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May 28, 1922 - Image 4

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"'The Jvind in the
(Contimlued from Page 3.)
tLo.; ben the h :bit (of defondnoro
tie -tol y, ohl) Virtues troin titme itu-
inea~orial tOto elCr15s of others' rep-

tl!?,raie teudvoy t'to eta!,. ('litics as
'EJi)lBiot Sol'ely, 'r ° 1 1havin
levi,' v ex thte argloocux of those who
j ('Ott l epre riti.'isnt lest it teal) to
v oece itndt letrltt.on, we may 000
j'11)11 ely 101011 0i1)1hisrcotter'tioncrt-
Stainofoten negievie')historical facts
wiletl INerve to wellkeo it (lottlto is-
cred1i)(((ot (If theoe llrgllttnts.0

sorry estate- is Caf 'iC io 1111a1d0haft totnA'lofli morality tol N hilhth tey
ing. ilr'e -i' l''11t111l1. Few tawyers can view
ti xtocr~mtttrttott l,Liclh nttr-; thirprofllessonwith any cottoiderattle
at sciettce has reared itsetfisioby n(10 degree oft detachment. Thtetn there are
toeato 00 readlty aplticabte in studty-;thxetnow alt-potetnt buoiness intereots,
(1- ttanklind anld its plrolemso.1bactkel by tilepoliticianstl and in gen-
The stutdetof humtanity hase1 e ;era (1 l pplortedtby tile e;.ctesiasticat,
lllre inveterate prejudtices to over- en , 11(1educationltclass0s. Many
('001e, otore inherent atndt cli- ; othe (tellstI' er Il atnd agazitnesare
val ed weaknes ses of ttte ti;, to II ''ItI hoeir influenle, o'nee they are
guard againtlot.thantile stu~dent of na- I 111.1 'io the11101005 lman's berths and
11ore. Like the early scienltists, 10etbas 'ti'e 1off fis bountly.
0 51.ltIslic tradlition Ito1011)1 1.t 0 'i'llTo e (ColudtledtNextSttnday)
c11 tH ook for littleielp fromtttetll'110- ''frglt. 1li t,.by iHarper &iBros.)
r eroitieo asitow' consttuted. Tilhe
clergy, altholugh less sensitive 1in re- t~p' sofIl)Broom, wsvtlhhaveblen

