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January 10, 1925 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1-10-1925

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VOL. XiXXNVV. No. 7")


anHRnrCMEiT 'ean Hamilton Leaves Action
[11 N A~ ~01CEOn Smoking Question To Womnen~
FRONT S CHO C~i ean Jean Hamilton, decan of wont- "At present public opinion aiiwng
f IIvcrsity in not taking any action I tions banning smoking fron i ie d on~i
ndfne th stn ofte ni orilcflstUa. sorao reatedregulan
ragainst thesmogug*aotwoen nna
- diiuL U JU intrve frof Dilwic aevey el e t h ?lerwise
r Daiy yesterdlay-. j thcre is no ruiling on the miat ter ,ex-
Al'''CEPI TANiC S QUET~ri.IO1NET) ONl " :in so far as we are able to know cept as every landlady has thle pi'iv-
AC('OUNTl OF AVERSION with accuracy," she stated, "the great i liege or making it a stipulation on
TO PUBLIC LIFE majority of U.niversity women do not renting a room that there shall be no
l smke.In the matter of smoking as smoking.
RECORD BRILLIANT I in many other debatable p~oints, the "Sincc the carrying out of any anti.-I
______example of the few who are doing smoking regulations throughiout some
Swhat is not generally app~roved is often 1 600 places of residence could only be i
Coolidge Ini Conferencee With Couzens; conspicuous. The University, as such, # done by the students themselves, it
Sees Rtetiring Attorney has no ruling on this matter, having would b~e useless to create such a reg-
(eieral taken the attitude that it does not ulation until backed up b~y strong pull--
desire to make separate regulations' lie opinion.
Washington, Janl. 9. (By A. P.)-De-; for the conduct of women students un- "in gener'al the girl who smokes
veiopments at the *White Mouse today less at the request of the womnn them- comies from a home and social group
served to bring to the front Charles selves. where smoking by women is not Seri-
"For example, in the early dlays' ously disapplroved. If there were
13.Waren f MchianI)O~ibC sc-(lances continued all night in Ann Ar- j stronger influence from their homes
cessor to Harlan S. Stone as attorney bor and fatigued parties wvent home in the matter the already predominrant
general.I in the dawn. It took long years of sentiment in the U~niver'sity would in-:
Mr. arrn, hos naiie as eenI discussion among the women students crease to the lpoint that regulationsI'
mentioned 1)esistently in connectioneapitowsprendtohemgtotny bemadle butlkep~t.
withtheporfolo son o b lad ?senate committee on student affairs Without such public opinion the U~ni-
dwit the Mr tfolio n toubeaid to establish some University closing! versity is wise not to create for itself;,
denown ae b MrStonte Swhoein turnthas ihours. This was then done. any prohibition difficulties."
ba "een idomnted to the Sur e dour,


I'resileiit Ebert Appraised o fIiutilityl
Of (:ombighi Pairty

Canine Pet Of
Hobbs Suffers
Pound Trials
So officienxt. is thle dog catchi a g (div-
1 ion of the Ruilding and Grounds uo
(SI(,,-'' tt Ot C evenice self iespect. i
iri can ines belonging to professors
arc=e t roubtled wit Ii being carrijed to the
p01utad to et'p1li their pr'Slesenc1onthe
ca ni lus,. Day before ye ster day "San-
d1, the animal pal of Prof. W. 11.
H~obbs, of the geology department, was
rudely encountered by the dog cth
cach as he was crossing thle rnpus
andi was carried to the precinct pend-I
ing investigation.
Upon learning t he identity of t he

lerri 'k aindl Church ill Bol b ,1i mH t


and the fPresident later conferred with
Senator Couzens, and afterwards with
Mir. Stonle himself.
Whether Mr. 'Warren wvould acceplt
the place offered to him always has
t een a(question arising in connection
with the miention of his name. Only
several ]n onthis ago, Ale returned to
private life after having served suc-;
cssfuljiy, althbough not continuously,

Believes That Actlin Would IRe.-ult Plvadlu f in Will la k 1First a~1i4 I It Il
Iii Intemxatloial Armanaiiit 8jobo"~l4Wlg Aminabl

