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