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November 28, 1922 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-11-28

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FALBN ONEHarry G. Kipke BNQE!A NIN'EPCTSNAOIA BeingshMentioned
fglo NHarCIWll ead 192B B e nT UeON Eoo ed
BL PLATERS Groesbeck had all but settled upon the POLICIESz
man who is to succeed Truman H.
TO OFFER EIGHT ACTSNewberry in the Senate, it was indi- NEGRO SO DIER QUIZZES - ENT
193 CAPTAIN-ELECT cated tonight, but no intimation as to SENATOR FROM GALLERY BREY
the identity of the new senator was
H. A. Donahue, '24, and Bethany Lovi- Aigler Toastmaster, Coaches Little, made. The executive was in confer- Owen Defends Former Premier by Studen
ell, '24, Will Star in Farce Writg Wieman and Sturzegger ence with several state republican Claiming Frenchman Is Making au;
ten by Local Men Also Speak leaders here tonight, and the decision Prophetic Appeal
it was believed, would be made knownt
Final rehearsals for the annual fall Reproducing the spirit of loyalty tomorrow. (By Associated Press) Mich
Band Bounce, to be given by the Var- .' to the University that characterized Gossip in political circles as to the Washington, Nov. 27.-The Tiger of wasgich
sity band at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill the football squad from the first probable appointee had simmered France again cane under fire in thewsg
auditorium, were held yesterday af- down to three or four names, includ- senate today when his utterances on
ternoon, and the whole performance practice of the season n the early ing Marion Leroy Burton, president his tour of the United States were the day n
is reported by those in charge to bq fall to the last second of play in the of the University of Michigan, Mayor subject of a conflicting debate which
CuesofDtotanWW.senlivea nlbi aingdbterrupionwee
in excellent shape. The teams whicll battle against Minnesota Saturday James Couzens, of Detroit; and W. W was enlivened by an interruptionwe
had been appointed to sell tickets fo afternoon, the combination that has Potter, chairman of the state ,utilities from the galleries by a negro soldier. whent
the event sold twice as many in the been responsible for the Maize and commission Senator Hitchcock, Democrat, Ne- clock,
first day of sale yesterday as they hadBs met at a banquet last braska, former chairman of the for- works
expected to dispose of, according to Blue success ffmetljl fat3Jfla igbraaiosqomiteetldlffincrw
the 'captains. The remainder of the night in the Union. Parting talks Hi 1 teign rebatewithncommittea led off Mcrowd
tickets will be sold on the campus to- were given, words of praise fors Clemenceau, and of French poicies street,
day and tonight at the box office coaches and pniyera were spoken anddndr sthe ch
which will open at 6:45 if any tickets words of cheer for and confidence in Tother senators, while Senator Myers. Sir William Tyrrell street
are left. Harq Kipho next year's team were expressed. Democrat, Montana, came to the de- Sir Will T asitant de T
Michigan's undefeateG football team I Harry G. Kipke, '24, who yesterday As a parting expression of supreme fense of the aged French statesman. sa yrei ofsi in L Grgy
will be the guests of the Varsity band, was elected captain of the 1923 foot- loyalty to the Alma Mater, the foot- Senator Owen Democrat, Oklahomai secretary at the foreign office f Lon- George
and will occupy the center section on ball team. ball squad unanimously pledged them-gxse mpatyOwlthom dn, is consdered the probable choice footbal
sevsChanges in Original Text Likely to also expressed sympathy with M. to succeed Lord Hardingea rts
the ground floor, which has been re- ;selves as individuals to help President Make Passage More Clemenceau's mission to America, but ge as British telling
served for them. Marion L. Burton in attempting to M eaagMrCriticisediFr n o-eicstambassador to France. went t
The band, will start the program suppress outbreaks such as occurred Certain criticised French policies. entka-trip.
