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January 10, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-10

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Open Air Amphitheater Considered as
Possible Annex to
Structure .
Ground has been reserved by the
Regents and general plans have been
drawn for the erection of the pro-
posed new University theater, to be
situated on the corner of Twelfth and
Washington streets, and running
alongside of the Dental building to-
ward, North University avenue. Here
not only will a structure be erected
containing complete theater equip-
ment from foyer to dressing room
and carpenter shop, but plans may
also be realized for an open air am-;
phitheater, back to back with the
new building along the Washington
street side.
Other Like Theaters Studied
Tentative plans for this newest
addition to the University building I
program have been laid by the thea-
ter committee of the University Dra-
matic association, composed of Prof.
J. Raleigh Nelson, of the engineering
English department, chairman, Shir-
ley W. Smith, secretary of the Uni-
versity, Prof. Herbert A. Kenyon, of
the French department, Prof. Richard
D. Holllister, of the public speaking
department, and Prof. John F. Shep-
hard, of the psychology department
and supervisor of the building pro-

Frost Elected To
English Society
Robert Frost has been elected to an
honorary membership in the English
terary society P.E.N., according to
information received here from Johr
,alsworthy, president of the organiza-r
Lion. A meeting of the society will
)e held in London on May 1, 1923 an'
frost may attend.
The P.E.N. designates itself as anI
international writers club with cen-
ters in eight different countries. C
A. Dawson Scott founded it a year!
sgo, and since then it has grown to
i. otde ths foremost literarymen of
every country.
The two men having the best liter-
ary ability in their country are elect-
od to honorary membership. The oth-
er American selected is E. A. Robin-
son of Chicago. Honorary member-
hips also include: Anatole France.
Romain Roland, Thomas Hardy, Sir
James Barrie, William Butler Yeats
Maurice Maeterlinck, Gerhardt Haupt.-
man, Maxim Gorki, Blasco Ibanez, and
George Brandes.
A new edition of poems by Robert
Frost will be released in England this
It is being planned by University
authorities to have Mr. Frost speak to
student groups on the campus begin-
ning next semester.
a a i


