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January 10, 1925 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1-10-1925

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. .. --

IN EA Y lh fraternity foul shooting oun
Champion 1Ie-ins4 Title in Mediocre anent:(lt viibe run on a. different
Bout; Challenger Forces balstis this year thban heretofore. The
Fight lobject will bec to bring the fraternli-
"-"'" ties into a closer contact in this sport;



lIby Schedule Camuie 1it411
(ollegs 0oSakilut,
Salt trdaty.

pi 1.,

WYP~1 ia, 11 ui0s)hard, and Brooker,
Htle o C on(tch lFarl-'el Iil
Good (011(01 jell.

a ll

6,000 SEE IBOT

crnd 10 stimulate a greater interest in

the touananieut.
By Jamtres 'Yotng rC'he tou .'ament will he cond~ucted
Detroit, .Tafi. 9.-H-arry Greg re- one night only, so that the entire
tained the middleweight champion- gymnasium will be available. Each
slhip of the world by outpointing Bob house will be given a designated time
Sage of Detroit in their 10 round bout I'n hichto.sotain l h
fraternitijes tog~ether like this ona
here tonih. In no rundIL wasth single night wil tend to add to the
champion in danger. The Detroit boy I Cntest more of the spirit of a social
carried1 the fight to Greb throughout.! gathering.
The champion refused to disclose Contrary to previous years each,
any 'of the tactics that stamp him as huecnetra ay~e ste
desire andl etch man will be allowedl
the leader or his class, andl the bout ten throws. ThIe scores or the five
was marked with mediocrity due1 'to b est men will be the total that will
the fact that Sage was unable to land count as the score of the house. The
a telling blo0w. I highest house;; will then he _given
That the champion was clearly mnas-_ another round in which to shoot, fol-
tcr of the situation was evidlent by his lowing exactly the same rules as when
crowing tactics A~ in the first fewI they shot in the first roundl. These
rounds, when he would slip entirely; two roun1ds will be totaled and thle
1hind the Detroit boy into clinches. house scoring the greatest number of
Both mien were in goodl condition, andI baskets ou t of t hese l1t0 shoots Xwil
left the ring unmarked. I rece~ive a (110 as Iinner.
tPhe nearest app~roach to a real fight Enttries should be sent into the in-
catmnt in the tenth roundl when Sage t i'i! fl 1office at onice so t hanI the
umade a last futile effort for a knock- Itulfe sciled icie can lbe drawn on im -
out. A capacity crowdl of 6,000 wit- 10mwliately. Thlie (late of the I ourn icai
nessed the fight and over 1,000 were andl the schedle will be announced
turned away iti the last minute rush sometime unext week.
for tickets.

N~ichigall's Varsity hockey cs As the first competition for the
took its second~ workout of the seas;on Michig-an track team is not scheduled
last nlight at Weinberg"s Col iselns , anut il February 28, when they journey ;
althlougrit the nuni her o01 men onmiu Ea todhamlinpaign, Illinois for the annual
was too large to permit oti any 1 i 1 i Illnois relays, thLe squad is not being
vidnal attention, the out look ior Othe rushed into conidition as early as
yeiar is not too gloomy. I s;ome of the ot her confterence schools
In spite of the fact that t he I o'a n; xv ho have meets scheduled for as early
lost several of its lhest men by gra-;ashle latter pai t of this month. All
nation andl several more by -inch;igJ-! t' ttbe nen have reported in good;
bility andl other causes, the :Ji i 1 y sica 1 condition and as the men'
for the 1,925 sextet is e'xI ('i Si VO 21 al e o .ced to keep training until the
appears to be o1 good calibier. niid lie of .1tune, Coach Farrell is, ,atis-
Coach lBarss annin-1a m inc( Is, ~lt heed to let the m~i round iut o shaped
that he intends to make his fir st size-'; slo wly, rather ial, rutn the risk of'
able cut in t.he squad t onsight. AlhoughIha vi ri some of his men tgoing stale.
the scheduile is niot yet in ktwV I. I lie L Jes \V ittimma, contfren ce champlion