with four selections, one from Car- IGHTSunday night.. SIX AMENDMENTS RETANED tack upon the wartime premier in con- played,
RIenb-Vri;Rof'sVneia ea-SF'P E G ; ,°e esn elz, Peiet{I AE1v~RTIED tckI poI t hetimdu r eirncn-IO'HRYSVN FEED etnwing Mr.eg Hitchocks ot ISE E playJ'Iied,
men by Verdi; Rolfe's Venetian Beau- I Few persons realize." President OF 'TIHRTY-SEVYEN O EEDnection with alleged atrocities of firewor
ty; Michigan songs, arranged by Wil- IABurton told the squad, "what a uni- black French colonials in Germany, celebra
fred Wilson, director of the band;S ftLIifying force such a team as Michigan (By Associated Press) that the negro soldier, who later gave fire an
and Ferroni's Spanish Rhapsody. L -I has prbduced this year is. It is the Washington, Nov. 27. Thirty- his name as Lucius Jones, a patient at ON'ing we
Burton Hyde, '25M, will, furnish a _common ground, where the interests sv.stlnhsal.md- gormthpt erentions o
of he eope, f te sate th ~ seven shots, in the shape .o amend- 1 a government hospital here, rose in V UU Iuwiui Uu H U f L ig
marimbaphone solo for the second Consider Aerica Oe Door ' h p. t s ,ments, were fired at the administra- the gallery and sought to question the-ny
larget ofdits kindiathe orld e Supports -Objection Agand the stidents is centered. tion shipping bill in the house today, senator. Vice-President Coolidge bang- Seve
largest of its kind in the world is ttttion Yt Also Talks and six hit tspats more or ess vital. ed the gavel, and senate attendants Marquette Prisoners Effect Freedom by the
Hortense Hoad, '24, and Gordon Coach Yost told those present that At adjouriment time tonight the bill rushed forward and restrained the By Flight Through Steam ceebra
Wier, '24, will stage a Russian novel- he was going to explain some things had covered exactly one-third of Its man, so that the question was iever Tunnel Michig;
ty dance as the next number on the CLAIMS CONFERENCE MUST he had not told them before. He sy tx ' tails of
ALO QA ICSINatrte esntempestuous voyage toward the' sen-{ asked but excitement prevailed in theofaS
program. LLOW EQUAL DISCUSSION then related how, after the season te Representative Graham, of Ill-1 senate. LIGHT SNOW FACILITATES of aSt
The band will then render a march had been started with the Idea of us- nois, went home .with three .of the Senator Hitchcock especially criti- TRACKING IN MAN HUNT k
by Sousa, and Bellstedt's "The Girl (By Associated Press) Ing a closed offensive, he had sudden- half dozen amendments in is shoot. cised the statements of M. Clemenceau '.the bo
I Left Behind Me". They will be fo'- Lausanne, Nov. 27.-America's in- ly become aware of the impossibility Ing bag, all of which were put through in reference to the quartering o' (B As ted and th
lowed by Robert Dieterle, '23M, who' sistence for the open door and gqual- of such a method of attack and how with the aid of- Republican votes. French black troos on the Rhine, de- Press) I station
will give a baritone solo. { ity economically in th N East he had made a complete reversal in Early in the fight, Representative clring that the former premier's de-Maquette,Mich,Nov. 27.-Sevenoi
"The Scoop", a one act farce which Iea a the styleof play at the last moment.a v Eo tunds, of Ihe useof these troops had the fifteen convicts who escaped fromiAfter
is the cPennnylvaniaorankingiseawsiof theluwe -ef trese troops dhadnthe fifteen convicts who rscaped fromhe After
is the combined work of De Joisey which follows her traditional demand he remarked that the reults of the Republican Of the ier'chant marine been disproved. He also attacked the the state ,prison here . Sunday were studen
Boid and Caligula, promises well to for equal commercial privileges in the season had justified.the judgment committeewhichefrrethFrench'retariotions demands on Ger-,ebratio
- -sao stfdcomte, wihfame d the ill,; rnhrpartosdmnd nGrcaptured tonight, according to prison tio
please the audience. Bethany Lovell, Far East, was cited today by the R.s- the coaches in the matter. formally announced on the floor that many. it into
'25, and Howard Donahue, '24, both sian deegation as supporting an unof- "As for the coaches," Coach Yost the section, under which the Stand-. Senator Myers, in defending M. Cle- s
