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March 09, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-09

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Latest Deadline in the State


Penalties Set
For Football
Ticket Fraud
Violators To Lose
GanmeA dmissions
The students who kept football
tickets obtained through "false
representation" last semester will
not receive student tickets next
The University Disciplinary
Committee announced today that
the students found guilty of in-
tentional fraud for refusing to co-
operate with the Student Legisla-
ture redistribution of tickets ob-
tained in sections 24-28 through
fraud or error will be depirived of
student admission tickets for two
football seasons.
Following the recommendation
of the Men's Judiciary Council
that clemency be granted to the
students who cooperated with the
Council hearings, the Committee
decided that the 27 underclassmen
who pleaded guilty to the charge
will be deprived of ticket privileges
for one season.
The complete number of stu-
dents who will receive the two
season penalty has not yet been
determined, Erich A. Walter, D~i-
rector of the Office of Student Af-
fairs, said, because records are
still being checked in some cases.
Five of the 201 students indict-
ed by ,the Men's Judiciary Council
I with evidence obtained through a
check of ticket stubs and regis-
tration coupons have not yet ap-
peared before the Council to an-
swer the charge against them.
Talbot Honey, chairman of the
F Council, said yesterday that these
students will be denied ticket priv-
leges for two seasons if they do not
appear by March 14.
Notices to the penalized students
See TICKETS, Page 7
Ilinois, Bucks
Beat Mich gan
In Track Meet
Special TCo The Daily
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Mar. 8-A
sensational anchor leg in the mile
relay by Ohio State's Mal Whit-
field, in which the Buckeye speed-
ster passed the Illini's legendary
Herb McKenley after the Jamai-
can had overtaken him gave the
Buckeye's a 34-31 margin over
Michigan for second place in the
Western Conference champion-
ships here tonight. Illinois won
with 62 points.
Fonville Breaks Record
Wolverines broke on conference
record and tied another as Chuck
Fonville cracked the shot put
mark on his last throw with a
heave of 53 ft. 2% inches. And
Herb Barten turned on a terrific
sprint in the 880 to win in 1:53.9,
tying the 1933 mark of Indiana's
Chuck Hornostel.
Don Queller was the first Wol-
verine to score when he took a
third in the mile. Illinois jump-
ed off to a lead in this event which
they never relinquished, when Bob
See TRACK, Page 3
OSU Retains
Swim Crown
Special to The Daily
COLUMBUS, O., March 8-The
record books took a greater beat-
ing tonight than any team, as the

Buckeyes of Ohio State smashed
the previous high team total gar-
nering 28 points to finish 31 mark-
ers ahead of second place Michi-
gan's 51 counters.
Records were broken in every
event of the evening as Michigan
and Ohio tank men frantically as-
saulted the existing marks. Wol-
verine Bob Sohl smashed the ex-
isting conference and NCAA breast
stroke record with a 2:21.4 per-
Halo Hirose and Jack Hill, Buck-
eye standouts, also shattered ex-
isting records. Hirose took the
100-yard free style in :51.8 to
break the mark of :52.1 held by
Gus Sharemet of Michigan's 1940
crew and Hill broke a former team-
mate's record as he took the 440-
yard free style in 4:46,. -
Smash Free Style Mar t
Ohio States flashy quartet of
Zemer, Sullivan, Hirose and Smith
smashed the 400-yard free style
relay mark in 3:30.0 breaking the
former record of 3:32.4 set by the
Wolverines of 1940.

ive Killed, Score Wounded As
Terrorism Flares in Tel Aviv,
guaranteed Wmage Asked at GM

-Daily Photo by Wake
FEARS RI>PRISAL-Fuse troubles bringing about a threat of strict enforcement of Willow Village
residents' use of electrical appliances made it nec essary to block out the face of this pretty Willow
Village housewife who "would be lost" without he r electric washing machine, mixer, grill, percolator,
roaster, toaster, hot plate and water heater. Each Villager agrees to limit his use of electricity when
he moves in but up to now officials have been willing to look the other way.

Marshall Calls
40-Year Pact
Prime Object
BERLIN, March 8-(A)-Secre-
tary of State George C. Marshall
indicated today that a prime
American objective in Moscow will
be adoption of a four-power 40-
year pact against Germany in or-
der to give an iron-clad guarantee
to the world that the United
States intends to maintain her re-
sponsibilities in Europe.
He emphasized at a news con-
ference that such a treaty would
provide a political framework
within which the United States,
Britain, France and Russia might
develop the final peace pact with
Germany. It would clear away
many of the difficulties now block-
MOSCOW, March 8-(/P)-
The Soviet government agreed
today to permit direct broad-
casts by American, British and
French correspondents fron
Moscow on the four power For-
eign Ministers Conferences and
informed Americans that Rus-
sian censorship on conference
news to the world would be lift-
ed officially on Monday, open-
ing day of the session.
Foreign reporters at the con-
ference will be skating on thin
Ice, however, for the Russians
will be scanning stories cosely
for any evidence of non-confer-
ence news in conference copy.
ing allied peace settlements for
Germany and Austria, he said.
He stressed strongly the need
for such a pact, which James F.
Byrnes, former Secretary of State.
proposed originally for a 25-year
period. Marshall recalled that
Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov suggested informally later
that the period be extended to 40
He attached importance to such
a treaty in guaranteeing that Ger-
many would not rearm and in-
suring immediate joint action
against Germany in case the need
ever arises.

