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January 10, 1925 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1-10-1925

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Still Golfs

T'eachers' Class Tells Freshmen
How To Write Good Exam Papers

mrrna nr miinriifif

! 1;

L , c7

Student to Make 1R turn
To Soelely


Chiicago, Jaa. -.-"Student, owe they
world anl ever-reocurring debt,'',lDr.
(Iraham 'aylor of the Chicago Corn.-'
nios sid In oe)'en1I. ifl theannulal m1eet-
ing of the A':soeial ion of American;
College '.
"All educationi1;s an heritage from F
the least, and the leisure to study a
prvileg for which students owe'
heavily to those who have labored in
the past," lhe said. "For that reason
stu ents and teachers alike must lbe
miade to understand their responsibi-
city to make due return to society in!
ge neral and the community in partic-'
ular in terms of civic service. I
the speaker condemned those who
"shirk their obligations."
President James H. Kirkland, chan-
cell1cr of Vanderbilt university, stres-
sed the necessity of' giving the social
sciieices a prominent place in the col-,
lege curriculum.
"Deans of students and other ad-'
ministrative officers," he said, "openly:
criticise student behaviour and stul-
dtiit interests. A literature is spring-'
ing up, claiming to portray college lifc
as it really is; and even though these
pictures are distorted, they stand an
indictment against intellectual and
moral standards of universities.
"The remedy lies in the substitution
of ideals,", he concluded.1
Stvan D scrbesTue richest manl i the world is still]
Relic T hat Shows able to, go the rounds of a golf cou rse,
Fixing Of Pri es i.n; can be seen from the above. Ti
C rs ~the latest phoctograph of John 1:.
Rocckefeller, Sr., taken on the links
First examples of price fixing in1 a Ormnl1dl Beach, Florida.
the Roman- Empire were disclosed in
a tablet found by the Kelsey expedi-
tion into Asia Minor, according to {
Gorge Swain of the Latin depart- Mi ER UIES LS
ment, photographer of the expedition.
who gave an illustrated lecture beore;NUCOB RA
the University club last night. I OiJ[O B AVR
The tablet was found in the excava

