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March 13, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 112) • Page Image 3

… TIIURSDAY, MARCH 1:$, 1941 THlE MI+CHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRE1, I I McMillan, le. frews Tie For Puck Scoring Title, Jacobson Ends in Third Place With Phillips Fourth D~espite Ineligibility For Six Gamres ()'vi S~t1It~ ii AMII ua 1lcetSaturday By' CHIUCK( urwIs Scoring the las goa (J the 1946-47 hockey, seso 1 sconds, before the final horm ton make Michigan's only ta01y aais Michigan Tech last Saltrday, Gordon McMillan gained << tie with wi...…

March 13, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 112) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THET AUCIC UA N b A TV 44" Y4M I% -L V,, -& *w- " A A A%.-A .a KA 1 C.-, " A X . rMURSDAY, MARCH 1S, 1141 Michigan Royalty E WANT TO BE THERE when some- body makes a palace out of Yost Field Douse. We have been informed that petitions to elect a king and queen for Michigras have been circulated to all fraternities, sorori- ties and dormitories on campus. The Michigras committee has evidently succeed- ed in convincing itself tha...…

March 13, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 112) • Page Image 5

…THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1947 THE MICHIGAN DAICI Y PAGS .'R 1,E i 1.1VICALN Z./dA1"1/ PAIIE FIVE Coeds To Petition 'Hans Brinker' Will Be Qiven I i/ia L u Mixer Dance Class of '49 For Wfl Posts Executive Board, Club Managers' Duties Will Be Discussed at Meeting in WAB Will Be Given WAA Board posts and petition- ing will be explained to all coeds interested in applying for WAA, positions at 4:30 p.m. today in the WAB lounge. Jean Brdw...…

March 13, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 112) • Page Image 6

…9 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MARC"l13,19.0 ..... . ..... ........... . . . . ... . 'O'DANIEL' Playwrights Beat Room Shortage To Finish Play By MACK WOODRUFF A lot goes into the making of a successful play, sometimes even ringing doorbells. Glendon Swarthout, teaching fellow in the English department and co-author of the recent Expe- rimental Theatre success, "O'Dan- iel," employed the doorbell ring- ing technique in November, 1945. It ...…

March 12, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 111) • Page Image 1

…LEGISLATURE PETITIONING See rage 4 I Latest Deadline in the State D3a iijy CLOUDY, MILD VOL. LVH, No. 111 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1947- PRICE FIVE CENTS ) Truman Talk May Set New, U.S. Policy Expect Statemeiti On Greek Crisis By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 11 - President Truman will address a joint session of Congress tomor- row-and the nation-in a policy statement which may set far- reaching new standards ...…

March 12, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 111) • Page Image 2

…rj T HE MICHIlGAN DXIH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1947 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION: IPA Enrollment Includes Graduates in All Fields -- - - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Students interested in such widely divergent fields as forestry, civil engineering, architecture and public health are taking graduate work in the Institute of Public Administration, a survey of the Inxtitute's enrollment reveals. Elizabeth Myerson, one of the four women in the Institute,...…

March 12, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 111) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1947 THE AMICHIGAN DAIIA PAGE THRIEE . Chi Psi Five Advances in IM Play-offs Goosers Tie for First Place with Phys. Eds By BEV BUSSEY A smaller, but fiery Chi Psi quintet outplayed Sigma Chi, 30-21, last night to advance to the next round of the championship play-offs in the Intramural fra- ternity tourney. Chi Psi gained control of both backboards throughout the game and scored most of their field' goals on rebounds...…

March 12, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 111) • Page Image 4

…P~AGE TIt'07R THE ~MTC14T(2AN t fAT.V &#t-fit A .- ....,..".,. ._ ,. ..._..+a.+-- __. _...i ;aa _l a aw. aaavna 4l .ti1L3 W1 r1i1MiY"' iWliirnr WEDNESDAY, 31ARCH 12,1947' ,,,, 5Student Opportunity fEADLINE for Student Legislature peti- tions Is 4 p.m.'tomIrrow, Here is a rich student opportunity to make life on this campus more agreeable. The Legislature has taken steps this se- mester to solve some of our big campus problems. With the ...…