Many Conference
Teams open 1925
Season Tonight
Al1iou ^h Itwo (Conf(iierncegame
bave anl rea dy ben played. NMintnesot a
c Iashinig wit iv Iowa at. Iowa city oil
Mcn day, and t he Purdue-Iowa flraca 5
Ia 4 nighlt. ton ight, will officiall y sr
in the 1927) Bid Ton h asketba:llrseason.
In the Woestern Conferenlce opecners.
WAisconsini is caird1ed a. priw favoritej
over M1i nesota wi xho tell lbefore the
Iowa quintet 27 to 19 on Alonday. The
B~adgers lhave a nlumber of vetoevans
iback from the t earn that last: year
fin msbed the season in a, trip1le tie jUl'
first p~lace with Illinois and Chicago.
The Gophers, however, have uncovered
a couple of real o ffensive players inl
iWolden, center, and Wlveeler. forward.
Captain Dunder's guarding is also not
to be under-rated.
Chicago and Illinois will meet in the
real battle of the evening when the
fighting II lilli stack Up against tile;
Windy city lads on the M~a roon court'.
Chicago andl Illinois fanls still hlave
the mfemlory of that 21 to 21 football
tie coupIledl withi last year's three ('01'-

Theta Delta Chi
Wins Mat Title

Strangler Lewis
Loses Wrestlinkg
Title To Novice

iihcta Declta. Chi won the interfra-_____
t, -itv xvi estlinr chmpionship by mssCto,,ln
N inning twVOout of three matches fei'nlwesigcox
from 'PhiNlet aDelta in the final round in r iwreearsing cro
of the tournament held in Waterman h veteran Ed "Strangle
gymnasimm last night, now be worn by a novice
Edward Solomon. '28, (defeated Dan- I He is Wayne "Big" Mi
nin, of the Phi B'eta-IDelta fraternity, !who, by his prodig;Iou
in thle lightweight class. Solomon11 strength, last night hi
w,,. .sawa irfed the (decision, having a fearfu~l headllocks of the
inint(e and five secondsls wivant age "Stranigler" Lewis, an(!
avrhs opponent.i into submission. Lewis

E9.--Tlhe pro-
Gtni, after rest -
ni the head or
er" Lewis, will
Iunn, a. youth,
ms5 1)ulk .andl
srew off the
le veteran art
crushed him
today, is in a,

In the 160 hound division Shafer, of
the Th eta Delta Chi fraterni ty, (iefeit-
ed Marcus, having three minutes and1
)' seconds adlvanta 'e.}
Goldstein won the unlimited c'assj
f'or t(lie Phi 'eta Delta frat ernity by
defeatinag Preston. Goldstein won the
(ecision with one minute and 55 sec-"
onds adlvant age over Preston.
Michigan Chosen
Fo0r 1925 Sucker

l ocal1 hospital suffering from injuries
to his back, a new experience for the
"Strangler" who in hris lonig mat car-
Secr,, has seriously huirt many 'oppon-
ents with his famous headIlock. A
giant hii statuire a nd strength, Munn,
despite his mneag'er wrestling strategy,
clearly Iltemonstrated his poxver over
the title holder, alth'otiAii a f~oci,,whichr
r esul (od in <a protest by Lewis' nmana-
ge r, in irrod th'e victory.
The champion ship clash witnessedl
by 17,000) howliing fah's, all of whom
seemed to lie partisans of the chal.-

is a t. possi)i liy (of a game xvihAs- in t he cetu ry in his sophlom ore year,; "
sumuptionl College of Sa rnia, O Lt *, for is working out danil y and reports Ila Iata
next Sat urday. Rcgaurdl e:;s01f .wheut her, the injury to) his leg which occureCd 11
this plart icula r date is filled, tihe open - early in practice last. year and which; p
ing «ame of th e season will not be' owal4 a >severe handicap to) himt all sea-! a
mlore'c ath Iwo) \veo1k5 Iiw:N', 5;1(1 it is, son, is comleltely healed. Wittman is t
ntecessary that the squOad take detUi lie !anl excep~tionailly last: starter and bar-j
form in thle short est possible time. 1cii ig injinmies should1( galther a numiber'a
Tlhe coach has ias Vet lbeen uiiable ofeints11inl the Shorter indoor (dashes. a
1(o give his men~l any i tistritiot 111il I Depiart 11lubbard, Coach Farrell's r
te'amwork. orindiuividuail po* ir.:,aiiC Olympic broad jmpni chiamvpion, i11- I
as his tune hats let'i occupiedl'wih tendls to mHake a supreme effoit to;i
lookingfy over the meni('l \Vha ~ve' re- break the world's recordl this year, in ;