"gentleman doge" te owner was call-I
i3erlir, .Jan. 9. (My A. P'.)--Chancel- j Paris, JIan. 9.--(By A. P.)---Creat e(1 by the officiatls and informed that
lot' Marx tonight lost his battle with- ( Brit~ain and the United States are get- in carrying out their duty they had
F'oreign Mvinister Stresemrann for par- ting together slowly "but normally~" arrested his pet. Professor Hlobbs, not
liamientary leadership. The contest on the American reparations claims wishing to have his dog undergo dis-
was a bitter one. It was fought by ' which are to finally come before the pleasure, informed the department that
D~r. Stresenmann Withi all thme weapons; conference of allied finance ministers they were only supposed to take in
of ruthless German par'ty politics, and 1 in session here. those dogs which made a nuisance of!
only enided with the failure of Mr. At the end of today's informal dis- themselves and that he was sure thatI
Marx to construct a government whichs cussions and conference, it was api- his dog would not so conduct himself.I
would not be dlominated by time nation -j parent that the representatives of { The Buildings and Grounds depart-
alists andi Stresemnann's GermanyI both English speaking countries were smwnt realizing its error, proceeded atj
Peoples p~arty. trying to drive a hard bargain. Wins-onetrcifth s&e.Ttngt
Chancellor Marx tonight retur'ned tos ton Churchill wishes to economize and 'Ithe- dgwsreundtisonr
President Ebert his commission to ;Lte American estimate of war damages oghewasretuornd its re oonr
form a cabinet. Previously lie had age claims, tentatively fixed at $250,-' at the p)ond.
appIraised the priesident of the ut ter ' 000,000, is likely to 1)e whittled down,________________
futility of attemlpting; to seek a solu-I befomre the Anglo-Saxons finally reach
tiont of tie stubborn deadlock in which the expected accord. j
parties were pitted against the Ger- ; American ambassadors llerrick and OFFER LOVING CUIP
man Peoples farty in an impasse Kellogg, with J ,ames A. Logan, Jr.,I
whichMar.s cocilitorydiplmacyI Un ted ates representative with the
has failed to break upl. reparations commission, are standing
It is reported that President Ebert thir rud u h ngtainIN o l C M 9S
Will request Finance Minister Luther, for the time being, are uip to there I
who officially is a non-par'ty rman, spective governments of England and'raterity eliing'1l it Tickets 11"11
but. %ho neethless;~ st andis in close America. Get Al lletic A ssoclaiol
relation with German nationalists, to Beilunm's assent tq the reduction ;2 Irtphy
forma cabinet. If Luther accepts, hisa of her' Spa allotment of repiaratloair---
government certainly would havej from F to 5' , andi perhaps : per tent, OPEN DRIVE TfUESDAX
rI troig teiidoiwieii towardl the right, if necessary. appears to have been~i the
and (-os(quent ly encounter bitter' op- only forward step made todlay. Conn-
piosit ion fromntilhe Socialists and lDem-, plete accord also has not. been reach- A ute tmlst iecmei
ocrats. Whbat time attitude of the; ed on tlipe Belgiunm position, as the hat- tion between fraternities taking part!
(tne arywud eI scnter conenshie still hmas about $260,-; in the Union 1)001 drive mext tweek,
event has not been dlefined. 000,000 gold francs due lir ner the Ahei soito a fee
--_-___ priority claims. 1 a loving cup to the fraternity whichI
Ir IFara :Await Adiciii. sells the greatest nulmber of books of

f. !

jRalph Baker of Football Fame Conmes
W11t Purpile; G auie Mtarts
i at 7:30) O'clock
M(1lichligan andi Northwestern will
open their r'esp~ective Conference bai-
ketball seasons at 7:30 o'clock tonight
in the field house. Michigan will put
its best possi1ble combination onto the
floor tonight in an attenmpt to stop the
jPurple five andi open its 1ig 'Ten lpro-
gram with a victory. The lineup will
jbe, practically the same which held
the powerful Navy quintet to a two
point victory last Friday night and
practically every onie of the players
will be in the best of condition.
Northwvestern will also p~ut a power-
ful outfit into the'.gamie in spite of
rumors regarding injuries to members
of the squad. Practically every man
Iwho, 'has been counted upon to fill a
regular berth will be in the Purple
lineup at the start of the game.
}Michigan's five will be composed
of the veteran Captain George H4ag-
gerty and Ed Chambers at the for-
;wards, Bruce Gregory at center after
the tipoff, and the Doyle-Cherry comi-
esi)!ation at the guards. This coinbina-
tion has been selected following a
long process of elimination andi train-
ing and represents the best possible
f1r c on the Michigan squad. Coach
Maurie Kent's team will line up with
Moon Baker and White at the for-

