PAGE TWO THE1 I.MICHIGAN DAILY SAT UDAY, JANUARY 10, J1925 SAYSSTUD ENT9 OWE11 BIC DEBT TO JOL Still Golfs T'eachers' Class Tells Freshmen How To Write Good Exam Papers REPORT STRESSES mrrna nr miinriifif I e ! 1; i L , c7 Student to Make 1R turn To Soelely Cl Chiicago, Jaa. -.-"Student, owe they world anl ever-reocurring debt,'',lDr. (Iraham 'aylor of the Chicago Corn.-' nios sid In oe)'en1I. ifl theannulal m1eet- ing of the A':soeial ion of American; College '. "All educationi1;s an heritage from F the least, and the leisure to study a prvileg for which students owe' heavily to those who have labored in the past," lhe said. "For that reason stu ents and teachers alike must lbe miade to understand their responsibi- city to make due return to society in! ge neral and the community in partic-' ular in terms of civic service. I the speaker condemned those who "shirk their obligations." President James H. Kirkland, chan- cell1cr of Vanderbilt university, stres- sed the necessity of' giving the social sciieices a prominent place in the col-, lege curriculum. "Deans of students and other ad-' ministrative officers," he said, "openly: criticise student behaviour and stul- dtiit interests. A literature is spring-' ing up, claiming to portray college lifc as it really is; and even though these pictures are distorted, they stand an indictment against intellectual and moral standards of universities. "The remedy lies in the substitution of ideals,", he concluded.1 Stvan D scrbesTue richest manl i the world is still] Relic T hat Shows able to, go the rounds of a golf cou rse, Fixing Of Pri es i.n; can be seen from the above. Ti C rs ~the latest phoctograph of John 1:. Rocckefeller, Sr., taken on the links First examples of price fixing in1 a Ormnl1dl Beach, Florida. the Roman- Empire were disclosed in a tablet found by the Kelsey expedi- tion into Asia Minor, according to { Gorge Swain of the Latin depart- Mi ER UIES LS ment, photographer of the expedition. who gave an illustrated lecture beore;NUCOB RA the University club last night. I OiJ[O B AVR The tablet was found in the excava Advice to freshmen onl writing fin- ettnest ions beoro writing with the al- 4II L 1 I L V als of the essay type has lately been' lot~ncIt, of time inl view andl the thor-1 :raven up and summarized by a clas ough or~pIn~zart ion of material are' Prof. A. G. RifflhvenIVIT1V;Irn egetii Of of exneriencead stude'nts and I cachetr 'es iupo . Ms o.h avsosIDanpger to Valuiiller here. Much diversity of opinlion in thbe !iflhor alit p id exampjles, illustrations, 1- It olw l f len owvr or hr are alew things that the stu-! W4ORK IS HANDICAPPED than one student is responsible for j~ent: writing an ex-amination must not practically all the points ma de. do. I 1t e anliot afi'ord I a0 og'tet tnc. Shortage of space in the present i Contrasting suggestions Wisely ad- lie !sla~t not. dicagrer with tae Ipro- llh.nulfln of zoology and the need off vise to "Review carefully cc iphasi zed I e.scr' a netv tireproof, lproperly arranged and; lecture topics," and to "Prepare 0on_____eq_ iuipedO1building to houlse the col- topics not. emphasized and Scar ce v lect jon S wit lioutrowdv ing,;is emnpha- I 5tid. vlif' '' ' lf", iS ne=_ 1 s elow izedl 1)y iProf'. A. (A. Rat liven, direc'tor' otlnsthnkI at VVi~nc tlhou mle isl iu l,, (1tnn .fs Ii if you don't know, you should writcdIthe useum iiiofItoz' irs.ana e~~ something anyway. A demand for all -- "'l hel'(ie I 051 . ie u t,(I f 111:U( f that you know is Offset: hy a warnin ' Airfrss DcIisI leS Jl d a'up, .of Exeter, (of zoology continuos, 'm 1w h e 1'bui~i ld-; ~against too much detail. If you wouia ld e vonrsh i ro h1.11lrand, has reewed the * iig,'' i 'ioh'isor1' Ialiven write, llli l be, specific, you mu ist; also "notfl 01 ; appointm:rent, to thle Riggs fellowship' . i 'ricftc 1. n " vVVL'Y Ph ace of the mit yourself irrevocably on any topic.'' aecod Ag t to an t unouncein ent. made iclI-tri r ilt 's ae(1iv iiu s ha sca '5p~red !Reviewing should lie done back -attleffeoftleUrdae (l0lLth a ii'e &y111tiiiilat ward, or Iin the other case, forward, 'I t ' schi c firp ilbei ooliv iw. cI'. ? ir) and should cover subjects; recently. es wrk at the I 'niveolrs illa lgie ofI U'nansc Ir. the p103)1 (i:7 tt ()os c - discussed, or, if nlot, only the pr oe go hescnnoet0111.H-- , sacmlse wt n fI, liminary part of the work. p, It l i eodsmse n5- 'i~ s'cci liln vit 11ra: {I F ehrna ry. ilu d ithen t y.''Tir 'i li >t blifding, Nearly half the students observe; glls; old~i gpraduated with lion- used by the mnuseum nis ti Iat i3011v;i t Irahaiaugul'ated - in 1 1)