March 12, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 111) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1947 THE V C141CYAN °T)ATTV -.1..1 'MTC1VLA L1fbAITV1J f r Bob Chester To Be Featured At 'Forty-Niner Ball' Friday Tickets are still available for the "Forty-Niner Ball," annual soph prom which will feature the music of Bob Chester and his or- chestra from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Fri- day in the Union Baliroom, Ticket sales are held from 1 to 5 p.m. every day at the Union, League, and in University Hall, and are open to memb...…

March 12, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 111) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE'. MIt" HICI InA iri *'Y' ', C Tl A "fit it:. sar '. FUTURE.______ArPAaT.:.A DLSPLJiMALTI: F'UTURE I)IPLOMA TS: (d WEDNESDAY, MARM 12, 19,17 Political Initerest Spurs R I1 &. Q4 U I L 41 I~ tDd~~ h " ~ -~'I.. t , By IHOWARD) ORRL Interest in Russian scientific studies and the American diplo- matic service account in large part, for the increase in the num- ber of students studying the Rus- sian language, Professor Lila Parg-...…

March 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…LEGISATIVE PARIElJS S v f Page 4 (AM, -.A . , Latest Deadline in the State a itu WARMER VOL. LVIIL No. 110 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TESDAY MARCH 11, 1147l PRICE FIVE CENTS Lloyd Says Fraternities Should Lead Depiores4 ILak o Criticism of fraternities an sororities would be silenced if the assumed "a more positive attituce of social leadership instead of a emphasis on ;what should not b done," Alice C. Lloyd, Dean Women said in a statement t...…

March 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 110) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1947 I Final Cage Standings FRATERNITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE I Bob Harrison Elected '47-'48 Cage Captain; Alpha Delta Phi........... Phi Delta Theta ............ Sigma Phi.................. Lambda Chi Alpha .......... Sigma Nu................. Acacia..................... LEAGUE II Alpha Tau Omega......... Sigma Phi Epsilon.......... Phi Kappa Psi.. .......... Theta Chi................. Phi G...…

March 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 110) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 1947 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE T EP TUE /MTCHI 1y~y4AL1i JATyy Pa taa! 'apimpip _ Fifty Golf Hopefuls Answer First Call New I iiik (C*ach Hert IKatzeitmyer "Past performances (1 1 .1 t in-rmore, we're three weeks course will rot Serv(C as th(' i' lkiteif)gctting started." Third Place Cinder Team Is Tops, Declares Coach for this year's vaity cquadc." re-I vealed the new Michigan golf mentor Albert C. "Bert" Katzen- me...…

March 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 110) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUISDAY, MARCh 11, 1947 p Legislature Parties RATHER BEGRUDGINGLY the Student Legislature voted last week to permit students to form parties in the coming election to fill 23 Legislature vacancies. Opponents of the party system appear to have overlooked the chief argument for a party system: the introduction of a sense of responsibility to the student body on the part of the Legislature. Instead, they see onl...…

March 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 110) • Page Image 5

…TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1947 r A XT t"t AL Ir if IV I lul i ili UtII"qAA ~IJIY PAGE FIVE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .__ __ ,... Beer Drinking Dog Joins Legion I i (Continued from Page 4) Semitar in Applied Mathemat- ics (math. 348) will meet at 5 p.m. Wednesdays, Rm. 317, W. Engi- neering. Please note the change of hours. At the next two meetings, March 12 and 19, Prof. Opatowski will speak on "A Theorem of Jacobi and Its Application to Comp...…

March 11, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 110) • Page Image 6