The annual all-campus wrest]lin gl)portedCIwithLi e I 'w to I) Iin 1 11 IV ti. ISe vent.it,. 1sI I le cach s '. . u i ;
'meet will Ile held in Wa'.terman gyml- possiilt ies. A few nen wereO drop-. to cii c'. Ihim in only two events, thle
Nurmi Holds 1! 3 .pel"fe th fis r1eic s(<:o
niasiulm Jan. 13, 14, a5t> 1ale1hefri iit c esil dashes and t he broad jklimnp, in xvhicl
/ , 'f Thiere will be seven vei'ghrls, inst ea(l Thtr sdti y nighlt, }hit afterel triml t's lhewolf t wo)flrst Sill.theOit £(001' C(:0-)11
f 6/fSRecords ofthree as scheduld orCthe itci'- slash', the roster xill consist Of Onl y fe L'I'ii ec eet I 851 5linii . t
feteniy ee. h wigtswil ethle be st prosp~ects for the Varsity. Captinm,ances 'Brooker is also work-!
WhenrAtterniteyseasotget110 weightswayinlloubdailyand loks to be set for!j
WhnP1avo 'II'311, the great Finn '115, 125, 135, 1495, 158,,,175, and heavy- Afer thw e sea onge ilende iayngn xldlnyesn.II laephr
runner, (defeated Ji e Ray, the Amneri- 4,futereuioswlhei(lad1uxclntesn.H paedhid(
can trAck thetaeit.CoaesansWilliebeitallowede only ab)out 12 men will be retiino'd. illthie Olymnpic meet; last summier, and l
star a~d WilieRitoia, to Wrestlei in only one class. Thsplerwil1pi-ilroi ieixviou'otittebstpevutr
Finnish (list' .c flashi, in the Finnish-n. th 'thsplyrwil1 ikdirmteiswtlotdubtebstoe-atr;(
A ricnhla iwdyag. All contestants must weigh nin t.the Anrc gilshl .fe asao ot ,at hletes who are certainti0 tOforise ave~r to represent Michigan. lBrownell,
aiHYs field house any time biefore .
hle increased hils total of world's re- o lc. od in gamles, eil liii as first i iIiil.;erS 0 of of11 nolis. I hoioker's o)1( rival, is also t
cords totite.o'lc°ody, .Tan. 12. There xvill ~is
liehods~loie volds ars or h olyon xeihig noornlietheeonel wcaeiighing hvilnenshw-I 'foirsm the hithrseeftr n
Hehld inr w'ldsmak for a._ eea ae-lae iv hwc1fred lay off, tile to a sihonulder il-n-
internationaiiy recognized distancesl aso oleito.Tetm htinmg good forilat 1thexwinlg posit ions, 1jum -'vill the (millu(d0or1 eilsoli last yea1r.
than ally othlercompetitor. His out-' rsln ilsatwl eanu( and it is likely th at apair ci, muem i One o, t1heif(-al imres of 1 lie comingt
(oor rcrs efoi2,10; 2,000; ed at the time of weighing. c (apable of filling the shop.,-,of'the ;triack searoon is tlhc itset jug;(If Ohese
records are 1,500 1±'dwin Ackerly, of Cornell univer- saswog'~utdls erwl eiWlsas
3,00)0; 5,000; and 10,000 In'eters, and'tsaswo aIutdls clrwl e't ~ trr>
one, three, Tour, five, and six miles.I city, will referee all the bouts. Ack- uncovered. Rtcynolds, last year's reg-f to
His new indoor Mabrks the- fir'st he has erly is a former Olympic wrestling ular' center, will ilndouiht-(ly he in F(ai
ever made, are for 1,60,0 and 5,000; chaumlion,_ winning the 125 pound hliso01( place this year', as ht, is oilc i rty C.andidates
meters and onle mile,.ls hn .nebrofte12)oftIlehe hst (c1ent's in thie ('(10 t eci((. ( fI t'l I i, ~e n
Sie won fontr races in the Olympic Olympic team. (Captaini eter, nxvil iol dxx'm Incl ru'a or G 'ym e - it
'ganmles ieldi last summeiltr in Paris. He The length of thime bots in time prl-e-1§ thie deft nse psswhl .1,cih
is in hbetter condlition mow (tha'1he u1 'e wl efv in~e,811year's 501112 U, .nid tthe n C': wi' ma eniwillt fith}I)Ten Tic po clitii g r 1eg,1~riI
wslssmmr ditibeivdeight niinutes in the finals. To ea rmnvie. for 11w :ot her. The mat cria I fr i )actc" llo warid Pelvyeri,'2tilC;
that lhe will !hake record time for'a decision a 30 second advantage this positioni is rallier scar ceI 'ot er- - 'elcted capt ai ii, anmd IRichiard Se-hultz I
many mo (re of the indoor distances as will Ilie necessary in tihe preliminary inan and Levi being the only I rioli(ca('hiing, the gymnaiustic' team hiasre
soon as hi e ios better acquainted bouits, anid a 45 second adlvantage in 111011onl the list at pr'eent . (Goals} collie a rca lit y.
with indoor track work. ( the fina ls. In case of a draw twvo material is lentifl, 1.xwithii Weit ad (ft The squad has becen divided into two
two mlinuite ollits wxill 1)e wrest] ed lto the 1924 Varsity 811(1 seor'eiu ot1her i rou ps, qlemmeni a1'y aitilad va nced, 1aim1'
7 -(1 eterinine the winner. Th extra final exzcellent prospects onl hand].; each practice three times a wxeeki.
,F !:I ' )rfl*1('fE bouits, in c'ase of a (mia w, will b)e thbree The squadl will xwork out at 17 o'locki Coach Schiultz is enmiusiastic ovei ' tl Ie
I -m iniutes in length, every nighlt frmi noxx'onl. 5(iui~d and xwithm mole talented me-onu
A nmeeting '61' all men inter'- ;Intrmuiiral sweaters with niumerals .- ominoumitsmeeleishp
cidinfehe1(ingespeciadly Ior ' medals will lie awa rded toithe i Geneva,.fai. 9.- I olgi 1111i11ha"s]i' i't - i0.for recognit ion by thle athletic as-
1 he xvh lo . scred points in grinner01s. I tered lwithiithle L, .olste . t11 ,I ~at 1 i' w 1 n ocia lion, thereby getting contests wvith
has:year's toutrnament, will The freshman wrestling mleet is' ime in it ed Sta te". li t side schools1.
bjwe!tld 'at :3 o'clock, Saturday s(chedlul ed for Mamrch. Varsity ulinm- -- _____---
aa'lttrnfoon in my offices in orals will lbe awvardhed to the xvi- 'IhAV1YE YOU SCSRIBEI) Y'!1' l l'A'FRiONlIZEl)DAILY ADVEII'IISEiRS
Watermlan gymnasium. j nrs. lereshniem are eligible to coin- _
_________________________ Altlmihi thme basketball season has ...F I A T'1( H I
J starlet], the entry sheets for independ --
I ~ IAC N%)T~'Lent, class, church, society andi board---
- 1 imigchub basketball leagues are still'
I Candidates for tile Vairsit y 01(.Magesothetamsxo ? 1
tirack team may report any j ame not cut ered ori presidents of or ' ' - fo
jafternoon this Week 'at the j ganizat ions whichm expect to 11811 hi, Opn;
11,eld house. paite should signify their inteljit ion oft' 3i=aefs Closet/
A. V. Herrick ! .'ompeutinig within the next few (lays. AliDai
Manager Iala
____________________________ _______ Ent ries for' the annual all-campus Ofl
-- - -double and(1single hiandbhall toiurna- i7' :30 Suntdaya
ment are mnxv open. This tournanment
J All assistant track managel' ought to) Iprove inte reating as a xxeal1111 Dailp)
Itryouts report this afternoon or of meinaterial was unearthed in the ;-
any afternoon next week a,.t theI recent fi'aternity handball completiE - _
Yost field wmus.'to.Sm f h edr ffre
on oeo edr fA. V. IIERRSICK , years have beei unseatedl by fyeai'l2
I Manager. tu~gs and many upsets are expected in !_ 703 East University Ave. Phone 3093'-M =
thisourn ment.:111111111.______________________________________1i11111111111111this Itomirnament.111ii=

