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January 10, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 81











Foreign Students Will Introduce
Speaker, Read Scriptures,
And Give Solo
"Jesus Christ in the Orient" will be
the subject of Dr. Charles W. Gilkey's
address at the fourth University serv-
4ce at 7:30 o'clock tonight in Hill audi-
torium.' Impressions of his recent
tour of the Orient will be recounted in
the talk, together with portions of the
text of a series of six lectures which
he delivered to Indian students at
several of the large university centers
in India.
Chosen Foremost Pastor
/Dr. Gilkey was recently chosen as
one of the 25 leading preachers in
America by the vote of more than
25,000 ministers. He is at present
pastor of the Hyde Park Baptist I
church in Chicago, but has spent con-
siderable time recently in lecturing to
university audiences.
Tonight's program will be conduct-
ed ly foreign students who will intro-
duce the speaker, read the scriptures
and give a solo. Nur M. Malik, '27M,
of India, will preside at the service
and will introduce Dr. Gilkey. Miss
Mildred G. Drescher, '27Ed., will lead
the prayers, Miss Achy Iype, '28M,
will read the scripture passages and
L. S. Azad, '29E, will sing a solo. In
addition to the solo, a mixed quartet
will present the musical part of the
program, accompanied by Philip La-
Rowe, grad., on the organ.
Dr. Gilkey was chosen to deliver
lectures in Bombay, Lucknow, Lahore,
Calcutta, Rangoon and Madras to I
more than 40,000 students by the Bar-
rows Foundation. These lectures
have since been collected and printed
in book form under the title "Jesus
and Our Generation."
wm!1 Answer Queston
In his address tonight, Dr. Gilkey
will attempt to answer the question
in the minds of many foreign stu-
dents-"What Value has Jesus to an
Oriental." By 'reason of the oppor-
tunities for studying conditions in the
Efast ' which have been given to Dr.
Gilkey, it is believed he will be able
to give valuable information to stu-
dents interested in the progress and
place of Christianity in the Orient.
Bulletin Tells I
Of551 Summer
School Courses
Approximately 551 courses will be
offered next summer in the 33rd Sum-
mer session of the University, ac-
cording to the campus edition of the
abridged summer school announce-
ment which arrived from the printers
yesterday. Students interested in the
Summer session may obtain the an-
nouncement from the various depart-
mental oflIces tomorrow.
The Graduate School and the liter-
ary college will offer some 293 courses
during the period between June 21
and Aug. 13. In the colleges of En-
gineering and Architecture, there will
be eight architectural courses and 68
engineering courses given. The Med-
ical School will offer 39 courses which
will extend from June 21 to July 30,
exepting for those in anatomy, 'phy-
siological chemistry, materia medica
and therapeutics, otolaryngology, and
physiology, where work will be ca4--
vied on for eight weeks.
Courses in the Law School to the
number of 12 will be offered in two
five-week periods extending from June
15 to August 26. The College of Phar-
macy announces five courses. .The
education school offers 69 courses.
Fourteen Business Administration
courses will be given, and nine cours-
es in library methods will be offered
Courses in hygiene, public health and
physical education to the number of
16 are announced.
GRAND FORKS.-Paul L. Samuel-
son is chairman of a drive to raise

funds for a new $500,000 Memorial
stadium, gymnasium and field at the
University of North Dakota.

URBANA, ILL., Jan. 9.-"Red"'
Grange and his brother Garland
will return to the University of
Illinois next fall as students, ac-
cording to a report from their
father during the Christmas va-
"Red" is anxious to get a de-
gree from the university and isI
willing to postpone his "career"
long enough to graduate." Gar-
land will try hard to win a place
on Zuppke's varsity football
team," the elder Grange said.
Grange sent a $10,000 check to;
his father from Florida and I
presented Garland with a road-
ster and a fur coat.
Adams, Barton, Delay Consideration
Of Four Amndnients Because
Of Coming Examinations
Because of approaching examina-
tions, the general meeting of Union!
members scheduled for next Thurs-
day evening, when proposed amend-
ments to the Union constitution were
to be voted upon, 600 members being
present, has been postponed until the
middle of February, according to an-
nouncement made yesterday by Al-
bert Adams, '26, president, and Rich-.
ard Barton, '26, recording secretary,
of the Union. No definite date has
been selected for the meeting but it
will be announced at least ten days
in advacne is required by the Union
The general meeting was originally
called for Jan. 14 by the recording
secretary upon his receipt of a pe-
tition, bearing more than 200 signa-,
tures, which asked *for the considera-
tion of four amendments to the con-
stitution. The petition urged that the 1
Union be reorganized in order that
"present gross inefficiency may be'
eliminated" and dealt mainly with