former "leading ladies" in campus said, "I am ready to back the state- . meceau,deplored Senator itch- of the convicts were found in an aban- theater
dramatics, will co-star in this farce. ficial communication forwarded by the ment that they have put' in five hours goardn-Oil sompa y w o tshare rn ..he ck's ncea tiismeporhd Feno ich ae-dndbrwyou mis rmheyda
,enttha the hae pt 'i fle h govers n Olmn toulnsphar t- cock's criticism of the French states- doed brewery, four miles from the; ty dam
Russian delegation to the conference of coaching to every hour put in by the gvrmn subsidyfor trathe efflhe
It deals with adventures of a Follies tion of its own goods in its own ships, man, and commended French policies prison, aad four were trapped in the the eff
star on Broadway, who is interviewed asking for the right of speech on all coaching staffs of the average AmerI- would be stricken out bodily. This, in toward ,Germany. Senator Owen, al- the cr
by a reporter. L. Milford Anderson, matters before that body. - can universities. They have worked; the view of western Republicans, add.. thotgh criticising French policies cx- hold of a tug beached at Portag Te
by a play the part of her sn, I Russia objects vigorously to any practically 15 hours a day throughout d to its chance of passage. Lake. Two of the fifteen who escaped The
'24E, will playthe prtaofhercmnlg-
er. attempt to limit her activities in the the entire season." Rated as the most Important amend- cea's missim, saying he was "mak- through a steam pipe channel were re- theater
The Varsity banjo quintette also discussion of the future status of the "But," be continued, "the coaches ment to stand up, was the Graham ing a iropetic appeal to Ame'ica." captured Sunday night. hours,
will play several pieces, under the Dardanelles. She claims that all top- would never have done this but for proposal which cut out of the hill - Statepdhed into
leadership of Charles Futch, '23M. ics on the Lausanne agenda are close- the fact that the spirit of the boys the isi dews police and local authorities in the
ly related to the supreme object, of and the possibilities of developmentt edprtheir goods abroad inshippm W ill M al Opera throughout the upper peninsula, as ageme
freo ofthe states, and that stable which they offered urged them on. It Isenin trp T cket nwell as northern Wisconsin were con- whofha
fredo AoUfA DthSS Seace in the Near East may be, o- I wswit almiwr tcoulde eswoldreaeiweichfinve rTik ts nursaa inn hersac'odyfrteco- gfi
WIPelcegationthal ywokiIcol would receive aefiveaper
MASONSPTOMORROW tamed only by allowing the Russian have lived only one hour after the . victs who escaped late Sunday from Dean
delegationNparticipation on the sam( Ohio State game to enjoy thinkig stances, it was .charged someship- Yearly members of the Union who the Marquette branch prison to the
basis as the other great powers. aott"Hus, would have enabled some si- a h
Prof. E..Kraus, dean of the Sum- s sr. abouttIn t.pers to escape all payments. t was have not secured their tickets for the Their flight was discovered as the there.
Prof sE. H. asddens the Sm- n the unof al petition, the Rus- Praises Goebel dseventeenth Union opera, "In and convicts were being put disorde
men session, will address the masin sians affirm that only by the princi- The coach praised the work of adopted by a vote of 56 to 47, after it intootheir
yb i had been characterized byeMr.rkraf Out," may do so from 10 :30oto 121 cells for the night. manag
meeting ofMasonic organizations in pie of equality can the conference Capt. Paul Goebel. "I believe that ham as " y dtoday at the desk at the Union. Escape ThrogTunnel
g woktwrsaxhma'vicious and extremely dan-o'lctoaattedsatteUin- EcpeTrghTne
The meeting is for thee of towars a goal of greater equity Paul would have made a reputation as gerous". Tickets for those men who have sent I Passage through the tunnel, which in the
Thea meing ies o the pupy of in the relations between nations. the greatest passer and punter in the in their orders by mail will be sent; is three feet square and contains vials.