Of th1e war deparmient during the -
world war, as ambassador to Japan, C sT EL TE
herad of' the high coiinznissionz to Mex- iON'I'iti±K MOVE KILLED' CATSEEC E
it)t eoattemforupinof relations, and s ainbassador to ; Washington. Janl. 9. (By A. F'.)- )hecial fit PI',t i ialt acheI to)tile
Mexico. II t; friends in Washington' Presidnemt Co today siue Comedy Climb1 product ion of Gecorge
{14 -Lare lihe IretiredC la,,ambassador to ! Q sou1ded! ' h vsf re TeA nr
Mlexico hopeful tluvt he imight be u whtWahigongeealy 'ear sable Jiashvil le~" Wdncsday vnig
dhirturhed i his practice of law in I the death knell for" the move to bring, a~ I4,it) Sara;h C ('sswell An,-el hall.
Derot.about the elevation of guns on heli becaus , it is, the first authori:,,rLI per-S
Poe im~o of Mr'. Warr'en's aversion capital ships of the American navy. ifori'nmauce of the play in .Aaieri'ca. This
to retumning to public life others may The views of the President on 1t'e poti'o n will ("" '111Y olt. the custoum
be4 :elet'ted by the President to sue- ;proposal to raise the guns to incr~ease est atli bet Ilast year in time premier
ce~ 4 i' . Stone continued to ue meon- Ihi range were piresented with 1111i performanice of William ilButler Yeats'{
tionedl, including Jamiaes M. Beck, ofi mistakeable 'definiteness at the White < "AIt th- ilawk's Well" and Ferenc e
einsyr lvamia, solictom' general of the H ouse. Hie holds that elevation of' th lu lonas "'firte"'ley."
United i tatcs;. William W. Donlovan I guns would be a return t) the oildl Te cast. selected forz''The dir-
o{f Newv York, ausistant atttoiney gieni. inte'rnational competition In arena-' able Rarlivilt" will include Neal Ny-
' a, ; Coy. Alex.. Grosbeck of Michi- 11'"ents and the abandonmient of the land, '20, and Minnim ller. '27,. in the
+-a{, nM Chief ,justice Rtuggs of Mas- new principal of imitations of arina-, leadingv roles, of CA1sbel Byron and
gaclusuta.Ments to whi(Ich tUnited States With' i~ydia Calrew . John If;_{ ege.'2M
___________________the other great powers comnmittedl lher-',wKho has taken proinenlt part~s in
self at the Washington conference. 1svrleiin f h no pr
iSuch ant about-face In ~policy the Proes-i well as the title role in "C'aptain Ap-
LEW UiiUiiii !dent Is prepared to resist with all tie' plejack," will play Lord1 Worthington.
power at his command, confident of while Willard Spanagel. '25Es,Iliar-'
INSLI[ ICOER the support 'of public opinion. wood Bright, '25, antd Robecrt Ilender-
>< u I Wih senate antI house naval com- ,soni, '26, all members of tue cast cat
mittees marking time on the elevation! 'i'ichledl To lDeath," will play more
Dr. toardIL ewi ofthephy' -question, showing no disposition to: minor rotles. P'auli Vickers, a graduate
ological-cherntistry department of the puhtematra lm:dinsrtonsuetin the Engineem'ing college and
Medial shoolspok las nigmt a disapproves of it, the presentation of' formerly protmincid in dralmatics at
Naua A;iee uhtoimo 1 the President's views are generally ac-' the University of Ca lifornia, will ap-
;iu in," as ,n.in t'oduction to the iec- b eing of any legislation providinzg for iPeceding th .inw o !yln
lure3 which will be delivered by Dir.
Frederick Grant Ranting of the Uni- ;time raising of time guns. Verilmiyea, '26. will offer ',sevem'al tal-
versity of Toronto, the discoverer of let divertis:semtentsi, including a shadow
the s ubstance, next 'Tuesday. Dr. S ,hoals Question dance, "Thhe P'oomr Pierrot," a~nd "Tihe
Lewis' speech was tihe secomnd oif a i .- Yellow Lily,'' to iic m by Tstliii ktv-^
series given uinder the combined au-1 Settleml'ent Se n sky. Joseph Ellis, '26A, will pbay time
spices of the Sigma Xi and Junior ' a('(oznpiliiliil i n 1 s
Research societies. bBJSendL&tIHa ds ^ Iickcts oin t'ema in floor o'thIle
In his talk, which was of a technical -______prtrnic r nicda 1 et m
nature, D~r. Lewis summarized the me-' Washington, Jan. 9--ryteuin itile balcony at 35 cents. Seats :iay:
sri''ch connectetl with time discovery nation of time senate struiggle over the lae.lpro(-ured t i Wai's, Grahzamx's anid
of insulin from tihe earliest beginnings disposition of time Muscle Shoals pro-; Slatcr's lxookstoreci, om' _t the doom'
4{p to the findings of D~r. Ranmting. HleM ject was forseen tonight by senate' edz.diryevenxing.
r nihlir~i,,!re the value of insulinm as a leaders as likely to coipe with adop-'
cure for diabetes. i tion of either the Underwood bill or'
Prof. A. S. Wartimin of time path-- the Jones amnendmient refer'ring the
scho~ol, who is president of the Sigma A vigorous effort will be madie to-; C 1
Xi society, introduced the speaker ; morrowv to get a finzal vote which et IL FNSHD B OS
BILHMand announced thiat tme third and jlastj send] sonme Muscle Shoals bill to comm-
lecture on the course will be given ference with time house, which lp assert
about March 1 by Prof. Lewis C. Karp-i a bill acceptinmg time Fordi offemr before AV s hingtonJanim ) X( cm- ting the