Clean-u p Squad lHeads Will Breakfast
At Lane Hall This Morning
To Discuss Plans
Contributions reached $2,568 in the
drive for funds for the Student Chris-
tian association at a late hour last
night. After a conference of the com-
mittee, it was decided to continue the
drive until Thursday of next week
since many fraternities and rooming
houses had not been canvassed as yet.
Competition for the silver loving
cup to be awarded to the one who se-
cures the greatest amount by personal
sulbscriptions has been keen, several
large contributions having changed
the relative positions of the leaders
announced yesterday. The cup will
be awarded to the winner next Thurs-
.day night by Harry Messer, '26, chair-
man of the campaign.
Men who are to captain the "clean-
up" squad, which will canvass all fra-
ternities not yet solicited, and also the
remaining unsolicited individuals, will
have breakfast this morning at 9:15
o'clock in Lane hall Tavern. Plans
will then be outlined for the comple-
tion of the drive. Students who are
willing to help in this work are asked
to callHarry lesser, chairman of the
(idrive, tat Lane hall today.
At the present time, Beta Theta Pi
has given the largest house subscrip-
tion, $66, and the largest personal
subscription, $48.27, was secured by
Rensis Likert, '26, president of the
Student Christian association.
(By Associated Press)

BERKELEY, Calif., Jan. 9.-
Frank Baker, motion picture ac-
tor of Hollywood, dived through
a window during the filming of
a feature movie here today, ex-
pecting that a group of stalwart
firemen were holding a life net
to catch him three stories below.
Through a misunderstanding the
net was on th'e other side of the
building and he struck the
I ground suffering serious injuries.
This was the second accident
of the afternoon experienced in
the making of the same screen
play. A short time before, Ray
Steele, who was subbing for BenI
Wilson, plunged from the top of
the building to the ground, when
his heels caught on a wire from
which he was suspended as heI
swung into space. A net had
been spread to receive him also,
but by reason of the mishap in !
the air, he struck only the side
of it, falling heavily.
Both actors suffered internal
injuries and broken bones and,
are confined in a Berkeley hos-
Clyde Leavitt, '04, Now In Canadian
Employ, Entered Forest Work
In Colorado

Thomas McCranalian, Irish Tenor To
Take Important Male Part
As Italian Peasant
Donizetti's comic opera, "The Elixir
of Love" will be presented in Hill
auditorium tomorrow night. It is
generally known through its Italian
name, "L 'elsir D' Amore." The
opera, as presented by the William
Wade Hinshaw company, is also noted
for having been a favorite opera of
Caruso, who always took great pleas-1
ure in singing the role of the corned-
ian Nemorino. The Hinshaw company
will present the opera in English;
special staging will be erected for the
Prima Donna Comes
The story of the opera concerns
a man in love, who drinks wine for
the first time and thinks that it is
the elixir of love. The cast as se-
lected by Mr. Hinshaw will include
Hazel Huntington, coloratura soprano,
who will sing the role of "Adina."
! For the past four seasons she has
been prima donna in Hinshaw's pro-
ductions of Mozart's "The 'Inpre-
sario" and "Bastien and Bastienne."
She was born in Minnesota, educateds
in New York, toured the country inI

Trotzky Back

proposed alterations on the board of HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Jan. 9.-The
directors. engineer and fireman of a Chesapeake
The joint statement issued by Adams and Ohio freight train crew were kill-
and Barton yesterday for the post- ed, another man seriously injured,
ponement of the meeting follows: and dozens of residents of Hurricane,
"The president and recording sec- W. Va., sustained minor injuries late
retary of the Union have decided that this afternoon when the boiler of the
due to the approaching examinations, locomotive hauling the train, which
it is advisable to postpone the meet- had paused at Hurricane for water,
ing called for Jan. 14 until about Feb. exploded.
15, because, coming, at the beginning

