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January 10, 1926 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-10

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Registrar Smith Says That New Blank
Wi11 Furnish Students With
"Personal Consideration"
With certain changes the blank
which has been prepared for use by
students entering the University next
fall, was approved at the joint meet-
ing of the University committee on
admission and the high school prin-
cipal's committee on college entrance
requirements, meeting on Jan. 30, at
the Union. To discuss further Presi-
dent Clarence Cook Little's plan for
"humanizing" education, the two com-
mittees will hold a second joint meec-
ing here next Saturday.
President Little, who was invited
to tell the state's educators of his
views on the matter, of college en-
trance requirements, said "the Uni-
versity can do little by itself in car-
ing satisfactorily for the problems
arising from the admission of high
school graduates to the University.
In order to fulfill the sole object
of the existence of any educational
institution," which the President de-
fined as the attempt to increase the
efficiency and intelligence, and
through them, the happiness, of its
students, "cooperation of the high
schools of the state is necessary," he
said. This involves the shifting of
emphasis from the arrangement of
academic curricula to the human un-
derstanding of the students them-
selves, Dr. Little pointed out. It is
the point of view of the student which
concerns the University and the high
schools alike, in his opinion.
Prof. W. A. Frayer of the, history
department has been appointed to
study the feasibility of instituting
"freshman week" here in the fall,
when in accordance with the plan
suggested previously by President
Little, special effort might be made
to acquaint first year students with
problems they will face in the Uni-
The process of bringing the high
school student to the University, his
life, here, and the final transition to
his affiliation as an alumnus, was
likened to a railroad system. It
might be considered, the President
suggested, that in arranging for the
progress of the student from the high
school to the University, the commit-
tee is laying the first section of track
for the railroad, with the point of high
school graduation as one iterminal
and admission to college as the next.
Giving statistics on the number of
students invited to leave the Univer-
sity after their first semester, Regis-
trar Ira M. Smith, chairman of the
committee, said that as he viewed it,
the trouble was not with the high
schools, 'but with the University and
its manner of treating high school
graduates after their arrival here. He
emphasized the point that the new
admission blank form was designed
to give istudents aid particularly after
they are admitted,-to furnish "per-
sonal consideration which hitherto
has been lacking."
The registrar also called attention
to the fact that the new entrance
blank is not intended to serve as a
substitute for the recommendation
which high school principals are ask-
ed to give entering students, but
rather to supplement the recommend-
ation and to provide University of-
ficers with infofmation helpful to
them after the student has been ad-

In a formal statement of the pur-
pose of the new admission blank form,
which is to be incorporated in the!
printed form on recommendation of
the principals, it was pointed out that
the blank was prepared with threeE
aims in view: first to stimulate pros-
pective students to think carefully
about their college plans; second to
acquaint parents and teachers withI
problems confronting students in the y
transition from high school to col-
lege; and third, to secure as far in
advance as possible, such information
as will enable University officials to'
advise students concerning the various
Problems cf University courses.
PARIS.- The International League
of Aviators was established officially
with a banquet attended by 500 air-
?1. hr

I 1 - - - -- _ - I1 A A Ui

reoruary issue u
Will Appear 0
Decked in a Valentine cover, and
filled with quips regarding the J-Hopl
and other timely events, the February
issue of Gargoyle, campus,humor pub-
lication, will be placed on sale on thej
campus and at the bookstores this
Chief among the prose contents of?
the issue is a one-act play, entitled
"Just the J-Hop," the author of which
desires to remain unknown. The il-
lustration is by Walter Everett, '26,1
and shows the entrance to Waterman
gymnasium on the night of the party.I
Among the art features of the month
are a full-page cartoon, entitled "The
Little Garg," by Maurice Lichtenstein,

)1" Gargoyle
On Campus Today
-'28, and "Keeping His Prom-miss,"
drawn by Robert Newton, '29.
, Editorially, Gargoyle laments the
persistent truth that, year by year, the
J-op loses more and more of its
prestige as one of the chief social
events on the college calendar. Lack
of enthusiasm for the Hop, it de-
clares, may quite probably be due to;
circumstances arising out of the pres-
ent-day conditions of its organization
and conduct. Among other reasons,
Gargoyle suggests party politics,
"pulling the strings for Hloli bids,"I
numerous and explicit regulations for
conduct, and growth of the Hop be-
yond the limits of the facilities of
Waterman gymnasium -

