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January 10, 1924 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-10

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fit 191,~ i al ito stopping at a crossing by speed-
, 41ing in front of him. Many citiesk
_________________ -have posted signs: "Courtesyr Will
'1 CIA L NWSPAPER OFU THE Prevent Accid nts." To get a great
UMilVERI~i TY OF MTIG 'AN deal of ibeneiit, however, the courtesy.r
imust be nmutual : all must cooper ate
ublished every morning except Monday Tis is even more eaiyatandi
ng the Uiversity year by the Board in esa tandi
trol of Student Publications. a city the size of Ann Arbor than in
[ember, ,s of Western Conference r EditorialS somle of the larger places where it. has
ociation._______ already been urged with success.
___ ___-- IThe number of people who casually'
"li Asseci; led Press is exclusiz ly en- -
d to the ut1e for repuiblication of all newM vi"Iit the 'University each year would
atChles crc-,Ii,:d to it or not otherwlAise
(itcd ill this Pap)er anti the local ncegs Pub- undoubtedy be surpr~l1 iling-if it werej
dj there n-_ ._ known. M1ost of these conie unofficial-
ntered at the potoffice at Ann Arbor, ly anid their. knowledge of the insti-
higan, as secrond clams matter. Special rate itutioni]S gained ofte'n only by an in-t
t o51ta e ,agranted y '1 hadAssistprit ,1:sst-
stet :ienral..=p(~ctiofl of the buildings and a walk
7 - s Ann Arzi b cr re, $3.o;nby maall ounTAd the campus. If they note these
An x lorPres Biling Ma Ilitt le courtesies being extended to l
3 Shreet.
Phr.Ais : 1Mitorial, 24¢1 and - 76-M ; Busi- ;thiemw and. to others they are sure to
s, y'____________ go awaoywith a very' favorable im-
>i n'1 comnn~ifiC.;tiofls, not exceedinlg 300pession of the Unriversity. Such things
ia., wIll l,v publi hd in The Daily. at gnrlywihmr hn.bidns
'is' retion of the E1dit. r. Up~on request, 1geeal eg or hnbidns
i-ent ty of communicants will be re- size Or any or the other things often
_____- --~---boasted of.

oaSTEo RouLtf


Diaries and Desk Calendars


THEtDITr, The Purdue Exponent){
We read' "$500,000" to be spent on
' We have now gotten out this col- annual Junior Prom at the University I
umn 76 times during the current aca-' of Wisconsin," Again we read, "Col-



demic year. We are sick of it.
It has been our policy (althoughI
policy is a word we detest) to fill this]
'colyum with wet stuff by Cowles
rather than with wet stufft by other'
people. We are now convinced that
this policy has been a wrong one, and
intend to print contributions in the
following interesting and novel man-
The. few contributions we have re-
ceived this year have all been either
goo.], fair, or rotten. Not a startling

lege life is four years of glorious
c'ub life," and yet again ce read
"Bright college days often mean loss
'of life's best chance of success an d
darker days of disappointment later,"!
and "Hlad Lincoln gone'to college you
never would have heard of him.",_




'! '