Prospective Electricity Ban
Rouses Village Housewives
{.___----- -_----_

UAW To Seek
Pay Increase,
40-Hour Week
Date fr Presenting
Demands Not Told
13y The Associated Press
DETROI, March 8-The CIO
United Auto Workers announced
today that it will ask a guaran-
teed 40-hour week and a 23112 cent
hour wage increase for an esti-
mated 225,000 employes of Gener-
al Motors Corp.
"Ti ., ! v.t Iv wage proposal ,I
the union contemplates that when
an employe is called in to work
in any one week he shall be
guaranteed 40 hours pay for that
week," a Union statement said.
The present contract between
GM and the UAW-CIO permits
either party to request negotia-
tions on "economic issues" as
early as March 19.
The Union did not indicate when
its new demands will be presented
to the corporation.
The proposals were formulated
at a two-day conference of UAW-
CIO leaders from General Motors
plants throughout the nation here
this week.
Delegates also approved de-
mands for an employer-financ-
ed social security plan, an old
age retirement program and a
wage equalization fund, all part
of the international union's
wage program.
The UAW-CIO also will ask a
revised vacation pay schedule,
providing from 24 hours pay an-
nually for employes with six
months to one year seniority to
144 hours pay for those with over
eight years' seniority.
The delegates also instructed
their negotiators to propose that
General Motors participate in
the "establishment of an indus-
t r y - w i d e labor-management
committee to study ways and
means of achieving a guaran-
teed annual wage in the auto-
mobile industry."
President Walter P. Reuther of
the UAW-CIO, issued the follow-
ing statement relative to the 40-
hour week demand:
"A guaranteed weekly wage of
40 hours pay is the first step in
laying a sound basis for a guaran-
teed annual wage. In the last
eight or nine months General Mo-
tors workers in many plants
throughout the country have suf-

'HONORABLE DISCHARGE' - Albert Allhouse, of Ann Arbor,
will put his shaving brush on the retirement list today as it cele-
brates its 50th birthday. The brush was issued to Allhouse by the
Marine Corps in 1897.
G.I. Shaving Brush Retired
After 50 Years of Service

Sure, Granny was a good cook.
But Willow Village housewives fig-
ure there must be an easier way
to go about it.
Faced with the possibility of
having to resort to coal stoves for
cooking, veterans' wives out there
are plenty unhappy with the
FPHA. Regulations banning the
use of elect'rical appliances have
always been on the books, but un-
til recently officials have been
content to look the other way.
Life without Electrons
But fire hazard or no, the Vil-
lagers seem to feel that life with-
out electrons is no life at all. Two
housewives interviewed were quick
to speak up but asked their real
names be withheld for reasons of
"Mrs. John Smith" was pretty
emphatic about it. Asked what
she'd do if the electrical regula-
Cook Lectures
Start Monday
Initiating the 1947 series of

British Camps
Hit B Four
Ma jor Attacks
Haifa, Jerusalem
Raids Precede Battle
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM,Sunday, March 9
-A British soldier and four Jew-
ish extremists were killed and at
least 20 other persons were wound-
-id yesterday as violence flared on
a wide front inside the tightly-
cordoned military law zone of Tel

tions were strictly enforced, "Mrs.
Smith" said she'd move out.
"I'd just have to go home to
mother," she said.
"And my husband would have
to come with me," she added has-
Mother's Far Away
With a less accessible mother.
"Mrs. John Brown" is afraid she'll}
have to stick it out. It may callI
for a lot of adjustment, though.
At present she keeps louse with'
the assistance of the following
electrical appliances: a Bendix
washing machine, lock, toaster,
hot plaIe, roaster, radio, percola-
tor, sandwich grill and a water
The idea of cooking on the coal
stove is "Mrs. Brown's" biggest
headache. She tried it once, a
See VILLAGE, Page 7
The acclaim due a campus
queen has never been given a Uni-

William W.

Cook lectures, John M.