Day, In Every Wa
I'm Getting Bet

ty, ter" J( ; Dramatic Club To FRANC PREPARED
ter And Better"=UU I |U Lfl Present Own PlayI RU IL l
Dodoes, a dramatic group of towns-
people and students, will present' FOR INYASION OF
f three one act plays at S o'clock to-
Friday, and Saturday in the
modoe playhouse at 716 Spring street.
AT PEP MEET1I c h1e1n i las oHoc t T T '6II EA
"Swimming Apples", by John R.
Adams, instructor in rhetoric, will be
HAD AT MICHIGAN," followed by "Understanding," by NOTIFIED OF FRENCH
FARRELL Margaret Grenell. The third produc- PLANS
tion will be by Lowell J. Carr,
LITTLE SAYS FARRELL instructor il sociology, "Monkey ALL DETAILS OF TROOP
ONE OF BEST COACHES lAl.three of these will be present- MOVEMENT KEPT SECRET
ed each night. Admission will be
More Than 60 Track Men Listen b'y membership card only, owing to . dvance of Armed Force May Be De-
Earnestly to Rousing Talks; the size of the playshop. . layed by Prime Minister Until
Few.Students Attend A benefit performance will be giv- Thursday
en one week from tonight for theT
Enthusiastic speeches, formally Russian Relief fund. For this 50
ac> seats wvill be placed on sale at $1 (By Associated Press)
opening the 1923 track season, were eas Tee be p ocured th- Paris, Jan. 9.-France is ready to-
l each. These may be procured eith-
given by Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, chair- er from Mr. -Adams or from O. C. n' ht to seize the Ruhr at daybreak.
man of the Board in Control of Ath- Johnson, also of the rhetoric depart- There are many reasons to believe
letics, Coaches Farrell, Little, Sulli- ment in the University. trencha rans d veriwildisclose
van ,and others at the track pep -en, while a long string of, tanks
meeting held last night in Natural crawl into the Krupps territory in ad-
Science auditorium. Hope for a Mich- r vance of foot and horse.
igan triumph and confidence in the ' RI "ie zero hour has been fixed, but
prnetainmwarhneEoeuntil the occupation army marches,
prospective team was the key noteir the tihme, place, manner and exact ob-
of the affair. iII CU I IL-R V jectives are held by the government a
The meeting proved to be a con- -military and political secret.
i gregation of track men. More than o French Army Ready
60 of these candidates turned out, Joint Committes F r Icrease i France late today notified England
t0oftes aniatsPrestige of Governingbd wspo through the French embassador at
but the attendance by the student toyho a the eicambassa- ,at
body was poor. ,and the Aerican ambassa-
Necessity of Eligibility Stressed dor at Paris' and Brussels were in-
Professor Aigler opened the meet- LIMITED SIZE SUGGESTED 'ormed by the French and Belgian
ing with a talk on the advantage of AS SOLUTION TO PROBLEM governments what France plans to do.
al In the United States, is track over other sports. In discuss- -The French tonight, are also armed
ing this phase of the situation the pro- Suggestions for increasing the pow- ,vith the reparations commission dec-
fessor."urged that the men keep eli- or and prestige of student government laration that Germany is in voluntary
s a muans o banishing the gible so that they would not be lostI --t -default in coal delivery; so there is
of the ni+edM tates, hasI to the squad in the middle of the were made and discussed yesterday.at no apparent cause for further delay.
w York similar to the one season. a joint meeting of the Senate CouncilM. Maginot, the war minister, has
aler. "I never cured any Coach Little was the next to ad- committee, appointed for that pur- had a final conference with premier
said on his arrival, dress the assemblage. He praised pose, and a student council commit- floincaire, assuring him that the army
track highly in its importance at the tee. is ready; the technical men, even
niversity and complimented the team The possibility of increasing the in- emergency crews of railroaders and
on having one of the best track fluence of the Student council were elegraphers, in case of strike in the
coaches in the country. discussed with the view of eliminating Ruhr, are awaiting orders at Duessel-
P R S S Farrell Outlines Program Hrthe poor factors in the situation at dorf, and their military escort is im-
Following Coach Little, Prof. Harry;the present. The idea of having a patient to be off.
C. Carver, of the department of math- number of ex-officio members, recruit- (Continued on Page Two)
ematics and insurance, spoke on "The ed from the men on the campus hold-
Ups and Downs of Track." Coach ing positions of responsibilty and I-n P O CTION CLASS
Sullivan, boxing coach, had "Keeping iuence, was advanced at this meet-
claims All Forms of Winter in Good Physical Condition" as his Itg. It is thought that, if such a plan T 0 PR EE T PLAYS
Ities; Weather 1oIost subject. Burt S. Burke, '23E, captain were to be adopted, those men wool,
Favorable of the track team, wa% the) next be of value as members whose opin o in po
speaker and told of the obligations ions would carry much weight and ip- classes play
OPS LIST AS FIRSThat track men have at Michigan. . fluence with the general student body iition in the pblic speaking depart-
TTEE Coach Farrell of the track tea La t wi1 present five plays on which
TY TEAM -TAXES FIELD wa.h atspkro h vnn Liniting the size of the body was
was the lash sepaker'of the eveningdiscussed for the purpose of makingc tey have been working the most of
and sketched 'briefly the track pro-I the Council more capale of taking o th" present semester Friday of this
by perfect weather, winter gram for the more ek and Tuesday and Thursday of
bpefcwetewne gamfrteyear and what he ex- W I mr executive aspect~ With '~ ek hr ilb nifra
the University have set a petced of track men in general. Far- saller nuter itwassuested itht week. There will be an informal
this year in the popular- rell ended his talk by stating,"I ma her uncu lrun s lggess df resentation of "Six Who Pass While
thusiasm received by them have the greatest prospects this year e Council would run m to less diffie Lentils Boil" and "The Exchange"
student body. This is the that I have had since I have been culties arising from a large member at ,8o'clock Friday night in the audi-
for several years that the connected with the University." j ship. In connection with the electi lorium of University hail. These two
permitted the full enjoy- procedure for members to the Student will be acted by women. They
uounciiw.litbwaacprdpoyewomna. Tomy