…P~AGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,. MACH 11, 1947 ................. . . ...... . ............ .......... . ......... . . . ........... . ......... . ON SALE FRIDAY: Authorities Accuse Garg Staff Of Posing as College Students Bly PERRY LOGAN Blushing coyly, the AAUP, the University Senate, and the Board of Regents have categorically ban- ned the March Gargoyle from campus sale. As is customary in such cases, Sophomores Will Petition t ...…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…DEFENDING FRATERNITIES See Page 4 Y Lt AL CLOUDY, COOL Latest Deadline in the State VOL. L.VII, No. 109 ANN. ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY MARCH 9, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Penalties Set For Football Ticket Fraud Violators To Lose GanmeA dmissions The students who kept football tickets obtained through "false representation" last semester will not receive student tickets next fall. The University Disciplinary Committee announced today that the s...…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…aE TWO TTHE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1947 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Student Attacks Vets Subsistence Raise mmenda~t on To The Editor: NO ONE ARGUES with the ad- vocates for increased subsidies to student vets that the cost of living has increased nor that ev- eryone needs and wants more money. The survey recently con- ducted at this university only proves these non-contested facts. Rabies Check Described By Speaker Here Practically ...…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 194"7 Track . (Continued frorn Page 1) Rehberg jumped Earl Mitchell o Indiana coming off the last turi and won in 4:15.5. Queller lec during the first part of the race dropped back, and then came or to nip John Twomey of Illinois for third place. . The Wolverin' was clocked in about 4:16.8. Holland Beats McKeney After Holland of Northwesteri whipped Herb McKenley of Illi- nois in a blanket sixty finish, the world's indoor 440 ...…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY i , Defending Fraternities CAPITALIZING on the sorrow of the coeds who had "busted hearts" because they didn't receive a bid from the right sorority or none at all" and the men who got "the same treatment," the City Editor's Scratch Pad appeared on this page attacking fra- ternities and sororities simply because there are more people oq this campus who wish to join than these groups can take. Opening his colum...…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Soph Post Petit 27 Board Jobs To Be Filled; Soph Interviews Will Begin! Committee Head Mass Meeting Positions Open To Be in WAB Petitions for sophomore posts in Petitioning will open tomorrow various activities for next year are for 27 positions on the WAA Board due at noon tomorrow in the,Un- president. dergraduate Office of the League. according to Jean Brown, WAA Second semester freshmen and A meeting will be held a...…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…GE six THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NMARGI! 9, 194'' -- - - !.. ti 'd DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I F' 11 Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the offfice of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- usdays). SUNDAY, MARCH 9, 1947 VOL. LV...…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVN EDUCATION NEEDED: Venereal Disease Rise Hits Teen-Agers. LANSING, March 8 - (AP) - Michigan's growing venereal diseases is the teen-age group have increased an percent in the past Venereal disease is no respecter of areas, or economic threat from closing in on where cases alarming 33 five years. in Michipr either ages, backgrounds, state health department records show. Of all the infectious syphilis reporte...…

March 09, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 109) • Page Image 8

…TilE MICfI4AN DAILY A FACULTY FOR KNOWING: Economics Professor Unites Teaching with Public Service UNION NOTES Shaving Brush Retires After ASSOCIATED PRESS Editor's Note: This is the 16th in a series of articles on faculty person- Qlties In the midst of a heated dis- cussion last semester in Economics 121 (better known as labor from Haber) on when the depression would come, one student, evidenc- ing great exasperation, asked for the def...…

March 08, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 108) • Page Image 1

…INTERESTS I jr Latest Deadline in the State i r FLU See Page 2 No. 108 -W ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1947 PRICE F - --- ------ ------ IP Moving Cut Funds West Lodge Free From Village Electric Problem Emibree Describes Abuse of Fire Alarm As Main Hitch in Single Students' I)orm Of Treasury Denocrats Cry 'Sham, ''Ph ny' By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 7-The 'first Republican move toward a $6,000,000,000 bud...…