Clark, professor of economics at
Columbia University, will speak
at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow at the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
The first of a group of five lec-
tures by Prof. Clark on "An Al-
ternative to Serfdom" is entitled
"Wanted: A Balanced Economic
Prof. Clark, formerly a govern-
ment economic consultant, has
worked with the NRA, the Na-
tional Resources Planning Board
and the OPA.
His most recently published
bock is "Demobilization of War-
time Controls."'

versity co-ed, as beauty contests fered not only from a deteriora-
have always been outside camp- tion of their real wages because
us tradition. of the rising cost of living, but al-
An unwritten law denying any so from short work weeks due to
University organization the right irregularity of production. Many
to elect a king or queen has al- workers in many GM plants have
ways existed, Walter B. Rea, As- had work-week: and paychecks of
sistant Dean in the Office of the only 30 or 25 hours or less."
Student Affairs, said in connec -
tion with the recent proposal for

At 10:10 a.m. today a shaving
brush issued to Albert Allhouse
by the Marine Corps at the begin-
ning of the Spanish American
War will celebrate its 50th birth-
day and will, with appropriate
ceremonies, be retired from active
Allhouse, an Ann Arbor resident
who spends his spare time play-
ing the base drum in the Salva-
tion Army Band, was only a lit-
tle shaver, justk12 years old,hwhen
he enlisted back in 1897. Although
he was in the Marine Corps five
years, his shaving brush got very
little workout, because he wasn't
able to work up much of a beard
before he was discharged at the
ripe old age of 17.
U' Dele oates
Present Views
House Committee
Studies Subsistence
Special to The Daily
University student veterans testi-
fied yesterday before the House
Committee on Veterans Affairs re-
garding presenttsubsistence pay-
ments under the G.I. Bill of
Appearing before the commit-
tee were Bill Haydon, president of
the University Veterans Organiza-
tion and Jane Schacht, treasurer
of the Michigan Women Veterans
Organization, who presented their
views regarding subsistence pay-
Testifying one hour and 15 min-
utes, Haydon told the committee
that a campus survey showed 69
per cent of working students felt
necessary outside work impaired
their studies.
After the committee hearings,
Haydon saw Earl Michiner, Michi-
gan Representative, who said that
he feels sure some subsistence in-
crease would be granted. Haydon
also talked to Senator Homer Fer-
guson (Rep., Mich.), who ex-
pressed surprise at the high cost
of food at the University.

Although he didn't actually need
his shaving brush, Allhouse car-
ried it with him for luck when he
went overseas to the Philippines,
and he claims it saw him through
many close calls. His most hair-
raising brush with death was the
time he was ambushed by a fer-
ocious native and came within a
whisker of being hacked up with
a large bolo knife.
After the Spanish American war
ended, Allhouse barely had time
to begin shaving and get married
before World War I came along.
This time he enlisted in the Army,
and astounded the supply sergeant
at the induction center by refus-
ing to accept a new shaving brush.
"You government fellows gave me
one last time," he explained.
The shaving brush crossed its
second ocean when Allhouse went
to France with the AEF and there,
he says, it brought him safely
through his second war. The
brush's luck later failed him when
he was walking down a street in
Richmond, Va., in 1921. Just as
he was passing in front of an
apartment house, a piano broke
loose from two moving men, rolled
down nine steps and hit Allhouse,
breaking his back.
Allhouse has been constantly
using the same shaving brush
See SHAVING, Page 8
Debate Seen
Ont Greek Aid
WASHTNGTON, March 8-(,P)-
Rumblings of a prospective debate
over America's role in Southern
Europe sounded today as the ad-
ministration gathered last-minute
reports on Britain's position in
preparation for a Monday show-
down on its course.
Word from the White House
was that President Truman prob-
ably will announce then, after a
conference with 15 Congressional
leaders, his procedure for dealing
with the Greek situation-perhaps
a message to a joint session of
Congress or a radio broadcast to
the nation.

