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September 28, 1922 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1922-09-28

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IL 1 IL-, W l J*11 .1- . L 11
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Street Demonstrations Favor Former
Premier to Head Government; F,
Venizelos Silent'
Athens, Sept. 27-King Constantine
bowing to the will of the army and
navy, has abdicated and Crown Prince '
George, who married PrincessI Eliz-
abeth of Roumania becomes king of.
Greece. - ;
"Until the people say they want me
no more, I shall hold my throne," the
King declared to the associated press p
correspondent last night. He accept - -
this swift revolution as the voice ol j ' Princess Tariata
thswia the v princess Tarhata, sister of the sul-
the peoly mtan of the Moro group of islands in
the revolutionary army is march- the Philippines, has just arrived in
ing on Athens, and will reach the caps, the Uited States with ten other Phil-
ital tonight. . Three hundred army of- thpintetst en o therUPi-
ficers visited the King and urged the ippino students t'o enol at the Uni-
formation of a.military cabinet. TheN versity ot Illnois
were ready, they said,. to put them
selves at the head of the people to
combat the revolutionists, to maintain, R
order, and defend.the king. Ie, U, 9 I
The street demonstration by proms
inent citizens acclaimed Venizelos an}
a republic.There was some rioting. TO STARTMONDAY
Former minister of 'agriculture Siger-
is was wounded. _Intensive Work Will Mark Opening
Of Fourth Year of Corps
Intensive training in the Reserve
MADRID PROFESSOR TO BE ON Officers' Training Corps, opening the
FACULTY HERE U)iURING - fourth year of that organization's ex-
)COMINGSEMESTE_ istence at the University, will begin
Prof. Antonio Garcia Solalinde, of next Monday, it was announced yes-
the Centro de Estudios Historicos of terday by Major Robert Arthur, pro-
Madrid, will act as. associate profes- fessor of Military Science and Tactics
sor in the Spanish department for the and hea'd of the local R. 0. T. C. unit.
coiing semester. Classes are being held this week for
Professor -Solalinde is one of the
foremost scholars in the field of the purpose of organizing in lieu of;
Spanish literature of the Middle Ages, the general opening of activities of
particularly the life and works of Al- the corps. The program of work for.
fonsp the Learned. He is the author the year follows that of the last year's
of several editions of Spanish Medie unit.-
val and Classical works, and is well Fourth Year on Campus
known for his translation of the life This year is the fourth one for the
of Cervantes from the Italian. Pro- I local organization so than for thep
fessor Solalinde is also a member of first time next June the unit wil]
the Editorial board of the Review of graduate men who have received all
Spanish Philology, and has written of their four years' training in the
many technical articles on the his- University. That class now has 65
tory tcfSpanish literature. members. The other classes have 60l
Since a Professor e Solaliradetmen in the junior class, 200 in the'
beenin complete charge of all cours- sophomore class and 50 who are not
ee iy cmptchrgefall ouers-nt yet qualified to be sophomores. The
es offered by the Spanish government freshmen are still being registered.
for foreign students. Hie was last This make; a total of 5501n the prs-
year appointed secretary of the re- entcorps left from last year.
cently established office of cultural During the fall first year men will
relations in the Spanish department receive 10 weeks' instruction in drill-
of state. This office was created in ing. Rifle work will be carried out onc
view of the great interest taken in the range Friday afternoons and Sat-t
foreign countries in the study of urday mornings. This will be op-t
Spanish, al has as its purpose the tional.
spreading of Spanish culture in those Major Arthur Well Pleased 1
countries. Major Arthur expressed himself7
Professor Solalinde lectured during well pleased with the development oft
the summer at Columbia university, the R. 0. T. C. during the past three
where he is collaborating with Pro-years. He compares the University.
fessor de Onis in the production of a unit with other units, some of whichc
Manual of Spanish literature, and a have been in progress for years, ands
larger history of Spanish literature in he finds that Michigan is at the top.
several volumc. During the second Illinois, a school. where militaryt
semester of this year he will deliver training is compulsory, does not grad-a
lectures in a number of Eastern un- uate more than 10 per cent of its.
versities., basic students while the other uni-
Professor Solalinde will give sev- versities generally vary from 10 to
eral courses in Spanish literature and 20 per cent in graduates.
Culture, all delivered in Spanish. "In the local organization," the.