w '



wards. Greaves at center,. and Mathews


H o I. rY UIl'hme Amnerican war daumyage clainma
II 01?! y u isotctlemnent iremiain; anmost iuin tant
F4or M~id- W est ; matter before the conference. 'thr'ee
fWl dys have clasped since time. con- I
ebateda y ferenme convenmed nd tme days, e cept
'°for two ver'y brief -,plenary eSn,
- - -have ben a ;ilmo.entirely ockcupiedl
115,101 1Irimotzs ttom'the tnt ercollegiate i try umoicia 1 and lprivate eonvermla- .I
det b lutg la,,-, from whic'h a Varsity ! t lne bet ween the members of thej
deblrating te< utm will 1)0 selectect to coitn -- Amicin~l and British delegations inm I
pete in the Micl-Wetst debate will he ain effort to reach a coumpromise,
held at 4.:45 o'clock tis morning in 'rhe net result is that late tonight
rooti i102, Mason hall, Ambassador Herrick and Mar. Clhure- ;I
"Res.olved 'i'ha t except, ii cage F hill are awaiting further instructionst
tt~apio, on~re ;M"l d have time I romim Washington and London. De- I
inwasioeconreswratesn tlr- Isie assurance of both delegatilons c
that, atn accord certainly will be reached.;
live referendutm," is the subhject upon
wimichm prospectilye nuemmler'sof tI lie- ic'-slow'ns inm atrivinig at. an agree- -
uinent. is causing a feeling of rtmnprlse
bating class will be required to speak. I : mng the 1Enm'optean delega Iloins, of I
Machct~midat wil be llowd a lv wi-i ichm a certain touch of satisfaction}t
mi tile discotr 1e on thelieuuest jotlt Is not altogether' absent..
P l o i g t e s s ni w i h hsp roen ,.u cesssfi il ec<indidates chosen
from) tb tiA itof trmyoit; iiltbe en-j,
rotlled ine t~me tnt ercoilegia teo debating, RESERVED SEATS SELL
oh ass wher-ethelietshiect for (I c hate 1i11
;;tune id am] i th(elproted b e tcam;i-ionsIT FO n6ME URr
tiricr of thme poxot etais [SIFRIAVLTOY


unim Puicincoc MrIAI

Iesrve'd tickets for time Northwest-


IVa J n m n uniUI~d~ IIdI em ii-M ichti;;an asket bat I ganwrie gt
mat u .n~r 'inr'~Yihave bean selling rapidly for tI li past4
II K [9 NW ElA.VU[ t Vi t' wohi and froinall indica h~ors i he sal