Ei tlO RAT, STAFF i, _4 classifacation, you say-and yet a sci- II
NES'S A.01) iIUM)I
To'ule'aoltc=s, 2111 and 176-M T~dcae fbte oralism lentific one, Well-what we purpose,
------- ipreclude the use of any material to do is to print:1
rrA1 AGING EDlIO j wbicli plays up the misfortunes of 1. The good contributions,
HARR D. C1EYcertain persons:, to satisfy the morbid 2. The rotten contributions.
'w~r........Jla E. M'a~k 1 curiosity of newspaper readers. Col- 3. Stuff by J. Cowles-as much as
iC~a jnd himn.. C. Moria--y/ we Feel like and need.1
lege jouzrnalismr has this policy as its a
Night LI~trs IIhs anrwesalavi!h
H AieA. . Combechief aim anal metropolitan papers, 1 EAi.Crnai n ti a n r w h l v i h
A. b1,!inten ,. 1E. I'e 1 of the best kind endeavor to keep business of having to pound out whole
rry C. Ciaric J. G;. carliughouse leicounafref sensational oym when pudn out whole col-
N.t.es ..n W.s.ssbl. yums is the last thing on earth we
ots t'iditor.........RlJt . yr sada sposbl.feel like doing. Furthermnore, this
leraph_1, .......... R. B, 'C1i:Iar The Daily had followed this policy '
lIa ,a azir e Editor.....F. L. Triden i in the part. It has done its best todeiemypsonfrashtwil
ns ( Ihdio.........Ruth A 11owell
,sia;'t Cit ;y t it" r..kcnneth C. Cil.,rI give to its readers all the newsthiniabeslnsswhveft
is Etorial Board whether local, national 'or' interim-tireeping o'er our spirit beginning
1i. i tinRlrtaiaytoawhc wolkepte in with the very first colynin we printed.
_And:rev 'roppr I fr wed ichewogene p cntionsniof The new regime will officially coin-
r. rlcce R .Me~ii thes day hut it has carefully, refrained' mence on Sunday-this Sunday. Very
1, 'Skna .C. }a lltms fo etuigs aa short stories dealing with nothing at
den 1r I~ouver oran taltmsfo etrigsad.al ons ele eteacdnso
Glnr ott ute Rgin a Rihmconcerning any person whether con- al ous elsleteacdnso
W. D;,i s W . It.fS-1c(.Man !nected wt teUnvrit r'nt type occurring in the ,Daily and else-
'rol 11r~cl. R S to _ I whetheaUniversityaceoredlwit
;. Fin"er~e K.:". yer' Action of the University disciplinewhr-l wilb acetd ih
roW. 11 ri, S.J Taeefr committee has no place in the news thnk ilyouehaeanyfriedsotha
~~w~h Krn~~~u W. J. WtAtcoe~r columns of The Daily. yutikwl eal owiego
!alCOh I ieberm anSana stuff, egg them on or send ifs their
--- - -----_ iThe alleged University scna
!~U1I~SS TAF whch pperedin Deroi nes-Inames and addresses. Or if you have
,3elepione 960 ;paper of yesterday morning may or friend otinkrelh ey aroegfunthbu
Imay not have been .true. No state- aei elt eysikegte
BUiSINESS MANAGER ment has been issued by any of the on too.
LAURENCE H. FAVROT University officials or by any of that. *
ivi sig............E L. I~nreprincipals concerdned which wol d'c Oh ye: -one more thing. We shall
ivt.aising................ i rdy satisfactorily verify the story. Thoe make no distinction betwengo n
't;1 ii ,1g . . . ....«,.. . W. "Scr saeetofteDtot ael bad contributions when they appear in
, ;,,....................A.S.Mat eeint feredan trunusuaeron1thethe col. Part of the fun for the clien-
ccouaetas... .....,. . . . . . r S. WHayd e vei frd a u us a fo to h
if(A)....... ,..1 erreN1.Henere art of The Daily to cover up the j tele will be in guessing what category
A asistanta matter involved. This statement isi h tf eog n
%.Cmbell - Pv.r, -e enke not true. The Daily printed only f~act,
has Camin N. 1E. Hlelanid
.,vn C -nlin laroid A. Mrarks were true, according to the best in-' Ypsilanti with a duke that owns -a
Dasp M. Dexter h. M, ;trockwel ;formation that could be had.patiersinaSubkr. e
JvaI Ajht1...Fillu-t i7f. . 1" se I - - l.parked in Ypsilanti, tle idea being to
aur;en lHaighit A. J. Seidman. I.,.,..... sit quietly in the car and inspect
E . Hale Wson ('ie White' some of the Ypst. bims-just because
R.. C WikisntC a ..it ';eas it was a sort of springy day.
- I ~Ago Mic iganWe sat there for a while, and pres-
- ently, heard female''voices buzzing
TIIUSPAYJANUARY 1, 1924.! along the trottoir behind us. We ad-
T- Fr a Pi Jfil " of 1h0, 1924. i j )stedl our cravats and looked at the
sIis of r-ROle L JNG ON - 19 , 1-- - l s uae~iwalk. W hen the persons had goneI
_- _-_-_-- - JU 3flTYb, ,we lookLed at each other and said
T~l B1J'E R ~l BIR - ITie following have been chosen as lIa Ha.
Some more came by pretty soon.
Poputlar conce-ption of the 'varsity judges for the Chicago debate: Ex- feI hyhdgn yw okda
and as an institution w:hich is a con1- pres dent Benjamin Harrison, of In- each .other, and threw interrogative
ans: d3rain u pon the treas.uries of, dianapolis, United States Circuit gances at each other, but said noth-
te_r unr iradua te and alumni or- Judge, William IHoward Taft of in-,
iniatins has resultedl from a mis-1 cinnati, Chancellor E. IftLean of the g hnsm oe aeb.We
u~tstrued notion of the wrk of the Uiest fNbakadUie these had gone, the duke that ownedj
ancl. state, Circuit, Judge John 11. Baker, a part interest in the Studebaker
lig9lli as has 'been the general in- of Goshen, Indiana. Either Alexan- turned on the ignition and started the
rt uthat group except as it con- der I-. Revell or Ferdinand W. Peck3 engine. Then he pushed in the clutch,
ibuts tothespirit and spectacle of, will pres ide:. These two gentlemen ple h er itofrt n ad
gridiironi battle, the band endeavors, are the donors of the p~rize. 11 "We must have been sitting in the