March 08, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 108) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Selfish Interests IDE from the good that can be said for labor unions in their avowed purpose of ing the worker to a better deal, one can't but deplore the selfish interests so often layed in union activities. It is a sad situ- p when unions lose sight of their real m for existence and allow these personal ests to transcend those of the worker even the country itself. iother instance of this has been in and of the news in ...…

March 08, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 108) • Page Image 3

…__________________THE MICHIGA N DAILY higan Swimmers Trail Ohio State; iley Relay Team Sets New Record Buckeyes, Led by S Margin over Second By MURRAY GRANT COLUMBUS, March 7-A vali- ant, but outmanned Wolverine swimming team tried vainly to stem the combination of too much and too many tonight as the Buckeyes of Ohio State rolled up an impressive half-way score of 49 points to Michigan's second place total of 29. Coach Mann's natators manag...…

March 08, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 108) • Page Image 4

…SI i. l'. 1't . I st of Vets' Receipts From 7 Man Sources Are Taxable ASHINGTON, March 7-(1Pt) me discharged veterans think because they served in the d forces they are entirely ex- from paying income tax, 's a mistaken impression. general, income received civilian sources by dis- ged veterans and members of trmed forces is taxable. How- pensions and other kinds of PAG Range Incireasedn PAG, the Ann Arbor radio on, will begin broadcasting r...…

March 07, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 107) • Page Image 1

…a. PROBLEM Ir Latest Deadline in the State D:u3 r MILD Sec Page 4 RYWif LY... 'IAIW ommmm" t JvIll, NO. 197 ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN. FRIDAY. MARCH 7. 1947 pi RICE FIVE , ..s - - - - - - r lage Fuse blem Will Discussed Tenants To Meet F'HA Engineers By BEN ZWERLING Acting on tenant-proposed rem- edies for the electrical circuit dif- ficulties at Willow Village, Charles H. Annala, housing manager, an- nounced last night that plans...…

March 07, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 107) • Page Image 2

…E MICHIGA lief Justice Vinson Issues )urt Opinion in Lewis Case WASHINGTON, March 6--)- .otations from Chief Justice nson's opinion in the John L. wis contempt case: 'The trial court properly found e defendants (Lewis and the ited Mine Workers) guilty of milal contempt. Such con- ript had continued for 15 days . It was an attempt to repu- .te and override the instrument lawful government in the very Lation in which governmental ;ion was indi...…

March 07, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 107) • Page Image 3

…Mic V l iugan Teams Begin Big Nine Title Quests L O olverines Are Underdogs' Ohio State in Swim Meet Matmen Begin Wrestling Meet Prelims Today 4Three-Way Runner-Up Battle Seen in Indoor Track Duel Wolverine Sextet Meets Michigan Tech In Final Two-Game Series of Campaign I } Illinois All But Conceded Cinder, 'M', OSU, Badgers Best Bets for Crown; Second COLUMBUS, 0., March 6-With the idea of having nothing to lose and everything t...…

March 07, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 107) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY illow Power Problem r of a recent conference on the elec- rie power situation in Willow Run Vil- came a specific and organized pro- by the Village AVC chapter. Theii' res- n provides that a representative will >pointed from each housing structure ake full responsibility for replacing fuses and reporting abuses in elec- circuits throughout the Village cording to Walt Hoffman, Village AVC man, the resolution would eliminate ...…

March 07, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 107) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGANDAILY 1nual fssembly Bcll Will Be Given Todc 5ceCarnival ___--Tickets Are Tickets Available for ior 'Music Depreciation Revi! Tucker's orchestra, which has played from the Meadowbrook in New Jersey, to the Paladium in California, will feature Don Brown and Kerwin Somerville, vocalists, as well as Bud Kim- ker on drums, and Billy Lee, sax- ophonist. Highlight of his pro- gram is a turnabout of the well- known nutrsery rhyme, whi...…

March 07, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 107) • Page Image 6

