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May 28, 1922 - Image 7

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helief that the tread at all Itumanity WIMISIES-A REVIEW cadenced. t'onseqctently I cannot songts ' ii. I am afraid the song
it toacrdl a mare stabhle, mare discip-, (Continued fram Page 2) like Chete~r F. Kuthn's "Revenge,"; Mitt Brunt. woutld like to have tang
lie, altho'ugh art less pcassioate' tat wcih the exception at these fesv beratse after reacting it I copiedl it: it notc what Asarreen w-old sing, ancd
torso of relatioship betwern cman antci rougth places, I like thse grottp, tttd' tdowtn in solid prose facto, withouct at-; the stog he woccld sing might make
womnc. c specriaslly 1 think lice cannel, whirlsI tering the puctruation, and not once at tsaer lush, so it may he jusat as well
lisa plerimsc of the unmcarcrieui at decries lice jazzilications of "Pa bet cii " several people Ia whcom I showed it, thait Conics Doyle has not gotten into
timsics site treats itliigenstly. Bt from i'latase tButterfly," rises head sects this Is recognize it as cnything? c-ssccttcticaisn with the old rosunder.
site seemas tic he afraid ito get cart' far antishulutders alcove te other two in tut Iprose. Neithser costl I. K~uhn has, whsimsies, I helieve, is improving.
assay tromc God and troms lsong, sver-1 facility ofi expressioss ands in siseecsocec iminself capable of mci hat-! A cosmpariso at the ecurrent issue
caiitiacd inccdy paraga,,i abisut feeling9. In "Tics Wail," tics, lters; tar cs-rk thsant iss andtc tics one jost preceding with tome
thec "highser this or that." Icc ser aucid are see"ai goodc lines, nostahiy, "A Prayer," by floss A. Cecil, is an aftIhe earlier ones will sear ott sty'
cccccacese a ii' aiisses5 the Iss to aii "Asci toc its dinsy face somse tassel ciccaltoIc tics Almighty to stoic lice contsention. Bat I cherists a snecaking
isanc bc'ings liicccld cint a lice si hact -.'-rccs-ec doussi andc concfusion In isis mind_ suspcician that ths capition, 'Mici-
c'5.tict, asci sits emic.5iis ie ac ii ii V t',ic yesllr' chlk, onte sisicciina, whlich ice licens tois ccisol going fusli gan's Literacy Mlagazine," which al.
thatl sncctertg ithrousghi 'eicrcssiacc is suaids wod, bci.'ilast. Locrd'. wheiat swill happen tic peiaa act ft civer, s-cry litely leods s
felt jic- as intectsa'iy icy wnac as, Tics Call'" isy Lawrccsc'oncctcti.the cc olit ac fitw yeatrs hens-i-t-ticn tlse reacders of lise magazicna toc lastk
by smei, altihiogh its a diffeent swayJ hoci a sintg thcat aptes,5tt only I sit ciii of ci' ssctisctioces acnid juiosra-is ta fr mtirs thcan they ailways gal. see-
m iew ofcca the natutrclidchillulties re- s-sc' sure ti-al I ever scciw lice sa 'a }iri-cci Oice Itus focr meal sea--a isg thcat they perforce expectliter-
scclting fromn celibsacy, tis ie'ccactcs dish maroon."' Which is nt cc sal' it somcce real responcsibiity Is osake aticce, acnd cot Chilimes.
that ire discactss t55iujut5 idea that ht icstI ness-r was thacoilotir! cs wsrithe? I stacnd asghast.
womenicacs cthieir object icc life ift liey% Psi cccy mind, poetr Icis nost poetrys' I cape Acnacreon will ieedt the ileta- "Civilization icc the Ucited States,
are not wives cacnc mocthers 'ihey still' unltess youc can feat thcs musssic of it,, of Stlla Brunt, in whiih shte kegsi An Inquiiry by Thirty Americans," is
save a valuce icc tise wiorldi and shosuldi l whethcer it ice mtetrical ves cs--si hint toc "Comne borc, antd sing smy f no' in is second large edition.