Annual Campaign to Canvass Stud
Body Will Last for Three

This study of ;1. Emile Cone, taken since his arriv
ent called the most striking one mad
M. Emile Coue, exponent of auto-suggestion a
ills of the world, now starting on a le cture tour'
announced that he will found an institute in Ne
he started in Paris. Coue denies that he is a he
'24 one. I merely help people cure themselves," he s

gram of the University. These men Annual campaigning for funds for
have for the past year been study- the Student Christian association will
ing campus theaters throughout the be held Jan 16, 17, and 18. The goal
country, with a view toward the con- set for the drive is $4,000, either inA
struction of a model theater on the cash or pledges. Lawrence E. Dooge,I
University campus. '24, will be the general chairman in
Funds Not Furnished by State charge of the drive, and will be as-W
}"That this is now more than. a sisted by Claude Pickens, '25, and
possibility is assured," said Profes- George Hacker, '25.
sor Nelson, chairman of the commit- The drive will be made by 20 teams, Solution of Problk Apparently Hope-
tee, in commenting on this proposi- each consisting of 10 men and a cap- less; Ismet 'sha Refuses to
tion, "from the fact that the Univer- tain who will have direct charge of I'iscuss
sity theater has been included in the the work of his team. The teams
official building program. It is of will canlass t;he student boday on MILITARY SERIVICE FOR
course understood that while the site the days set for the campaign, each CHRISTIANS UNSETTLED)
assigned it is provided by the Re- I man having to see students who are in
gents, the funds for its erection are a certain district.
not to be provided by the state. The captains to have charge of the Lausanne, Jan. 9.a distinctly
"The need of a theater at the Uni- drive are: Walter Nichols, '23, Rob- better feeling characterized today's
versity of Michigan is so apparent to -ert Clark, '26M, Frank Vreeland, peace conference. Agreement was
anyone sufficiently interested to in- grad., eLwis Evans, '24A, Gilbert Ap- reached on all points except those of
quire into the facts as to require but , pehof, '23, John Schipers, '24, Bur- amnesty, exemption of Christians in
(Continued on Page Two) ton Dunlop, '23, George Zimmerman, Turkey from military service, and es-
'25, Donald Fredrick, '24, John Tracy, 'tablishment of national home lands
'25, Wendell Herrick, '23, Jack Ander- for the Armenians and Assyro-Chal-",
son, '24, Donald McCabe, '24, George deans.
Detlor, '24, Robert. Straub, '25, Clar- The expectation is that the first two
ini ence Kerster, '25, Harold Jacox, '26, of these problems will be settled by,
SEhIOUS iN ICHIGRNNeil Staebler, '26, Charles Stevens, private negotiations and incorporated
'26, and Donald Reese, '25E. in the projected treaty, but the solu-
The captains will hold an informal tion of the last named problem ap-
DR.OLIN ORDERS MONROE CQUN- meeting at 5 o'clock tomorrow after- pears hopeless, for the moment at
TY SCHOOLS CLOSED; 153 noon in Lane hall. They will meet least. '
CASES REPORTED again Friday noon in the same place Ismet Pasha, chairman of the dele-
to have luncheon together, and to gation from Angora, told the confer-
Lansing, Jan. 9.-Proof of the ser- discuss campaign plans.. ence today that Turkey could not ad=-
iousness of the smallpox situation in mit of any discussion touching on na-
Michigan was furnished Monday when SUMMER CATALOGUE tional homes either for the Armen-
Dr. R. M. Olin, Commissioner of the ians of the Assyro-Chaldeans.
Department of Health, ordered that !WILL APPEAR SOON "We have a firm conviction," lie
the schools of Monroe county be clos- said, in his usual calm and dignified
cad to all children not vaccinated. The 'l manner, "that the measures we have
cases reported in that county up tc Copy for a preliminary announce- taken in Turkey for the future will
Monday totaled 153 which means, Dr. ment of courses to be offered in the heal all wounds, and that everybody
Olin thinks, that there a e at least coming Summer .Session has been in Turkey will work together in peace
200 cases. sent to press and will be ready for and tranquility. Our motto is: 'an in-
Simultaneously with the issuance of distribution about the end of the divisible and harmonious father-
this order, Dr. S. R. Hill, Lansing month, according to. Dean Edward H. land.''
Health Officer, directed that all unvac- Kraus, of the Summer Session.
cinated children be sent home and not The pamphlet will contain full des-
p erm itted to 're-en ter school u n til they criptions of all cou rses to be offered , jI E EFp[snhyeiodvoec
can present certificates of vaccination in the literary college, the School of L iaEU iLL l
This action followed the discovery IEducation, and time Graduate school' ___
Friday and Saturday of 18 cases of and will enable students expecting to $1500 To Be Given Toward OriginalI
smallpox in the city of Lansing. take work this summer at the Uni- . Research in Biology
More than half of the Lansing cases i versity to plan their courses accord- Yale university has established a
are children who have been regular ingly at- the beginning of next sewis fellowship of the value of fifteen hun-
ter at which time new elections fellowhpo h au fffenhn
school attendants. Three of them had wldred dollars, for original research
been going to school with the rash be made.iy work in biological study at that insti-
plainly visible. Neither Dr. Hill nor This catalogue will be followed by tution. ' The Seessel fellowship, as it
Dr. Olin would attempt to estimate the: the abridged announcement and later is known, is open to both men and
number of exposures resulting from' b the complete booklet of the Sum- women,.preference being given to
contact with these 18 cases. mer Session. graduates of universities who have al-I