If we are' educating students to in- j
dulge in orgies of spending, to regard
Clroesus as a patron saint; to disre-
gard the restrictions of propriety and
right living; to exist only for parties
atnd pleasure, to enjoy the social life
of attendants at a royal court, or to
live in the joyous night for the sake
of extravagant pleasures, excitement,
the rush and whirl of the dance, jazz,!
wine, elopment-truly, if all. ,theso
things are true then the nation is
going to the devil, and the millions
which are appropriated annually for
institutions of higher education, for
the training of youth, for the devel-
opment of a more intelligent, public
spirited citizenship, are wasted as seed
on the rock~.
If those who, perpetrate these at-
tacks cannot see the benefits _nor the
advantages of colleges and their train-
ing, perhaps they might benefit by at-
tending, to find out what they are like.
Or perhaps an inquiry into the reason~s
why the national government has a
bureau of education, why it appropri-
ates money for the maintenance of in-
stitutions of higher learning, why the
Morrill act exists, why education is
respected at all, will serve to temper
their falsifications, or make them re-S
strain the damaging pen, which seeks,
evidently, to tear down what money,
time, and real thought has built up
for centuries-a cultured and educa-
tional backbone for this nation of
If all the accusations are true. then
the fault is not with the colleges-it
is with the mass of Americans who
send their children to American col-
leges-they are making the mistake.
If, they areso blind 1as to see the
future generation mnade into a pamp-
ered, sickly lot, they are the ones
who, Are committing the greatest
crime. If the colleges are Hotbeds of
sedition-then, evidently our, outstand-
ing Americans are consenting_ to have
their children educated 'in such places.
Then where is the national. spirit?
Where is) the hope for the future?
Where is the blame for the forcasted
downfal? Is it with the greatest
Americans of today.
The damning publicity. we readt is
'either true, and if so,' should b~e di-

Limiteds: 0 a. m., 9:10 a in and
every two hours to 9:10 p. in.
Express: 7 a. in., 8.a, im. and every
two hours to 8 p. mn.
Locals: 7 a. in., 8:55 a. in. and?
every two hours. to 8:56 p. mn.,
11 p. im. To Ypsilanti only, 11:4(;
p. mn., 12:25 a. m. and 1:15 a. m.
ILimiteds: 8:47 a. mn. and every two
.hours to 8:47 p. mn.
Express (making local stops) : 9:
a.. m. and every two hours to 9:591
p. in.
Locals: 7:50 a. mn.,12:11) a.tn.

Read the Want Ads

- I


" ~-
D alts a





"OR Better Eoods

,20) 21 22 23 24 25 2(6
27 28 29 30 3l1.

tin, 1 r ti
t '?ri .";.
[}}{' r
l3 4

T uttle',s °Lunch Room
338 Maynard St. South of Majestic


I '

_. .