Tim Lowry, Captain Of 1925 Football
Team, Receives Trophy As Most
Valuable Player
rBy Associated Press)
EVANSTON, Ill., Jan. 9.--Michigan's
basketball team won its first Con-
ference game of the season from.
Northwestern, 32 to 30, tonight, be-
fore - the largest crowd that ever at-
tended a basketball game in Patten
The score at the half stood 17 to 12
in favor of the Wolverines. Between
the halves, Tim Lowry, captain of
last fall's Northwestern football team,
was presented a silver trophy, award-
ed by Harvey T. Woodruff, of the Chi-
cago Tribune, to "the most valuable
player to his team in the Big Ten."
In the last few minutes of the game,
the Northwestern quintet started a
rally, led by "Moon" Baker, which
was stopped by Michigan's strong de-
fense, and scientific stalling. Captain
Doyle, "Red" Cherry, and "Bo" Mo-
lenda starred for the winners.
11ichigaif-32 Northwestern--40
Oosterbaan .....LF.......... White
Harrigan ..... RF..... (cap) Baker
Doyle (cap.) ....... C.......... Fisher
Cherry. .........HG........Mathews
Molenda .._...LG........Christman
Substitutions: Michigan, Martin for
Harrigan; Chambers for Oosterbaan;
Northwestern, Rush for White.
Field Goals: Michigan: Harrigan,
3, Doyle, 2, Cherry, 2, Molenda, 2, Mar-
tin, 2, Chambers, 2, Oosterbaan;
Northwestern: Baker, 5, Fisher, 4,
Christman, 3, White, Rush.
Free Throws: Michigan, Oosterbaan,
Cherry, Molenda, Martin. Northwest-
eOn, Baker, Fisher.

of the second semester, those inter-
est ed will have .tn opportunity to
consider the matter more fully than
while studying for the approaching
NAPLES, Jan. 9. - Mt. Vesuvius,
continuing its activity of the past sev-
I eral days, smoked and rumbled
throughout the day. The heavy flow
of lava continued.
Volcanologists are issuing reassur-
ing statements regarding the possible
effects of the present eruption, but l
inhabitants of towns near the base of
rt'he volcano still are anxiously watch-
ing the smoking cone.

(By Associated Press)
ROME, Jan. 9.- A violent earth-I
quake, which shook Tuscany for 121
seconds, causing casualties and prop-
erty damage, and a renewal of por-
tentous activity in Mt. Vesuvius mark-
ed a reawakening of Italy's seismic
and volcanic forces yesterday.
Both these phenomena are believed
to be the results of the same mysteri-
ous subterranean forces, which dur-
ing the past ten days in various parts
of the country have caused panic-
stricken crowds to flee as the earth
trembled or the famous volcano belch-
ed angrily.
The earthquake in Tuscany center-
ed in the region around Monte Amita,
and resulted in minor injuries to a
score of persons and damage to sev-
eral hundred peasant houses. The
first shock was felt at 10:15 o'clock,
and this was followed by a tremori
of smaller intensity. The quake in-
spired widespread terror, driving the
inhabitants of several villages from
their homes.
PONTIAC.- The annual show of
the Eastern Michigan Poultry Associ-
ation will open here Moncay.

