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President Little Urges Student Sup-
port; Alumni have Contributed
90 Per Cent
President Clarence C. Little in urg-
ing support of the life membership
drive for the Women's league building
stated, "Upperclassmen should have
developed an unselfish loyalty to the
University by this time and should
pledge life memberships for that rea-
son; underclassmen in addition should
pledge because in all probability they
will have a chance to use the build-
As the time allotted by the Regents
for the completion of the quota of
$1,000,000 is commencement of 1927 it
is necessary that undergraduates,
graduates, and friends assume at once
full responsibility. Only one half of
the required amount is raised so far,
leaving but one year and four months
in which to secure the remainder.
SMrs. W. D. Henderson, newly ap-
pointed executive secretary of the
alumnae council, commented on the
campaign, "I am certain," she said,
"that the task, enormous as it appears,
can be accomplished. This will be
true, however, only in case everyone
assumes their full responsibility. The
new slogan is 'Break Ground for the
University of Michigan league build-
ing June 1921.''
Four hundred thousand dollars re-
mains to be raised out of the $1,000,-
000 stipulated by the board of regents
of the University as the necessary
amount before the league building
may be started. If the students re-
spond to the campaign for pledging
life memberships it will be possible to
start the erection of the building June
of 1927.
Outsiders have raised 90 per cent
of the $600,000 already contributed,
and it is up to the students who have
only contributed 10 per cent of the
amount or $60,000 to show these out-
siders that the need of the new build-
ing is recognized by subscribing for
life memberships in the campaign be-
ing held this week.
House to house canvass will be car-
ried on until Friday night when the
percentages of the various houses will
be registered on a large chart made
for this purpose. Subsequent inter-
views will be made during next week.
wNow that the work of raising the
money for the league building is en-
tirely in the hands of Michigan grad-
uates, Michig'an students should die
loyal'in aiding the fund.
W.A.A. Will Give
Valentine Party
Valentine decorations will be used
for the party to be given from 4 to
6 'o'clock Friday, in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall, for members of W. A. A.
The entire women's physical educa-
tion faculty will attend the party, at
which all the guests will appear
dressed as boys and girls. The favors
will be valentine programs, and there
will be specialty dances for the group.
Music will be furnished by the Wo-
men's league orchestra, and refresh- I
ments will be served. Dorothy Og-
born, '26, is in charge of the party.
For every article for sale, there is
a buyer. Reach him thru Classifieds.
Natural Language A
Most Beautiful U
Says Prof. Scott
Standards of American speech were
discussed by Prof. F. N. Scott of the
Rhetoric department in his talk be- Revise Plan Of Hospital Social Work
fore the Ann Arbor Women's club yes- And Reorganize Trimnng Methods
terday afternoon at Lane hall. For Foreign Mothers
"It is assumed," said Professor
Scott, "that in England every culti- WILL HOLD CONFERENCE
vated person speaks the same, while
in America there is a difference in Review of the work of the Univer-
speech for every locality. I have
found this to be untrue. The differ- sity Y. W. C. A. for the coming semes-
ences in English speech are as great ter 6iows an interesting program con-
as those in America. Good English sisting of a meeting of the social ser-
varies in, different parts of the king- vice committee on Feb. 16, reorgani-
dom and, in my opinion, owes much zation of the Americanization work,
of its this variance." and a student conference in Detroit.
Professor Scott mentioned Ameri- All women doing work at the Uni-
cans who tried to model their speech versity hospital in teaching or occtu-
on what they considered to be the patonal therapy will meet with Miss
accepted standard, adopting the. New Dorothy Ketcham, director of social
English pronunciation. service at the hospital, on Feb. 16, in
"They found this pronunciation Newberry hall to arrange hours for
hard to maintain," continued Profes-this semester. Women that are inter-
sor Scott, "Since they were changing lsted in starting this work are also
after their speech habits had been asked to attend this meeting. This
formed. The practice of remolding year a member of the social service
pronunciation has been given up as staff at the University hospital is con-
the democratic era of speech is here. ducting a class in occupational work
If the language is racy, rich in vocab- in which all women doing this work
ulary, and used -by many in good are enrolled. The class meets for
standing it will be accepted. Some two hours every Saturday morning.
contend that this throws the doors Americanization work is given for
open to degraded pronunciation, but I those women who are interested in
the laws of language show that when teaching foreign mothers English' so
a form is used by a large number of that they may use it in their homes.
cultured persons it ceases to be de- Those who are interested are asked
graded." to get in communication with Miss
In his discussion of changes in lan- Ruth Deemer at Newberry hall. j
guage Professor Scott said that it was An Intercollegiate conference of
the essence of language to change, men and women from the colleges off
and a world in which everybody used Michigan is to be held in Detroit on
the same language would be much Feb. 26, 27, and 28. The purpose of
less interesting. this meet is to "discuss the campus
"The charm of a beautiful lan- I situation and evaluate it in the light
guage," said Professor Scott in con- of the principals of Jesus." Mr.
elusion, "lies in flexible vocal organs Bruce burry, professor at Union Theo-
and a harmonious soul. Language logical Seminar in New York, and Mr.
that is natural and unaffected is much George Collins, a representative of the
better than sensational language, fellowship of reconciliation of New
which is language in degeneracy. The York will be the leaders of the con-
best American speech will be that ference.
which is least strained and gives the
Change Date For
Presentation Of
"Becky Behave"
Dates for the performance of the
Junior Girls' play "Becky Behave"
have been changed to March 23 to 27.
The production will be offered at the
Whitney theater as is the custom.
