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May 28, 1922 - Image 6

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/' ques~~ii t iiniy nt oohnaly h esin nural t 1' nard st atie sftsofoteidatinss the realu
spite oo s u the mi>s tieas isty the 151 o5.011cier 'iitheinuthtaigfher
Books anEAuthors itwaswo hsar arcarathhufact thathua
noi .s o ff prentnratin, v.rethreod ortstandingvefa-
"AARON'S 1RO1" leaves once more, this tne fo good.' Even excluding his ideas alogete, ov, id ant a stirit, and that
By D. H, Lawrence "Be awoutd never yield. The fiets- hi iisplays an extraordinary voi ati ishumn lbing an never e cut off
(A. Revilew by R. 1).i.) ion of ore was gone forever. Love;iiMary, a feeling fir situatiiin, a Ipoeti 11111rtti titiuan teiigs. To act ex-
. H. Lawrence continues In stride was a alie in whichi each patytendrrutes, anita liah~y to present luininy ivart ofi our eing or to act
along his own tntrespassed pathway,l strove toe the mastery of the oter s i'lirfl liaoguiesuit episode tht i it ie lassumptint that what you do
totally indifferent to the influence of sotl. So far mant had yiettded the mitte his novels stand irlitnIheir r,, cnoii- 01cf sone, is in violation
his contemploraries anti the copre- mastery to womian. Nowr le sas ight- own feet. hii otiatures 1111 therefore it-
tiension of his readers. Into his tre- ing for it ark againi. Andt too late, - - - - - - ia. In vicar of or tre-fold Oi-
niendoosly long novels le pours Iisttfor the wonan wouldtitever yield. "SEX .iNls('0.AMIN SENSE'[tfireuitin teings anno elect to ac-
intensely intdividualistic self, tunloaditng "Bit whether unman yielded tor Sy A. Maude Royen 'i epl iiiims,"iuos relations with one
a seething, poetic mass of ideas, o- tit, ie would keepthtte ita ery of his (A Review W~ A. A,11.) at, ie, tr, ii oler words, they can-
servations, and reflections upton tthe own soul suit conscience atnd actions.. When a tilt is etiltedt'Sex and fot teas t t '1115'vis as animals, fo'
intricate reationships of love and lifelieawotuldt never yitltthimisetfip ottli omnioti Sense" and stent it is writteni -n so toing te' are vitlting a law
There is no comprttomise, no explata-her judgmt a tctgaini. Ilie it'll d utu 'aras iEglististomtani onlsquite' lit-ift ,:'h'tag iby ftreting ttacthey
tott, Either you fotllow Lawrente himiself foreser ibeytondI het' juisdlici-'1111'vtet ftn oisi a tt' a'51itsi prt otrst
01' you lut aieipllparentlty etua-t.oratinat-estaclear andterestt- .H iteti sie declares that j
ty sell pleased fin eiter eent. ,"tHetnceforth, life single, nt life ile cnsiteeatiitti of tueeasubjct. A l sate isnec to this ia' reacts ii dis-
In his almost fanatic inditvitdualisttu tlibie." tMaudil- Rut teti beginis hr botk witht 'eiEv that stat ement sie mtakes the
lies the essetnte of this writer, ie is IAtnd Caetnisas Ltwrene: a Is btetship rv isIextlcottniene,.0 en1< nindnstitntcauses for
ever stressing the essential onetness' "As file the future unionti. I,t'a'idt ends wtit a tintgle: sex, UoInite'e'itilce of scial iseases, and
anti indivisibility of the matulittetem e ceantarid pure divisin firt, intl ecommtttn setse. Tihe ineviable re- ''creduc'stis paricular theme to
antI femtinitie wills, ever pleadinig for Iperfect sitigetiess. 'Tat is the onity ,'tlt is a series f uitiic l t'i n 'abstrdity
an escape fromt their suhjugation tr.say to final, liitig unison:throtttughituliii enlightettitg ottia to lihe' lay A.ingl marrige in itself sie dtiets'
assimilation. This is thie themtte of hisia sieer, finished sinigleness." mii. Still, iii all ftirtess, iihuntoo, istiec'tilIott ttftittraity. ''A true
massive trilogy, "The IRainbow," "'Wo-!So mutchi for Arotn's cattetr 111111 oivatlue ti siths can it itidtter- ii-,e"hit'ce si'sat',, "muttbe the out-
mten itt Love," and''Aarot's ot.''La~wretice's tdoctrines. 'Tn asktif e' iii ii ttthmoet'ehicailttlattguage f n fa oteality' whitmates ytu
the lost volume of whcihthis just heitg like Atttn ever ired is lthaly' ireudn, Foel ititdHaeltck tElis. I ilslie[~ t ou otii oaffects other