Rosolution Suggests That President
Call Operators And Miners
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-President
Coolidge was requested today by the
Senate to intercede in the anthracite
controversy, but there was no indi-
cation at the White Ilouse, that heI
would depart from his policy of non-
On behalf of. President Coolidge, it
was stated that he did not see that 1
the Senate's action had changed the
situation, but that the resolution of'


Number Of New
Students 566,
Figures Show
New students enrolling for the sec-
ond semester totalled 566 at the clos-
ing of the recorder's office last night,
according to a report issued by Reg-
istrar Ira M. Smith. He explained,
however, that several of these repre-
sent transfers from one school to an-
other, especially those from under-
graduate to graduate departments.
The enrollment of new students in the
graduate school was 195.
Mr. Smith quoted figures from a re-
cent survey made by the School and
Society magazine, which show that
Michigan's enrollment of 9,422 regu-
lar full time students placed it in
fifth place in rank of the nation's
universities, while a record consider-
ing all students, in summer school
and extension courses in addition to
the regular full time work, placed
Michigan in ninth place with 12,181.
In regular enrollment, the University
of California led all others with 16,294,
with Columbia second, having a count
of 11,727. The record of all resident
students, however, with summer, part
time, and extension courses, placed
Columbia first with 29,071, and Cali-
'o rrin d onr ith 24 924_

t _ I

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Attacks Germany




Pictures From "Stepping Stones," Six
Vaudeville Acts, To Run Tonight,
Tomorrow and Friday
Films showing the dances i4 "Step-
ping Stones," with Roy Hoyer andl
Dorothy and Fred Stone, and six actsI
of vaudeville, will be presented at
8:15 o'clock tonight ,Thursday, and
Friday in the Mimes theater. The
pictures, which were made at the ex-
pense of Fred Stone for his own use,
will be given their only public show-
ing here.
In addition, the movies taken back
stage when the Union opera, "Tam-1
bourine," was being given in Detroit,
and when the Mimes presented Dor-
othy Stone with her pin, will be
shown. An Aesop's Fable will com-
plete the motion picture part of the'
program. A special orchestra under
the direction of Milton Peterson, '28L,
will play selections from "Stepping
Stones" during the showing of the
Of special interest in the second
part of the program will be a two-
piano recital givem by Frederick Lewis
and Andrew Haigh, both of whom are
Ann Arbor musicians. Other acts in-
lude a ventriloquistic presentation
by Frederick Shott; "Broomsticks" by
'George Colburn, '28E; an ecentric
dance by Thomas Dougall, '28; banjo
selections by Robert Moore, '26; and
a Marimbaphone performance by,
Stewart Churchill, '28.
ll seats are reservcd and uniform-
Alsasaereevdaduiom1ly priced at 50 cents. Tickets are 'on
sale in the bookstores, or may be se-
cured at the box office of the Mimest
theater on the days of the perform-

FoundatIon To Present Autographed
Portrait Of Wilhelmina
To Michigan
Prof. A. J. Barnouw of Columbia
university, representing the Nether-
lands-Anmerican Foundation, is to givej
the main address at the Dutch pre-
sentation convocation to be held at
4 o'clock Saturday in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium. At this time Jonk-
leer A. D. C. de Graeff, Dutch minis-
ter to the United States, will present
to the University an autographed por-
trait of Queen Wilhelmina of Holland.
President Clarence Cook Little is to
make the speech of acceptance for
the University. Hon. G. J. Diekema,
former congressman, will introducej
the speakers.{
The Netherlands-American Founda-
tion is organized to promote interest
in Dutch history and literature in this
country. The president of the Ameri-
can branch is Edward W. Bok, former-j
ly editor of the Ladies Home Jour-
nal and creator of the $100,000 peacer
award in 1923. Mr. Bok was invited
to speak here, but was unable to be
The first scholarship offered by the
foundation was a $1,000 award made
to Dr. Albert Hyma, '15, who is now
an instructor in the history depart-
ment here. Dr. Hyma was enabled
by this scholarship to study in seven
different European countries, and as u
result, has written "The Christain
Renaissance," a history of the awak-
ening of the Church preceding the
reformation. It is in recognition of
this work and of the part the Univer-
sity has taken in furthering the studyI
of Dutch history that the Queen has
sent the portrait.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-Senators
who voted against American entryf
into the World court held a confer-
ence late today to lay preliminary
plank for the campaign they are to

