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January 10, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-10

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-1+3 + By selecting nominees through the overdone, as eve
Q t agency of the council itsielr these students have lef
evils may be to a large degree rem- account ofa lifeo
OFFIC1AL NEWSPAPER OF THE odied and the candidacy assured for gerated optimism.

en now not a few
t the University on
of ease due to exag-


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Studer t Publications
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of allI
news dispatches credited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,"
Michigain, as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier or mail, $3 5o.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and x76-M; Busi-
ness. ;g6o.
Communications not to exced 3o words
if signed, the signature not necessarily to
appear in print, buttas an evidence of faith,
and ,notices of, events will be published in
The Daily at the. discretion of the Editor, if
left at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed communications will receive no con-
sideration. No manuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses postage. The Daily
flocs not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.
Telephones 2414 and 176-3I
News Editor.................Paul Watzel
City Editor................ Janes B. Young
Assistant City ditor.......... Marion Herr
Editorial Board Chairman.......L. R. Meiss
N ight JEditrs-
Ralph Byers "larr Hoey
J. '. Dawson, Jr. J. E. Mack
L. J. llershdorfer R. C. Moriarty
11. A. Donahue

SLIPPUNfx Th'se..3 41fiAERAL
(The~ Daily Iowan)

worthy men: Colleges should be rep-
resented in proportion to their size,
thereby making a more equitable dis-
tribution of authority than is now
in order.
With a reduced .group of officers
and additional executive power the
council would no doubt find itself
overburdened with work. To obvi-
ate this, outside students might be

r--- -OL
Venus on State Street

One can engage mu an enAiess con-
troversy regarding the "aristocracy
of brains" and still never reach a
conclusion. The discussion of limit-
ing enrollment of colleges to the in-
tellectual few so far has deat only in
generalities. If we are to be re-



enlisted to carry on some of the Just where the crowd from the Arcade'
minor administrative and routine du- Falls o'er the gents in Calkins'
ties of the organization. To repay i, doorway,
j such men for their services the nom- I saw a fair, bull-breasted maid,
ating committee of the council azing before her in a sore way.
might choose from among them a Long at this damsel un-Synoptic
limited number each year as nom- I stared, by joyed amaze knocked
inees for Student council positions. I fighty;
Finally, a small ex-officlo group For I, with nicely classic optic,
should be appointed as members of
the tudnt ouncl, hisRecognized Mistress Aphrodite.
the Student council, this group to pe
comprised of men hxolh~ng certain
But where the erst - unconquered
positions of importance in student ac- Queen
tivities. By its very nature, the coun- Of mundane and of stellar crea-
cil must at all times be in closest Oel
touch with the 'students of the Uni- F r s h
For, absent was lher haughty mien,
versity," and in no other way can 'itj And Fear now claimed those beau-I
achieve this as wellasthroughcanm-teous features.
umnication with the leaders in ac- Bewildered and a bit affrighted,
tivities who are in a position .best Shewatched the female streamfloat
to establish this intimate touch. by her,
The reorganization of the Student bygher s
council is no easy task. It involves Seeing her classic beauty slighted
the carefully weighing of many ideas For hard cold eyes and lips of fire.
and suggestions. The Daily has at- I
U mirU dp fripndlP e dau, rl4I

warded by the newly awakened inter-
est in improving the standards of
American colleges, we can best doit
by applying the new plan to our own
!.In the case of the University of
Iowa, a discussion of the "aristocracy'
of brains" excludes professional col-
leges which are usually conceded to
be more technical than cultural in
their aims. Only the college of lib-
eral arts reasonably comes within the
limits of such an argument. Since
most professional colleges, however,
have a prerequisite of liberal arts
work they are more or less affected
by the standards of the colleges of
liberal arts.
'1e arisiocracy of brains would
-imit enrollment in two ways: by
high entrance requirem'ents., or by
weeding out students who fail to keep
pace with high reqrtirements once
they are enrolled. The first is rather
unfair in view of the fact that to-
day intelligence tests or preliminary
iwork can not be trusted to measure
a student's ability in scholastic lines.
The second method, then, seems to be
the more just way of eliminating stu--