cete- energy. Ncscgcatccc cit poly-
gamsy eccnots csve thcc ccciblemc cc th is=
unmccarriedi, cbci, sits ays, ccc coast try=
to caris'e at sccme coast it osiitronc 4- n e . t m
scci is l- used nn~i tsr ii 'sacmi nen i'es-s
She aiso discuscses tics as i,- of res'i -r st g te-
sincan ccc egiradccaion c-f t's- sexual
sute cit cisc saltarc's ald itd tcai 11C
lutiosn sithlie problicemc ints e ic'ranstsir-p
ila so f tls cl-emet-s. 'ihis ski' tias =Just at this time there are man N interesting
ansother lapise adi spcecids thr ac-,or
pags icc so c- ;m fisit clccslsas - items to talk about in W omen's W earables. For
icc-ct asd ciial whcc ta to-fcc ll 55 ccic-
stae aci icisccl wca,1 c ssicac- nstm cc, the warm days call for Summer Dress-
anc-as, sucseesdcd iccn titi cccccii' 6 th -
' creative foces into a ilove cisc 'ail ti's (zJ X 1 a d T Q1 ~ rA Ie
worldi. Sits' apprtcheics fh t cal ii es inl 'r anuies, Voiles a d T su s a d h r
awhen she sasi',"rc' they' noi lacthers -~e c le ta dT
and motisers iwhose siital chsidreni = 'solil find xc lln styles a d values. Here,-
are ali as-sr the isld Hsavt e tic'11cc
no' harts into thecs rl cic.hcte souits fc cand here only, you'll find the Wooltex absolute-
costad woesnia?" ansi la, cIs tis
scat a, tarsus' pthl I pintt outi tsi yon? 1v fast color awash dr se n Ratines Beach=
Altihroiughscs tooktc site petrsisIts in drse-a
stccrting a diiscussion ra it iac
onl t en u indrmatcs tiscltim, etc., from $12.50up
oc n-hat is caorie d~isecuragincg, sencti-
mheeistalism. trmp
Icc the chap~ter, "A Pilea for ighI, -e a sweater isi d sp n a l for the ta p
site diciuse thcs fcalse modety thlat -
has kept cus qiti so lonig abouitc salt and picnics of, the hour. W e are showing Silk=
fly saturac~l andc raspec tal s ncc cc cd(
of unaa ntur ad heblaesou SwNeaters from $7.50 to $25 and Wool Sweaters
scrong ictea hat asnyt-ing sexdual is =-
tcabceci nthis fat itans .t Sheaa'," from $29 uip, all, of course, in the latest _approv--
wotlid curgce, forc the fture, thct. wse~ s
shouclcI coetrlatce occr effostIs in mcil - ed models
ig ipeoiple tcncerstccnct wshat masrrage al-"'
is and whact ticey nieed in circler to, make -~ COATSv' A-C(' )~~a d ~ T'' r
it notble" She alto depctcres thce W RAPSI CAPESJ akI a nd SU T r l e
Snesseffort on the par of liceclsd o ta gra x e u ed pi s, rc s
Chuirch. and tha SI-ste icc hcldi people M jar lo edoya gr al, e u e rie ,p ie
icc a mcarriage legally aftr all lbhit
Seerlcopuar fallacies "ce di- = tha make them interesting from the pocketbook
culssed icy liar. She belicees it a cccis-
takce ho saggest, harh wars eentsos ex- _on o iw
iccccsiion ais a paacsc' , viewintp --
that arises front otur catakts in c r- i' u e~fr ~ ~ ~ ',n
gardicig sex as a mi-rely physiceal I Reallv tsa tm for bu fn o ~o rS m e
thing. What is reatly wancted is htardc
cinch interesting work~ list asosrbs needs.
dine's mental as w-all as dint's pihysicali
A nead for sex chivalry fro biii i3si
sexes is discussed in disc chapter. Shice
speakso of the type of girl thast will =-
deliherately naice cisc of icc- sexaxtl at- j-
traction tn gcain what she wancts,--.j -
miralion and canusiement. But she
points sat the fact that ocan hs-
kept cioeman virtually in tics position T E 1
of a parasite, a. creature swhose beincead ht ttk l n ien-
ing. Econonaic independence for wo-
men csill automatically do awayi wcth - 11 8 MAIN STREET-
tis dishtonesty.
A divorce lass retarm.shetikt eSo fStsalo
shoicid sol includte sidone Thet Sho ofStisa o
groiuncds for divocce buit shlcd bring
r all eases cinder sonae form of "eqicit-
. ahle jarisdiction" whereby each rase
(C niue n Pgont I11111{{{Il 1111n{uedll1111IEIII ontllllilltiilil Pageitlllli{4li11ilill 1)1t1 {Ililtll11

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