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October 28, 1922 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1922-10-28

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11 1L 1 ..Y.1,. .aVL ** '. a/- .a.- a

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein.
Entere3 at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3,5y.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ness. 6o.
Commuications not to exceed 300 words
if signed, the signature'not necessarily't
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices of events will be published 'in
The Daily at the discretion of the Editor, if
left at or inaifed to The Daily office. Un-
signed, commiunications will ~receive, no con-
sideation. lIo manuscrit will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the comniunications..
Teephones, 2414 and 176.M
NewsEditor----------------- Paul Watzel
City ditor . . ..... .....James B. Young
Assistant City Editor-..,......Marion Kerr
Editorial Board Chairman-...E. R. Meiss
Night Editors-
Ralph Byers Haiy Uoey
J. P. Dawson,. Jr. J' . Mack
L. Y.T. ershdorte' R. C. Moriarty
H. A. DonahueH
Sports Editor---------F- H.McPiice
Sunday Magazine Editor.-..-Delbert Clark
Wome's Editor........ :......Marion Koch
Humor Editor ................Donald Coney
Conference Editor-......-....H..B. Grundy,
Pictorial Editor-..............-Robert Tarr
Music Editor-...----.--------- -H. Ailes

ventilators beneath the seats in the
auditorium. The most discouraging
feature of the situation was not that
one individual should do this, but that
students throughout the audience fol-
lowed suit, apparently because they
could "get away with it". Thursday
the disturbance was repeated. The
professor gave no heed until the
noise became so marked that it was
impossible for him to be heard.
When it is considered that this class
is composed of sophomres, juniors
and seniors to whom common respect
should dictate a more decent attitude,
it seems that it is about time to ask
! ourselves if we are developing cul-
tured students here or "lowbrows".

/ LI J //





(New York Times)





; '

M. H. Pryor John Garmzhouse
Dorothy Isennetts Isabel Fisher
Maurice Berman Winona A. Hibbard
R. A. Billington Samuel Moore
W. B. Butler '.G. M( cShane,
Hl. C. Clark W. B. Rafferty
A. B. Connable W. H. Stoneman
Evelyn J. Coughlin Virginia Tryon
Eugene Carmichael 1'..M. Wagner
Bernadette Cote A. P. Webbink
Wallace F. Elliott Franklin Dickman
T. E. Fiske Joseph E.pstein
Maxwell Fead 3. AW. Ruwitch
t J. A. Bacon
Telephone 1960
Advertising..........John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising. . .Edward F. Conlin
Advertising..-.--.....Walter K. Scherer
Accounts.... ......Laurence H. Favrot
Circulation ............David J. M. Park
Publication........ ,. Beaumont Parks

In the days of Joe's and the Orient
seniors , carved their names deep in
the tops of the tables of those con-
vivial meeting places. Among the
University's memory-stirring posses-
sions are these tables, fastened to the
ceiling of the Union Tap room where
alumni may see the names they carv-#
ed years ago. The Union has made9
an effort to, preserve this tradition,1
desiring that all seniors carve their
names in the oak tables of the Tap,
This year a new plan is being in-
troduced. A special table will be set
aside for the carvings of the class of;
'23. On this table will also be carved
the scores of football games and other
memorable information ,of the year
After Commencement the table will
.be fastened to the ceiling alongside
the others, and a new one installed
for the incoming seniors.
This plan will be a factor in carry-
ing class unity beyond the University'
year; classmates' names will be side
by side, rather than scattered over
various tables in different parts of the
room. The tradition is one that pro-
vides a valuable treasure, not so much
to the University as to the members
of the classes themselves when they!
return in later years to reconstruct
the memories of college days.
News comes from Berlin that three
German boxers successfully defended
their titles. A mere wisp of a fellow
named Grasz won after seven severe
rounds because his opponent's skull
had been badly damaged in a head-on
collision. Grasz thus retained the
bantam-weight title. The loser, "Phe,
nomenon" Volkmer, despite his forty
years fought well.
In' the next match Herr Breiten-
straeter, Germany's heavy - weight
pride, defeated the Belgian -champion
in six rounds. Herr Maujocks, German
light-weightchampion, defeated an-
other Belgian on °points.
It seems as if in this international
boxing match the Germans again took
advantage of Belgium. Picture * cor-
pulent, well-upholstered, bea r d e d
German in the ring with a war worn,
and ill fed Belgian. Imagine the lat-
ter resisting the terrific onslaugts of
his overly nourished opponent. The
fiery courage of the Celt blazes forth
in his eys. He side-steps the charge
of his enemy, and counters, only to
feel his fist come Ito rest in a huge
pillow of flesh in which it becomes
almost enmeshed. At this point pic-
ture the flagging courage of the Bel-
gian. He realizes that he is fight-
ing a cushion, and a well padded one
at that. His mind is thus disturbed,
and while he is reflecting on the in-
justice of the thing, he is fanned to

