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January 10, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…g z pit 4L IU &U4J DAY AMD NIGHI SERVICE . . { j ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1920. PRICE r. l -; .' - FRID AY FAVORS STAND OF TREASURY OFFICIALS ON EXCESS PROFITS 11 1I { TA~ I Prof. David Friday of the economics 5 1 1 IN- department in an interview analyzed the stand of the treasury officials, who recommend that the excess profits tax be discontinued, as an attempt to sim- plify the administrative burdens of the ...…

January 10, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 75) • Page Image 2

…SPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN rung except Monday during the Univer- n Control of Student Puhlications. F THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ss is exclusively entitled to fhe use for dispatches credited to it or not otherwise nd the kcal news published therein. office at Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second ier or mail, $3.50. Press building, Maynard street. )6o; Editorial. 2414. to exceed 300 words, if signed, the sig- o appear in print, but as an evidence...…

January 10, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 75) • Page Image 3

…krzbD I SHAER 1 LIGH ecinU stL, iix 01J U otege take th sdale team thi have an excer nd are comin onl of humblin :am. They hav Ives superior t Chicago, if an ed on compara food , promises t Lds trouble. lH a sure shot. H depenolent teat' to hav'e learne lway from hi organization. 'ward, is a hut; He will be rE who was aware competition fc in the' inter held here la, irk, the 'guard et are also sai I' Preliminary competition in the cam- .pus...…

January 10, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 75) • Page Image 4

…ONLY DATE) CE JOYCE In Scene From .1 Vitagraph's EANCE OF DURAND" ith and deceive for revenge the man ual role-as a blonde aid a Urunette. AND SIMPS?" WMENCING SUNDAYt nks f. - IN - CLOVDS ROLL BY" YOU FEAR OPALS? pal ring causes cold shivers to dance from e other and the sight of one of. the rainbow immediate desire in your make-up to run a larly happy if you suddenly discovered that ed opals and insisted on that character of a esent...…

January 10, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 75) • Page Image 5

… Arcade} Ditro ; Premier U. S. Ace MARIE "TILLIE' IXR IN LMARE>> "Tuttle'"s 2i '"EAKERS AND, PRESSER& boo c. w s a iroro . ,1 . < i ne 6 i I I " k Suits Pre&wd °while 'you 'wait. Lunches Nunnally 's Candy Maynard St. Plans were formulated ley the so- cial committee of the, sophomore lies yesterday for a coming smoker and, get-together which will mark the open-. ing of the social life of the class of 22. The tenative date of Tuesday,...…

January 10, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 75) • Page Image 6

…I nl l vlll.l4 1.1'JaF- !V J1' __ ,_. ._.__:. . r .Dress HiAP'S GOING ON SATURDAY 11:30-Men's Educational club has Michiganensian. picture taken at Spedding's studio. 1I:00-Pi Delta Epsilon group picture I' will be taken at Randall's studio. ,14 .ts the J-'Hop al pieces of suitable Woolens. or FULL u should see. It takes time to tailor Dress your order at once. Dress Vests g a wonderful line of NEW VESTING ve dollars. To look is to buy....…

January 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…W iJi 1 1-11 RALLY FAIR TODAY I 00, Ar Aar tr t an juat 4% "!a tu DAY AND NIGHT Y SERVICE * XXXII. No. 76 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922 PRICE FIVE t 0.6.0. FIVE WINS FROM WLVERINES BY125-22.SCORE1 UNLUCKY BREAKS KEEP CROWD, ON EDGE THROUGHOUT , GAME1 MATHER'S MEN LOSE IN CLOSING MINUTES Individual Scoring Honors Go to Ely With Total of Two Goals and Ten Free Throws Michigan lost her first Big Ten basketball game of ...…

January 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THE MIC .s .Y --------------- C . tgauT BatIg OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Waiver- sty year by the Board in Control of Studet Publications. MEMBER 01 THE ASSOCIATED PRES The Associated Press is exclusive entitled to the wee for rpulicdation ofalnew i itce crdtd toi rnt otherwise crsedted ir igae and telal news pulished tnoetherise Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor...…

