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January 10, 1924 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-10

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JANUARY 10, 1924

Secrcetry Of Commerce Speaks On
Country's Need Of "Long
View Policies"

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by the Building and Ground. WVill Star End Or
ent and a rail closing the
ar space will be constructed TennaeCal

Washington, D. C., Jan. 9.-Form-
ulation of far seeing national policies
in transportation was declared the
first fundamental of the country's
whole economic future by Herbert C.
Hoover, secretary of Commerce, yes-
terday morning before ,the National
Transportation conference at the
Willard hotel.
Conditions which now hinder the
best functioning of transportation
agencies may be improved by the
adaption of definite policies, is Mr.
Hoover's view. He particularly re-
ferred -to the institution of shipper's
and railway manager's conferences
to promote the efficient handling of
goods; the expansion of terminal fa-
cilities in regards to distribution and
collection; the consolidation of the.
railwsys into larger systems; and the
betterment of the machinery for the
solution of labor difficulties. Under
the last, the secretary suggested re-'
organization of the Railway Labor
Board to include independent persons
who would represent the public in-
Mr. Hoover also pointed out the
advantages of accepting a compre-
lhensive national plan of inland water-
way development in substitution for;
the present hit or miss activities. The .
development of the St. Lawrence I
water ,ay would be included in this
plan. In speaking on the advisibil-
ity of government ownership he fav-
ored the present system of privat s
control, with fedleral .eulation ofi
rates. It is his belief that private3
ownership is essential to secure the I
driving force of individual initiativeI
In efficency and development.'
Pr'in(Pfo eT n A'_h rni91+n Th

All the furnitu. "entracts for theI
new Model high school and the Engi-
neering shops have been let to the
On account of the completion of the Building and Grounds department
new engineering shops the rooms which is doing the construction and
formerly occupied in the Chemistry outfitting work in their own shops.
building by the department of chemi- This is a feature of the department
cal engineering have been vacated and that is not generally realized upon the
the department has been moved to the campus. The work that the shops of
new building. The rooms thus vacated the department are doing in this line
in the Chemistry buildings are being enab:es the buildings to be equipped
remodelled and up-to-date equipment with furniture at more reasonable ex-
for work in chemistry is being in- penditure than if the contracts were
stalled. to be let to regular furniture manu-.
Several rooms are also to be turnede facturing concerns.
over to the Pharmacy department and The equipping of these buildigs
they are now being remodelled, paint- means that the department will furn-?
ed, and new fixtures are being install- ish all seats, desks, tables, cabinets'
ed throughout. This procedure ar- and other miscellaneous furnitureI
r anges things so that more room .which will be made to meet the es-I
obtained for the chemistry department pedal needs of the rooms and the de-
and is also of advantage to the Pharm- mands of the department of the Uni-
acy. department. The Building and versity occupying the rooms.I
Grounds department is doing the en-
tire work and is also constructing Due to the new buildings that have
whatever new furniture is to be in- been constructed upon the campus
stalled in the rooms outside, of course, the old main trunk line sewer that
of scientific and experimental equip- formerly accommodated the Univer-

The Signals Now?

Walter Camps All-American football chosen by the American conference
team of 1922 while playing at Prince- of faculties of pharmacy colleges. Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-
ton. Gray, who is the son of the presi- This conference has in its membership' .he'pii, Accounting, Secretarial
dent of the Union Pacific railroad, nowj a select group of colleges of phar- 8 Training
is a freshman in Nebraska university macy. N IW TERM-JAN. l4THf
medical school. almllil oif BUsiness College
Washington, Jan. 9.-The senate - t - nd - am
Tuesday enacted the first major item
of legislation of the new session when-
WILLitpassed a bill creating a bureau of
civil aeronautics in the commerce de- BOARD
ihpartment. itout Breakfast)
-- It's true efficiency to use lDaily FOUR DOLLARS
1Five at osiuig tefrtClassifieds.--Adv. ii4 EA .T'' A'SINGTO.N
preliminary of the freshman vaudeville ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "____
tournament to be held under the aus- Patronize The Daily Advertisers.
pices of the Freshman Activities com-
nittee will be presented at 7:30 -
o'clock Tuesday night in the Assemb-
ly hall of the Union. The bill will
consist of dancing and singing acts
and playlets.
Three of the five acts will be select- s e;)1-
ed by Mimes judges to enter in the
finals of the tournament to be held
February 19. The second preliminary
will be held Jan. 23 at which time an- May be found for your valuable docu-
other three acts will be selected, the
six acts being entered in the finals. ments by using our Safety Deposit Vault.
The final six acts will be given in
the Mimes theatre and a silver cup The service will please you.
presented to the act selected as the
winner by Mimes judges.
Washington Dean Farmers & Mechanics Bank
Visits Ann Arbor 101-105 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE
C. W. Johnson, dean of the college
of pharmacy of the University of
Washington, Seattle, arrived in AnnI
Arbor yesterday afternoon on his way
to Buffalo, N. Y., where he is going
to act on a committee which is to makeI evd
a survey of pharmacy in this bountry.
IDean Johnson while in this city is T h f" o lda uet f ary . ol. isil
a guest of Harry N. Cole. He will
be entertained at a luncheon to be
given this noon at the Union by mem- yours t W Or xvit
bers of the faculty of the college of
The committee which is to meet in -not just one corner of it, but the whole
'3uffalo to prepare for the pharmaceu- length and breadth is within your range
tical survey is one which has been of influence when you -choose Insurance