THE TEAM is with us today. The'
decks are stripped to fighting trim
and the battleship gray of the men o'!
football is sullen in the sunlight.
Their teeth are filed to a point; their
shins whittled to a cutting edge, and
a three days' growth bristles to the
four winds. War is in the air. The
crisp autumn at-
mosphere crackles in
anticipation of this.
afternoon's e v e n t.
Couples are all too
evident o n State
street. The fur coat
and the sport clothe
is rampant in all its
kaleidoscopic glory.
The shrill but, with-
al, melodious laughter of the modern
girl ripples on the campus. The dot-
ing parent is herded passively
through the Libs. The Crumpled
Fork is rolling in the nickels and
quarters of the alumni and Illini. A
grimmer note is sounded. Zuppke and
his men are here. Lowering, rock-
faced fellows. At the left is shown
a cut of Illinois' famous fighting
mudguard (name withheld by re-
quest of the state board of censor-
ship, may their souls rest in peace
though we doubt it,)

Kemal Pasha in a message to the
Near East Relief, which has doneC
such a great humanitarian work in
Asia Minor and adjoining regions for
several years, assures it that the gov-
ernment of the Great National Council
of Turkey will give facilities and pro-
tection for carrying on its work. ThisI
attitude is, says Kemal, to be shown
toward "every individual and organi-
zation which knows the right;" and
his government is proclaimed, not in Dance. After
the august Oriental titles used in the sonic Temple,
Arabian Nights, but in simple West- Orchestra.-Adv.
ern phrase, the "protector of truth
and justice."
This should mean that the individual; DETROITt
or institution would be guaranteed TArIM
freedom 'of worship' and that civil lib, IM
(E~aster n
erties would be guaranteed to all Detroit Linire
alike. It should mean the protection 6:0o a.m., 7:00
of religious minorities, as well as of am and hourlyp
Jackson Expre
the "faithful." But this would be a west of Ann A
higher meaning than the Turk has Lcryl Cars E
generally given to the obligations of and every two
Iiz :oo p.m. To
his honor in the past. Our ancestors, p.m., 1:15 a.m.
not so far back in history, were as in- Tocal Cars
tolerant, in method if not in degree, ! 2:10 p.m.
of iinorities as the Turks have been., iteo cars :47
But we have got well beyond such 447 p.m.
'To Jackson ari
forms of intolerance. If there is to 8 :47 p.m.
be a permanent settlement of the Near
East problem, the Turk must be
taught that the only sort of intoler- 1:22 O
ance which the Western peoples stillI S - T
and righteously retain is of that sort 1 2 ' 3
I I Sn9 10

Illinois game at Ma-
Ypsi. Bergins First
or and Jackson
Standard Time)
ed and Express Cars--
a.m., 8:oo a.m., 9:o5
to 9:05 p.m.
ess Cars (local stops
rbor)-9 :47 a.m., and
to 9:4$, p.m.
ast Bound--7:oo a.m.
hours to 9:oo p. m.,
Ypsilanti only-:r :40
.ange at Ypsilanti.
Nest Bound-7 :50 a.mn.,
and Kalamazoo--Lim-
.0:47 a.m.,m 2:47. 2:47,
nd Lansing-Limited at

. ......





Gym Suits and Supplies

We have everything you need
for the Gym.

711 N. University Ave.

Next to Arcade Theatre


* * *

4 5 6 7
11 12 13 14

Looking for, a Bargain
in a Used Car?'

r"-- L--II) nj - K - lzu - sof intolerance whnich some or our an-7
Plaintively cestors came to this country to es-,
Now I ask you: cape and which the refugees on the;
Quoting from one Aegean are now fleeing.
Of the twelve volumes America should be the first to help
What I love About Myself, instruct the Turks in the ways of
"I'm a sophomore tolerance. A splendid example has
I ain't nothin' else been set by the American institution'
I'm a knockout--- in Turkey where, as President Gates
But remember this, of Robert college says in a cable dis-'
The gr)at good of stoasted patch from Constantinople, "interna-
rolls tional friendlines$ and co-operation
SHa.d made me constitute one of the few remaining



Townsend H. Wolfe
Kenneth Seick
Perry 'M. Hayden
Eugene L. Dunne
Wm. Graulich, Jr.
Tohn C. Haskin
Harvey 1~. Reed
C. L. Putnam
E. D. Armantrout
I-. W. Cooper
Wallace Flower
Edw. 1. Riedle
P arold L. I-Tae