January 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…)ER SEATS YOUR VA, B'Y A L WHITNEY THEATRE 1 SAT. -SUN., JAN. THE DRAMATIC S .NmmmddmL AMMOMMINER AMMr"4M SOBEL on ' - I;. 0. T. C. NOW ENROLLING - MEN FOR NEXT SEMESTER Enrollment. in the R. 0. T. C. may now be made for next semester at the R. O. T. C. headquarters, directly behind the pharmacology building, Major Robert Arthur, head of the unit, announced yesterday. There are already 440 members of the unit and where is room for as...…

January 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…~i' -. , 1' IV h - s 4 " ; 1 .,, .." . ,, ,. * , . " f. , .. vi t ' OWEQ~ VitCT r OFFICERS SENT HERE TAKE MASTER'S DEGREES s. T. E. Chandler, A. D. Mayer, T. Joy, three Annapolis grad- nd regular line officers, are tes here for the master's' de- udying high explosives in par- with basic studies in general chemistry ,After completing a year's work here, they will be sent to some industrial chemical plant for a time, following which they wi...…

January 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 76) • Page Image 5

…,aa I Needs Note Replace Los Coach Steve Farrell is keeping a squad of 75 track men busy at Water- man gymnasium every afternoon. Steve, however, is not saisfied with such a small number out of such a large male student boiy. More ma- terial Is what he wants and his re- peated calls are bringing out one or two new-comers. . Many Losses At the present time he has not as strong a squad as he had at a corre- spondi~g time last year. His mteral...…

January 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 76) • Page Image 6

… F I Chop Sey CHINESE AND AMERICAN RESTAURANT sang Tung Lo. 613 E. Liksety Concert Planned A trio made up of Ethel Litchfield pianist, Henri Czaplinski, violinist. and Boris'Hambourg, 'celist, will give a chamber music concert, under the auspices of the Matinee Musical so- ciety, at 4 o'clock Thursday after- noon in the 'assembly hall of the Union. Persons interested in chamber music, whether members of the society or not, are invited to at...…

January 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 76) • Page Image 7

…AT THE THEATERS Music and lyrics for the Junior Girls' play should be handed in as soon as they are completed. They must be given or sent to Josephine Connable, '28, 1205 Hill street, by Saturday, Jan. 14, at the latest. The annual fancy dress party of the Women's league will be given at :30 o'clock-Saturday night in Barbour gymnasium. The admission fee for those in costume will be 10 cents, for those not in costume 25 cents, and for guests w...…

January 10, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 76) • Page Image 8

… IA' BULLETIN TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922 Number 76 ity Senatet e second regular meeting of the University Senate will take place evening, Jan. 16, at 8, in Room C, Law building. The reports of the n Control of Athletics and of the committees on memorials to the ofessors Henry Carter Adams and Thomas Ashford Bogle will be JOSEPH L. MARKLEY, Secretary. lity Lecture:, )fessor William Bateson, formerly Professor of Biology in Cambridge sity, an...…

January 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 77) • Page Image 1


January 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…TiHE MICHIGAN DAILY WDE~~ HOUND SELECTfl FRflP RIIAV TIJFTFP, S _. Starts wBureau "' In Talent RANGE PREPAREID Tf liaP NIIADMfll or days and that. the progressive seiz- ure of the Fuhr can only be stopped by Germany comning to terms. (By Associated Press) Zoological C(1u1 Seets Tomorrow I (Continue d from ' Page ne) brief xzention. At the University there is no auditolgin really fitted . for "dramtic performances either ama.- teur ...…

January 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1923. THEMIC141GAN DAILY PAGE THREE A ...r... ...: . . [ Women Tle Michiganensian picture of the reg- u 4i Panhellenic delegates and offiers Will be taken at°Dey'a studio at 12:15 (dc~ocl, tcdaly. freshmen who have earned 100 hon- ox" po int:; may pa y the 75 cent clues of the senior NV. A. A. to a representative oI the association at 8 o'clock torn crow night, in Barbour gy- u11sium. The clues for former members ...…

January 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1928 f -1+3 + By selecting nominees through the overdone, as eve Q t agency of the council itsielr these students have lef evils may be to a large degree rem- account ofa lifeo OFFIC1AL NEWSPAPER OF THE odied and the candidacy assured for gerated optimism. en now not a few t the University on of ease due to exag- I UNIVE1ISITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday durin...…