ered tie in t~i'he bske'tbIall 'ace
ad zest to I he str'uggle. ('oach IRu
iats had his Gager's going at a st,
pao'e all olnrimi the v'acatioll peri
ar1( 1-y hyshould lieat the iru'hest xill
Im cx' meet. the Maro'0(IS. 1Kassel:Ia
IlainiCs are sltoxxilg exo'eptioii cili
it, 1110 guard i'l L)01i)li s, whli'Si
and Ka rnes iiare fight ing il outtorI'
cenlter' hi('l'I. ('apdtainmMa uer a'
Bhi iei't y, 1)01th vete(rails (ft-last yea
fie iltk ar f;iefradI it ions. ChIicago is hioling its1 limle
;eem'ettint ilithe opl)libig wxhinstlhe.
Inl the other (on feremice .eli('oitii
Indianlaxvill muicet Olio St al' te t.'Color
homs. The Il owies and the leiuchey
tied xxit lcIPurui' la (st, 'useason for s'
c11(1 place u. mld so the conltest: shol
prove an11 icermestitig omneIro al st,
a. lmisi. ('amnoeronl, capitaini, has b(-
)Ial ing a ste rling gamle at guiard t
Oho( wil t1501hmwo a 1asnse-lec-tedas all-C'onifereie cc,'
01' oin several mytIhicaul teams , h
been1 shiowinig]mis regull ai' ('0 ro-m fai
na did no(t (ho So xxell dar'ing the1
cVtti101 p~erid, but ar'e con fiden t 1
they have at least f'oun d I l selye
Lii tm1's in the all -campuis xv est'li
touir'iament can 1)0 maode at thie utl
num>:Ll office, f'reshmman xv1restluing roo
or thme Y'ost field hounse. Thle I'l
tovernimig the compe~t ition are ont
Iim1101iii lboar1d in \XTatIInmuallgyu1n
To i ine foodb