Advice to freshmen onl writing fin- ettnest ions beoro writing with the al- 4II L 1 I L V
als of the essay type has lately been' lot~ncIt, of time inl view andl the thor-1
:raven up and summarized by a clas ough or~pIn~zart ion of material are' Prof. A. G. RifflhvenIVIT1V;Irn egetii Of
of exneriencead stude'nts and I cachetr 'es iupo . Ms o.h avsosIDanpger to Valuiiller
here. Much diversity of opinlion in thbe !iflhor alit p id exampjles, illustrations, 1-
It olw l f len owvr or hr are alew things that the stu-! W4ORK IS HANDICAPPED
than one student is responsible for j~ent: writing an ex-amination must not
practically all the points ma de. do. I 1t e anliot afi'ord I a0 og'tet tnc. Shortage of space in the present i
Contrasting suggestions Wisely ad- lie !sla~t not. dicagrer with tae Ipro- llh.nulfln of zoology and the need off
vise to "Review carefully cc iphasi zed I e.scr' a netv tireproof, lproperly arranged and;
lecture topics," and to "Prepare 0on_____eq_ iuipedO1building to houlse the col-
topics not. emphasized and Scar ce v lect jon S wit lioutrowdv ing,;is emnpha-
I 5tid. vlif' '' ' lf", iS ne=_ 1 s elow izedl 1)y iProf'. A. (A. Rat liven, direc'tor'
otlnsthnkI at VVi~nc tlhou mle isl iu l,, (1tnn .fs Ii
if you don't know, you should writcdIthe useum iiiofItoz' irs.ana e~~
something anyway. A demand for all -- "'l hel'(ie I 051 . ie u t,(I f 111:U( f
that you know is Offset: hy a warnin ' Airfrss DcIisI leS Jl d a'up, .of Exeter, (of zoology continuos, 'm 1w h e 1'bui~i ld-;
~against too much detail. If you wouia ld e vonrsh i ro h1.11lrand, has reewed the * iig,'' i 'ioh'isor1' Ialiven write, llli
l be, specific, you mu ist; also "notfl 01 ; appointm:rent, to thle Riggs fellowship' . i 'ricftc 1. n " vVVL'Y Ph ace of the
mit yourself irrevocably on any topic.'' aecod Ag t to an t unouncein ent. made iclI-tri r ilt 's ae(1iv iiu s ha sca '5p~red
!Reviewing should lie done back -attleffeoftleUrdae (l0lLth a ii'e &y111tiiiilat
ward, or Iin the other case, forward, 'I t ' schi c firp ilbei ooliv iw. cI'. ? ir)
and should cover subjects; recently. es wrk at the I 'niveolrs illa lgie ofI U'nansc Ir. the p103)1 (i:7 tt ()os c -
discussed, or, if nlot, only the pr oe go hescnnoet0111.H-- , sacmlse wt n fI,
liminary part of the work. p, It l i eodsmse n5- 'i~ s'cci liln vit 11ra:
{I F ehrna ry. ilu d ithen t y.''Tir 'i li >t blifding,
Nearly half the students observe; glls; old~i gpraduated with lion- used by the mnuseum nis <n oil' it ilie ofl.
that knowing thle instructor and h I t ro I ie IeritY of ILondon ipc e h ax" a da1 e 1ro- 1(
whims is important. Some believe Iu ne, 1 924. e1, ponher tentranc e to ,0i"lls i betnf ' t-elrtlc-d for' seome n~ i I(l(i-
in quoting him; a few would (t tenlll', ves 0wl bcm 'nd os1 olelios 2't~ ~:oc
touehi w prsolg.nt e for her M. A. degree and w ill a way for lac(k of prToplFsp)a(c it!
S Knowing thle chief features of tIo' sti cciiize ini history, which Lo exhlibit I hllr!.'
subject mat ter and stating answer, .Tlhit, scholarsthip was oct ahl ish ''d in Iii fihe repoirt, of theli o n jil:; the
Iwith reasonaible clearness-ais generally 1112.3 ly v Mi--s Prances IeE. Riggs, of SaC l:0e (i it 1ion"; is not ed. lit 1the l'n'
agood plan. Careful examination of! Detroit , who gave the University prop-' )1 po t fIhe-m~o 111011 1il, a'ry, aHoy state
f . laty with %Ii Ii bto maintIain one or that ' ne'ither ta lie (WOWra I nor div isiaJi
ht O f llow i,Ili ns for tth e1 bf. e efi ib ar es are safely ll ie; c t i l c h is
AUTRLIAN FORT UN stfudesol li txt '"ses ~fs a i'Tat E I )'of(i~nSiCt1'I'ShhO co ~rnil o
Btiggs' 1)11 r0:;ew ii 1.0tosOter under-' l anihr'rs :of the sta. tl Eah hY ;r the
It~li~iilng taid ocitwill bheiween (treat, library ~'csit, Valli,' fay t ilialti-'
FIN D SFBG A M JS T i d i 3 4 t t' t 4 tt te . T e t n (1 I'l a t -:1lx b ok , aid
FEW GuIMHTS'?nl1iJIa send 1 .6 ir. even tp, tol 1*-jea nd10ls t 1 $,11,iEV'l a 11 .:;, 5'i('ti jlw WC , -
Lo nJnt9--Th lhe holder of thlr tigg;, fellowship trl(iti lof (oleo oft isa (iul fen-tiii,,
LononJanJ.--Tle ann(RIS f during the past yt <r was Peg~nal d \vroll(1 be a sei l'it 01(i1 ."
1tune of William Webber', A llStTla I 1. Lovell, who W rt:: also from the bll- The iilid oog i's p}fly dblita ciii u'ilt. wrner.'
gold digger, has been claimted inl t;., verlit y of I indOn. that ''a s ooni as 5uth1ahsle nlina ~ r-s are
Iby Mrs. Mary Wheeler, 76--year -oli . ___ rvddi S di d[ i eo)i
B I Pp [ .-¥ o bi. o' n . txrs... - - -p o id d t i )Imn d 1,)do oI_ _i