Wfraaaa s.ecara av ec, r +
SN'a"ll111htcn). Jan. 9. - '1'lle 1Te}i"ar's1 n ,,

1 bill iiioiios n g a wv ide ranige' of cliamrii t


r h ?tans>'t of Phe t;K ]latF? tt oll :3.i:Y. Ol1 oll


inski of time mathematics department 'it was withdrawn, antd thus niake, Ia t)georL ILIU iat iv lita'- mi"til
oii "Mapping the Great Lakes." way for- other legisis~tion, whIich p~rac- apprnopiamtion b~ils, time ioass today 1e
-- tically lias boen blocked in the senate'tconcluidedl consider'ation of time war?
by the Shoals question since Congre3ss, deiaitincimt's supply bill, carm'ryirlg1V
Debatrs Prpareconvemned. Sonmc of I he leaders, howv- $88] .0,(3O,)0,t), f which p40,000,0, t))
For IN othwestern severnotw etreatie pi ne at i andt w ioiilcibe availabile fot' exlre)cadture:)Se
- shult imt b rediedin mmedayamdduring the comnimig fiscal year oilnriv-
- ht t n ' l l ni w u d h v o g m a t a b r i p o e e t a re a d y
tathprbe wolhaetgo radhroimrvmnsa y1Finishing touches are now being I over until next week. A close vote authorized.
thed Nothedwaters eahonwill rsgaye k etween time Underwood anti Jonies! Passage of time army budget whicht
theNorhweter tem o Thrsdyproposals is gemerally prtedicted1. prmovidles for continuamnce tof thmeeg-!I
Jan. 16. In previous debaates North- ; _______________ ula r armry zt its p2m'oSent str'ength,11
w estem 'n an d M ichigan have each scor- r r+ bri m m tiough t t hle house Itot al of ajm prop ria- ed 1 vi t r sa d he c m n d b tejYo il s i po d of u to ix T e
willbrek te te. W snate', showing aodisposition earlhier' in
"Resolved that time Philippinmes be'I tn. in nnn I the week to rush action omn the sup-
given their complete antiimjestlite 111 H II~W 'pyinaurs d7emo hc u
ndpnene"itmesbetupon bitN 1 ;euuUL1Ile passed befor'e congress adjorln 'ms
which time teanis will debate. Michigan Mac ,hsc amdisehmdro
will send three negative represet-i- Wa shington, .Jan. 9.--Efficiency of j thr mee of thenin arnd t hey- nre now ill j
atives to Northwestern and will pro- {time crews omn American vessels is it coliferelce.
Sent their affirmiative against the neg-3 its lowvest ebb, And rew Furuseth, pri'ci- i ____________
ative Northwestern team here.c demnt of time intermnational seaman 's'
union, today told time house coimnittee [DQ IIIiPVA
Ypsilanti, Mich., Jan. J.-Enrollmnent l investigating the shipping b~oardi. The L XIUIdTS UINtI 1190fl1
at time State Nor'mal College here is witness declared time lack of skill;j * E MSrnn []tr
slighrtly lower for time ternn just open-, among the crews was deplorable, and / fH'l4
imig. that this condition was brougiht about I8027 S 0 bytheseaservceUureuLoIth hordI
' jTI, consistently refusing to select and jW'ashington, Jan. S).--Exorts o1' thle -
keep time best seann 1m Un ite"d States o in 1924 e'xcee im- "ii,,

in the naional I hnkiing law,;xwasI
tiaken up hate today tintime house umnder'
a i'tle l imniting gemner'al delia te to itlnree
hoiu',.. A votse omn time passag e is dtmrowhopnn;;prn-E
dilt ng it's defeat.
At, thme outset of deb~at'. time mmiea sa r '.
whicl li as as one of its objects thime
Imla cing of' national balnk: on a itlr('
eqpual comipetitive basis witIi tate in-'I
stun titjins, particularly withn m'ga 'd to(l
branches was assailed by Represent -I
ative 'Nelson of Wisconsin, leade~r of I
time Laiolltt c insurgents in thle
honuse. Hie refer'red to it. as a "'pork1
harmreli''ll Iiwhich xwoumldlbenefit a few
powerful 1hamnker's, bat, whiichwould
work against thlie best interests of-
wage-earners and farrnirs.

