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May 28, 1922 - Image 3

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no means stops with the(, converdet 0 Tes orecealls1the dissenting opn-
" "T e M nes n t e M a ing andt. f compendious ideantrito of - on 0of two jitdg~s of the Supreme
of aiss all kind, anarchits, pacc- ('ort.*
(Continued) ig to one threatening group united in s, ecos idelsis masu~ruading a
By Ja es H rveyRobisont like-minded attempt to overthrow so- progress." The iht is ue fre God
cety as we know it.*** The Lush asrweil as country, in w lhich all fucrs
(Plublished by Harper & Brothers) the sudden and someswhat unexpetedlreport desote a long ection on the' of radicalism cateralsr, adeta-
close of the war,'Tie unwonted ex-'sprertd of socialism in euatedl a cey shoud be iccely sort promptly
15. 'Ike Philosophy of Safety andI citement brought us a national hear-'icle." It is the purpose ef this ec- 'r, rped out.
Sanity !ache, and a sedative in the form of Lias to shor the use sade tyre- I Po~rig ele summer of 121 the
So far swe ave been mainly en- normalcy was proferred ty the Repiub- 'es of the Socialist Party of America' Vice-President of the United States
gaged in recalling the process by ' iran party and thankfully accepted by and ther extreme radicals and revo-!psblishet in "The Delineator" a series
wiicth maci has accunmulateti uch a1 the country at large. Under these ell-' litionaris of pacifist sentimeit among of three articles srn "Enenies of the
mind as Iecow has, and tie effects' cumtarres the philosophy of safety people f education and culture Inte!Peprrblic," irr whicr he cocsiders tie
of thins accumulation on tioode of and saciay was fornrrlated. It is is- Uniedi Stoes as a vehicle foe the pro- questiurn, "Ae the 'reds' stalkirrg our
life. Under forner condiftiorns (shicri iliar' ard reassuringacreptsntsro ils- mortin oittre'olrtionarrrysocialistic colgeuworer?" Ie inda someilli-
arc now passing away rnd in ar state greahir task of mrectal and eroironal prrt,aanda.' * *" caios tat they are, acd warns his
of ignorance about highly esrettl rcdrrrtniccre on those sits acceitr t.A iistancre of this is an article in 'readers that, "Atherencre tit raiarl
maters(whcharenowbeig ut n " * ,te "New Retublic" which "includes dctrines menicaate ultim~ate break-
quire a new light) te estabishredl cr- Anthtiese are its presurpplositions: rrore or less open attacks on Attor-trg down rf the ol, seurrdy virtues of
firi standards and prcrtices in Iis po-j No nratiorr is corrparable to our otto ire y-eneal Prlmer, Mr. Lansing, the rmarnrhod and swomanachod, te insidi-
litical, social, ant inditutrial life. iis in its swealthr and Irorise, icr its free--Houese Irrrrigration Commcittee, the ous dete'ruct'ton of chruarrter, the
viewsa of property, goernrrent, ed- , dom ndir opportunity for all. 0 Ness York Times, Senator Fall, this ucwakning of tiemtritestfiber ofi the
ction, the relations of the sexes, and When tie Eropeancioers had reach-,UrCsirrittee, etc. It alo equotes the ils- ini-idueal, ard tie destrurctinu of tie
various other matters he reairrs and; ed a hopieless stalematre after our' seting opinions is the Arams cases forndrations of society." It rmay secrm
perpetuates by mrens of schools, cit- years of sar the United Stoes girded of Justices Holmes and Brandeis. aorsraletts to sromie that tie'derfedters
leges, ciureres, newsptapers acd maca-';ocr tie sord as tie champtiion o ittb-' ** " rf te' rei, etrdyitu s heeroultdr so
aire , which in order to e appiroved erty and democracy acd in acinicrerer-'Ste it comres about, as5 oight indeet, ereeessy branihronet a'd thor lt-
net srccedrinseeoncure icr acirratify ibly short timerebrought lie coflict ihave eecr foreseens (orn the first, that totlrrenr sacd soen, of woese utinioens
tese establishied standiarrds anti prat- tee s vicrrious close. * r Class one finds himisel, if nt atally violat- they artthave nor real hnowldge, as
tier'es acnt the current notions f good;ierivlees io ot exit * 0 There'ig the crimnal anarchy ststrte, at "eecies of he' Repbtlic" -bet tier,'
anti evi, right and wrtorg. This is'isaierfect freedocm in cmaters of re-' lestrrancded as a Bolhevik if ie is notirgswhtever enerlaithricrtu
whtrehtappeced in tie past, atn to the! ligioues belief. i* *It peple arie speaks slightingly of the New York (Coninred on Pae 4t
gret ajoit ofpepleths silnor'ertisied twithr thieir formcriof govern-!