Campus Ac

sports at t
new record
ity and ent
from the s
first winter
season has


ment of this kind of activity and froniI
all evidences full advantage is being
taken of it by everyone.
During the past few years the cola
weather so necessary for skating,
hockey, skiing, sliding, and all the
rest of those sports which delight the
old as well as the young, has been
either of short duration or broken up
by warm spells, so that fullest fun out
of these recreations has not been real-
ized. This year, however, with early
cold weather, everything points to a
long season.
First Hockey Squad Formed
The placing of hockey on the minor
sports lists is typical of this sudder.
growth of the cold land and swater
sports. Hockey has come out in re-
cent years spontaneously. First it
was played by a few enthusiasts. More
students took it up as the out-of-door
irnr-ment spread throughout the I
country. Then it was made an in-
formal sport, and finally the Board inI
Control of Athletics said that it should
be a Varsity sport.
Consequently this year the first Var-
sity hockey squad in the history of
the University was formed, coaches
secured and a regular schedule o1
practice arranged. Games have been I
contracted with outside schools and
a league formed with Wisconsin and
Minnesota for intercollegiate competi-
Closely following a representative
I school team, came the class, fraternit1
and group teams in this sport. Any-
one is eligible to play at this, but
as a ready substitute, there is skat--
I ing.
Interest in. Winter Sports Sudden
The Weinberg coliseum is again
(Continued on Page Two)
Would You Waste Money j
You are wasting money if you
aren't taking advantage of the
Michigan Daily Want-Ads. Of-
tentimes you can buy very good
articles for which others have
no further use; at very much re-
rit~nri nrioj f xrn,-t nra -tnt

Council, it was proposed that some
'ort of a nominating body act in a
capacty heretofore undertaken by thbo
individual classes.
No definite conclusions were reacb-
'i owevr, at this meeting. Thera
Ir to be several subsequent meetings
EXCLUSION OF ILLITERATES' : which it is expected members of th
VOTES UNCONSTITUTIONAL, *tudent body will be called in to offer
SAYS PROFESSOR opinions on student government.
-"Jack Kelly, '24L, Lawrence Snell,F
Proposed amendments to the cor- '23, Thomas J. Yynch, '25L, Robert E.

rupt practices act, which-were intro-, Adams, '23, Herold C. Hunt, '23, Ed,'e productions for some time. Cos-
duced in the state house of repre- Howard Liverance, '23, and John R. tums purchased from a professional
sentatives recently, were denounced Polhamus, '24E, composed the Student nsurchased . a p
f )t; er xwill be used.. -
yesterday by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, council committee. .The two perfomances next week
head of the political science depart- will be the regular paid performances
ment. The bill as introduced in the POSTER CONT',ST oi the organization. Reserved seats
state legislature is designed to pro-s
hibit the giving- of assistance to vot- OPENE=D BY BAND r e of thightsral bem50san
ers at the polls. Such a law,, if - 75 cents. and the general admission
pasd wudhaete fet , - will be 35 cents. Tickets are now on
priving Ildeae p en fuffAnnouncement has been made of; sale at Wahr's book store.
priving illiterate persons of suffrage. the second annual Band Poster con-
"Granted that such an end would test which will be open to all stu-' Senior Lists Posted Today
be desirable, it would be unfair to dents until Feb. 17 This contest will
the voter to deprive him of his righ:: dent unildFeb 17. This contst vis: Lists of all seniors of the Literary
to the suffrage in such a manner," ,e carried on for the purpose of se- college who expect to complete their
said Professor Reeves. The consti- used by the Varsity band for adver- academic courses in February, June
tution of the United States specifical- seesarsits anufor ae-r at the end of the Summer Session
ly provides that no citizen, who keeps tisement purposes on its annual state in August, will be posted in the reg-
within the bounds of the law, shall trip during spring vacation. irtrar's office today.
be denied or abridged the right to No pecuniary reward will be offered, The cards, sent out last week no-
t vote. It says nothing of the literacy by the winner will have his poster us- tfying seniors of their standings in
or illiteracy of the individual. The Ad during the entire trip both on the regard to graduation, should have
proper way in which to secure this cover design of the band programs - reached their destinations by now and
end is directly by a constitutional and for window display. All contest- any senior who has failed to receive
amendment. ants should hand in their posters to such a statement and who does not
"It is my belief," said Professor William Graulisch, '2-4E, 735 Haven find his name on the lists in the oZ-
Reeves, "that every person should be -treet. - fice, should call at once.