…AN OWN" Ly e -, ;o - h - e r a s. t e ,d ~- e e y t d h :. _. . Dormitory News i . The walls of MOSHER HALL vibrated to the sound of Michigan songs when the dormitory held a house sing Wednesday night. Re- freshments were served after the sing. Last night two exchange din- hers were held in campus dormi- tories. Approximately 80 couples participated in an exchange din- ner between STOCKWELL HALL and ADAMS HOUSE. ALLEN- RUMSEY HOUSE a...…

March 06, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…I NEIGHBORS See Page 4 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, No. 106 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1947 PRIU Senate Votes To End OPA, War Controls Courts To Take , Rent Regulation By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, March 5 - The Republican-dominated Sen- ate, overriding Democratic pro- tests, voted 58-29 today to end OPA and other wartime control agencies by June 30. A little earlier, a Senate banking subcommittee voted 3...…

March 06, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…ch to German Problem Gloomy K Y J. M. ROBERTS, JR. P Foreign Affairs Analyst tary Marshall's statement arting for Moscow does lit- dispel the gloomy atmos- in which the nations are thing the German prob- tlls just short of express- words the qiuestion which rted much in the minds of ierican delegates: the German settlement be ched on a basis of making . (i +° 1 i peace for the last war or of pre- paring for the next one? Boundaries, econo...…

March 06, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 106) • Page Image 3

…agers Important L Puck SquadSuccess Top Conference Naators i im at A ii Meet Records Sold, Weinberg and Holiday Seek Marks As Wolverines Compete For Championship Off to Cha-aign Toda irstTI By HERB LORENZ As the hockey season draws to a close it seems fitting to extend some sort of appreciation to those who serve in silence. Coach Vic Heyliger's Wolverine hockey team will play the final games of the current season this week-end. It has ...…

March 06, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 106) • Page Image 4

…ryaiL yn ic Aid! Non-intervention SOR THE FIRST TIME in a century an American President is welcome in Mexico. he reported enthusiasm of the Mexican overnment over Mr. Truman's trip stands . sharp contrast to the state of Mexican- merican relations in the past 100 years- 'infield Scott's landings at Vera Cruz, the immernan note, and the oil squabbles of ze '30's. Now all the old issues are dead. Mexico day looks for financial aid from the U...…

March 06, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 106) • Page Image 5

…Meeting Today Opens Coed Petitioning U ww Many Women Veteran Groups Ice C Discovered by Recent Survey eague, Assembly, Panhel, VAA Posts To Be Explained To Be Giv V 1*f' A mass meeting will be held at 4 p.m. today in the League Ballroom for coeds interested in petitioning for positions in League, Assembly, WAA, and Panhellenic activities for next year. Duties and functions of all po- sitions open for spring interview- ing as well a...…

March 06, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 106) • Page Image 6

…______________ I _____________________________________________ U Archaeologist Will Discuss Far East Art An explorer and authority on Far Eastern art, Laurence Sick- man will speak at 4:15 p.m tomor- row in the Rackham Amphithea- tre. The topic of his illustrated talk, which is sponsored by the fine arts department, will be "Archae- ological Research and Discovery in China during the War Years." Army Major Serving as a major with the United S...…

March 05, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…LAVJ I RAISE See Page 4 'C Latest Deadline in the State a t 1ou SNOW LVII, No. 105 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 5, 1947 PRICE FIVE 73 Women I Pledged v Sororities Greek Government Asks U. For Financial, Technical Help Britain, France Sign Aid Pac amupiM s Houses Plan Ceremonies Bids from the 18 campus sor- orities went out yesterday to 273 women out of the 412 who partici- pated in this year's formal rush- ing season. ...…

March 05, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY DnILY OFFICIRL BULLETIN 11 FI F PRESIDENTS MEET-.-President Harry S. Truman shakes hands with President Miquel Aleman (right) of Mexico after President Truman landed in Mexico Citf for a three daf visit. Art Works by George Grosz On Exhibition in Alumni Hall, Dannemiller, Anne DeWitt, -Dor- ProI. Jean p. iusser, director satirist in the art world today."' othyDoefne, Kthlen ougasof the Museum of Art, has cal...…