storage space for specimens, space andf1
eqimetfor experimental study of, ALPISNR amasanlfaiiisfo ann = L1ttTO
Included in thle report is an article' nENJOY'r
by Professor Rutliven, criticising the!
mlethodl of nature study used in thel
gradle andl high schools of the state.; Prague, Jan. .9.- An important
Thie tendhency to train instruc'tor's in change, - affecting political prisoners,
(lore adhvancedl work, such as is given ' o n il
is t be intr'oduced i h Czecho-slo-
in college, is to blame for nmost of the ;va hiaA pr'i son system. It will give
f'ailurFe of the element al courses, in; ' es offenders many more privileges
P~rofessor Ruthvenr's opinion. "Thaethan are enjoyed by prisoners of oth-
st nation in normal schools is scarcelyj rcas.
better," lie wvrites. "Extensive gradedercss.
instruction in nattural history which k It Is intended 'to provide the purely
c'an 1)e used by the elementary schiool! political prisoners with more comforts
teacher is riot pr'ovidedl." i than are enjoyed by the common trim-
Therept'tcloes ith alis 01I h Iiinals. Tihe Ifrmer will not be required
gif'ts, exch~anges, and pulrchlases oft to 'ho the ordlinary work of prisoners.
inuseuna in the ps year. 4ri~hey will he given opportunity to read
(lu~tllg las .and write and follow anther 4rflits
. pr1acticab~le with their imprisoiment.
Brazlia s Pr iseProvision also will be made that the
aeYC~xn "a 4 'o01gillAl punishment meted out to po-
J litical prisoners will not lye increased
b~y compulsory fasting and solitary
Rio Do Janeiro, clan. 9-A local and (lerk confinement.
newspaper has plublished some sari
castie clommnents on public speaking! Bremen, Jan. 9.-- A new German
in Brazil, contrasting the lucidity and cruliser was launched at Wilhelmshav-
directness of certain plublic speakersI en yesterdlay. She was christened. the
of North America~ to the wandleringj Emden, after the famous War-timte
va gueness, under similar conditions, ra ilei'.
of well-known Brazilians._______________
Trho writer says thait in Brazil th6 Hobart, Tasmania, Jan. 9.- More
public orator, as a, ruel, has no idea, than 2,000 visitors from Australia are
(of timne or p~rogressi. In order to tell[ stlranldedl here owing to the strike or
a. simpile fact heoples up adjectives water-side workers,' which has, tied
brings rows of verbs into line, creates;
(-o111usion by abusing the use of do- I___________________________
a ils, nmetap~hors and imagery. And -
this not, being enough, lie makes hisi
voice (mayvriode r that the phra~se; ' 'AN OTICE
Lind the 5iie!ach be length-ened. '''I ~i en
I pporuny is Mil bino-
_____________________________ bredl to pay su.bscriptions for
- I the 1925 Michiganensian. The{
I price for those Who signed
R pledges durin~g the campaign is I
LeaO the W anlt Ads' $5.50, andl for all others $8.0
IPayments are being received at
I I the 'Ensian office in the Press
-- -- iI building.tf



tions at Yalovitch, where the ancieir'
Roman city of Antioch was located,1
and gave a brief account of the ex -',
ceedingly poor harvest and comnnmand-
ed shop keepers not to take advantage;
of the opportunity to overchargo.
Later, according to Mr. Swain, the
practice or price fixing became cowi_'-
meon, but this is the first example o'
it known.
Besides showing a complete collec-
tion of lantern slides of this excava-
ticns and the important fragments o?'
buildings and tabletsr found, Mr. ,;wain
presented the ic.in'es or t' - 51--
rounding country, h4' uinlsof anl old
Roman aqued uct wich .suppli~ed the
town of Antioch with water ft1w i
springs six miles distant and of tbi-
life and industry' of the native.
lFirst intimation of a trip to be na(,-,
into the country surrounding the sit:
of ancient Carthage in Northern
Africa, 'which will take place nest.
spring with the purpose of aoilifying
the little that is, known of the historyjof P en ia th c u tr of vh c:
Carthage was a province, was diclol-0
ed by Mar. Kelsey. This expeditionc
will be_ under the colnulanl o(f Mr.;t
Kelsey. Mr. Swain will leave Nev"
York Jan. 27 for Rome where 11e will
make the necessary preparations.