-- - major says, "there are four units allE
Directory Wants Names of which rate high percentages. Of
Any new student organizations will these the Coast Artillery unit leads
please send to the Student Directory, with an average number of graduates
their name, address, telephone num-of 30 per cents This is a higher rate
her and list of members before Mon- than any of the other 24 units in this
day, Oct. 2, to insure their being in corps area, which includes both Illi-
the Directory. - nois and Wisconsin."
Love, Honey, Palaces, Yachts- Thesea
A re fost Cherished 'y Ec Students

Directions Given by Automobile Club
to Assist in Operation of
the Campaign
Ann Arbor's safetycampaign is now
in full swing. This "Safety First"
campaign which began Sunday and
is to last two weeks is a movement
to educate both pedestrians and au-
tomobile drivers in careful driving,
obeyance of traffic rules, and cautious-
ness in crossing streets, railroad
crossings, and alleys. In the accom-
plishment of this purpose the Ann
Arbor branch of the Detroit Automo-
bile club, which is in charge of the
drive, has placarded the city with
posters bearing the safety first le-
gend and placed "A. B. C." banners on
many of the principal buildings and
thoroughfares. The aim of the drive*
is to teach the people the value of
safe traffic conditions.
Posters bearing the inscriptions,
"Always Be Careful" or "STOP. Don't
YOU get hurt" are much in evidence
on telephone posts located at or near
intersections in all parts of the city.
Posters for Cars
Small posters have also been
printed on the windshields of auto-
mobiles and many autos are now seen
with these "A. B. C." posters appear-
ing in a prominent place. Members
of the Ann Arbor branch of the De-
troit Automobile club haveagreed to
display these safety signs.
The police department is strongly
back of the movement and has marked
out safety zones for street car passen-
gers and designated parking areas.
Two public educational meetings
will be held on next Tuesday. The
first meeting which is intended for
university students and faculty mem-
hers will be held at 4:10 In the audi-
torium of University hall. Addresses
will be made by President Marion L.
Burton, Capt. W. S. Gilbreath, man-
ager of the Detroit Automobile club,
Inspector Harry Jackson, chief of the
police traffic division of Detroit, and
Prof. A. H. Blanchard, chairman of
the drive in this city.
At 7:30 Tuesday evening, a meet-
ing will be held in Pattengill audi-
torium in the Ann Arbor high school.
L. A. Butler, superintendent of
schools in Ann Arbor, Miss Harriette
E. Beard, supervisor of the depart-
ment of the safety education of the
Detroit public schools, and Captain
Gilbreath and Inspector Jackson will
speak. This meeting is intended for
parents, teachers, and school chil-
dren, however, the public is cordially
invited to attend.,
Boy Scouts to Help
Tuesday noon the Ann Arbor Coun-
cil of Boy Scouts of America will dis-
tribute programs of the meetings at
the public schools, in order that the
parents may become interested and1
secure an interest in the meetings.,
Three thousand copies will be dis-I
tributed by the scouts. These pro-e
grams will contain, in addition to thes
programs of the meetings, the names
of the campaign committee, and in-
structions to pedestrians on the 'uset
of the streets. Copies of the new
traffic ordinance will be handed out
at the meetings.
The following are the directions that
the Ann Arbor branch of the Detroit
Automobile club are giving to the pub-t
lic in the interests of "All for Safety-I
Safety for All": "Pedestrians shouldt
avoid careless walking and especiallyi
observe the following directions to

insure safety and avoid unnecessary
interference with one another as well1
as with vehicles.
"1. Keep to the sidewalk and cross-t
walk, but on a highway without side-t
walk, keep to the left so as to have
a clear view of approaching traffic.
"2. Observe traffic before stepping
from the curb.
"3. Cross the roadway at a right
angle, never diagonally, and if rea-
sonably"possibleon a crosswalk.
"4. Watch for traffic officer's sig-
nal, and heed traffic signs and limit;
"5. Stand on a sidewalk or in a
safety zone while waiting for 'a street
"6. Enter and leave a car-stop
safety zone at the cross-walk only.
"7. Face and step towards the
front of the street car when alighting.
"8. On alighting from a street car
or other vehicle, observe the traffic
before moving.
"9. When necessary to pass. be-
hind a street car, watch out for traffic.
"10. Do not walk more than twoj
abreast on a cross-walk."