January 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 77) • Page Image 5

…WVJoSJA1X, JANUARY10, 2" THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE F] U T ATE Y Chicago.ngr BA Plans Long Span PROPOSEDLAND CENTER~ Is CHOSENBY CERCI HINSDALE STATES ISLE ROYALE i1PLAY BY SCRIBE AND ILEGOUVE SHOULD BE USED FOR WILL BE PRESENTED IN EXPLORATION ANNUAL SHOW "Isle Royale, at least certain parts "Bataille de Dames" is the title ofI of it, should be under state control if a play by Scribe and Legouve which; for no other reason than the archaeo- r :...…

January 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 77) • Page Image 6

…STX THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0 JANUARY 10, ',1323 . 14,1677" 71- oo::: -. 1 v w ITRHER FEARS OVEl OFCAMPUS MAY Varsity Basketball M1entor Says Squad h'a e i'usally hlard Seliedi le 'I'llis Year' RESERVE'kS TAKE (OVER FIRST j F1VE IN P~RATIC E %CRL D-[A E With sentiment on the campus .al- inost unanimous that Michigan will win the Big Ten basketball: champion- hip and Probably will (10 it without osing a single game :Edwin J. Mathe...…

January 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 77) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY '. WHas Likely For 1923' Looking quadk Freshman Court a' Te-am nce runner, and "T'urny" Ii'tr~nft, nn!n~nnn~~ ne of the greaitest track athltin. ~MINORVefcl nru.SP1t VPUOSP[b! Intramural items APF&R CO909ATPIKDE lack experience. The season opens Jan. 19 with Illinois. Tile swiiniers have started work- I1 ing with the new coach, MAerriam, ' '011mE*r Chicago star. W1aldo, who New Tuxedos for rental purposes. New Tu...…

January 10, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 77) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DATL\ rSAT DAILY OFFIIL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received until 3:2~0 v. m. (11:30 a. mn. Saturday.) Volume 3 WEDNESDAY, ,IANUAR-Y. 10, 1923 Ntumber 77 J I Monumlen Honors Heroes; Symbolizes U. S. 1923 3piri t -- - - - - - ., . I 1923 CALENDARS AND DIARIES ;ELSIOR - NATION1AL - STANDARD OFFICE SUPPLIES IN GENERAL EXC To the Deains; There will...…

January 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 77) • Page Image 1


January 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___THE 'MICHIGAN DAIL'~ . ; ti3 _. '.. f [NTS OFFEREDl RSE FELLOWSHIP A VIATOR SCHOSEN FOR WORLD FLIGHT - Scandinavian shes 20 Awards Subjects Founlatloni in Varded HOSTROP, 141, CHOSEN MILITARYBALLLEADDER IJ. W. Hostrop, '24E, has been chos-, en general chairman of the Militaryf ball for this year. He was selected, recently by members of the Veterans' of Foreign Wars, and the R. 0. T. C. who will sponsor the danc...…

January 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…"THE M!CHIGAN DAT LY Wo e HOUSES GIYF LTTLE Iota Sigma Pi will '1 f ( t at EPNET B~ ,clock tonight in Martha Cook build-j INDEJTENDENT W ME N SUBSCIRIBE Fri Prt~ ~ r A [1v IV va The program, the topic of which is the Ku Klux Klan, is in the charge of Elizabeth Van Valkenburgh, '27, and the principal speakers are Lydia B~aird, '24, Juna Barnes, '25, Dell 1w Ho-land, '24, and Margaret Milnes, '26. E Woman Taining, To Defend "Shoe" Title In T...…

January 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY '' fit 191,~ i al ito stopping at a crossing by speed- , 41ing in front of him. Many citiesk _________________ -have posted signs: "Courtesyr Will '1 CIA L NWSPAPER OFU THE Prevent Accid nts." To get a great UMilVERI~i TY OF MTIG 'AN deal of ibeneiit, however, the courtesy.r imust be nmutual : all must cooper ate ublished every morning except Monday Tis is even more eaiyatandi ng the Uiversity year by the Board in esa ta...…

January 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 77) • Page Image 5

…JANUARY 10, 1924 HOOVER IAYS us S. Secrcetry Of Commerce Speaks On Country's Need Of "Long View Policies" ew tw %Owkoo%~ --- - - - - - - RrI R' 114if 4A'rn. If4r4') 1%0% ground1 departm triangul T1-N ITE MICIGxAN DAILY by the Building and Ground. WVill Star End Or ent and a rail closing the ar space will be constructed TennaeCal SUG'GE STS REORGANIZATION I OF RAILWAY LABOR BOARD Washington, D. C., Jan. 9.-Form- ulation of far seeing na...…