organizing the Masons of the city and Discussing the Russian petition to- country this year," he said, "if he had . out Thursday or Friday of this week, heating pipes, was the work of many at his t
cmpus thaomptp the ampn ase h ,k nRakoovsky, resident o not been hurt in the first scrimmage Regents Establish it-was announced yesterday. hours, prison officials declare. resultir
so of the season "In and Out" will opMon. The prsoners were forced to dig doors,2
moeyt cmleeth tmlefay19 h Uran rpblc siat teAssfuhcsaonesincsf"nanuutlwlloeynx.Mn
ganczwdgsuccessully. kBplaceor- sociated Press correspondent:'- "We "As for Harry Kipke," he said, "I c.ence Fellowship d, genWnet
theteasyo tkeplaetn IartgldhoeseWhehniedntaes akeneertawapayrntatgavhmreinr- dyaightahthoWhtnyhteaeranrthirwaythouglcncrtewals afcece
ganizie hfnaregdo see the United Statestake never saw a h ave more inI play throughout the week. Tickets will this tunnel to effect a passage around
the efforts that the masonic Temple a strong stand against the secret every play than he did throughout the Action by the Regents in setting go on sale for the general public 'Fri- three iron gratings built to prevent Mem
teso ts has put forward so far reaies agreement; e heartily en- season. In the case of the team, if aside $750 from the University fund day at the Whitney theater. such an escape. The first passage was tee onI
associationhas utforwardsofar.i WhenflhM...we -ea o oiv a sbh bt Oi c er___om

t and Faculty Committees Ca
vene for Investigation of
igan's victorious football te
ven a rousing welcome upon
from the Minnesota game St
ight. Thousands of peoj
it the Michigan Central stati
the train drew in at 7:05
and a huge bonfire and 1ii
featured the celebration. .
accompanied the team up St
lead by the Varsity band a
werleaders, red fire lining
on both sides.
team was escorted to the ]
by the crowd, where Coa
Little, and Jack Blott, '
I center, gave short speech
of the experiences the te
hrough during the Minnesoc
After the speeches, the ba
the crowd cheered, and a hu
ks display closed thle offic
tion, for the evening. The i
d fireworks used in the Telco'
re new at Michigan' for celeb
f this kind, and made a star
beautiful spectacle.
ral hundred dollars was. bpE
Student Council in making t
tion a success and worthy
an's great victory. All the d
the evening were in the han
udent Council commiittee whi
after the gathering of wood f
nfire, the securing of fireorl
.e ceremonies at the ralro
and Library.
Students Rush Teiters
e the celebration a number
s, feeling hht ifhe Qcia
n had not been sufiltent, -
their own hands to break it
hitney, Arcade, and Majes;
-s, causing considerable propi
age. At the Majestic theat
orts of the management to st
owds from entering proved, i
performance at, the Whitn
was held up more than ti
due to the crowd which swaii
the house. Doors were brok
jam. All efforts of the ma
t to rid the theater of the
d entered without paying ha
led, Pres. Marion L. Burton gs
oseph A. Bursley were call
theater to address the studei!