Clyde Leavitt; who will speak at "Robin Hood" and with grand operaI
4:15 o'clock Tuesday in Natural Sci- companies and has sung as soloist in
ence auditorium on "The Forest Sit- concerts in the United States and
nation in Canada," has' had wide ex- Canada.
perience in the administration of Eleanor La Mance, mezzo-contralto,
forests and in the direction of re- will take the role of "Gianetta." She1
search work. After his graduation has sung many contralto roles in the
from the University in 1904 with the Gilbert and Sullivan repertoire and
M. S. F. degree Mr. Leavitt entered the one season was with' Defeo Italian
United States forestry service, being Grand Opera company. She has
.assigned to a district in Colorado. In studied in Boston and at Nice, France
1905 he was transferred to the section under the noted Jean DeReske.
of national forest boWidaries and as- "Nemorino", the peasant of the
signed to examination of land in the I piece, will be sung by Thomas Mc-
Western states for new national for-! Cranahan, tenor. He has an Irish
ests. Two years later he was placed 'tenor voice with a reported rare lyric
in charge of this division of the serv- quality. Born in Chicago, he was a
ice. well known boy soprano, and later
In 1907, because of his capacity for studied voice in New York. He is a
organization, he was placed in charge world war veteran and has sung in {
of the national forests with head- oratorios in all the larger cities of
quarters in Washington, D. C. This the country. He will sing the role j
division of theyforestry service han- made famous by Caruso.
dies administration and personnel 'britne
I Leo de Hierapohis, baritone, who1
matters for the entire forest Service. I will take the role of "Belcore" has
Later he took charge of , a district
comprising Utah,, Nevada, and South- Ilhad several seasons in grand opera,
en Idaho. In 1910 he was appointed in Rigoletto, "DeLuna" and others.
assistant 'forester.He has sung with the San Carlo com-
From 1912 to the present time Mr. pany and the Montreal grand opera
SLeavitt has been in the employ of the Icompany. He was born in England of
Canadian government doing forestry I Greek parentage, and by inheritance
work. In addition to general forestry he has the title of Papal "Count".
I administration and fire protection, his Is Navy Song Leader
office directs research 'activities, deal- Francis Tyler, basso, began his ca-
I ng mainly with the pulpwood forests. reer in "Madam Butterfly" and has
He withdrew from the University in 1 sung in grand opera and concert work
1898 to enlist for the Spanish-Ameri- for the past 15 years. He was head
can war. * song leader for the United States
Mr. Leavitt is the author of a num- Navy during the war. Willard Stek-
her of reports and other forest pub.. berg will direct the string orchestra.
lications, some of which are: "Forest The performance is the second of{
Fires," 1909, "Forest Protection in i'the extra concert series. A few
Canada," 1912, 'and "Government, Re-'tickets still remain for sale. The per-
strictions upon the Use of PulpwoodI formance will begin at 8 o'clock Mon-
Cut from the Crown Lands of Quebec, } day night in Hill auditorium.
Ontario, and New Brunswick'".
Glee Club Will NEVERS
Present Con c3rt
in Ypsi Tuesday, NFOIAGM
With its entire personnel of 90 mem-n ( Associated Press)
i bers participating, the Varsity Glee 1
club will give its second out of town JACKSONVILLE, Flai., Jan. 9.-
concert of the season Tuesday night! Ernie Nevers, former Leland Stanford
in Pease auditorium, Ypsilanti, under1 football star, suffered a torn ligament
the auspices of the Pan-Hellenic as- in the back in the second period of the
sociation of the Normal collegecs football game here today between his
The program which is now being team, the Jacksonville All-stars, andI
The rogrm whch i nowhem the New York Giants.
prepared oy Tfieoodre Harrison, direc-th Newrk Gints.
tor of the club, will feature a variety: Nevers left the game in the third
of selection. The prize song c f thi period as a result of the injuries re-i
Sintercollegiate glee club concert, "The Iceive when h attempted to hurdle
Lamp in the West" will be presentTd. the line in an off-tackle play. He was
The ten piece glee club orchestra iii throwntwith a thud heard all over the
accopan theclu an giv seera field; the Giants were penalized :15
accompany the club and give several, yards for roughing. Never remained
instrumental numbers. Two special yr for rg hing. Nev emaine
interurbans have been chartered fo in the' game, until the end of the
transportation to and from. Ypsilanti. i eio. attemptingtw foarps-
tntrur shav ben failed sa eridattempting two utdforward tpass-,
For its last concert this semesteI es. Both failed and he punted out o
the Glee club will go to Detroit Fe- danger. score caie in the final
4w t tThe only soecrei h ia
Sruary 4 where it will present a pro- period when McBride, of Syracuse
gram in the ditor under th ass Te plunged through center to the goal
of the Vortex luncheon chub. i line, later kicking goal. The Giants
ofth Vrtx unhen l'. won 7 to 0.


After spending a year in compara-
tive obscurity, Leon Trotzky, (above)
once war commisar of Soviet Russia,,
is again in power as a member of the
central committee and the political
bureau, the highest directing body in
Russia. Revenge is doubly sweet for
Trotzky, for he not only regained his
!place on the central committee, but
also saw the defeat of Leo Kameneff,
(below) who voted for his expulsion
as war commissar a year ago.hIt is
understood that in the future he will'
follow party policies closely and ex-
pound the doctrines of strictly ortho-
dox communism. Kameneff managed
to become an alternate member of
the bureau, but a young man, Klemen-
tiv Voroshiloff, the new war commis-
sar, replaced him as senior member.
i i
M -