111t SotIv11ll-al ]!tuf leltus 1onl g'oinxg r','11t1 idltti 01, ottritimltse10,
extI L(13 unit 110)111loio0'11of0lmt ((1
tI I' tie 1'nl lit re 1)1:11311011and, 1 lanlcon t.ctill]11i=e are manly 01lI Il:t-
t'ipCI SlU111 i itlo ldctOrit~elt itite' t, lr tll' .5' ie,'thattxy sulprltessinlg (o-
prevlious s.510 '(:0(1l5v~tppeal1t omany 'c.1)1(d ''radIiali" tlitloght ants,0Iiftt-
rc1lr aon- 11 ilustrlationof )elesive six (1, til presCent syst(l llan(1lie made
tol ruI' h 1 to 11'ted llv-I' lotf our t'eaten1 '. ((It years-,0011g.
ed1 .Ottutitte. txolltles.lothe Lx'ol1 " Wti'e 101' bas=e permtitted Iour freel'
repolrt say qite propIerly be classedi tllolvt t ntile 1natur'liscience to
'00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~y 1 CI'ItOlOllllC,.'oin.transoformo nan's o'IiwoCrldI, (Ie a)111w
Halvilng armedllto pult. )1111 ( tte Ger- ;ottr s(hoots 1an1) eve'txourt' universities
(00(10,anti 51t1ceerllOdtill 01 ldollg, the tolontlnuetto'10inclcate1 beliet unit
a'Chorxrof colic rntlil1100(11immedlxiately idel'i s'hicht may Iorlmly0111t have been
0)10)0,tout new etrelnieO lare soutgttalnt);ppropriate tol the pastIbt IwhlichtareC
ea"i'y discoveret. '1)1' hysteria of re'- cI ('1'rty ltti~vt~roIlki-l; 110. Po", (I e
Iress'0 v ))il'l bltly s'ubs)10 t ' 1(11 'soorialice" IC't:,a1lt lilO iintou llllll
it is M1101 5' Il "il-rcl'C~l(izllt'fatll)t1 5.sitIwould appear1, anordeCrly)'pr111
in11s 1 r,. '.'.( 1'"ther o15-. 'iC Ir mental. 00sentatioxn ofthIe c0!1on-etioll ltprop~rie-
lit' aac~xlvlan111)exl'e-s'ive Iare bt )ill-tixes, ('lther thit mn s.I"(' to1111 -rlawl~'del
structI CC ex'aggeralts 1101)pervCr-'t' 0111 te xovetl11111)discon'erting facts
]ors c 11f t 1e00)saltrse(Itfttiogs.:1)11') surrouxndt 1us1(1il vetry'Si1)1.
# At teen~inlg of till'Itwen(tiethicon
Oq r )e III. "1Ift t1) voIlume the; tury (hO Sso-atil5lled01'nes olit lll' -
OitlCt10(ll(was thazardiedltha't if oly, ~pilese 0110progress. 01'. axs)Ims b1(0(1
0100 1 Illd cQ0e to lok al th1)1)0s0dilt- :px'intIedloult. inlmuch the 111 (.1(1po~si-
terec i1 lllrom x w )at tes' (110'generally' tiontha(t l)tile na11trill scie'nce were!
eo0. 11 tl'mbexr Cxlf lt't most solciing'00(110 centuries Iearlier.iHobbieSsixays
evils son'). eithex' remedy rthemseOOlves olf the ochotasti<" 111110oopy that it
oC stllwC 11i'nillelveO Oltiect Itogradlual went on one brazen tleg 11011 1100of ott
Itiuxixl 0110 liCr thopefui lil'uction. ass. Thtis 0010ems t e 0our'pligttto-
Aov th~ Iese evilo a veryvlfuamentailiday. Ou~r scientifi 'leg; is tusty and
cn ' 1 '11'tlte'defensive attitudtlowtsardi gros oin strengthbdily; its fellow
1110ecrtiis of01our existing order and' member-ottr thouaght of tman and his

Suggestions for Gufts
to Give 'the Girl Graduate
As the Girl Graduate's thoughts turn toward commencement
anxd the accompanying activities her friends are thinking of ap-
propriate gifts with which to express their appreciation of her
successful college career.


th Couofmuhplesuei
futtfre years.
But make sure your flmns are de.
veloped by men who know how.
Then you have the assurance of ,
maximum succesa at picture tak-
Lyndon & Co.
Amateur Finishing

Fancy Combs
of flashting red, jade green, and
glossy hlack are stately combo
for the Girl Gradoate that wilt
give a Spanish touch to her coif-
fttre. Their pictttresque designs
are qtite intriginlg and She svill
delight in wearing one.
Mesh Bags
Miost appropriate to carry witht
the summer attire are silver and
gold mesh bags. Ssme have pan-
nier handles and others have
chttins. There are models with
engraved tops and others with
head tassels as the bsttom.
Silk Hose
Silk htsse are always appropriate.
Thte Girl Graduate will like a pair
ot Mbartha-4-Foot stockings or a
pair of Italian hooe in grey, wohite
or black.
Step-In Sets
Stumer lingerie includes cool
little step-in sets. T~hey comne in
the delicate shades of orchid,
pink, and sky blue and have at-
tractive lace edges and hemstitch-
ing as their adornment. These
sets of vests and step-ins will
please any Girl Graduate.

New Bracelets
he vogue ins bracelets favors
beaded ones of pearls and jet,
They are flexible and have a
charm of their own. There are
also thin gold mtodels with finely
engraved designs that should be
worn in pairs.
Dainty Neckwear
There is ntothing more acceptable
as a gift than a fresh new collar,
cuef and vestee set, Dainty
checked gintgham, pongee, and
white linen have all been used
effectively for neckwear that is
.at once charming and practical.
Sports Socks
Sports socks with striped cuffs
are qtite the thing to wear with
knickers or other sports attire.
They come in heather ilk and
wvool ((ixture.
Silk Gowns
And every sweet Girl Graduate
ntust be supplied with several
silk gowns. There are nmany new
styles fronm which to select a gift
that will be counted at the tsp
of her list. Crepe do chine com-
bined with lace bands and item-
stitching offers otto choice.

'Ac"k, vov.


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