Six performances will be offered to
the public, one each night and a mati-
nee on Saturday. The first perform-
ance is given especially for senior
women who attend in cap and gown
after a banquet at Barbour gymna-
sium, and this year the last perform-
ance on Saturday night is to be given
primarily for the alumnae although
the general public is invited.
Steps are being taken by the cen-
tral committee to advertise and
arouse interest in the proposed alum-
nae night. Helen Reece, business
manager, has superintended the print-
ing of circulars, mail order blanks
and other advertising material that
will be sent to the Pan-Hellenic and
alumnae organizations of the large
cities in Michigan, Ohio and Illinois.
These mail order blanks are to be
returned to Miss Reece by March 9
and seats will be reserved according-
ly. As many as six may be ordered
together. The Hill Auditorium sale
of tickets will be on March 19, 20 and
The cooperation of the sororities on
campus is highly essential to the suc-?
cess of alumnae night, and many of
the organizations are planning to
give alumnae week-end parties. The
Women's league will endeavor to ar-
range accommodations for any of the
alumnae who desire them.
0' OUND Tit oRiD, wtsf INDIS, f c.'
An~yine, Any S'teamer, Any Where
Make Reservations NOW
A Small depositguarantes space in any class
Phouc 6412. Author E. G. KUEBLER
ed Local Agent I'E. G . A r
ALL LINES (601 E. flurea St. An ur bor, Mich
'all-star hockey team will report at
12:15 o'clock today for the Michigan-
ensian picture, in nddies and bloom-
All women in the board of repre-
sentatives picture call at the League#
office to see that they have been cor-
rectly identified.
M~iss' Annis Bfall will Ioancha swim-
Barbour GymnnasiumII
Rehearsals for the Junior Girls''ning class for all women
play will take place today as follows: inincas al woen
at 4 o'clock chorus 11 in the parlors, Mymnasium
and chorus 1 in Sarah Caswell Angefl I 'ymnasium.
hall; at 5 o'clock chorus L in Sarah Neiberry Hal]
Caswell Angell hall, and chorus C in February pledges to the
the parlors; at 7 o'clock the cast of !are now payable.
the following scenes of Act I will re. Important meeting of t
hearse in Sarah Caswell Angell hall: A. finance committee and
6, 7, 3, 9, and 10; and at 7:30 chorus tains at 3 o'clock today.
H will meet also in the hall. Y. W. C. A. cabinet w
Central committee of the Junior 4:10 today.
Girls' play will meet at 3 o'clock this Masques dramatic societ
afternoon in the parlors, at 4 o'clock today.
Moptis of tha tnhm emittaoiRselnov
at 4 o'clocky
at Barbour
Y. W C. A
he Y. W. C.
Iteam cap-
'ill meet at
ty will meet
Members of the first and second
rifle teams wno fired the national
match will rep rt at 12:30 o'clock to-
day at the i. 0. TC. range in knick-
ers and white blouses for the Michi-
gancnsian picture.
Meeting of the W. A. A. board at
6 o'clock tomorrow at the Lantern
shop. All women who areunable to
at tend the (lilmner are requested to
al e i ianter shop, amd those who
Calnot attenid tlie meeting afterwards
call _idyra Finsterwald, '27, at 21716.
Regular meeting of Mlummers at
3:15 o'clock Tlursdlay at the Pi Beta
Phi hiouse-
Ilecause of (hanging schedules the
arrangement of hours at the candy
booth is being revised. All those in-
terested in wvorking there during the
second semester will receive an ap-
pointment by calling Barbara Wheel-
er, '28, at 4541.
The ichiganenaian picture of the
W. A. A. board will be taken at 12:15
at Dey's studio.
The Women's Educational club
will meet, at 3 o'clock tonight at the
Delta Zeta houset at 816 Hill street.
(' b'v '. Now Forting
O( i ea~t lradticm and
Iocaliomnl Value
Mate at W1iliam Streets
i~leei ng O e cLn s e ume mUmI1 1111LLee
of the Junior girls' play at 4:30 All women who fired on the first
o'clock tomorrow, team in the national rifle match will
Members of the junior first hockey fire in the match this week, before
team and the eleven members of the Saturday.
As a special every Wednesday we
feature Raisin Bread
made with
Sun Maid Raisins.
PHONE 5501
p. a
best utterance to American ideas."
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Irving Warm olsDS C
707 N. University Ave. Phone 21212
and Charm
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Milk Mask
Facial Culture-
Ask Us About It.
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Now D oat Forg e
Flowers for her Valentine
Special Arrangements
Flowerday and Son
Nickels Arcade Send Flowers by ivre Phone 7014
IA Spring
Nickels Arcade
Phone 9616
Read the Want Ads
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Instead of the lady
Valentine of yore,now
it is the smart thing to
let a ty 'gift convey
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with Hankies
Anmuing little squares
and petal edged circles
make the most de-
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T1heir fantastic designs
ny fair lady
Daity Hose
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be your Valentine!
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Who Do More Than Just Sell
Individualized Costuming is part of
Goodyear's Advisory Service
'ACH new season brings new modes and stamps them
as "fashionable," but the perfectly costumed woman
knows that being well dressed demands something more than
picking out one of the new modes in a haphazard fashion,
donning it, and walking out on the avenue.
It necessitates rather, a careful consideration of the styles and
the adaptation of those style tendencies suited to the wearer's
type, her tastes, her age and mode of life.
To assist women in determining these things our salespeople
are ready with helpful suggestions and equipped with most
distinctive apparel, fabrics and dress accessories with which
to carry out their suggestions..