The GENOA CONFERENCE thinking of the leaders can alter thc One of the most tdistresing fac -_________________
(Cntinuied f rota Page 1)u tion as regards Russia. tora of the entire situation is the at-
the part of the Germans the Frenets"Russia fat done away with the kindatt nbl tittide of the Germans. It is as on-
hegn o iestresitisen tattir-of governent ont which lierty is raosl as that of France, ut, what
liany keels tttt her schedule of payhibilt, antI tha arapped all the ac-his worse, it is certain that Germany
merits. A cahiet sas overthrownsn ~c~ptedtaor atl ies of European civili- Is making every posile effort to
France, andthelsituatiotn was fraughttratin. Te conflict between moral Iavoid ter otligatiins. But the con-
witth daniter. idea represnts an irreconcilable sit- ference will proably improve rather~y
uaton-mredepl gaiedthn nythan mak oeuete relations{
Ott of sort sa ituations tthiise sa t-itr pygu i hnaymr ct h
the determiniiation of~the foissi an i differeince in economic ott legal t3'5' etweeni France atd Germany. Ger- I
proe ra edIsyMr~avttLtnil'eageteitt. Phi' leaders reject all ideti of many' has een perm ittd In 'sit i'
to Iac a generiltecounotic cotieresce trthtfunessonesty asoi integrity asan play ter part in the reconstruic-
lii setlemsiecosit hess' trotteass. Hils eing oo 'borgeis' tsuitlthetteI ion of Eripean affairs. That puts
Isecsis uu tiutItegeteatna-fan cy," satedtn Profeser Cranie. ter on a different bsis as far as her;
fercuce wre now baked by ecnomic Thesecondcitations with France ae concernedctn:aorigoPo- tlC
consiiderationts. So te coinference met.cricfessrne. wass that le qsesions, "It is quite appareint," sal Proessor; .i 0
France awas tissreawithialt the real f ut 1biekfore tic: coiference were toss Cs tile,"that theUitei Sties wass 1o~
thetities losers itt 0111 it te ieti C'~tC sil ii) cmplx.Tlsre ~sflly justified in refraining rots par-! One~l~o
tests. Gernmany anid tssia hast cel- lstoouch unertaken in the hope that icitcton in the Genoa Conference. IUV iG O. u
esentatie a. 'lis is the first tne throuiah somae trocess of "nuddlding lThse facts have fully jstified Mr.
since 1(14 that althe Europsean na-? thrissgh" there swosld te some definite IlHghs' estiniate of affairs." Orortitge1lossom -
ions have heen representesd as ua- accoimpishment. There were, hosw-1A interesting phase of the Genoa'm m mm R
Lions. svsr too mnty naiosn, each with its t oiferenco ansI European politic isrlywouh
Wilty fisthIis conferissce fallshort osn ses ansI its own special inter- i ! ol SsfuoypGsig.T~ei eld wouphti
of itssurpses? Visa it a a sipte' ets. It i the'sateonetldstoslry of tiiiC tafnfrnefieoutryi;c ~ o orc
failure, o isedt s'egoodtcome out of stoany sctoks and the sioiledt brth. GnaCnfrnefildutrlrna um orc
it? These swicete questions that I "The Genus (Ionifeense was tying'constlishing any thing that it set out to rdla and beautiful be-
askeds ityelf.tbefore I Startedst ltoto Isdsealsculh a siuaionasdificl cml - ists. Practically noe of the!.~ yondcomparison.