If Michigan Is to be successfull nr
in football all the available mate- A UNION
rial on the canmpus must be ilaced
at the disposal of the coaches. To
date only. a handful iare reporting
for the reserve team. The fresh- ENGINEERING SOCIETY'S FIRST
strong, but they cannot be used in WAR HERO VOTE ONLY IF OPINION
Varsity competition. If the Var. SEEMS TO DESIRE IT
sity is to get anywhere, there must PERSONAL E
be a good reserve squad.PXPERIENCES BULL DENIES POWER F
Every man who has had any WILL BE SPEECH TOPIC LAST NIGHT'S A TIC
football experience owes it to the
Universt nd to himse e Marimbaphmones and Oriental Fantasy Maintains School at Large Is O1
what he con on the gridro. The Among Features of Evening's Source for Authority of
coaches will look for YOU to re- netiien omte
port TODAY! Entertainment Committee
With almost intimate friendship al- Action which may result in d
banding the Student Advisory co:
ready established among the -fresh-m was taken at the meeting of t
m rStudent Council held last night att
BUTLER LLege ati sbFODtwith the general campus during the j+Union. The responsibilities whi
afternoon yesterday, Real Admiral have previously been take over by t
Plunkett will probably fill the halcommittee will revemt to the coun
Lim in order to allow a more direct cc
ULroom of the Union when he speaks to- .d
romo h no hnh past'Charles 1. Hough tact between the council an ,l Uiee
night at the first smoker of the En Charles M. Hough, president of the ity authorities.
gineering society. Maritime Law Association ,of New A committee was appointed by t
Says World Is Suffering Fron Too The Admiral has selected as his York, has been selected by President council which will investigate the p
titsand oite topic tonight "Personal Experiences." Harding as one of the American rep- work of the Student Advisory co
He has a wealth of them upon which resentatives to the international con- mittee and draw up resolutions whi
to draw for his life consists primarijl1 ference on maritime law called by the it will present to the council at :
URGES ECONOMIC PARLEY of 40 years of service in the Unitecd Belgian government to meet at Brus- next meeting. U'nless the coun
AS REMEDY FOR TROUBLES States Navy, during which time h1 sels. finds that campus sentiment is
was engaged in the taking of Mani l s._favor of this body, it will take su
(By. Associated Press) during the Spanish American War, in -i action as it deems advisable on t
New York, Sept. 27. - Dr. Nicholas making the building of the Panama resolutions presented.
NcrB epr.s.D N colasicanal a possibility, and in command- Hillery Makes Statement
ing the great battery of 14-inch naval "We wish to place the facts of t
university, speaking at the opening guns, the first thing of its kind known matter before the campus at lar
of the university today, called for a in the world, in France during th RIH L-before taking -any action which w
world economic conference to sit in World War. nio way with this committee," sa
Washington "to unlock the door to Is First Speaker Vernon F. Hillry '3, president
new international progress and to Admiral Plunkett i the first speakResignaion of Ministry Followed by the Student council, "but unless t
new national prosperity and satisfac- er brought here by the Engineerincf Proclamation of ucinds the nt amp s in favtr
tion. ,ai e Student Avsry omit,
"Tio world," he said " sufferingsociety this year and is one of sev- Martial Law will take acticn t abolish it.'
"The world," he -said, is suffering ral who are to address the organi- cording to to Hi-fl er, the'hidao
from too much politics and too little zation from time to time during the TROOPS REBEL AGAINST PAd-th Advisory, e sa ot
staesmnshp.Let the politicians season. ° It has been one of the pol- MISMANAGED CAMPAIGNS gn~ h oucitoyasao
. t cies of the society to bring men prom- that tame, thry cour.cil called a cc
trained men of the nations work at Inent- in the engineering profession (By the Associated Press.) sultation of su dents to hear camp
what can becogin. a ,capital problem ;t4cm
for the nations jointly and severally." to the campus. Last year Eddie Rick- Athens, Sept. .27.-A crisis in the opinion, and submitted the -plans i
enbacker was secured to speak of .his Greek government is rapidly devel- the Student Ah'isor committee to
He said the United States must flying adventures and Howard Coffin opin. vote of the c 9mlus. He stated, th;
lead the-way by calling an economic' of the Hudson Motor Car company, The ministry has resigned. Very while he believes a campus vote
conference at which only. the eco- well known authority in this country important changes. are impending. aholish this comnmitee unnecessai
nomic and fnacia o subjects should on aviation ,to address members of, King Constantine accepted the res- if the council finds such a vote is id
be discuse. wucha otnfef ter.- the University on his favorite subject ignation of the cabinet, which quickly sird, they wilx1 sub riit it to the camp
added, was a sure wag out terri- of aerial navigation. followed the, reception of two ulti- 'for vote.