fai aIv1it dunive-rsity has announced
h_'at 'liginn ing cian:;es in tihe Hiarvard
i-ad ate School of Business Admin-
i4>ti Iat i3011v;i t Irahaiaugul'ated - in
1 1) <K ui y ".r;V,.elias ill Septerrih)Cr.
'iila in has been ,1 vied and found
Ili'val111offih ials declare that these'
begnnig cu 150w,;ill l=t,,buary enable
the st udent -;ho gradualtes at midyear
to1 conitinue his ,dt( iy without loss of
111)10 anti at especial advantages arle
(l£Ve ri orf-'n hoe c £l asses £due0to t the! a
mm151 si'. heiP iiiiih\'eill' cla ss is lum-
ited to .125; :15 comp~ar-ed to 330 in Sop'-_
tFnfI lii e. ;lp;lications 10o- enrolineni:
iii~~ ~~ aI° ;i'i-ui~ -a;;of 1t 25 are now
-i. t ,-c~', ''d-iy Ithe secretary of the
M"!,1 "(Iiiidicatioiis point thlat the
quota of 12?5 -vill soon be reached.
, c vc: l .\ichigan moni are now at-
tending, tihe Yarvard school. They
t1 iX' allace 2d. F;lower '24, Lincoln D.
Jett-, '21i, A. (I, Barton '22, i. S. Raw."-
J i.'29, a.1 i Sur '22, and A. M.
e ~ltt,i '2:2.
At- Nx:co-'iiV, Jani. 9. _\,1j.-Gen. Rob--
Bull tt ard, wo xvi l'et ire tfrom
10 'll t z1111 . 05,f a eiA iny, Jan. 15, is
I oc.oh to be stlt edasa. r£preselta,"-
iv:, his Alexiceo of they Standlard 0il

'iUsieL Ul a tiny village in wit tsi1'
The Webbher estate is valued r
$500,000,000, Of which 1mo01, thanll?,kai
Is Said to be in possession of thCa' i i
ishi government, aind the l' inamai< } i'
the IJ iited States and If olta iL. NTI'
Wheeler - claimis $40,00o,uOt t, r :'5
leged direct relation shi).
Other claimls hal's1o b_;)I 1nt7~rl ih
f i'lliam Mllontagule Biayl-y a i~ldvi a!
Pornien, t ipisoycs of a lat I ~ill \,'iald
sor, Ont.
C roup pictures for te ilie h-
ganensian should be takenrimi-
lnetiat''ly. Fe bruary first is3 the1
final dlat(' for hl.ving t heni in.
Blanks for chapter tnellberrsha i
Iroll are being sent outiA:lj
Ishould be 1eturned 130011 abier
Ithe beginning 6f the next sns-m3-
t et'.

M ;r~-ili los, .Jani. :):--The I ts!.;tan 'department. More rapidly tIi01,~ 10
mnrlti isionti Indem' Admiral Krilo 'possible."'' -The 7zoology 1)15 nob lHsi,;
Il has a .ri ve'd hl'e-. as its inOt t.pre-,:iniig II odls, 5(tdti I onll
- thu YIiiah,
.r,'Io1w {'F':!!!11 I
fI Ill hi,
hil ics, e tMr operWllReie a'nf' d Leha.
Inn,,;-- 11~x'u ,c, ' ' ----- I _


To wr ite a Student Letter for a Prize of
$25, $15 or $10


"The Church I Would Like to Find."
A local organization wants to know how a church can' be
made worth most to college students.
BE BRIEF-Not over 800 Words.


CONTEST CLOSES Jan. 12th (next Monday)
Send to Box 34, Michigan Daily






Rad the Want A

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These clear, crisp, cold days are ideal for outdoor sports.
We have the outdo )r clothiin ; necessary for la'dies ad-I1
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Moccasin Pack Shoes all at lowest prices.
Blankets, tAmto
All kilnds finest ograde wool f'ed an-d army blaiik ets,


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Before shaving, an application of Mifflin
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And Muiffi Alkohol has a,
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Mifflin Alkohol is denatured by a formula
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College teams and manyi other athletic
organizations use Mifflin Alkohol° regu-
:arly. Be sure YOU get MIFFLIN-in, the
handy-grip one-pint bottles as illustrated.

couch shawls and
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