request was entitled to, and would re- 101'1 aj1iLa 4q,1 O
I The average increase for all the
ceive, consideration. It was added, 184 universities considered was seven
however, that it was only an expres- per cent. The University of Illiois
sion: of opinion by the Senate not showed the greatest increase-approx-
binding upon the President. imately 10 per cent.
Also, it was stated that if the chief
executive had known of any way to Illinois Funds
end the anthracite suspension, he f .
would have acted long ago. He has , vissing Sm al
come to the conclusion, however, that I
for the government to intercede in the IMust Explain
situation might serve only to aggra-
vate matters. ----
The Senate resolution offered on j (By Associated Press)
Feb. 3, by Senator Copeland, Demo- SPRINGFIELD, Ill., Feb. 9.-Thej
crat, New York, was adopted 55-21, I Illinois Supreme court for the second
after the Senate twice had refused to !
consider it, once by a vote of 48 to 28, time today decided that Gov. Len
and again by a vote of 43 to 38. Small must render an accounting for1
Republican stalwarts joined withi| more than $1,000,000 in interest money
the Democrats and Republican insur- 1 the state claims he collected while
gents as well as with New England state treasurer.
supporters of the resolution after hav- The court today denied rehearing on
ing twice voted against considering it. the suit brought by the state, which
Twenty-six Republicans, 28 Demo- i had been asked for by the governor.
crats and the one Farm Labor senator As a result of the action today, some
voted in the affirmitive and 19 Repub- authorities believe ouster proceedings
licans and twa Democrats voted a possibility for the future, although
against it. they agreed that they were prema-
The Senate resolution merely re- ture now.
quests the President to call the opera- Governor Small's attorneys main-
tors and miners to the White House Jtined there is no grounds for im-j
in an effort to get then together on peachment proceedings. Through his
a settlement. Before it was adopted, 1lawyers the governor himself issued
it was amended at the suggestion of a statement denying that he had with-
Senator Reed, Republican, Pennsyl- held any money from the state while
vania, so that the President would act j serving as state treasurer.
at such time as he thinks best. While reaffirming its original opin-
Senator Reed described the resole- ion, the Supreme court held Gover-
tion as a "bread pill" for the disease nor Small accountable for interest on
that is eating out the vitals of north- $30,000,000 on loans and re-loans al-
eastern Pennsylvania. Senator Borah, Ileged withdrawn from the state treas-
Republican, Idaho, declared it would ury while ie was state treasurer in
amount to nothing and added that, in- (1918 and 1919.
.. ..-.' I


Benito Mussolini
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Feb. 9.-There has been
no lessening in the belief by some
portions of the public and among
some of the newspapers, that the at-
tack upon Germany by Premier Mus-
solini of Italy, came at .unfortunate
time. It is considered by the news-
papers as particulary unfortunate
because of Germany's announced in-
tention to seek membership in the
League of Nations.
Advices from Vienna indicate much
agitation, particularly in Tyrol, over
the situation.


New Ruling Of Dean Bates Abolishes
Roll Call; Policy Applies
To All Classes
Compulsory attendance in the class-
es of the Law School is no longer in
force, according to an announcement
made yesterday by Deltn Henry M.
Bates, of the Law school. Roll call
will not be taken in class beginning
with the present semester, the matter
of attendance being left to the stu-
Heretofore 15 cuts have been allow-
ed each student during the semester
and roll call has been taken in all
sections. Under the new system cuts
are done away with. Thus much
clerical work will be eliminated and
greater freedom allowed the student.