617 Packard St.

I'llone 1I: 7


{(Wbere 1). IT. It. Stopos at Statg)

Central i ieae (:low TI ,e)
LeveChatreiber f Commerce
Week Days Sur-, ys1
6:45 a. m. 6 '4 tit,. r!n.
12:45 P. m. 6:45 P~. m.
'AS. H.IELLIOTT, Proprietr<
Phone 926-M Adrian, Mc.
Ti~ckets, Travelers Checks, Letieirm rejof nQ
Ist insurance. etc. Passiport, vika:. tc)raetcr
papers, readmission affidavits, etc. informaton.
Li. Europe, Orient, Cruise.,, Twsetr
Ounr legaired papers briny; aeletlves arnd rfrfirlnd
tU S. from forigri countries. I NSURAtiNC E.* !
hinds, 13* ml ( u's. for your btsiness, thonw~, it,('1
E. G. KUEBLER, 601 E. 4{H'ti? Ga1
Phone 1384 ANN Affla lt, roc".I
4A number of trees to Le. rc'
moved from the campus, wi l ,
fbe given free upon applica)"
Lion' to ,lBuildings -aid
Grounds Dept--Good for
~fireplace logs. See M..
--l ims'II Yi4d i]S~~ 4 illl%

li oe e Grocery

~I~ w Thompson and Mayna.rd
- .- Oen unda y s and -Evenings
y , :. -for
Canne ~~oos, and those little dainties
if ,>. f,,_ 3 cr C/-nnot find what y~ou want
TheeC lieg

rected to the roots of the
the heart of the thinking
else it Is ridiculous.
We are much inclined to

nationi, or
class it as


.., t




to miaintain itself throuigh several an-'

negro quarter all this time."I

nuail erfcrinances before the campus Professor Albert Jones is addingI***
pubr c andl other ciie.:In spite of its new laurels to his already great name' It is at just about this point in the
Effrts hwevrthee s rguarl aand honor to Ann Arbor. i3s tour is eecl that we get tired of composing, it.
lrge deficit after one or tw&, trips :quite extensive, thus bringing the Probably (and this is not false mod-,
acco n pja nying '\th e football team have Cniversity School of M u s ic to th e , at- I esty like the b iu os use w h en they saybe n i al . O e N y to ns r th t n i n of a a g e u m r of p p e. A w I c 't d ce nd I i 't o d
clea:,rng up ef such financi-alplight., is Wednesdlay last hie played to an en- I looking) probably our clientele' has
throughri outside ail!. Thie other is in thuslastic audience in Baltin-ore, then I got tired of-it sonic pages back. At
studen t support of the Band Bounce foanwd concerts at Williamusport an this point we, say to ourself gosh two
v hichi is held at Bill auditorium to- Allentown, Pa. pages to go and then go out and smoke
r i~l t.a cigarette. And while a cigarette is
Thi . arnnua3l fun ction i: an afrair The H-onorable Burke Cochran has soothing to the jolly old nerves and.
1- iimfull of entc>r tainment and clever Isaiiled for America and will arrivec in all that sort of thing, it simply does
ae ni,xan is 'the one oppaortunity,'n.ew York this week. ArrangementsC not give birth to ideas, great or small.'
dven Iket band to del: its services to are being miade for his appearance: Which puts it into our head that if'-
the student bodxy. Tag (lays am'e, look-' here later in the year and March " o have friends that write poetry
d upo with more disdain by the; will probably be fixed upon. they don't think is funny but is, or
rminagement of time band than those' Irs hy o' hn s un u s
-Nho ar e constantly asked to give., Tbh fresrHmer nmet yesterday andprsthydnthiksfuybti,
Theefoe yu ae rmined hatthead.,ted, crimson andl white as their egg THEM on, too.
greater the success achieved by the class colors. The following class yellShrLiefAdso
itounce tonight, the fewer times will. '-twas selected:ors ddi
i. be necetaay to approach the camp- I R~ackety, Hackety! AtteIg o w'husgdi
uwihtetnuce.I- Zip! Bah! Roo'. son's face assumed a set melan-
I Michigan! Michigan!' choly expression which remained
- Naughty Two! there until he died.
( uiJs 3r @T rAIV At &I-ne.age}"o«.,one.,,year. ne e