will eqmaIl that of the navy ga 7F
wit-hi cl was Pila yed duming t m huolidayv
recess;. A sect ion of 850) sea ta, att $1
each, are reservefl for' every gamue thmis
-ear toai the East side o ftie field
tI oame. TI&I section wtas completely
r oldl omt. for the Navy contest.
EThme gaime tonight will start, at 7:30)
o'clock andtih~e doors of thme field
houmse wvill be opened promptly at 7
Cihicago, Jan. 9.- What is said to be
the oldest necklace in the wom'ld, 75,-
000 years oldi. adornmient of a cave
womman of southern France, today is in

tickets (luring tme cacnmpaig . Tis ? '1 Chrismsnan at- the guardms,
offer is expected to miake the rivalry Michigan's squad, for whom many
keet btwen hediferet rgaiz- have prophesied one of the best
tions and the results of each fraternity Wolverintaevfet illg to the g fa
wviil lie publishedi so that comparisonsWovrnouftwilgitoheam
may be made a4 to progress. The cup up to fall strength. Captain liag-
will be inscribed with the name, of thle geu'tyti, Qo Oif the best: forwards in the
winnig frterniy. West- will hmtm ye as his traveling coin-
! In additioni to the prize cump, a bronze paonECabewhws'pkd
tablet, containing the nanmes of the jouit of a large ,number of candidates
fivehigestfraeuntie attheendearly in the season as a "coiner" and
f t dive willstfrbernila t i the pool who has justified his selection on
of hedrie illbeplaedin tie polnumerous occasions. Haggerty netted
room i the Union. forgasiIh ia eido h
' Practically all preparations haveNafourgoals ninteafinalmperiod o h
been made for the opening day of theNaygm anitwshmbrwo
dive netct Tuesday I y the conmittees ;kept the ball in Michigan's territory
in chig.Tnm.i rmeeyfa with his great handling of 'the ball
ternity oitme camnpus have been off tme backboa °d.
(chotsem to take pram t in tme work andi, Bruce Gregory, who will start thme
i1t iM expected that minore than 500 ganme at center, is the second new mhan
mienwil be orkng nxt eek.Theon the squad this year. and imas been
tdisplayingbabilitynfromxtimeef.rste I
meca will call on all muoen students ondilangbltyfo ?.frs.n
the camnpus in their homes to ask spite of the great defense which the
thtemtr to purchiase bookst andtihie fac-1 Navy presented against Michigan last
ulty anti ahunmni wh; are. Union 111cmn- I weekend, he rang up four field goals
her liingin ntsArbr wll lsoI in the first period alone and was an
lbe-soliviinten A rbeca o wti alsoimportanit cog in the Wolverinme offeri-
headled by Earl'i ngerie, '26, has beenm Isire. Doyle and iRed Cherry, who will
appointed to cail oilthtie town aluimni. play tine standing and runnimng guards
tim the game tonight, are both power,
'l'ags will lit given to evem'y iniam h.tl player., and shoulidlurvabi
whohmu'dia~m5 aboo. rihedrie Ii barrier between tmeI'Purple forwards
last for' three days and it is hoped!adteMcignho.DyeI
that at, the emnd of thtis tittle them'e will jadteMcianho.DyeII
lie1 011 nca ea'iig ags tis eiigI powerful guard amid his work in jump-
be 1.in00gniorwaroa hastanottbeen equalled
time number oftbookts that must hbe sold !i owadh-ntbeneule
toi comiplete time swimming pool. If by any opponent tbis year. It was his
the riv i~ a uccss he oolwil ability to get thne advantage of the
be mready for use by Mlarch? 1. I tipoff which kept tme Navy up in tme
B'ooth.,; will tic placed 1mmAmngelil i-all, I aim' for time largemr pamrt of the game..
thne Engineering building and at the rIhuislgtyeaemdbanl-
ll tho Union where bookts of 1 ess which hskp i u flrc
{ tcke; ~aybe urcase. Si lea for' the greater part of the wveek
tickts my b purhase. IRed Cherry will be ready to enter the
MVichigan lineup at time start of to-
rnar' IfhiV~l~P night's NW game. Chlerry's dloublle threat
0 LILfL h~~iMUI as been a menace to opposing teams
in every ;game this season antid is all
nIrrar'a r-ound ability mimakes hurm one of tme
THEBLESIN ;most iimport ant players on the squad.
assinedto intandis one of thme most
Chicago, Jan. 9. --- If any natiot accurate basket shooters in tme Wes t.
knows the blessing of peace it is Jap- hlis floor work in the Navy gamewa
an, D~r, Yusurke Tsurumi, of thme Jap-E a revelatioin even to time Middlies and
anewe bureau of colonization, toid the' Provided lierenmains eligible, lie will
'Association' of American colleges to-! be one of Michigan's biggest assets in
night. i time a-tenipt to take a basketball title.
"The neal progress of Japan came Nor'thwestern promises to present a
dur'ing three centuries of peace," saidl fast and well drmilled outfit in this eve-
Dr. Tsuruumi, "which prcceeded time re-j ning's ganme. The famous "Moon"
storation of the emporer in 1868.'I Baker is as capable ontimce basketball
Dunning this period of unbroken peace, floor as lie is onm the gridiron and has
internal anid external, tine arts, r'e- I the reputation of being a great for-
ligion, commer'ce, and state craft pro- I wvard. White is another miman who
spered. Afterwards, western science:! finds time basket in tight situations
and a pulblic school system paternedl I and with Greaves, lanky center, the
after that of America were drafted.I Purple attack is well taken care of.
umpomn that founidation." I Replies umay be given a chance to
-~I play at thme center position in case
ILisoin, Jan. 9.-The Finance minis-! Greaves is not in condition. Mathews
ter' has promised to consider the ques-' and Christman are both dependable
tion of umodifying the decree forbid- guards and are Northwestern's hopes
Sding the entry into Portugal of foreign to stemin tme attack of Hhaggerty, Chmer-
-ry and Chanmbers.
I I ~r ereemtti~ Golden , Colto., .an. 9.-Dr. V. C.
I 1 If he e ?esntaiveof nY ,Ailerson, presidenit of thme Uia versity