ble situation brought about by.the The admission to the smoker to matums from the cruiser Lemnos ''Pr.e Student Advisory committ
growth of rampant nationalismto members of the ngi (manned by rebels). is veiy willin.; to ave its past w
nig t's:reeto mmbersoThe King proclaimed martial law. invest gated," said L . Perkins Bu
neering society. Memberships will Eight thousand troops at Saloniki re- '23 chairman of the Student Advn
TO 01rstill be available Thursday evening a volted, insisting on a change in the commhi tee, "but avording to th. cc
SIthe smoker where the $1.50 dues to government. rtituiion of the Advisory commit
the society entitle members to a subi Sections of the army in the Aegean the council has no authority to d
O IA P H scription for the Michigan Technic, Islands also revolted. ,They demand hand it,' as it wa organized by
theofficial magazine of the Engineer- that the King abdicate. general meeting of students of t
ing College, admittance to the smoker Others Want King. University.
TEN DISTINGUISHED SPEAKERS and other entertainments of the or- Part of the army in Thrace demands The committee appointed to m
ARE SCHEDULE) FOR ganization, and to use of the club- that the King join the army there. the Student Advisory committee cc
YEAlP rooms. A membership contest is be- The officers and troops who revolted sisted of Lawrence W. Snell, Jr.,'
ing conducted and competition is run- at Saloniki have sent word to Athens Herold Hunt, '23Ed, and F. J. Reic
ning high among the participants, for insisting on the imprisonment of sev- mann. '23D.
"The Oratorical association program the winner of the event will be given eral of the former premiers, including Will Petition Convocation
for this year is one of the best we a ticket to Columbus for the Ohio, M. Gounaris and M. Straitos, who are A committee was appointed at t
have ever had," stated Prof. T. C. State football game. held responsible for the adverse cam- meeting, to present a petition for C
Trueblood of the oratory department. vcto oteCm"lteoVa
The program contains 10 of the most Public is Invited paign in Asia Minor. They also de- vocation to the Committee of Doa
tinguhmen in the field of or - William A. Cotton, Jr., '23E, presi mand a change in the government and hinextt t Theet
tory. The subjects upon which they dent of the Engineering society, yes-. the establishment of a new neutral n at t pr ticed of hit
will speak on are varied over a wide terday again emphasized the fact that cabinet.on tiwa Ee .ru of classit
will peak n arevarie overa wid 1,t "car. Elec.:' # n."+ of clas s office
the general campus is invited and Important contingents of the army
feld. wnteilns fMiyeeCisadaill t e hld as soon das'srangen:"in
The first speaker of the series will urged to attend the smoker tonight as on 'the islands of Mitylene, Chios and N made by rh counr Age-
be Sir Robert Laird Borden, who will well as engineers. Rear Admiral Crete also have revolted. They sent iniitte consistir, .3 Thomas Lv uc
Plunkett is an international fgure an airplane over Athens which re- !
lecture in Hill auditorium Oct. 6i on thePlnetiannertoalfge'.
'Political Development Among the gaining his prominence during th leased pamphlets demanding the ab- 'e1'e, chairman; :a.rn' Scherer c2
English Speaking Peoples." Sir Bord- World War. The enormous potential tinost ing, the removal of Grad.; and E. C.Htaug,''2E, will lt0
en is a most distinguished Canadian force which his battery represented ' the war inThractive continuanc after the arrangements.
ennn ml a atne h em-o h a is ahae mostedistnguishedganadian.
statesman. He was premier of Canada in no small way hastened the termi- ac_. Several other committees were al
during the World war and was largely nation of the war, according to Dean ( As t appointed, to look after the raising
responsible for the carrying out of Mlortimer E. Cooley of the Engineer- L (ByAssociae: Pess) funds for carrying on' the count
the conscription measure ing college in his speechTuesdayo onon, Sept. 27. - The Greek fleet activities, to arrange Fall Games,
the part which the Admiral played as gone over to the revolutionaries, make arrangements for transpoti:
It was also announced in this meet- whichrhe Admiral adsi who announce that every officer and s
iug that the tryouts for the women's thergle . A enoin admission member of the crews is wholly with sp to the O o d t ae
chare of35 entsis cargdbythes prvze underclass cnduct, and
debate would be held Oct. 7. chageofn3 cetys hrg by t hem, according to a Central News arrange for Early Freshman meetini
It is hoped by the 'board that the ng tickets to the smoker iispatch from Athens.e
ticket sale for this year's course will ' I The movement, headed by Colonel
A further attraction of the smoker Gonatas, is making headway in all
the campus the middle of next week Burthe addition to the program of directions.
where the tickets for 'the course will Burton E. L. Hyde, '25M, and his ma- A number of Greek, warships and
be sold. rimbaphones, said to be the largest transports manned by revolutionariesrin ma