Sports Editor..................F. H. McPike
Sunday Magazine Eiditor......Delbert Clark
Woen's Editor..............Marion Koch
Fiumor E;ditor ............... .Donald Coney
Uouference Editor.. .........11. B. Grundy
Pictorial Editor...............Robert 'arr
Music ditor.................;. I1. Ailes
Editorial Board
TLowell Kerr Edt Iauric Berman
llAartin Nlave ;ugcn Carmichael
Thelma Andrews Walter S. Goodspeed
- A. Bacon Portia Goulder
Stanley M. Baxter Ronald Halgrim
Dorothy Bennetts Franklin D .Iepburn
Sidney Bielfield Winona A. Hibbard
R. A. Billington Edward J. Higgins
Hlelen Brown 1'lizabeth Jiebermann
W. B. Butler John McGinnis
H-. C.' Clark Samuel Moore
A. B. Connable M. .H. Pryorj
leruadette Cote W'.B. Rafferty
lelne I. Coughli Robert G. Ramsay
Walac e F. Elliott Campbell Robertson
joseph E pstein _ 3. 'W. Ruwi tch
MaxweI el-ad Soil J. Schnitz
T. E. Fiske W.1 1. Stoneman
. P. Welibink Frederic G. Telmos
John Garlinghouse "I 4. \"rl
Telephone 960
Advertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr.
vertising...............Edward F. Conlin
Advtis ............Walter K. Scherer
~ ,1.i.g.........Fars.
Accounts...............Lawrence H. Favrot
( iua . ............... WoI. Vlfe
Pu ication..............L. Beaumont Parks

tempted here to set forth what it be-
lieves most needs remedy in the or
ganization. Any' other views in re-;
gard to student government . which
may be held on the campus will be
welcomed by the Senate Council com-
mittee for consideration as it ;s
attempting to revise student govern-
nent in so far as is possible along
lines which coincide with student be-;
liefs in this regard.

unnl'eu , renuless, sau, alone,
She viewed these morons, wink and
A graceless walk, a shrieking tone,
A brainless bean-what did it matter?
For with neat swiftness each en-
Bagged her fool quarry. "What an


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Local Cars East Bound-7:oo a.m.
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p.m., I:15 a.m.
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Local Cars West Bcund-7:50 a.m.,
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1923 JANUARY 1923
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We do all kinds of Cleaning
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617 Packard Street Phone 1792
Schedule in Effect October i8. 1922
Central Time (Slow Time)
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P.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
3:45 7:45 . .. Adrian .... 2:45 8:45
4:15 8:15 ...- Tecumseh . .. 12:15 58:15
4:30 8:30 . Clinton .... - 2:00 8:oo
5:-5 9:15 Saliine ...1:15 7:15
5:45 9:45 Ar ltnn krborLv. 10:45 6:45
(Court lIose Square) A. M.
D-Daily. X-Daily except Sundays
and Holidays. Friday and Saturday special
bus for students leaves Adrian 1:45. leaves
Ann Arbor 4:45.
JAMES H. ELLIOTT, Proprietor
41on, g26-M Adrian, Mich.

213-15 W. LIBERTY ST.




Which means the more to you? We are
located two blocks west of Main Street,
and lower rent enables us to give you the
best prices.


Cried Venus,
Headed for

sickened, and instanter
safe and sane Cythera.

Friday night Michigan is to have
the opportunity of watching the first
formal intercollegiate hockey match
that has e-2r taken p'ace in the
mbiddle west. Wisconsin, time hon-
ored rival in every field of athletic
effort, comes at that time to meet
the Michigan Varsity in the first lap
of the race for the championship of
the Western Intercollegiate Hockey
league. Thel teams will play two,
games, the second one Saturday eve-n
ning; and Weinbei1g's Coliseum
should be crowded to ca.pacityA fat
game time both nights.
A great advance has been made
in the University's athletic progress
by the, action of the Board of Ath-
letic Control in raising several infor-
mal sports, among them hockey, to'
a Varsity standard). Inly by 'the
same whole hearted suport as is

Dere ca Ise in town honey and got,
me iron nrukkles on me mitts Im lay-'
in for this hear full mune boid ges he
Jinks just hecuz i dig in for a coupla
f'eki ota croak or somethin nix i
been out on the rode railroading (I
means trainin) and tell dis full mune
not to worry about the A arbor polise-
forse gittin me if u read the A arbor
ilnes ges ull notis as how one toid
of de cops is ofi vacashun but he aint
vacashun hell cal, hes restin un in de
U hospital sun parlur get de connex-
shun? hows to fix me up a date wid
Ail Eva or Elizabeth i'll wear a lily in