England To Enrter }t ie bssio fFrank G. Logam.
Air Race To Polej1 Chicago. si nw, hs ed
Londom, Ja n. .'. - Gi'i'mtit ill iti-j ire the oldest: objects fashioned by '
tens t Ctertheai 1a,(:' o tTCman ever unearthlied." said W. 3.
lens t cte Ilit a i~iacm'toI lneI Sherxwood, of time Art institute.
North hPiole ~wi thn aim eped it iom mct _________________
May iunde hem ime lader0hip 0of a y onuig~
Icelande'r, 61ret h AgrsomaiutCapt.- I GResignti on O
Framnk NWoum'ley, w ho colt tamtifed the
laite Siir Ermmest Siackcelton's ships. the i HiolmeIs .e'xpjtected'
Endturance; anti the Quest, ini their ex-
plorationms of South IPolarm' regiomns. WashiimngtoIn. ! mu ---'Anothnemr ae-
As plamnned, the expeditiom ilil pro- ancy soonilmtime bencth of tihe mmp'ene
'ceedto 1(itzbemgen1, then nrthwaird ?count was inidicatedi totday inlthe mmmi-
as fat- as the ice will peinit amid est ab- comfinmetd, but unrmefuteud, reor~nts thatI
lisp a bas so mewherem-nin fthe a ci thIi or- m, _111; 41-..,. i.-i -r r.,aI 1%Il~- r

I's theo first tiing nuost
ipeople like to 'Ao laist.
1t, is decidedly unneces-

The bureaus' activities, lie aset 1 ports by nmoire thman a biliionmm tolars,
tend to trive away the best seammen.! thme Departmenmt ohf Commmerce amm-
( iallors shit) on Amelirlian Vesl~s(1. Mr.!, nnmod v,,r,* rlnv ,

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