Win. D. Roesser
Allan S. Morton
James A. Dryer
Wn." H. Good
Clyde . Hagerman
A. Hartwell, Jr.
5. lumenthial
Howard Hayden
W. K. Kidder
llenry Freud
Herbert P Bostwick"
L. Pierce


Democratic-" hopes for a successful reconstruc-
Why not try tion." He would not have been left
The other door? this hope if the Turks had been al-
RIGHT. lowed to enter Constantinople and
Thrace in the flush of victory. One
From the Left Wing does not have to go to Lloyd George's
If RIGHT speech to find confirmation of this
Thinks view. It appears in the letter pub-,
That she knows who I am lished in the London Times of Oct.1
Because I stared at her. 7, by Bonar Law, for whose decisions;
In the libray the Near East now pauses. "Such an
advance of the Turkish forces," he'
Then said, "would probably have meant
She is either a reretition in Constantinople of the
An awfully good guesser recent events in Smyrna." It was,
Or not so awfully "undoubtedly right," he added, "that
Attractive. the British government should have
LEFT. endeavored to prevent these misfor-
* * * tunes," but the prevention of war and
d They Had to Kill the Seal massacre, he insisted, was not espe-
SAL--SMART Hudson seal cially a British interest, it was the in-
ood condition-" terest of humanity, and the freedom
-Daily Maroon. of the Straits is not especially a
uld sit up and beg and answer British interest, it is the interest of
phone- the world.
* * * This other protector of truth and
CAL: Migosh! What ARE justice adds: "We cannot alone act
ing to? Only this AM we was as policemen of the world." If others
astounded by the entrance of are not prepared to help, "we shall
feline species, into one of our not be able to bear the burden alone."

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31
Start Right With a Good Hat!
We do all kinds of HIGH
CLASS Cleaning and Reblocking
of hats at low prices for GOOD
We also make and sell POP-
YOUR HEAD and save you a
dollar or more on a hat.
617 Packard Street Phone 1792
(Where D.UT.R. Stops
at State Street)
Schedule in Effect October 18, x922
Central Time (Slow Time) D
P.M. A.M. P.M.DP.M.
2:55 6:55' Lv. Morenci .Ar. 1:35 935
3 45 7:45"....Adrian .... 12:45 8:45
4:r5 8:r5 .'.. Tecumseh ... i2:i5 8:r5
4:30 8:30 .... Clinton .... 12:00 8:00
5 5 9:15 . - Saline .... 11:15 7:15
5:.45 9:45 Ar Ann Arbor 4v. 10:45 6:45
(Court house Square) A. M.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and holidays. Friday and Saturday specia!
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45, leaves
Ann Arbo: 4:43.
JAMES H. FLLIOTT, Proprietor
Phone 92i6-M Adrian, Mich.








i. . i

Ann Arbor Nash Co.




Night Editor-L. J. HERSHDORFER

Too Bad
coat. G
He co
the tele
we comi
a CAT,f


Today Michigan, conqueror of Ohio
State, will meet in battle the defend-
ers of Illinois. Rivals of old, the
Wolverines'.and the Indians have con-
stantly maintained most friendly re-
lations, whether on gridiron, dia-
mond or track. Little differences may
have arisen at times, but they have
never succeeded in marring the friend-
ship of the two institutions.
The Illini have ever been welcome
visitors at Michigan, welcome be-
cause they are sportsmanlike and
fair, and because no matter what the
odds against them, they fight andfight
hard. Never has it been said of Illi-
nois that its teams have given up
hope of victory before the battle was'
over. Last week the Indians, handit,
capped by a team composed of al-
most entirely new players, upset all
predictions and, though they were de-
feated, outplayed and outfought the
sturdy Iowans, men heavier and more
experienced than they. .
Michigan is still fresh from her con-
quest of Ohio State, and the anthem
of victory is still being sung by the
campus. Michigan has a just right to
be proud, for it is a certainty that the
Buckeyes would havle preferred to
have lost to any other team than Mich-
igan, especially on the occasion of
the dedication of the Ohio stadium.
But Michigan must not be overproud,
overconfident,-for' Illinois is here
with a "Beat Michigan" spirit which
after last week sounds a note of
warningsto the Wolverines.
Forty-five thousand spectators will
witness the game this afternoon-may
they see a good fight, but may it be
one more stride in Michigan's rise to
conference championship.'

A nnouncing:

classes. Dogs is bad enuff, but when'
we are cussed with the mewings of
some co-ed's tabby-nix Alphonse
This was the West Hall cat, Red,
and the poor thing is almost starved
owin' to the fact that rodents leave

There will then be no "alternative ex-I
cept to imitate the government of the
United States and to restrict our at-
tention to the safeguarding of the
more immediate interests of the em-
pire." If that were to be done, it
would not be possible to maintain our
institutions in Turkey, and Kemal

Founder's Day Sale
October 28 to November 4

'I r
' .