es I-
aist t

H-om'ecomiing Gam'ne longer, developed the most tumnult-
'umrolls scene in the torbulent history of
I~bu t,,jai.91I'i scmmwxrestling here. tw miue
Ubnill., jn 9-fnscod;Tihe climax 'came aftei'womnue
Mic'i gan-Illinois football gauipe at HI'-I of xmestling for the second fall, when
balna mn as mola ly sulccessivx'e yeai's, xwilli j M omma~, twistimg l'ree from a headlock
riga in be a. lionieomn fi ' air. lifted' Lewis high in the air withm a
'F li'iiameevncbdd at-Iody and ct'ouch bold, aparently the
ft11,afera neyer, ape f oobalonly weap~on at his command and,
r'elations, o)cupiedI thoeli 1110' Illsitiolli walking to thie i'opes, hur'led time
on the Sucker's Sceidule in 19241xxith I j'Se ramgler"' outs'ide onto0 the uncovere(d
t he i'esult: tthat; the hInistoci mmwas 1)or1'ofttashellati.
packed xwith one 0of the 1largest cm'oW.gIs jl wi'28londhttmeoa'
h hat ever xvii ue ed a West ernuni (toil-' xit'ii a terrific thud amidthe title holder
tece at'h1 iletic conmtest .t.Alt mulm h rlld(nth oirt eoor
gaoll w'xxas soumexw'at of a ~1118a vy (Cn.nn~d'nPg ee)
l'or' the iniu, M~ichigani's comneback I (CniudoPaeev)
' ft e' t e istst ro- --
smimod thle Ill inois atllt h ic le s Ithat. I ('A LL.FOR INFORMAL
rte wVoh 'lveies are 0licoitte~tant~s forr
the big ganm1e inl 1925.j SN Au'-811'01NI OF WOMEN
Already every hotl haccoliiodat ion i -
heas been spokoen for m' 1,110thc(rolwd I I A call Ias been sent out by the
lm'oniii5C'5 to) break (iall stanodinmg oaten-jI lviciiganensian for informal ko- -
dance recom'ds. Tlhe garne is sceid 111011 dale pictures showing the ac-
for ()citober m'21. j iie of wonleli on the campu1s,
-par'ticumlarly athletics. They
Time lfrateiies 0enutered in the has- should be brought to thme Mic-Im
kr'thall tournament have becen group- iganenisiail office assonaio-I
el into 12 leagues. 'Those leagues are IBible. Any expienses incur'red
ost ed on the bulletin 1)0ard in the w xili be mnet with.
vAite ri'im n gymmnasiumm. _________



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