The stadard of our college of lib-
eral arts is admittedly low. The pro-s
feisor who said that two hours o%
concentration daily were sufficient to
make the average student eligible for
Phi Beta kappa spok with a knowl-
edge of the facts. One needs only to
look about hin to see mediocre sti-
dents who without any outside prep-
aration are receiving average grades.
Naturally a few of the more brilliant
under any plan will "get by" -rithout
working, but when the average stu-
dent does, something is radically
A few courses are "stiff" and the
student who is unfortunate enough to"
register for one becomes disgruntle,
when he sees his classmates having
.ch an easy time in their courses.
All compain of hard work, naturally.
Were the hours of recitation de-
creased to four or five a week, the
same note of dissatisfaction would
be heard.
Higher requirements in liberal arts
wou'd do much to raise the standard
of the whole University. If the ad-
r inistration cancelled the registrationr
of all those students who professedly
are not here for work, and of those

Your bank should be sound, accurate and
efficient. But that'is not enough. Banking
service to be of the most use to you should
be also intelligent and interested.

That is what this bank tries to be


101-105 So. MAIN 330 So. STATE ST.
960 For Daily Want Ads.


tJ9 4

Kenneth Seick
george Rockwood
Perry M. Fhaydena
Eugene 7. Dunne
\'m. Graulich, Jr.
John C. Haskin
C. L. Putnam
E. D. Arinantrout
Iherbert W. Cooper
Wallace Flower
wti:: '.iI+ Tr.

Allan S. Morton
]ames A. Dryer
Wn. IH. Good
Clyde L. Hagerman
Howard Hayden
Henry Freud
i erbert P. Bostick
D. L. Pierce
Clayton Purdy .
1. B. Sanzenbacher
Clifford Mitts

Chocolate and Maple Nut Fudge
75c pound


accorded other Varsity teams, how-jI me coat and stand in fronta de
ever, can the new sports be success- at seven clicks of de clock tell


adaad B. Riedt Ralph Lewright 1
Harold L. hale Philip Kewalt ful. The hockey team has arranged (one of em) to wear boxing gloves or who find it impossible to keep pace
Wm. D. Roesser an ambitious schedule and without a black eye with the poorer students, the morale
the moral as well as the financial heres to you of the liberal arts college would be
backing of the campus it is not hu- DE JOISEY BOID strengthened and there would be no
manly possible for it to be entirely * * * need to worry over increased enroll-
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1923 successful. j AN ORIENTAL TALE I ment. The leisure hours of liberal
Without a doubt hockey is a game (Owing to the extreme excess of arts students if spent in any worth-
SNightEditor-ROBT. C, MORIARTY that nine-tenths of the students have emotion we labored under yesterday while way and not as they are in
never seen and for that reason many because the office manager said we the popu'ar loafing places about the
STUDEN U COUNCIL REX'ISON will refuse to attend, in fact could must get another hook if we expectea campus might be a reasonable excuse
As an organ of student government not be persuaded to attend. There are to get so much mail, we forgot to in- for requiring academic work.
the Student council of the University many others, however, who forced by lude the signature on the emient One danger, however, in requiring
has been declared insufficiently ef- the urge of the sporting chance will poem "Now Twenty Years in this more work is tie tendency of most
fective by an investigating committee turn out for the first game. This Cellar." Had it been signed it would professors to confuse this with add-
and as a result the Senate council last class will be the one that will I have sportel the same johnhancock ed mechanical preparation. Real';
has appointed a faculty committee to furnish the hockey following, for few as the subjoined contrib.) thought is the thing needed most in I
plan the reorganization of the Stu-I people who have ever seen a game Pedro was blind, and te had to live liberal arts. The whole system today
deantf council witit the end in mind # have failed to becom~e confirmed en- on the charity of his friend Juan. One is based on memory work.. The stu-
thusiasts. It is a sport that combinesday Juark h tgooutdent whocan remember aosofsn
of mnaking its function more satisfac-. a ua se imt oot i~dntwocnreebraoto n
tory. t-he science of footlall, the combina him and help gather the cocoanuts. significant facts gets the A'. Con-
Tlie Student council itself is not tion demands of basketball, and the Juan was going to climb the trees, structive thought or criticism is
at fault. Within the limits of its individual skill of baseball with a and all that Pedro was to do was neither encouraged or rewarded.
power this body has carried on ac- 'speed that belongs to hockey alone, count the nuts as they fell.
ceptably. The investigating commit- There are no confusing rules, the "All ready?" came a voice from "IT IS ALWAYS TTE 'ORREVT
tee found that ,"as individuals its scheme of play is simple and the above. ITIING TO BE A GENTLEMAN"
menmbers are of the best type and sepectator can fol'ow the game in, "All ready," was the answer from (Colgate Maroon)
have, personally, the respect of their telligently from the first play. below. If a col'ege education should teach
fellows". The Student council is Above all other attributes of the "One," shouted the blind man when anything it should teach men to be
ant unsutccessful organ of student game itself, the greatest reason why he heard thumping on the ground. gentlemen on all occasions. And it
government because its powers are the Coliseum should be packe:d to the Silence. Then a sharp voice, does this to a large extent. It has a!
almost entirely administrative, where- doors tomorrow night and Saturday "One, h..1! It's me who has fallen." social life that trains ilei how to act
as they should be largely executive night is Michigan spirit. Above every, "But," protested the other, "how in more or less formal groups. Its
in nature. . . thing else that Michigan honors and could I tell you weren't a nut?" classroom and campus etiquette en-
At present the council consists of treasures is this indefinable some- FILIPINO. deavor to impress upon the college
26 members, elected by the various' thing that we call spirit, the quality ! * * student what are the right and whatE
classes of the Univ'ersity' as their Ifor which the Mahize and Blue Is DEAR CAL: My ypsi is so dumb she are the wrong things to do under
representatives in the organization. known throughout the country. That thinks George Ade is something good given circumstances. The trainiun
These men may be seen wearing is why the six Wolverines who take i to drink. that is given is so effective that it is
badges at class games; they are in the ice at the first whistle Friday JIMMIEENDEE. often possible to distinguish a college
charge of celebrations. They issue night should be backed by a banner * * * man in a large gathering.
statements of advice or warning, but crowd. They will be representatives And the adoption of the following Bzit it is the belief of some unin-
they are in no position to compel re- of the University opposed to one of song, tune, "Wearin' o' the Green" telligent indlividua's that to pull sug-