January 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 77) • Page Image 6

…f[HE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSI 0 t Ali L y F ... i\ f 1- P _ ,. TKIR P USHES BASKETBALL SQUAD HARD AS' FARMER CONTEST NER Bonesetter Reese Is Wonder I Worker Of U. S. Athletic World 1. Notre Dame-Miehigan Hockey Game,! cover the entire program and will al-I doubles, entries for which will close low the spectators to engage in popu- at 5 o'clock ,Wednesday afternoon, lar skating which will follow the last with the schedules follow...…

January 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 77) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..,: ,.. ,... -I I _ ... . soon I*r..i.. ... COLUMN CLOSES AT 3 P.M. LASSIFIECOLUMN ADVER'TISING AT 3 P.M. DAILY CLASSIFIED RATES 10c per reading line for one or two insertions, 9c per reading line for three or more insertions, cash in advance. Minimum. 3 lines-per insertion. Charged at the rate of 12c per reading line for one or two insertions, Ilie per reading line for three or more insertions. White space char...…

January 10, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 77) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ollow the dinner, tickets alloted but all orders previous UILY OFFICIAL BLETIN. ication ini the Bulletin is constructive notice. to all members of niversity. Copy received by t1'o Assintant tic the Pros't opt until P. mn. (11:30 a.,im. Saturlv. e4 THURSDAY, JANUARY, 10, 1924 Number 77? merican Peace Awvard: The University has been asked to aid in. bringing the plan awarded the' ok Prize before students and faculty...…

January 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…THE WEATHER COLD)ER, PROBABLY SNOWV TODAY EIGHT PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, :''tJ JN VIAIRY 10, 1925 EIGH-T PAGES MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XiXXNVV. No. 7") PRICE, FI"VE CENTS anHRnrCMEiT 'ean Hamilton Leaves Action [11 N A~ ~01CEOn Smoking Question To Womnen~ FRONT S CHO C~i ean Jean Hamilton, decan of wont- "At present public opinion aiiwng f IIvcrsity in not taking any action I tions banning smoking fron i ie d on~i ndfne th ...…

January 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE1 I.MICHIGAN DAILY SAT UDAY, JANUARY 10, J1925 SAYSSTUD ENT9 OWE11 BIC DEBT TO JOL Still Golfs T'eachers' Class Tells Freshmen How To Write Good Exam Papers REPORT STRESSES mrrna nr miinriifif I e ! 1; i L , c7 Student to Make 1R turn To Soelely Cl Chiicago, Jaa. -.-"Student, owe they world anl ever-reocurring debt,'',lDr. (Iraham 'aylor of the Chicago Corn.-' nios sid In oe)'en1I. ifl theannulal m1eet- ing of the ...…

January 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FhC F 'I' TP.1° SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY is,~ LECTURTOPI Plans Inaugural '. Bain iir, iDiovei'er'of I nsulIin, Will Spook illin oui e1'~il If.-Il 'Tllf-4ay t: Dr. F-.. drl'ik(h"1t1I ; t>&:,'rof hw I ~ni vorsitIy of Toii .ted 15( :'tl"CV , .finsulin, will lectur e at, LS('lo' kt SPTuesda y nightl in niver iallaIi:u t Coiu l~'~iion 'lNtedi"l,~ ''h ''m Drv~ \ill ho ith e ...…

January 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…PAEFOUn THE MICHIGAN DAILY 18 SATURDAY, JANU ARY 10, 1325 Lions of learning ini "intellct nal ; 4r f1C I11afl .JUt thoroughness." In full justice to Mr. Fshrit. must 1Piblished every morning except Mondayj diigthe University year by the Board in be said that his coniment re pr,- entedl - d-n P t4 tliications. more thorough knowledge and under-' - -* standing than those of tlbe-majority . . . _ . . _ _. _._ _ ._ . . .. 1 . I j, s small nu...…

January 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 79) • Page Image 5

…,sA L' KDAtY, JANUARY 10, 194F THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE --~~r~ n Zr a __________ . 1 {'" ) 'A" .. ':" r p {; .. . 1t LM WAR M SWAM ( 1 ' h0OL)I ~~INHPLF (fi . ' <,\'rilnor~, i . I ias, "Ripon, C(t'Iw, ( %;a 1] iugtoLzi, INPIraska, Nevada, Du)ll- tv wn'e, Michigan Agricultural. C'ali" '_ orn i, (in enla ti, Wash ilgtil n-1tc~c -anrd Montana. 'The mna il1('5 are liay ('ii by comparing thelesult 1i t re hero;c 0111peting tennms du...…