Every effort is being made by the
Building and Grounds department to
curtail heat losses which were re-
ported during the last cold spell. All
-buildings on the campus are being in-
I spected for ill-fitting doors And win-
dows,otsd transoms, in tact any
outlet through which heat might es-
cape, in the effort to locate the means
by which so much of the heat is being
In conjunction with this work a
general report is being made of thc
state of the window shades in the
The parking space that is. directly}
in front of the Union on the opposite
side of the street will be closed tel
the public ikermanently some timeI
next week. The reserved spaceiis at i
the corner of South University and!
State streets and due to the fact that
the- street car line swings over te
parallel the edge of the campus theE
corner has always been regarded as
dangerous and this danger was aug-
mented by the parking of cars in this
space. The cars obstructed the view
of motorists who were on South Uni-
versity from seeing traffic on State
Iron piping has been placed on the

sty buildings is being enlarged. The
pipes are on the ground and the line
will extend to a point almost in front
of the Library.:
The new sewer will be large enough
to accommodate whatever future
building expansion is accomplished.
Action authorizing the University
to proceed with contracts for the con-
struction of the new Medical building !nba
istrative board yesterday. The gov-
ernor general is now authorized to
honor all vouchers for the completion
of the building within the limits of
the balance of $189,766 remaining in K...
this year's appropriaton.
Progreess on the building is pro-
ceeding rapidly as the weather so far:
has been favorable to construction.!
workb Extreme precautions have been '
taken to guard against cold weatherN.
Facilities were installed during De- )rss 1ewee1a ( rrd and howard
cember for cement mixing during cold y
weather. He has never danced and doesn't
j- I know "how to; nor will be ever learn,
Brick has now been laid on twc he says. ut Miss Deweenta Conrad
sides of the new literary bui ding, the one of the most graceful and enthus-
back and the north end and the stone fastic dancers in Nebraska, society,
facing has been started on the front and leader in the younger social set of
- - --Omaha, is going to marry Howard
Patronize The Daily Advertisers. Gray, who won a place as end on

"c on, , an. v.-rne resignation
of William Roper as coach of the .
Princeton University football team,
effective at the end of the 1924 sea-
son, was announced here today.' i
It's true effeiency to use DailyI

Will Improve the Action
of Any
"The Ink That Made
The Fountain Pen Possible"

as a calling.
For insurance-Fire, Marine and Casual-
ty-touches upon every phase of business,
is an essential part of the most vital activ-
ities of commerce and industry.
As the Oldest American Fire and Ma-
rine Insurance Company, so greatly respon-
sible for the present dignity and prestige of
the insurance profession, the Insurance
Company of North America urges college
men to give to this worthy calling the
consideration that is its due.
Insurance Company of
North America
and the
Indemnity Insurance Company of North America
write practically every form of insurance except life

7'iy One

Get your danc-
ing Oxfords of
us now. Our
price is $6.50.

:' i,x. -

We have some
very pretty sil-
ver slippers. We
can fit you.



Try. One
- 4








709 N. University



' Tlking

shoes for men and
High-tops, packs, moc-

We're having real reduced prices on all Shoes and Oxfords
for a few days only-so better come down and get a pair
of real good shoes or oxfords at reduced prices.




casin pack shoes, Munson Army
lasts, in heavy and light weights.
A good line of dependable shoes
for men and boys.

Ziefle & Nissle
4 Doors South of Liberty Street-On Main



Forthat 8:45
sprint against time

Iil /

Blanket patterns in

plaids, stripes, etc. Plain colors
and 0. D. khaki, also. Corduroy
anal Mackinaw shirts.



*i , ,, ...1 iJ

ABIG night and an early morn-
ing class. Hard lines-but a
Rubberset Shaving Brush can
help 2 ways:
It whips up a generous lather
-fast. It works the lather deep
dlown to the roots of every hkiir
--holds each erect so tha iazor
can't miss it.
That's speed. That's comfort.
No waste time. No raw, sensil.
tive face.
Gripped in rubber-
What's more, time is friendly
to a Rubberset Brush. Each
bristle is gripped everlastingly in
hard rubber-none can come out,
mix'with the lather and spoil
your shave.
Every Rubberset Brush is guar-
anteed -- unconditionally. The
bristlesstayin. Each makes good
-or we do.
Be sure of a cool, comfortable
shave.., at double quick speed.
Get a Rubberset today at any shop
on the campus. Made by Rubber-


Brushed wool, in plain co'ors
and combinations, heavy rugged
sweaters for outdoor wear, close
knits for indoors. A complete

The greatest of all winter sports!
You need certain equipment. We
have it. Skating Shoes for men and
women, skating hose, blanket pat-
terns in shirts-al lwool, warm jer-
seys, sweaters, leather jackets for
men and women,glo oves, etc. Our
prices are lower.



Your suit, after White Swan cleans it.
Note how clean the lining is. How
new the fabric looks. It's absolutely
clean. It can't be otherwise by our

Driving gloves-knit lined-very
warm and also low priced. Now
is the time you need them be-
fore the real cold Weather sets

Blanke t s !

Sheepskins, sheeplined vests,
corduroy coats, leather jackets
for men and women. O'Coats for
""en ant women.

Steamer rugs and auto robes. Also
O.D. wool army blankets." We have
replenished our stock and have a
selection that will delight you. Tie
prices are, of course, reasonable.

Telephone 165


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