By means of these talks, t
r was stopped. D. S. Mclty'
r of the Whitney theater, sa
ay he would p'ace the matt
hands of the University 01
He estimates the damage do
heater at approximately $1,(
ig from broken chairs a
and less in sales at the box-r
Committees Meet
bers of the University Comm
Discipline, the Senate Pomm:

uv c r.v airmasgrvu ~eet aeec f you individual- established by the ordinance departk. to the administration building, the tee on
what it is doing a the present time and spoke of the necessity of building up ly and try to see the great team that ment of the United States Army for VOLUNTEERS WANTED BY "Y" 'was being tunneled twice before that atives
is ns for of representatives from ti ondtin o equaly i te rela- has turned out, I could not do it. It is the support of a fellowship in metal- CHRISTMAS WORK AT structure was reachedmittee
is cmpsnd orepresativ te froym tin eteden nations, we consider because you worked as a unit that you lurgy, provides the University with From there the convicts crawled night i
all Masonic organizations in the city. that he endorsed our stand for equal have done what you have." new fellowship to which graduate stu- through the hot steam channels to dents f
superstructure which is located oss e treatment at LausanneAssistant Coach Little expressed dents are eligible. The matter was During the Christmas holidays the the warden's building, across the pris- ing the
Fsatisfaction at the support that had brought before the Regents at the lasI Y.W.C.A. is offering an opportunity foI on yard. From the basement of the tions o
Fourtiavenue- betwen iety Manch. CEDY CLUB ELECTS been given him, and declared that, if meetings upon the recommendation of' all women who remain in Ann Arbor latter building they escaped by tear ed in t
This will aid materially toward th. ---Cthe school could be inoculated with Prof. A. E. White of the engineering thosita Therie sra ng away the window bars h. At th
the spirit of the tean it would beat colege and upon the endorsement ofIsecaApriesldrngteiaagohto te wde n lasttuight. thefiiee
quick completion of the finished - Comedy club tryouts Saturday the wolddb the executiveboard otheradaeti lpariese;durithevaklstnihg r
structure. morning resulted in 10 students being graduat weeks in which a reat deal of st w o he oatihr aedefinite
selected for membership in the or- I count, it a privilege to have been school.wesinwihgrde assis Some of the others are believed byjthoroug
seklectLg ztdfonmen bsiinthe or-associated with a group of men who Lumn Y. Deuchiler, B. S. E., has ance will be needed. the officers to have driven away in an ence a
Work Started on Lawn ganization, in addition to the res- prqved themselves i the severest been ap ointed to this fellowship Owing to the large number of Wo0 automobile shortly afterward. Four the "ru
Work n prearingthe lwn bfore ear. he lit~incudesfive en' ad I men ho wil strangen Amenrborstraneseen inil the ericinitye ng a thesee b
the Clements library for seeding will five women.Ifothhliasworgalysit
Work olmns prarn the lawdngwl bfr!yr.Telsinud five men-ea. tests to be real men to the core," As- the year 1922-23. He .will work upon fo the holiday wh rglarl assistrofnte gaae were snnthe issinitartidsnt
be started soon if the weather per- Elected to the club were Louise sistant Coach Wieman said. the problem, "The Physical -PropertiesfintsocIal service wo r oe ts w aeere the e e issin car ident.
mits. It is planned to have a wide Barley, '25, Ruth Christensen, '24, "Itis the best squad I have seen in of Cartridge Brass." Payments of this hours each weorkothere wllorwe owas kept after the escape is believed
around the buid- Hortense Haod, '24, Rhea Schlaak, '25, the 19 years that I have been asso- .fellowship will -be made in the usual reat deal of volunteer help ded to have taken place. PROF.
expanse of grass arudtebidciHres ad 2,RhaShak 2,eated with football," Assistant Coach way, that Is ten payments in all, made- eaig kq tezsttR
ing, and ground will have to be pre- Carribel Schmidt, '23, R. Andredyduring te vo.nywlneedeho;All trains leaving Marquette last GR
pared to make it suitable -for culti- Brown, '24, Robert Dean, '26, S. Hal Surzegger told the menmonthly. sntevstin.A n s wnganrwsr d h
vation. Work on the building of a Conkey, '23, Elwood C. Fayfield, '25, Klpke Eleced Captain The Detroit Edison fellowship in is interested in assisting is urged t county authorities throughout the nor Prof.