IVac armid's


715 N. University


_ J

r r +r i i r r s


History and. Business,
In the tumultuous days b e f br e the French
Revolution there lived an old French nobleman
who made a practice of crushing his wine glass
between his fingers, saving as he did so - "The
poor must live." He had the mistaken notion
that by the destruction of property he was in-
creasing the market for labor and thus adding to
:he prosperity of his country.
The times in which lie lived excuse the old nobleman's
cttitude - but there is no excuse for the existence of this
viewpoint today. And it does still exist, although in dif-
ferent form.
You have often heard it said-"Spending money judi-
ciously is better than hoarding it in a savings account; for
more business is created and everyone is benefited." This
is the truth - but not the whole truth. The function
of the bank is to increase the prosperity'of the community
by a careful system of credit control.
We feel that this bank is doing its share in the
development of Ann Arbor.
Thco Ann Arhnr Qa'unn, I Rair

, '

epect. They can hardly be called our most respected rival
student government; they are an ad- pionship in this sport w
ministrative body. This the Senate tre and glory to thoset
council committee must take into quired in football and cr
consideration in its reorganization and the one to which we
hlarm . vancing in basketball.
'n adition to this, a number of It is up to you. Thep
other changes should be made in the not do it all alone.
council. Be there.
The class system of representation
should be replaced by a r-presenta- A PRACTICAL APPL
tion of colleges, nominations for coun- Could .not the now pop
cilmen to be made by an executive E "Every day in every way
conniittee within the Student council ting better and better",

s. A cham-
ill add lus-j
already ac-
ross country
are now ad-
players can-
pular jingle,
y I am get-
be applied

obviously merits consider:>tion:
7 love the Tap Room at-mo-sphere,
Saggestive of the Inn;
I nick my tee-e-e-e-e-e-eth without re-
straint -
I see it's being done.
With a spoon I eat my Quaker Oats,
I use it next on prunes,
Then plunge it i-i-i-i-i-n-n-n the sugar
They have no sugar spoons.
This merely to suggest the possi-
bilities. Other experienced hounds

gestive "wise cracks" that draw the
laaugh is the correct thing for a gen-
tlemnn. Tlhmi same class belleves j
tlat doinI crazy stunts in front of
one's girl in order to attract atten- !
tion is the pert to be played by the
r'ollege mean. Loudness and hoister-
nusness are the basis for their ac-
But the true gentleman is an unob-
triisive' person whose every action is
sedate and dignified. He knows 'his
place and does not endeavor to force
himself into comnany where he is

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