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January 10, 1926 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1926-01-10

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I I V fl I L L J I i . , ] r; Zais 'r, Inck na, second; T [
rj hr ' .vl wo by una P aA 9 1I1fj I(;1Shiga ", S.? . iif( . IiVi}cZtigl ,seconid; Tli P 'ess Box
Fou iird n eZ12r i iiina ird. 150)yard lback
>____1 It. wn yHa llsted. Michigan;{
TA EW T RP L ,1- lyr aia, c (ond; J. Halsted,~ By Jacques 0'(1rady
- iina,(ioaiid 100 yard cdash,:;ea--Xvrags 'The loss of Coach Cappon as La fie1f-
Bloomingtonarnall, ,iJan. Team Averages 160 Founds Ili Wighther of the, football staff next fall will
gan '. ait Swimmin, ng., eam eas1'1 ilz ,y i0;,sco in-1 Indiana, third. And Five Fect ItInches14i be keenly felt when the gridiron can-!
defe: ated nd in hereta ( <a F1,nc1(vdiva, wcn by arrisonl, Mich- In Height dilates assemble next September.,.
score. The Wolverines were superior ia ai't , ! :dley r celand ; MeblW L L AD n
in ever :y event, winning iothi relays, Idun, hrd ideycav "'' MCO N L E DSSUA capp1ie," liimsYelf a great player
wa tter polo arid taking first place r .. polosu":aIesn1Sh,2 dX2:, provedn, . to beas1
in eve'ry individual event. £Iri.VDni, ye, Samsonch Mather's Wolverine five will gr, tcah seilzn 111 dClelo1J.
A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ,nqu"agef- Imetws haJ Daai' D~, yDun ain Cac gui 5; 1Zi~
_ hnoue ngl of he llee wa talt! 4, 1 Dunkin;{}ameet the strong basketball team of inig endfs. Cappllon played tac.kle,
no on wimr atre or ha 1a, forwards Kidd, the University. of Iowa in the secondl ' ' tt~1,ikintre ers n
one first place, though every member MeILen, ;P yr; guards, Mller, Boyer,l -asthus exceptYioxnarly qalified int
of Michigan,'s free style relay team 1. Za _sr , o:.'4 , ZisW . Goals Conference game on the Michigan coachinl the ends and backs !it of-
sc e c dE: c intaking'a first l schedule at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow L ensIve Band defensive llay.
pli~ia,1i~e ,Sano,4 anli lacec in an individuals event or swim-1 4, Cow i 1. Indiana, 0. I night in Yost field house.
ing on the winning medley relay i x- a aryioaho tellaky Tad Wieinan, Varsity linle coach,
teami besides playing onl the victorious i laetamhsawysetrdaandI assistant director of 1nrcolg
k 01 1 {l 1 3tazn onteScaysoquartetwaleofam IZJS dangerous team in the Conference fate athletics, issued the followingi
nwn ol th rely qurtetalsoswam- race aMC has had unusual success in statements yesterday:!
free :-tyle onl the medley relay, whileteIresao gmsthsya. or
Batter(, who followed Samson in the lNiIAE-I1ie. Suzanne Lenglen, corn-a Damte, who has been running rampant 13 ichigai feels an especial pridej
fre ~ tyle event was the backstroke ! pletely recoveredl from her slight ill-, on the basketball floors this year, was in Franklin C., Cappon. As ta tr
entry in the medley relay. Darnal;ness, will resume her tennis when, only able to annex a 17-16 victory overl dent, athlete, coach and man lie
the third mian onl the relay squad won1 paired with Jacques Brugnon, she en- tIoagretin Bry'sqd a lasrpeetdthhiet
the 5 0 yaIrd dashl, while Capt. Jack tors the Imperial Club tournament h'olds a 19-16 win over the powerfull type ofi' 3icliigan tradition. Hie hias
Co )w w ;as first in the 100 yard free, here. She will not play in the singles. M arquette five, Qa erimanenit place it the affection
stleE The Iowa team is a light, speedy of all is associates here. W6e_ will
In the 200 yardl breast stroke, Whit- !11A:M':T; iG.-IHu1ert Houben, Gcr-! combination, averging 160 p~ounds in miss him treriiendouasly--bIoth as a.
t.ingham nI Iosced out his teammaate mnyscham~pion sprinter, sailed forI weight. .jCoach and a friend-bout we rejoice
ShIorr in a rather slow contest with ,Amer- ica on the Deutschland to coin-,TeI wee sal aeatl ihhn ntemre eonto
illier of Iiniana placing third. tai- ipete in a series of indoor meets in ranE'3- 0!:21, tmIil this year is no e- cepl)- h has earned anid we are conifidenit
Secr took one of Indiana's three see- Which hie will race ag ainzst some of the ioheargeetofhe sua i i hliir ta ut h
ends, when hie placed second to Isar- best American runners. ! e1ing five feet eleven inches. faith that has been placed in hi in."
nail in the 30 yard free style, Cap- ati eonl h uirlae
thCapain c Indiana' juioothere
ta ^iI(ow 1 wa s tid Jnin' te IOWA CITY, Ia.-The University cf of the Iowa City team, proved to be " A long with Cappon goes Harold!I
second places came in the 150 yard Iowa has been awarded the first an-1al usadn trls esnad~ tee ~rlisol aea da
1 ct- ck an facy ive Roer ual hammioshi swmmig met f 1ha;s been a p wer onl the defense inii associate for Cappon', being the same.
l'aced sIe ond_ to Robert Halsted in, the Iowa High School. Athletic asso- the ganies prayed this season. Ir it of conscientious, haird-working
th baksrkzvn.hl art ito.Gog a Duesoigaeo man. In his work as freshman line l
was rl~ secondto Harisona in the fancy; -the, t In, all~lHarrison, Iowa has two cac1ls allecerydnosrt
(ilving. oth1 of these events itere sSTLUS ahigo nvr- fo}''rwards that have been a soulrc.e. of1cahls alh lal eosrt
won < bnecomers to the Varsity .shy has dropped baseball as a M is- worry to all teams. Rallnh Iogan,edi.abitas cchswlls
squ adi, IHr ,rIon being a junior who soi'i Valley conference sport for 1926, p 1laying his second year' of cotupeti- p!yr.
wsnot out for swimming last sea- Director of Athletics V. P. Edmunds It ion, is pairedI with McConnell at ; cogauaebt-e u
son, wi 1( le i ised is a product of the has aniiouncedl. Washington is the I guard. "Skimmer" Miller, a new v 6'e oe th"lan hal t e t elb
19 28; yearling t eaml. John Ilalsted, an fifth conference school to drop the na- man on the squadl this seacsonr, is a!
"AMA" mn las<t season, was lisqiiali- tional pastime. tall 5pee4fY player and fits wefll Into, ,IslIite Uneriy(Iasspo
1e in the bc k t o ke. __________.______ _'t eIonia cohibination at center. secur0ing Uiten of tilnv r i e.4,6 1) Iaberaof Cpn
Dunlakinnd.u amson afinishe d.first EIHUSSEl.b.-The coindition of Car-J 1, ad teet ak hreo
and seond i h 1 0 yand i-ace in a! dinal Mercier, who underwent an CHICAGO.-Armrhr oa e otal}orm,
hair bre.adth', finlish'. Shorrr, swvimmningj operation last week, continues sta- states that Joe Stecher is to meet -
breast str°oke(, . s "the third mian on ionary, feebleness persisting in spite !Lewis in a 'championship wrestling The athletic office gave. no indica- I
the medley trio whc took that, of normal temperature. nmatch. tion as to who would be considered
evenit fro n the Hioosier, swimm ers.
{A layr er ldthe watr polo te am I
to an e as;y Ii-0 winl over the}J(,) HoosierN 0
po]ei.s with .six goals to hi cedi.x
S1 msc n1was second high scorer with -i
fou. F
lu I]n~iamic-F+ree style relay, wont
by 1, Icig a_1 (Sam'son, Batter, Darnall,! A Complete Line of Canadian Auto Skates g
<tm 'o 0 .I(Ibc toe We doo Skate.Sharpening. Expert Workmanship.
Wa. h' \ 1Diinghaln, M a;Sliorr,-
Micia,1 se,:condl; 1Miller Indian,, i
thi 'd 0 y r la;sh, vwon b 'y D-rnall1 ",
r 711 N. Unliversit y .Ave . Next to Arcade Theatre
- ti- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