The oratory association decided. in instrument of this type in the world. have left the Island of Mitylene, off' 111 J U U H V
the meeting to extend through An Oriental dancer of last year's the coast of Smyrna, and .are proceed-
MariontL.extBudhrtougninvitation Michigan Opera will present an Or- ing twoard Athens, accordinig to mes- NEARLY 400 WITHOUT WOR
detMro .Burton. an invitationT WR
to the editors who will hold their ental fantasy. sages from' authoritive sources receiv- EMPLOYMENT SECRETARY
convention here Oct. 25 to attend the ed hero..' COMBS CITY
lecture given by Mr. Isaac F. Marcos- V'nt to Keep Rifles
son on that night. CNNDI'ICOMMITTEE According to the same 'sources the With the first week of school we
Mr. Marcosson is a great American revolutionary movement started on under way there is still a great scar
journalist and war correspondent. He the islands 'of Mitylene and Chios, ity of positions for University peop
is stopping here on his way back W LLI H among soldiers and refugees from a condition which although not 3
from Japan and China; Smyrna. - alarming is nevertheless quite seriou
= -All officers who refuse to join the Between 300 and 400 students, most
Prior to the "traditions, meeting" movement are being arrested, it is inen, who counted upon finding son
which will be hed Oct. 4 by the Stu-aid. sort of work before coming to. A:
STEV NS PEA ER hic wil behol Oc. 4by he tu- The immediate cause of the revolt Arbor are still jobless and there ai
AT PHARMIC MEET den Council members of the Under- washan order for the demobilization of - vereva ciessthedcity
class conduct committee will hold the soldiers who had been evacuated Almost all the steady work had b(
Dr. A. B. Stevens, of Escondido, their first meeting at 7:30 o'clock to- to these islands, the men wishing to applied for and positions filled ma
Calif., for man years dean of th night in room 302 of the Union for the keep their rifles as trophies, or per- ys o, and nowithonsfilldgma
Cai. o ay years dean of the nih7fotiin hi ehdshp o-esoa rtcin days ago, and now the waiting li
purposeofoulnn thimeod
College of pharmacy, is the principal ha of odd jobs has dwindled down
speaker at 7:30 this evening in Room which they will use in the discipln- The first intimation the adthorities nearly nothing. However, new d
303 Chemistry building, at the initial ing of freshmen during the present in Athens had of the movement was mands for people to fill odd jobs a
pharmacy mass meeting of the year year. the appearanec of an airplane over the being made every day, and these w
His subject is unannounced but he The results 'of the meeting will be city, which showered pamphlets being met as rapidly as they a
will probably tell of the early days tentative, as the exact campus tradi- drawn up "in the name of the army issued.
in the pharmacy department, of which tions which must be observed by and navy and the population of Mity- And also every day more men con
he was dean for many years before freshmen will be designated by the lenz," demanding the resignation of into the University Employme:
his retirement from that position Student Council at their meeting on the government and the abdication of bureau seeking some means of 'st
three Years ago Oct. 4. The entire membership, of the King Constantine. porting or contributing to their su

Perpetual youth.
An A in the course.
Victory over 0. S. U.
These were some of the most-cher-
ished desires indicated by a heavy
percentage of the four hundred stu-
dents in the beginning course in Edo-
nomics Wednesday when, as a part
of the first assignment, they were
asked to prepare a list of twenty-five
wants dear to the heart.
Comparison of the lists revealed
cnm'a otoarti inL 'fO atq ., ,.flr.nzLna 'ni110

million mark, while many of the fig-
ures named would have made Rocke-
feller look like a candidate for his
county poor farm.
Motor cars, airplanes, free passes
on all railroads, happiness hereafter,
a good dog, tailor-made clothes, phon-
ographs palaces, yachts, an unbeat-
able poker system, and the proverbial
loaf of bread and jug of wine of Omar
Khayham were among the things
'One student wanted to be Henry
t'nrA _A nathor -,ad hp oivnmy r nnnr

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