interview Profesr Itobet TI.,('cans'+ as thait fces y te Versaillesi-tn-E Ipsstsofitits lesders are relized. i4&221
sithe puliticaslitscience departmeitton erece.In sit ofreseting sme sWht w ill te the position of Air David ! Gnine Orage B/am Rings bear
the sibject. Frosts Proifesor Crane IItita eI ol - Blonmr a eoeiowardsOange:
00111 alyslfltie slsi s 'ects' ndis m isitest agreemsent t~t, LloydtGosrge?I hikthaee-i -i &luma.hand theuira angem
obtal~insm veysdefniteidea t swohass- far-eahinigeffect (ikesessty suideits sre going o ave an'
ioho thsse tinefrence failedostI, l tsniasit agreemntitreaciest at Wuash- interesting time watching tisisastte j Haller luulepr
as earnesthlat it sas not a com;is ugo.whichuoas snimpotant of it- leader. Wille niaintain his position? HalI
pfcti'failurei. self, ut profosunly effectivie in ther Or is he "riding for a fall?" Nobody SAESRE
''httacs esa s at tplete lack of any futre welefare of itocratioal rl- knosws and te Rlier of our Destinies SAESRE
Lssei; sgosi tis-aen tsi ntsiat. thee attensptesd to have a con-is ii the usual uncommunicative mood JE EER,
,ict"'eeseit.sf'ass CCrane. ''Thee' f(ene its-hs-ilsuniaersalsc top. jst sits.
was oe sitagrieeeintiato Ite issusble-
laseisa Russia anstahettirest of Essrospe.
.Nothtiing skitst of ctter a violent reso
ltionss sr a pte c shange it the
"SE-X a\D tCOMMOftiN SE %"I
(C'ontinudciifromit 1age 7
cisuld btieticieit osits ot erutrs.
She al-a) advoicates thatitsite-t Imr B ea ch S u its
couts th-erebetiehlsmsenssanldsiwoien: ugs
'The Ibstil is most ielIainiy nost ote3
tot informattion hits it aiasststeasily
tcoe litheisaupigetofra it lass's Do you know that we can furnish you with a complete Palm Beach Suit for
clear iaiy tfe factt stbout six tat as little as $12.00? You are always able to use these clothes to advantage
sciencte 55151psychloigy hsve 50 ar
thsheo-le tfurass.fstainedutsihiattn tllsummter imo and that is another reason why they are 'so ecooical.
ts stfsito istn s h rf re raWs'nt'A iii it his'
cel.unt 1s- fr 'iscs rtsfissssins hiac PCSc worn Palm Beach you ihave a pleasant suprise in stat-.
Goist dtsands IIee ise sit highs-fsswit
meaninglecss phases. Thcy arc so cool and comfortable.
About fits-years agio a sholaosatee.
in a littlevillaige in Scotandisat
down andh toidaltlhuewansashalt" he
thoght saost ts'rrls. aitis prac-
hirlsias-iscotry.lltsisa"onDesnsione h t e F la n n e ls
ticdwaittutie shedrt is c-ouossism's.
,g" scored sonewhlat of i sensation
is oth Great hBritain oastd\Aseric,
ansi eentualliy c~asdthecdismissali
Neill has comets'forwsarduwtlasi nese
hooks, "A )ssusiinc idSohssst" inawhih iT ORWHITE FANL 0- TOl $12.00
he riflestats susnFreud, Sociaistm, thinTeURFA NLS V NV~bV
liunmantrace, ansIrecoideairs hisi
otpiniounasn citiatissu in the smese-;_______________
lightfuly sassial mnner' whalfh is-
tisguishdhale first bookat. 'A Doaminie
is Doubtt" is asusuoucees for immsonsite Let its showt ou lons to spend jour
tsitCo tosh tkr 1.1shrse~Summer 'incool, comfortable cloths
When Anatle'lace'es St. Moot
mistook theopIssusinsaehoussetaodas
discoveredsfotuetsssi wasseguity of
an error ctssh nmight easily hsve-
beeutnmasde y si issr skepticalstpr-'
eon that a measdievalt monks. Acorsd-
ing toIHerbiert C. PrtSisg aca
study of the natlure lise sathet-I i
aretie. "The Geact Whitel aSuth his
just beetaopablshledh by Metride these J 0 K ',UL M AU.O L
qutaint hints reseamble men not only
in their atperance kbut in their habits 604 EAST LIBERTY STREET
as wclt. Mr. lPontting'asloescription of
his firstencounter vithsFius Emperor) Q A I Y FR T- E O O Y A W Y "1
Penguin is as excellent instance of
ly undter trying circumstances.