4,e~ tobe he oly eansof csafe rrt theyircray at ieny ticue uter it by
grrire' tog society." Befort' strieecticig i 'rce fir exercise oith ie suffrage.
tis attitutte of meicre to futrher cinn- We arie sicg'ulrrly neircom'er
io n it wil te elenfer tolee 'rehos thtievires which isigrci'te crpitals Si
rrit.a "rie woofail tee lerceive tie ofo re tnot exeerirre Londion. "i* 0IMF t1 A13EE
yu.t cicl ivoled Or tier ins'titutioin; orf le'rn'iigcr SFi
'tru'anriertiwt ta tis f~ie. ** Our rewpapers SVRMN
it'sv rn''cd arovined eanimraion.h'sthhserand rtinalreaersure iorut tie'
invi ho had never extenedeutheir atI'}1LVItOluI''l) '''ll1' O TE OLD 1111)S1 h 1 1'S lii O I
lers-anth.0*0* 0 We sre annll rrronest tiI i'l~ lo 0 tSah ~ano hsn
iase trr's'beynd the imsual routiine 'of stu-Yo enteNaralie-i[eDamd isty
peoplrr, hre'ping oerrcontrctsiand gfv-suhate
he',' tin' rnd prcofessionalehlife' urnieenty snucifaiameatire
co~dthemseles parti"ipatincg ins egarcraserre. 0300GifUhI' --O l (Ilooshn) ... Withi20 carats5i
etrt enrr s nwih hysee ' the circucritasiro f ourtutniria- I (41--N 01 -(ili) ....W. .seight l96 cras
trest enterpiise !inrs'bfhthey' seenntidtinithWolWaanthrieo HEHP -- Aeln)..egt44 cas
he'iraesn hei ornehs eItlseev'isincnveincedi many fecr1th'e ItXELtSIOR --(riish). . .weigt 2.0 can ts
d's a~n udramd f ._a mtmorf trie thartnt lsnt scentfey nsetinn'( 'IHEItSAN('Y - (Freni'ch) ... . ..lighn 512j cartsi
colpeetinlwththerrellwc Es ee atually thretened. 00 Ad T'll Otte11 of01the Word's Iarges. iIianai
r"-'s irees of high ieaisnmexaltetus fxut fr thee(Chicaigorananrrcisepi-}
re o-e tirepetty crems rf ri], reiouns;S H A D R R& S Y RE
sors' red tins' trublscwith te . T. ~ ~ ,Vnllc,.iI)si
rx'tr 0e, rused ne-sn'ancshniiosannul aia eoreshdbe et v ~mns ltcr eer n
er- et d"i n su nxhiitsrcrrr.ng prspc'ieI's' t er ayo horeiunthr'r ieeetnsleftntoSiverware
gnu nltyidrnevo.Itws e.'rthurryhelspapefr,,,ecangaolrd 11I3East Liberty Street
ret' nta tr tse h tenil ' he i e. ;I scun
eiialutfopoehaprcp-lets wfithsogreat interference mu ue,-__________________________________________________
,r >n thrs er netr it hrrhe-Isre net ie police iirsattentiun rf ue
t',edil er'mnighty Itragedty sioulnd teeisrsgverr. Wir tie cgco(hi
t''rgesroshenuishcri, thngs wuluhrno''our ercwssen'thus sution rrr rntrrttt'r pole 'nset Ir".:;:
he e s ur." Alteswouidtherr anrret'iuiiistroc i nefr rdgm
lawcgrstieirtevioeirort hns n rs begatoisfs i nerfer ,ihannero::;":.r:itt.<.
forirightnasnedheomtnccuyout h m- enoun;c;;tire "cents" rind thmese ser'pec
Nimn'die hithre iisshnioitunrn NroYck ishehars anbseluseppititefnYpps
ine~reor (sigh hlmes. Al tire olic .h afesfgmrnorruIn he oun i ie
ore a k aieyhapnyaid r e> orrwsiso nscrkwrI,"~~~ JYhdt4'
'iraoned hissancriidtaiiostaccyynedaynisdiousTePnajn Fd ta
- a atntrlyordieri mic "Afer tisnedefusnuspoect-nori~
ais mah'ey o elin wfe m - 're't.in'ten ir orttdLs t75 75 "l
an unumwoitepeinatedorlong o.el signedicby teies." Trun eto
roftehe;ai f tstieese thle.NmuerLs Cm ite cinooe stratifE 'EBR'AL
'inetoth'or shotuluNeeeucnn Lr r r iherhaodp fmnhsri r, , SC ADR R&S YFRI
foow igluhoves lte oldiu its End rtg,> onro o mmu te
finleto chrge tese a'e~ditionswith tatesortofthisstae.fore ovepar "o ' N] R
b o otlrtegmolnentrucio rrrsunicorioatint sstnano
enswith"paifis" an a enerlIorsoiewtyfshl cndcst ofmatingo
tankreueytwordsloaly.ineedutrcll peae nyahol nofutNlaso
wrs:uth i ntoebaemm oel ofginstrutionmin ayeouheet : >>
beexesref d rth exsmllthgtful nel, so wfthout m Aaking saptutonforeStt te P ARrdA EL
corehnfesely etineghparddothe ewsiY ortieateinofedNeaYrkh(r e
reeaneeieneo xsfg tt h tcgseds, "aThe Regntsishallfhevo-oTh ParisannFadthat 4
ins.anwd'tosaftiied tapai tioshterghtitocend ir ndecosedtouvsit'
i5uSetpnthee ra nighoert huntedts ofsitthe aste jdwastes andeCo tr schol:s>lcenedan t
alie mlony o thir ellw ctizns.revkeicesesifntedemthatwer
Wa adntraovpouedserthross'AfertherexisinofGgovernent'%' :i?;,: ".: s:j'
thmasinerheprealongreiforcdiastr5violnce i keinihaug tmu
son :tthoreentio sheliceptionasetohocwteBurtthersafesordsanfphiosohyr

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