have joined the Northern Intercolleg-(r
Court Squad 31inuas Ifaggerty_ Ranks iate Hockey Association which this d
Low Iii Nmer. Of Veteran i week began the work of developinga
Point, Scorers j a. better brand of ama'teur hockey l
through standardization of rules, sel-,v
ection of committees and officials and ii
ILLII R TAIN STA S ageneral campaign to enlarge the i
1 ~scope of the organization so as to takee
y(By Associated Press) in manzy more institutions before the i
While Michigan entered the Western' opening of the first playing season a
Conference basketball season without year from now.
(def eat in three, preliminary' games, a The new league which aims to put 1f
record duplicated only by Purdue, the college hockey on aw par with the bestb
W'olverines. have' not received, from:'amateur efforts in the country ant4i i
the team of a year ago nearly the which seeks representation in United
scoring strength that most of the States Olympic tryouts had its or-h
other schools of the Conference re-; ganization meeting in this city at the 1
tained.j call of Emil Iverson, &oach of thea
Michigan lost its leading threat in I University of Minnesota "hockey team.s
the gradluation of Haggrtcald l e has been named secretary and
Dr. Meanwell of Wisconsin one of theytesrr
outstanding players of the last three1 The colleges which have entered toa
yea rs. Thius far none of the men date are University. of Minnesota, Un-
seeingplaes n te tam as is-iversity of Wisconsin, University ofo
played his uncanny 'eye for the basket.E Michigan, University of Notre Dame,2
I't ieo(h 9 e h cr University of North Dakota, Marquettec
ed a year ago are on the squads trying Uierit, Michigan gr f iulturalhol j
for this year's Big Ten teams. Of Iee iciaVoleeo ins ot
this number Illinois has seven, Michi- Dakota -Agricultural College, Mar- I
gan, Indiana, and Minnesota six, Iowa j quette Normal School, St. Thomas
and Purdue five, Chicago and North-! College, Cairleton College, St. Olaf Col-1b
western four and Ohio and Wisconsin! lege, St. John's College, MacAlest- 1
three. The Michigan scorers in ordererClgeadte vethxd H-
are Chambers,. Doyle, Cherry, Line, bing junior colleges.
Ginn, and WV. Kuenzel. Their total ?Fr heeDvs ockey
1With the construction of hce
score was 133, while Haggerty alone i rinks in other large colleges such as't
had an even 100.' - University of Chicago, Northwestern
?University and the University of Illin-f
as Cappon's successor, but it is pr oba- ois, these and others ,are' expected,
able that a longt list of possible choic- to join the association before next sea-'
es will be gone over very carefully, son. The game is witnessing ,a tre-
beoeayanucmn ilb mendous growth in popularity in this
miade. section and many small colleges are
adding the sport to their curriculum.
The first Davis Cup challenge for!l In order to take care of the increase!
19,26 came to the United States Lawn in growth of the league, as well as h'
Trennis association in a communica- disparity in sizes of the colleges rep-,
tion from the Swiss association, fil- resented and strength and age of
ing apmplicationi to play in the Euro- i teams, three divisions have been
peans zone ties, of next summer. i formed, the first or senior classes in-I