teen ptthtisted hy Thotmas Seltzer. The a fain quhestiuon. Few Ipeoplet"ever 'A ter situ ntulitetutoial stattird , pit. afectsfle hiltrent you hote
first hook traced the cotfihit ot' tiltsa ivedl that resetmihe any of Lauwrence's lan,, vrdtt utacetta i nount a
truhsvrlgenerations iOf the ehartacters ;anthyet tuheittople i i iaseesI i tete ttt srd uiuie ni~ epniult
Brangwen fatmiy. The seconi ylwt ti,il s undeniabtyhaveeptersonaii'ssetiliticets teat Si aeAtsrytuhtst
on tUrsula and GutiruntaksBrangeni t.ettt of therown, or perhaps tteyaretr-ttitnt u q'in I hseuaias at out t oil "t miral stuiant
te final Wutveid takestuii sntetntirely sois;pthases itt Lawrence's ontipsychic ltio"n ttqustuilo Ithe"sces-tI ' i it);'ioldhiAee c
new set ofctharacter.s antI tarries iton 'tsonality. Aarton is titicitvineitig iter,1 utv'ueBasitutoiftMoaiitt,"w ae elioteS ''anstihe wotredhydteerat c-ha
the thetme through Ario Sisson. piuittytcas esat shedius aemrlsadr na pe, n b eeyrpaswa
Tthis Aarotn is a. self-contaittedlpe-, mn w orkitig in it factory ui, after ltietut frhe teatt' ht Ifiitibi ittt aeln e
son, a meniher of the Engish stork- hs nemancipattiott, is intmetiatety hutunea nat ttoatldbemitii' l i relti'11( isppttiinfite'ieesta
inig class le is, in his groping tray' adolpted, fot- nitver'cleear r'aotn,by uimitatt'vituiiale lye it5Ii.''peinofhesxai
a rigotitis indivitualist andtt ittmst hohetiian atndlartistic scca' cstorii And lstiraddus tutu-eis ol mulettlcodtiotutuexisting tempo-
catpable of consiuerabtletuftih of feel-!aunton tets itsrttat tehact "thatte:etafi'sttisu'bs-'hs'elcttssschswr
ing, Nothitng natters ntuuhittoimbiturutitius bkntck, s'tiwhih ings to smie is a iitle tintncusiveswerai, bt't.uttdiiutge lti, mates celibacy the
save indep'Iedetc of wllsit Is itt-iipeotple, f geltitginto itrte swsine swti- it aves tl' ispitrued' is igtnoan itt ny uhic for sit nany twotien that
trinsir anti cei'trttlalonness wass theiiuttknownttg hts'itouing it.'' Bt 'stifire' Steiit' forigets that evni n lt.'aciptable tmora standardl
cery cintrseitt his being." n ineil 'eviiLawregetsa aui ineastie rflt I 1 sI-frigtycrouss-examtitedtodath~y. 11t'-i ' e-'5sto itin it eratffeesresponse,
hicrent tealtou eomrtuestohtimittha t' litating Aarnidouttwith arii - is a qo ti - hetherlitheli iauthot' i ' r ' itt an;gs Sit' beivestath
his family lifs is tti'ufai t laritly thui'rssit'eeatsof eticl ii 1 vper ifcit a'sluces Iinsuh ti t tteenti'or tie 'i- M-''lleimmunoaity of
"atonenes" Si, is't noIii ioe ntiott. slutfiels aledupittoex- 'hether te cnidertustlttit i-i t51'IV fuse it i' titeger, ne ttu'n 'hime irely a re-
the' tttttit' f h uims f itt'his t a ' l's1,e ph'' i tt tt't'thu' it'auduib'lemtic-ut'''f his ilhea,, I''ititO r ofherplit'tht.'' ' ' i t -'Sul ti's- tatithey' ech in-
simpluy udsrts his tutu it. As 'hu hmt ini 'uhus suio utviy'eiitis m,. 15. l'' ps 'tt it tutu t estabhlishaht i 'ti i'lnil st"also exptesses the.
self purts it, "WVhein 'you'e'cadi itt I in i m biteqtiu'as i'earlyis h1, lct've
yotu go a why andt yog utudon ' it e, ' Ii iit tt-itrs.''iIlt llIIIIIIlt1111;1111lI[~Il11111111I 111
ynti dii." With , tuaybe so. Oe cannttail lie
At a later tireIe'escty"'ta ti uic~, dogmaaticn rcriticisting otte oh Lawu
bcrittg for a rntciiattust nunIt ot neue's caacters. One mushtureatdto_ T h i r" ' Q+ r
eatiotship. Slt th' fintis t oliveget hLaturencee himselt. AfterlIt hsir T h iE ec ric T o astrj
that the fiirmerv hi uitiun Oh' suhiuu a characters ate tmostly reresentaions
ion stitlhe itt effect again. Sou ti of his onu ideas. Ant LIawrenenit
i 1-3 OFF SALE~
is a great convenience, Crisp, fresh
Michg'a Mem ry ook toast can be qluickly made on the
dining table -'buttered and served
Banners, Pennants, while piping, hot.
' il(3W .4 e ' ,'j I et us show you the different styles
Pillw Coersof toaisters.
Etc., Etc._
"" - _ 'ell1111!lltt11111l1111l~ iliillllllll~ ililllilll1111I 111IIIi~i~llliillll~ ltlit

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