January 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 79) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATU RDAY', JANUARY 10, 192:, PA-- - HEMCHGN AL . .. -- GREB BEATS SAGE IN EA Y lh fraternity foul shooting oun Champion 1Ie-ins4 Title in Mediocre anent:(lt viibe run on a. different Bout; Challenger Forces balstis this year thban heretofore. The Fight lobject will bec to bring the fraternli- "-"'" ties into a closer contact in this sport; BIG HOCKEY SQUAD TRACKMEN PREPARE, REPORTS TO B ARSSiFOR ILLINOIS ME...…

January 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 79) • Page Image 7

…SATURAY, TANV'ARY 10, 19 27 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE . MICHIartGANt IDAT I Y PACIP SE YEN THISL S I ETle$' COLUMN LAS F, ECOLUMN CLOSES- CLOSES 03l P.M. ADVERTISING AT 3 P.M. 'OR ALE A1?'PA Sigaa pin, name on hack, Call 2710. Reward. LA RU;EO IEN [AL "u,,I,'1_(2feet.' Very heavy. Sia~efor F"rater- NOTICE n]ity or sorority. (1. V. Palters-on. 2101 hill it. Phone 2214. EXPERT WATCH REPAIRING RADII) T!RE±E-TUBli: SEiT. Cost $100.' On all mnakes...…

January 10, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 79) • Page Image 8

…ir IVAOr, 'IG1HT 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WvOM'!AN BOSSES WYOMING _ 'CNAM EH _- _ _ RANGE 1TO ENTERTAIN 'K: CLUBSR TUFSlAY' DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice tc, all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the ,s~zident until 0p. mn. 01,30 a. mn. Saturday. Vol nae 6 SATUR'DAY, .JAAlY T10, 19'.214 uer r 7l To the Meniber% of the Faculty: Thils is to inform you that the Dictaphone S...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…4'..' ESTABLISHIED 1890, friw .*1 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 81 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS GILKEY WILL TELL 'AUDIENCE TONIGHTi Of TOUR IN EASTI "JESUS CHRIST IN ORIENT" BE SUBJECT FOR SERVICE TO - - IS CHICAGO PASTOR I :{ Foreign Students Will Introduce Speaker, Read Scriptures, And Give Solo "Jesus Christ in the Orient" will be the subject of Dr. Charles...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

… ESTABLISHED .1890 Jr 'Ar 4hr A& Ar --AL :43 at I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS _.r ... ,.,....o VOLT XXXVI. No. 95 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS APPOVALON NEW ADMISSION BLANK LITTLE STATES NECESSITY OF "HUlAN UNDERSTANDING" OF STUDELNTS AIMS ARE LISTED Registrar Smith Says That New Blank Wi11 Furnish Students With "Personal Consideration" With certain changes the blank which has ...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SU"NDAY , JANUARY 10.:1 Named Premier EN6INEERS iIL CLASSIY FL Fresiiun. I'(mlliftee Aind -O -iar: Office W111l 1istribiaite r:a1es WILL ISSUE BULLETIN El (;tiofl of[5ccr11(r r-c. l t( coul in the Cleeo E neiga: Architecture wl e eldFeb. 6 a 8, it was annoiinced yesterday in t office of the socretary. The bomrs for cla scsificatifen will from 1:30 to 5:30) o'cl c k S turd. Feb. 6 and fromn 8 to 12 and 1:20 3:30 o'cloc...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…PAGN TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1926 PAQZ TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 192~ if __ _ . ..,. _ _ s , . L _T' I liii 4 RO ',' '. .. YOUCA G-T HOSE 1111 1111 SIZE u - ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "II 1111 A M~t .Seco - ud Ii' q1 g r f i { 4 i 4; k x '} ml U I AT 'i BOOK SHOP EVERYTHING IN BOOKS 1 IIIIIIIIp F - 11 II iJ I I I YA iWW l 1 rrr. rwrrw rrmiriiw r r A …