Smoot Confident That Other Sections
Pending CanI Be Settled
Before Friday
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-Th'e way
was cleared tonight for the early pas-
sage of the tax reduction bill, the
Senate reaching an agreement for a
vote to be taken tomorrow Afternoon
on the provision repealing the in-
' heritance taxes.
A decision on this question will dis-
pose of another controversial item in
the bill and Chairman Smoot of the
finance committee, was confident to-
I night that the score of other pending
amendments could be disposed of by
Thursday or Friday.
Passage of the bill this week will
assure tax reduction by March 15,
when first income tax installments are
due. The bill now provides for say-
ings in $219,000,000 in personal in-
come taxes alone, with the reduction
applicable on incomes of 1925 on
which taxes are payable this year.
The vote on the inheritance tax
was put off until tomorrow after seven
hours of debate today, which revealed
considerable difference of opinion on
the proposed repeal. Party lines again
were split with Democrats actually
leading the fight for repeal while "in-
surgent" members of both parties dis-
agreed with the action of the finance
committee in recommending repeal.
The exchange between Senator Con-
zens, Republican, Michigan, and Cpair-
man Smoot which occurred last night
over an alleged violation of an agree-
ment had an echo when Senator
Blease, Democrat, South Carolina, in-
sisted on objecting to entering into an
agreement to vote tomorrow on the in-
heritance tax.
"I don't want any other senator
cheated of time in which to speak as
was Senator Couzens yesterday," Sen-
ator Blease declared. Upon assurance
of Senator Couzens that he approved
the agreement, Senator Blease with-
drew his objection.
Debate today centered entirely on
the proposal to repeal the inheritance
levy which the House has voted to re-
tain with reduced rate and with a
provision increasing from 25 to 80
per cent the credit to be allowed for
payments ot state inheritance taxes.
Declaring: the inheritance field
should be left entirely to states and
that terms of the House bill consti-
a. - ..n..; +~of nnly 9ilx~2

stead of shifting the responsibility,
the Senate should invite the miners
and operators to confer with a Senate,
"What is the difference between
our meeting them and the President'
meeting' them?" Senator Borah asked.
"One has just as much power as the
other and if it is a mere matter of
moral influence, let us exert our moral
influence and see whether we can
bring about that which we .know the
President cannot bring about."

Lecture Of

Milwaukee Chemist Gives
Of Leather In'dustry

Describing the fundamental steps I
involved in the, processes used by
modern tanneries, Dr. John A. Wil-
son, chief chemist of the Gallun and
Sons company of Milwaukee, gave his
audience a view of leather manufac-
ture as seen by the scientist in his
address yesterday afternoon in the
Natural Science building. The sub-
ject was "The Chemistry of Leather
The essential processes involved in1
making leather are the same today asI
they were 5,000 years ago, said the
chemist, in opening the lecture, which
was illustrated by lantern slides.
After the hides have been cured by a
salt process, they were first ridded
of the hair and its complementary
flesh layer. Then, following a treat-
ment with a pancrean substance, the
older method of tanning called for an
infusion of the hide with a liquor ob-
tamed from the bark of trees. The
tanned leather is then fitted for manu-
facturing purposes by softening with
a water-oil emulsion and by color- E
ing with a suitable pigment.
Thirty years ago a new method of
tanning was introduced which used
chromic sulphate instead of the oak
and hemlock bark. The leather thus
produced was found to be superior to
the vegetable tanned leather in some
respects, but also proved less com-
fortable to the wearer when used in
the manufacture of shoe uppers, on
account of being very susceptible to
the heat and moisture. Because of
this peculiarity, shoeefactories almost
universally use vegetable tanned
leather for uppers and chrome leath-

conduct to get this country out ofi
that tribunal. !Navy Cross To Be
The conference was called by Chair- Given Capt.Fred
man Borah of the foreign relations
committee, who, in an address at Chi-
cago on Washington's birthday, will (By Associated Press)
speak against the court to the great- WASHINGTON, Feb. 9.-The Navy
est audience he has ever addressed. crFss will be pinned upon the breast
His speech will be broadcast by radio of Capt. George Fried, of the steam-
over the entire country. ship President Roosevelt in Carnegie
hall, New York city, on the night of
'- Fe -2 .L0i~~ f

Garber, Ga, iow A t
Toledo University
J. Ottis Garber, '23, former instruc-!
tor in political science, is now at To-
ledo university as an instructor in
iunicipal government and American
While an instructor at Michiganj
Mr. Garber made an extensive study
of the use of the recall of public
officials in American cities.
All second. semester fresh-
men wishing to enter the annualj
competition for staff positions
on The Daily will report prompt-
ly at 4 o'clock Friday, Feb. 12,
in the outer offices of the Press
At this time the work will be
explained, names of freshmen