It seems that this is a very ung
tlemanly way for the Germans to
even with the Belgians for the I
harm the latter did them in the
war. They should be sportsmen,'
if their feelings are not soothed'
they should openly declare their
satisfaction at the outcome of the
fair, instead of luring poor unsusp
ing Belgians across the border,
then mutilating them before a cr
of their friends who accompany
impact of leather and hide with s
heart-rending noises as the clink
of steins, and the calling of "ho
No wonder the Belgians are


Mr. Local Car Owner and Mr.
dent Tin Can Owner, this is for;
Leave your machines home today.
you don't, Ann Arbor will have
pretty a traffic jam as ever was s
-and you'll be in' it.
Now United States has signified

'en-ia:inKing . would not be able to practice there
get * * * the tolerance which he professes.
lateI I -0-AY
and What was the vacuum cleaner for? I-0-W
and To sweep the powder off the floor? (Philadelphia Public Ledger)
ye'To save the fair and fleeting feet ~ The 0o(1 football oligarchy of the
dis- From pointed thumb-tacks indis- East that ruled 'well nigh supreme
ect-'O creet? some twenty years back' has been
andt-r was its purpose to restore crumbling for a long time, and still'
owd The lustre to the Spanish Suite? is crumbling. Here are these "Hawk-
the r * * * eyes" from Iowa City coming into theI
uch TO DATE only 350 No Betting Al- classic football shades of New Haven
king lowed signs have been abstracted and standing the "Bull-dog" on his,
ch". from their rightful places by M-book head. Tliere have been others of
un- ridden frosh. f*these challengers from the outlands,
and year by year they seem to grow
The Ivy at the South Entrance of Ui a little stronger and more threaten-
Stu- Hall ing. There was Centre and Chicago
you. An apple red, how fair a sight- and Nebraska last year. This fall
If So ivy in the mellow light! {Kansas hcomes East, and the Army
as Beginning at the golden ground sends the "Jayhawk" back with de-
een, Where wealth of autumn leaves feat stenciled on his feaures. Then
abound Drake university, out in Iowa, rises
It reaches high in crimson dance up Saturday and takes the edge off the
I its And stretches in a broad expanse. Army victory by thrashing the "Jay-
the * BARON COGNAC. hawk"aagain. Ofa certainty the foot-'
that* * * ball capital of these United States is
her To E. E. and a Last Initial We Don't a wandering one. It is no longer nail-
for Blake ed down east of the Alleghenies, as It
It's the Monday Daily for yours, my used to e in the comfortable olden
dear, time, when a halfdozen big Eastern
how The Monday colyum for yours-- teams held the spotlight year after
cers You mustn't horn in on the Left- year and ruled the Gridiron Empire
imes Right amours. unchallenged. However, it still is the
the So-- . ambition of every good team in the
(Refrain) It's the Monday Daily for country to beat Yale or Harvard or
yours! Princeton and the others of the great
ther * * * teams whose shadow once fell so far


Founde's Day Sale is being held for the purpose
of celebrating the founding of the store in 1857.
During sixty-five years Mack & Co. has grown
and developed into the large department store
which is capable of giving the public expert ser-


intention of standing i
Turkish crisis. It" is
America wants soon to
claim with France and

firm in
put in

Each year the store plans for such a sale -- every
department selects the very best of merchandise
and offers it at unusually low prices. This year
a number of special purchases make it possible
to give even better.values than usual.
The sale begins today and continues until next
Saturday night. The store is open daily from
8:30 to 5:30 o'clock and on Saturday from 8:30
A. M. until 9:00 o'clock P. M.

having averted war.
Some of those who saw the s
Thursda night say that the dan

, uluay 1L14 y U1L,110 U~
CLASSROOM LOWBROWS were almost as good as the M
A definition has been given of a low-| oys. Quite a compliment to
brow as a man with more education Denishawns.
than he has intelligence. No doubt
y - n. hnr i fha Uivomit w i Evervht'iiv is wonderingr whe

arg numoersIn n ier si y ou.m VVIyLW 1 T11\LAA L A
object to the statement that not a the two cheerleaders whose names are Yesterday some contrib remarked across the autumn fields. Therefore,
few upperclassmen of the University off the squad were- really ineligible, that the Women's League ought to "I-o-way" is happy. It is some-
of Michigan come under that cate- or are they still hoarse from last be sicked on the unfinished Union thing, after all, to have come out of
g Saturday. reading room. **Iowa City and rubbed the "Bull-
Pr.-e sh v* dog's" nose in the dust of his own
Perhaps the objectors, however,

.1 S

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