Racial Death
France is confronted with a grave
problem. A more real peril than the
possibility of another attack by Ger-
many is the peril of a stationary or
declining population. Prior. to 1870
the annual birthrate of France was
1,000,000. Statistics made public by,
the Minister of the Interior for --the '
year 1923 show that the proportion of
births to marriages was 166 to 100.
"Should this proportion continue,"
the report .goes on to say, "the popula-
tion of France, now approximately,
39,000,000 will have sunk to 35,000,000
by 1940. By '1950 it would be about
31,000,000, and 25,000,000 in 1965, and
by the year 2000 it Is possible to prove
mathematically that France will have'
ceased to exist." Frenchmen who
look ten, twenty or thirty years tow-,
ard the future are much concerned.'
The Bok Award
The text of the winning plan under
the Bok award has at last made its
appearance. Leaving the origin, meth-
od, and, purpose of the award to a!
later time, Snmythe 'turns to the planI
itself. There seem to be many mnis-
understandings as regards this plain.
In the first place, the plan is not the
product of twenty odd thousand minds

, t =_',C. Yom-' w:5.' r' A".1. £d''ifdi rdct: i' ::2. 'G.',YS[G4L Z' .;


5, /pt ) y , .,, sue, q,,,
1 k '

? ),tWinte

1, , , i ...y+ ' .
y +{' ?
A Tt 1 y".. } ± .t i

, .
a '
u ;3
' ;

,'a'JF' . ''4 ' ,: a3""r ..-r.-: Orr i- r^txl.: + ^r".-r T ^ - 1 1' C
. l l 4 r.i , i 3 i }?'yr 1 pa c . . .:.ly kl.>fr {
' , 4 $1 fuS S '0.5r"0.S P! ' 1h y" 'YL 4a rtl /} x
the values'',




Cortesy is one of those small in-
vesuietstha1t pays big dividendU.
Czn universi ty campus it is especial-,
IV de irable because there is constant
(')ac etwveen comparatively small.
vroup s. Courtesy has been called the'-
oil on the whce-s of human sinter-J ,
('our>; . It is needed in just this $unc-
t ionr in college life.
Althougi oe of them do not seem I
te kniow it, freshlmen are expected to
]-'I d doors when followed by upper-;

A large number of students had
been counting on a tip to Detroit to
see the popular new play of Edmond
Rostand, "Cyrano ue IBergerac,"'
played by,,Richard Mansfield. Word
however has been recevied that not
even standing room can be promised
so it is not likely that the several
conteinplated theatre parties will ma-
Dr. G. Carl tuber, of the University,

fused to use a teething ring until
the bells were removed. No non-
sense about that boy!
At the age of two, he said :
'Mother are you ever overwhelm-
ed with a sense of your own
identity ?"
After being educated at Oxford
and keeping his mouth shut dur-
ing the entire period of his resi-
dence there, he journeyed to
Egypt, where he took the inea-
suireinents of one of the pyramids,
and then returned home.
He never used these measure-

One lot of Women''
Suede, Patent and Kaid
Punips, $9, $10 and sit1
values go at-

One lot of Women,' s-
$8 anl '-A 0 tOxfords$9.65
and Tun :'..; i Sain mand.-
Kid, bgv us t
$~3.5 j2~i7' leal I3ar-


Scotch Grain Oxfords
in hieavy effects, $9 an(!
$8.50 valules, now-


working in common for the best Ye-'
stbut a single plan selected, it is
announced, from that great numnber.
It is, therefore, simply an expression
of the, judgment of seven persons
-whose personal opinions and actii- I
ties. in relation to public policies are
well known. Further, it is well known
that in most cases these judges were;
supporters of the proposal that the
United States should beconme a nmem-
her of the League of Nations.
This committee now offers a plans
4to thc. cnanlQ o*do Utp l gtc.A tfctcwin

Women's Kid asst' Pat-
ent Strap Slippers aind
Pumps, $7 and $ 7.50
values, now omnly-

0XOi S~N
and PCpT 1r~e
$2 N.65



Me' -SmoothLTeather
Oxf ords, Brwn - or
J .ac,$3 aatnd$7.50 vat-

Cne lot of Men's
fords and Shoes,


Oasmuem. It is also ,a marks of polite- I was recently elected as one of the coi-
1 ess for upperciasonten to do this for laborators of the Journal of Coer-!
1uc Zry enan vis;itois, and should parativ~ Neuirology, the leading peni-
~r 1,e, omitted1. The sidewalks; odical ip this diepartm,,nt of scientific
rund thCe c amipus are as wide as it literature.
I , piact7cia to la.y them but rush hours ;____ ____

$6 .6


inen ts
Somre years later lie died.



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