whoon.wwasontelectedn ofa cap-, A -wometallurledgy which was icntinued a t gn tNwer al sso.spos-thermi part of the state were guarding pyd
curb for the newdriveway will be al- and Robert Henderson, '26. The try- Harry Kipke, who was elected cap- metallurysible hihwrryas leadi n orec gongphyde
fain of next years' team at a meeting; the beginning of the War, has again highways leading in alldirections.I graduat
so rushed that it might be finished outs were judged by a committee of of the squad yesterday noon, declared been established at the University- ty of th
before____t__e__ground ___freezes. _____members____from______he __society.____that he would be satisfied if he could with W. F. Marande, B. S. E., the ap- . Literary Circle Meets -tclock S
make as good showing in his position: pointee. Marande will work on the Members of the Polonia LiteraryHnM y gymnas
C ncert Is W ell R eceived as Captain Goebel. The latter thank- problem, "The Influence of Temper- Circle held their bi-monthly meeting Javelin Record After
ed the players and coaches for the ature and Pressure on Metals." in Lane hall last Friday evening. Aft- there
support that had been given him - er a brief discussion of business mat- - tertain
s throughout the season. I VARIETY OF NJMBERS ON ters the circle was entertained by a' Milton Angier's record of 202 feet 9 the gr
Albert Lockwood, Grace Johnson- Mrs. Grace Johnson-Konwold sang Prof. Ralph Aigler, chairman of the '21E SMOKER TONIGHT short musical program. 1-2 inches in the javelin throw made with P
Konold, and the University Glee club, with a remarkable skill and a perfect Board in Control of Athletics, acted . cal sci'
were equally instrumental in making tone control that may well stamp her as toast master last night. Prof. Robert M. Wenley of the Yongstown Club Meets Tonight atlthe Drake University Relay Cari- Reeves
the faculty concert Sunday afternoon as a most able singer. What her voice Coach Sturtznegger leaves today philosophy department, will address ia s spring was not approved byR
for his home in California. Coach the '24E smoker at 7:30 o'clock this Members of t Youngstown-Mich the record committee of the Amateur
in Hill Auditorium most attractive, lacks in rich, human quality, is made igaemlbr will meetounat 7o'nclkt-
up in its bell-like daintiness and ex- Wieman will also go to California fol-I evening in the upper reading room of igh i mt o t Athiletic Union its cnti Cases
and were enthusiastically received by- ..I night in room 306 of the Union. The Ntte Yno n in i ovenon in Cae
treme flexibility. It was at its best lowing his marriage Saturday night. the Union. Following this there will t INew York last week. No reasons compar
an audience of commendable size. in her singing of "The Lass with the be a novelty solo rendered by Harry meeting is of utmost importance and were given for not accepting this the he
Albert Lockwood's performance was - Delicate Air" and "Lo! Here the Rope Ordered For Flag Pole O. Maxfield, specialty man from Ben- all members are urged to attend. ,throwmade by the Illinois star. year at
doubtless the high light of the after- Gentle Lark"; her encores, "Comin' A new rope for the flag pole has son's orchestra, Chicago. The pro- By not approving this record it apj- was mu
noon. He played with admirable com-I thro' the Rye", and "Good Morning, 1 been ordered by the department of gran will also include community Tickets on Sale for Banquet pears likely that Hoffman, Michigan's now an

Student affairs, and represen
of the Student Advisory co
and Student Council met la
n the office of the Dean of St
or the purpose of investiga
situation as.a result of the a
f the students who participa
he rushes on the theaters.
is meeting, which was held
uest of President Burton, i
action was taken. However
h investigation of this occu
s well as an investigation
shing" idea will be made 1
odies and reported to the Pre
R. M. Wenley, of the philos
partment, will speak to tl
e students at their second pa
ie year, to be held at eight c
aaturday evening in Barbot
Professor Wenley's addres
:ill be dancing and other ea
ment. Dean Alfred Lloyd,
duate school and Mrs. Lioy
rof. Jesse Reeves of the polit
ence department and Mr
will chaperone the party.
isease Is Scarce in City
of infectious diseases a'
atively scarce, a report fro
lth commission shows. La
this time disease in the ci
ach more prevalent than it
d indications are that it wi

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