Both Sides Favor Sunday Meeting Due"
To Public Opinion And Long HERE FEB. 14
Duration Of Strike
Reviews fromh Philadelphia and New
STRIKE IN FIFTH MONTH 3 York papers on Mr. Wilfred'sappear-
ance as soloist with the Philadelphia
NEW YORK,Jssoan. 9.-Unable to Symphony orchestra under the direc-
break the deadlock that h'as gripped tion of Leopold stakownkyi n both
the anthracite miners and operators of these cities recently have been re-
for six months in their attempt to ceived by the local committee. His
draftI debut in a combination of light and
drat anewwae cntrct th jontmusic, playing a visual accompani-
conference will hold another session ment on the Color Organ to Rimsky-
Sunday 'afternoon. Korsakoff's suite, "Scheherazade", has
The unprecedented action .of meet- created nation-wide interest ie hmusic
{ ing on the Sabbath was taken today circles.
when each side found the other im- "The selection of Scherherazade',"
eovable.. hsays the Philadelphia Public Ledger,
Never before g the long history of "was an excellent one. It was one of
hard coal wage conferences has athe most interesting artistic efforts
meeting been held on Sunday. Neither that have been attempted in a long
side is willing to take the responsi- time, and the audience was enthus-
bility of asking adjournment over athe performance." "The
day, partly because of public opinion combination of that instrument OI
and partly because of the great desire mobile color, the Clavilux," continues
to end the strike, now in its fifth mo l en own e Clang the s conines
'month, without undue delay. Olin Downes along the same lines in
There was no hesitancy to meet on the New York Times, "with a great
Sunday when the matter of adjourn- symphony orchestra idicates a field
ent caine up, someone stating that rich in possibilities. There were ex-
ceedinglybeautiful and suggestive
the better the day, the better the moeingts.
deed. I et.
The conference spent the afternoon Mr. Wilfreds recital on the color or-
n discussions as a committee of o gan Thursday, Jan. 14, in Hill audi-
whon ndsins spaat caucustes of th torium will include this accompani-
whole, and m separate caucuses of the ment to the "Sherherazade."
operators and miners.
The anthracite strike which has ir
been inprogress since Sept. 1, has re-'ENSIAN SALES
sulted in a loss to the anthracite in-! M END FE 1
dustry during 1925 of 23,500,000 gross I MAYIi YD E .






All members of the "M" club
are requested to report at the
field house before 7:20 o'clock
tomorrow ,night in order to get
seats in the reserved section.
M" sweaters must be worn.




Fishing Vessels Hurled Ashore
As Tidal Wave Hits Maine Town!
(Bar Associated Press) I firs't wave came," he said. "It rolled!
SOUTHWEST HARBOR, Me., Jan. 9. in steady like the even flow of a river.
-The inhabitants of the little village Then came two lesser ones and in
- of Bernard, three miles from here, ex- less tlagn ten minutes thbe whole har-
perienced their first tidal wave to-bor was filled to near high water
day. Unexplained in its origin, the mark. Great whirlpools were formed.
phenomena which occurred about t All boats were tossed about at their
noon, caused a sudden emptying of moorings and the 70-foot fishing
Bass Harbor, followed a few minutes smack, Fishhawk, broke from her line
later by a ten-foot rush of water, and at the Underwood dock and crashed
then two smaller waves. No one was against the pilings. The entire ham-
:.n...,r1e , + nut -i+ rA W i i nc, hnnfQuuaL wu v n n-n u.o ft ldi

tons of coal, says a review issued to-
day by the anthracite bureau of in-
formation. This amount represents
I almost one-third of the total output
of the previous year, the review states.
Basketball Scores
Michigan 32, Northwestern 30.
5 Indiana 33, Minnesota 28.
l Ohio State 28, Purdue 25.
Iowa 18, Chicago 13.
Dartmouth 26, Yale 16.
f Army 31, Lehigh 22.
Navy 27, New York U. 21.
, STOCKHOLM.-Out of Sweden's in-
J dustrial earnings the share of labor
increased nearly 40 per cent during
the past two years.
I II AinflTII P T fnlR

In order to be certain of obtaining
the 1926 Michiganensian, students
should sign the subscribtion blanks
and pay the charge for the yearbook
on or before Feb. 1. It is possible
that after this time, no further sub-
scribtions will be accepted.
In case the staff is able. to fill fur-
ther subscribtions after Feb. 1, the
charge for each book will be increased
50 cents. At the present time the
price of the annual book is ,$4 for
those who have filled out the sub-
scribtion blanks and $4.50 for -athose
who have not.
Paris Free From
Danger Of Flood
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Jan. 10.-All .anger of
serious damage to Paris from the

uar'te ather

4W ,,! I4V V


Engineers Will
Conduct Annual

injured, but about e a isning Oatso1e orena T water
were hurled ashore and two men in a l"The water l

ss oh oam.
left the harbor so rapid-


AI IATf l rnnnrn nnii

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