XC . 6 .
Secretary Wilbur will personally
make the award at a reception and
concert under the auspices of the
Navy and Marine Memorial associa-
tion, given for Captain Fried and his
crew in tribute to their thrilling res-
cue of the seamen from the British
steamer Antinoe.
State Will Hear
Miners, Operators
(By Associated Press)
HARRISBURG, Pa., Feb. 9.--The
State House of Representatives today
adopted a resolution calling for a
joint session of the Senate and the
House at 2 o'clock next Tuesday to
hear representatives of anthracite
miners and operators in an effort to!
ascertain what action may be taken
to end the coal strike. Tlie resolu-
tion was sent to the Senate for con-

Tme new policy applies to every class tuted a confession that onluy uper
(ev-J -I WaJve,~- in the Law school, freshman, junior, cent of the revenue from this source
Sevee C ld aveand senior.. is needed, Senator Simmons, North
Grils All Sweden "While the new ruling may seem a Carolina, ralking Democrat on the
radical departure from the present finance committee, led the fight for
procedure, it is in accord with the the committee amendment.
(By Associated Press) ;general policy of the Law school, that Senator Lenroot, Republican, Wis-
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 9.-All Sweden of putting the work on a graduate cousin, described the tax as "the fair.
is in the grip of a cold wave of un- basis and allowing greater independ- est and least burdensome ever levied"
usual severity even for this northern once to the student . in his work," and predicted that if the federal levy
country. A record cold of 63 below stated Grover C. Grismnore, secretary. was repealed that, within ten years,
zero is reported from Bastutraesk, in "Harvard's law school has long held states also would repeal their inh ri-
Lapland. this policy. Of course sections will tance taxes "to keep up with Florida
In the southern province of Skaane be assigned as usual." and Alabama.
it has been necessary to dig several Dean Bates said that the ruling was
trains out of snow drifts. The steam- E put in force somewhat on trial and
ers between Stockholm and Abo, Fin- that it was expected to be found prac-
land, are maintaining service with I{tical.
great difficulty, aided by ice breakers. When questioned on the new plan!eM yN Hr
law students expressed practically IKRII 31
120 Miles unanimous approval of the new policy
F sb,2i flsand expected that it would be a dis-
tI improvement over the former (By Associated Press)
I system. BALTI1lO RE, Feb. 9.-Dr. Raymond
(By Associated Press) Pearson, fo.'mer president of 'Iowa
(ByAssCan Colle e .state college, has accepted the pros-
MONTEVIIDEO, Uruguay, Feb. 9.- m c dency of the university of Maryland,
Commander Franco arrived at Mdonte- Students Have No it became known here today afterna
video at 7:25 o'clock tonight on his i b meeting of the Board of Regents of
flight from Rio de Janeiro. He hopped Af -Veiklejo hn Maryland university.
off from Rio at 7:21 o'clock this morn- ;__ Dr. Pearson's resignation from Iowa
ing. The distance between the two " State college, which he has headed
points is about 1,200 miles. =t oltegeot wi serc sinco 1912, was announced yesterday.
America to the extent which America AtteUies T fMrln ew
_________________At the University of Maryland he will
understands its aims," declared Dr. succeed Dr. Albert F. Woods, who has
ormer O o S ar Alexander Meiklejohn, former presi- resigned to accept a post in the fed-
Dies Of Pneumonia dent of Amherst college, who. was oral department of agriculture.
.asked to resign from that imstitution Dr. Woods will complete the present
(i ; school term at the University of Mary-
(By Associa-d lrress) because of his liberal views on educa- I land and Dr. Pearson will take a va-
AMES, Iowa, Feb. 9.--Frak It. Wil- tional matters, in a recent speech. I
,nn r t e f C ac a il d c to ," h ad I . ni cation abroad lbefore the fall term. -
laman, brother of Coach Sam Willa- "We don't know why we want an
man and for four years freshman foot- education," he sagtt "In Farland,
ball coach and director of intramural France, and Germany, children are
athletics at Iowa State college died trained toward the national destiies.
of pneumonia today. He was a former In America we have used all our en-
Ohio football star. orgies in growimig, and have not (he- ~ C
cided upon what we will do when we
grow rup.
Propose Bill For "we are trying to piece together the Senior members of al law fraterni
Purchase Of Coatl parts oftour picture. We are not old ties will hear President Clarence Cook
a enough to have organized our world." ILittle and Dean Henry M. Bates of


i I

the La~w school a t a banquet to beri

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