_.. _.

eluding the large colleges and uniiver-
sities, such, as the first six or sevien
named above. The second or junior
division will include the state colleges
and normal schools. Colleges estab-,
shing the ice sport ifor the first time
will be placid in the third crass, which.
is known as the novice division until
such time as they may have develop-
eel sufficiently -to ask advancement
into the other divisions.
Importanty Rule Changes
Printed rule books have been _sent
free to colleges and even high. schools,
both insidei and outside the league, in
order to standardize the playing regu-
ations in all institutions where a
hockey team is established. This has
been found necessary, owing to the
wide divergence in rules' the new
sport has had in different sections.'
The changes of most importance
which are embiodied in the collegiate
association rules are the absolute pro--
hibiting: of body checking by players
outside the. goal area or space within
24 feet of each goal, also a. ban on
checking into the side boards at all
times, this calling for a five-minute
penalty. A player may kick from be-
hind him, up to, his stick, but may ;not
pass the puck on by kicking or play
any puck kicked by .another -.player'
before that player has touched it with
his stick. These rules are' intended
greatly to spee4t up the play and make
for cleaner and more. interesting
games. A two-man, defense i s adhered
to strictly by leagu~e colleges, three
men never being allowed back .on de-
fense .while. their side is attacking the
oppornents'. goal. .
Second semester freshmen and
Isophomores wishing to .try out
% 'for assistant intramural mnanag-
er should, report at once to the
I'ntramural .office.


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long single breast-
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