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…JANt-.'AR, i M If)20 THIE MICH111GAN DAILY PAGE THREE JANUAflY 10, 1~I26 'THE MJCH~IGAN DAJIiY PAGE ~HRE~ ]Anglican Church ' k Names American' FM FflO !i ii t~'" 7 ii SH IBLET32 Indiany As Deacon 4 -_,._._. -. L .,,h,.4..1yy,1LAla,1~ge _6 III CONDUCTl VAST SURVEYJ Annonpcnentof appointments to the efitl i tbfa~l1usiness maa- ,igeri-ij of the? freshman handbook was mlade es erdiay by Frederick Shilltio;,'27, mranaging editor of th...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…FlNSD I 'IlUA ATOIZ to i In liotographer States That,_ Mj a~ry Hoped 'to I verOld Pan Of (arthage r~r).~T'v-c'T''h ~m A~TT~C ..iliel TIATv C 1TCT-T.N DfALE.Y A -T -,-p + a au irit% **j &%-j A.j-4- L bl" £ 5. £1 Y AI & "atLJ.!iZ! 2 THlE THEATER Today-Screen ade-"The Man on the Box," aturing Sidney Chaplin. estic - "Irish Luck," with homas Meighan. lrth-"That Royle Girl," fea- ring Carol Dempster. i i i i Lights Installed On Library .Fi...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…. . PAGE MtR " THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 10. P<AGD~ FOtflI ~' SUNDAY, ~'JANUARY 10. 5' 4';4 4 ; ' p. 4'j 4i Published every morning except Menday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. M1rbe#r, pf Western Conference Editorial Assoiation. The Associatd Press is exclusively en- Aitled to the use for republication of all news credited in this diteper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entere...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

….., .. , PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WTEDNESDAY, FEI3VRUARY 10, 192G Published every morning except Monday d ring the University year bysthe Bsoard in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Corderence Editorial Association. i oe Associated Press is exclusively en- tit ld to th, use for republication of all news diap aches credited to it or not otherwise c. d in this paper andthe local news pub- l,;io,,,a oerin. red at the ...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 81) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 1926 rI. AHAPTERS TO ATTENDBANQUET "Position And Influence Of Sorority Women In World" To Be Subject Of Address. INVITE DELEGATES s THE MICHIGAN DAILY i7' N. f ff 17 mll", , mum & Q p (''' !1 "The Position.and Influence of So- rorities inithe World" will be tixe sub-' ject of the main address to be given by Miss Helen C. Bowers of the De-! troit Free Press at the annual Pan- Hellenic banquet at 6 o'clock tomor- row n...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, FEBIRUARY 10, 1926 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE, FII r PAGE 1~'T 0 ...... .......... I ,, ............ ---------- I I P / URGE SUPPORT OF LEAGUECAMPAGN President Little Urges Student Sup- port; Alumni have Contributed 90 Per Cent CANVASS THIS WEEK President Clarence C. Little in urg- ing support of the life membership drive for the Women's league building stated, "Upperclassmen should have developed an unselfish loyalty to t...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 81) • Page Image 6

…six THE MICHIGAN', ARY. 10. 1!72'6) ,.- ...: °dbitYa, c x--'.- % 11 Neill E ' , stl r p 4 n .arrow y,......v.. .....w...,, s i ,r a .K -Ilk l . ,- . ;-T' WOmLi1 tI W ilull -ril'IST P ems. "a .i kv - 1, 1 ON i 4A 'A E rib. 5hi .1r.r ' LF':kAT AM lie ... -. v . =T_... r: i ^ s . .!' . d'Y aG a ,TOIIHO'' rl1,**O*W.. Night I I V fl I L L J I i . , ] r; Zais 'r, Inck na, second; T [ rj hr ' .vl wo by una P aA 9 1I1fj I(;1S...…

January 10, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

…I PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DvvMTLY AVI )\I; DAY, FEBRUA Y10 , 1D26 4rNML , "Im ~ ha ,. , .. ..,,.....w 1/1 , 'i ! ., P.: s .... a '- EMoreThan 500 Trac U T. U L UUUCompete At A FJESH3IENITUST REPORT RCEYTIGAHTENS TA__ MIchigan And WiSconIi1 S'are irs t All freshmen are to report toI Phite; 111 idiana n01 11o State Follow FOUR GAMES SATURDAY W. L. Pct. Ill;igan.........3 1 .50 Wisconsin ....... 1 .750 Indiana .........4 2 .667 ...…

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