will be free to the public.
Edw ard Goodman's "Eugenically
'peaking" and Stanley Houghton's
"The Perfect Cure" will be given
Tus na Y evening at the same place.
Stwo plays together with the
,r.,;tai tion of Shakespeare's "Much
iAo About Nothing" which will be
iven. Tursday comprise the semes-
t r .'ihring of the play production
laye'rx. Students in the classes have
rn'ir':! at work nreparing scenerv for

Although these two cities represent'
imilrtant foci of infection;, judging
from reports received by the health-
department, Dr. Olin stated that there
were many sporadic cases through-
out the state, spread, he believes, by
the rush of Christmas travel.
"Smallpox", he said, "is a particu-
larly dangerous disease just now be-
cause of its virulence. For several
years it has been attacking in mild
form. Last winter it broke out in se-
vere form in Missouri and from there
spread to Kansas, Oklahoma, and Lou-
isiana. Several cases resulting in
nine deaths were reported at Muske-
gon, but immediate action prevented
its spread to other districts.
"Now it is appearing at several

ready obtained their doctorae, and
WVESBROOK RANKS Iwho have demonstrated by previous
HIGH IN T NNSwork their fitness to carry on suc-
cessfully original research of a high
order in one of the three departments
Two former Varsity tennis players, of biological studies, namely, physiol-{
Walter Wesbrook, '22, and Lewis F. ogy (including physiological chemis-
Munz, '21, received signal recogni- try), zoology, and botany.
tion. in the official ranking of the coun- Applications for this fellowship
try's 'leading tennis players, which I must be made to the dean of the
was made by the United States Lawn graduate school, Yale university, New
Tennis association this winter. Haven, Connecticut, before May 1,
Wesbrook was awarded second 1923. The applications should be ac-
place in the ratings made for the companied by reprints of scientific
western section, being headed only by publications by the applicant, letters
Hennessey, Indianapolis, who with of recommendation, and a statement
Wesbrook was awarded first place in of the particular problem to be in-
the doubles of the western section. :vestigated.
Munz was placed twentieth in this 1

able to read and write English be-
fore being allowed to vote."
onri im*lfn TIfhIrTflIT

Kolar Will Conduct Concert


LL nUr IU L IAThe next concert on the Extra Con- year
cert series will take place on Monday orche
Nevening, January 15, when the Detroit Wa
H ESymphony orchestra with Victor Ko- "Tan
lar, conducting, will give a program ; Sai
GROUPS WISHING BOOTHS* WILL )C a popular nature. "Sam
HAVE OPPORTUNITY TO Miss Kathryn Meisle, contralto, who
SIGN TODAY was heard at the May Festival last Ipp
J-Hop tickets will go on sale at ?KENYON MAYSPEAK
o'clock at the Union today. Those who N
have acceptance cards will call for HER F THIS SPRING I {
their tickets at the time specified on
their cards. No corrections of mis-
takes or further awards of tickets will Efforts are being made to secure

will appear as soloist with the
stra. Following is the program:
gner-Overture to the opera,
nhauser" .
nt-Saens--Spring song from
son and Delilah".
Miss Meisle
oiitov-Ivanov-Caucasian - Sket-
1. In the mountains.
2. In the village.
Solo English horn, Mr. Rey)
(Solo Viola, Mr. Kolodkin)
3. Procession of the Sirdar.

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