March 05, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…kARCH 5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY zenmeyer Succeeds Barclay as Golf CoachPOTENT1A ________________________________ -Mid ig Mentor Calls Prospects; Season Gets Underway By MURRAY GRANT - Albert. C. "Bcrt" Katzenmeyer, ated from Alma College in 194 an assistant coach (an Michigan's There he was number one on th championship golf team last year, college's golf squad and led I was named head coach of the 1947 team to the MIAA championshi edition of Wolv...…

March 05, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

…V-U W UWV-MA A W T irw-r II .EASE FOR VETS: For Subsistence Raise 'UDENT VETERANS in Michigan want and need a subsistence increase. en delegates from veterans organizations chools scattered throughout the state are ag sent to Washington this week to testify ore the House Committee on Veterans airs in support of the Rogers Bill, . 870. Vith them will go thousands of question- res filled out by veterans on at least nine apuses whose expenses h...…

March 05, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 105) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'orty-Niner Ball Will Feature Chester Sophomores Will Hold; }' Assembly Opens Bal Ticket Sales fnnualDanceinUnion Bob Chester and his orchestra ? I Mass Meeting Tomorrow To Explain CoedPetitioning To All Women have been chosen to play for the "Forty-Niner Ball" to be present- ed from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, March 14, in the Union Ballroom,. Chester organized his own band six years ago, after being the fea- ture...…

March 05, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 105) • Page Image 6

…I ONS PROBLEM: les' Disunity Hinders > Economic Recovery Spike Jones Tickets Are On Sale Now ['he final.stabilizing of the Jap- ase economy is being hindered the. failure of the Allies to de- mine the amount and kini of .arations to be exacted from n, according to Dr. Otto G. af, assistant professor of Ger- . and former member of the Wr Department Intelligence vice in the Far East. n an article in the current is- of the Michigan Alumnus ar...…

March 04, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…KARL MARX SOCIETY D ~ See Page 2 Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVI, No. 104 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1947 LIGHT SNOW FLURRIES PRICE FIVE CE Fraternities' Pledge Lists Are Revealed 128 Men Receive Bids aL Dinners A total of 298 men were pledged at dinners given by 32 campus fraternities last night. The list follows: Acacia: Robert C. Beer, Richard E. Campbell, Howard K. Clark, Porter M. Kier, Merrill C. Miller, Anton L. Olso...…

March 04, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

… MATTER OF FACT: Karl Marx Society Alternatives EVIVAL OF THE Karl Marx Society on this campus will be considered today by Committee on Student Affairs. Since Wayne University has banned per- nently an organization known as the nxian Study Society, the Committee's de- ion today takes on new weight. A Stu- it committee at Wayne suspended the irxian Study Society for the remainder of s semester stating that a meeting last ursday was "in the o...…

March 04, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…k. To,-Qt lj""mv I7 own Michigan's swimming team will attempt to recapture the crown it lost last year to Ohio State this weekend when they journey tol Columbus for the Western Con- ference swimming meet. The Wolverines were soundly trounced by the Buckeye wonder- team of last season, which went on to make practically a clean sweep of national swimming hon- ors. Ohio State, under the guid- ance of Mike Peppe, amassed 7 points and took seven...…

March 04, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

… r. Gale Explains Basis r U.S.--Asiatie Trade fitable trade between the1 I States and Eastern Asia t be developed without re- uction of Japan, enlighten-i hinese control of commerce successful political adjust- in Malaya and the Phil-, s, Dr. Esson M. Gale, direc- f the International Cente", ned. he current issue of the Mich- Alumnus Quarterly Review, ale pointed out that at least L, restoration of Japanese ry, under United States su- ion, is...…

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