The terrorists attacked Brit-
ish military headquarters in
Citrus House and the Sarona
military camp in the all-Jewish
coastal city and staged a simul-
taneous assault on the police
station at Jaffa, a few miles to
the south.
Tel Aviv, under the heavy thumb
of military rule since the bloody
Irgun Zvai Leumi attacks last
weekend, experienced a night of
terror as homemade bombs and
road mines exploded and attack-
ers exchanged machinegun and
mortar fire, with British guards-
Wild shots cut power lines and
plunged part of Tel Aviv in
darkness until exploding bombs .
ignited a gasoline station and
other small buildings, sending
up flames visible for miles
around. The Tel Aviv battle
lasted an hour and 15 minutes.
The night's four major attacks
-on Citrus House, the Sarona
camp, the Jaffa police headquar-
ters and another diversionary
Jaffa assault at an undisclosed
point in the city-were preceded
by other terrorist raids earlier in
the evening and in the afternoon
in Jerusalem, Haifa and the boun-
dary line between Tel Aviv and
Three British soldiers were
wounded seriously by exploding
hand grenades thrown at a mili-
tary patrol in the Jerusalm secur-
ity zone near the Jewish Agency
Britain To File
alestne Issue
-(P)-- The controversial Pales-
tine problem was expected today
to be filed formally with the
United Nations by Great Britain
as a result of an American request
for clarification.
Exact .time of filing and the
wording of the document awaited
instructions from London and
from Foreign Secretary Ernest
Bevin in Moscow, British sources
here said.
Because of transmission diffi-
culties and the week-end lull in
government business, it was indi-
cated that the explosive holy land
problem would not reach the UN
officially for several days.
The British delegation here has
held in readiness for some time
the draft of a communication pre-
senting the case to Secretary-
General Trygve Lie, but it was
learned today that this paper
might now be revised in the light
of developments.
Absence Reports
Due Tomorrow
All student veterans must file
absent reports for the past weeks
of this semester, by 5 p.m. tomor-
row, Robert S. Waldrop, director
of the Veterans Service Bureau,
announced yesterday.
For students in the Law School,
'his will mean reports for the
veeks beginning on February 3,
10, 17, 24 and March 3. Student
veterans in all other schools and
,olleges must file for the week of
?ebruary 10 and each succeeding
week to the present.
Waldrop cautioned veterans to
be sure to indicate correctly the
week, their C-numbers and the
law under which they are training.
Veterans are asked to pick up the
report cards at the station indi-
cated by their respective schools

a king and queen of Michigras.
The problem did not exist about
20 years ago. At that time, Dean
Rea said, "Michigan was a man's
school. The coeds were tolerated
only and barely recognized" as
part of the campus community.
He reported virtual exclusion of
the coeds from big dances, as men
chose their dates. from "outside."
It was largely due to student'
opinion that campus beauties were
not recognized at social affairs at
that time. When groups of stu-
dents began asking for lovely roy-
alty, the University's policy evolv-
ed, he said. There has always
been a general feeling that "the
See ROYALTY, Page 7
Miclizgras Booth
AL nr~jifir I I.IfI &D r It

IJ 9Ll IC11)iI I" U

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 8-Another year of rationing and price
ceilings on sugar was recommended by the Senate banking committee
today on a 10 to 3 vote. The committee proposed that the department
of agriculture take over the job from OPA.
CLEVELAND, March 8-The CIO-National Maritime Union
tonight set March 31 as a "tentative" strike date for 1,000 union-
ists in the Detroit area unless box car ferry operators meet de-
mands in negotiations at Detroit.
*~ * *
Magnetic disturbances caused by sun spots threaten disturbance
of radio broadcasts, telephone, telegraph and news wire service circuits
in Michigan over the weekend.
Technicians at Detroit radio stations said only the smaller sta-
tions would be hit as the larger stations are powerful enough to over -
ride the interference.
The weather bureau said, however, that interference may be ex-
nr'ti byvaviatinnr ao ei enrat c ndt lenhnne .telearanh and news

For Elections
Student Legislature
Positions Still Open
Petitions for the 23 positions to
be filled in the Student Legisla-
ture elections March 18 and 19
will be accepted by the Men's Ju-
diciary Council from 3 to 5 p.m.
tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednes-
day in the Union Student Offices.
Petition forms will be available
tomorrow at the Union Desk, but
students may draw up their own
forms if they wish, Tom Walsh,
publicity chairman for the Legis-
lature's elections committee, said.
One hundred and fifty signa-
tures are required for each peti-
tion. Students from all schools
may sign petitions.
All candidates will be required
to submit 50 word qualification
statements, either individually or
as part of a party platform, to be
used for publicity purposes. Each
candidate must submit his peti-
tion, eligibility card and $1 regis-
tra tion fee in person.
Candidates desiring to run in
parties must declare the name of
their party when they register.
The chairman of the party, who
must be chosen by the entire
membership of the group, will be
required to register the party's

Applications from campus resi-
dences for booths at the first post-
war Michigras to be held April 25
and 26 at the Yost Field House,
are due tomorrow in the Michi-
gras boxes at the League Under-
graduate Office or the Union Stu-
dent Offices, Jer-y Gaffney and
Kieth Jordan, booths chairmen,
Houses wishing to sponsor a
booth should submit an official
application, including information
on the type of booth and the ap-
k r4 vi a o cf .17f , a o lr oe

Students Ready Presentation
Of Comic Opera By Mozart

Rehearsals are nearing comple-
tion for the presentation of Mo-
zart's comic opera "The Marriage
of Figaro" which opens at 8:30

The stage settings were con-
structed by students in the speech
depE;rtments stage-craft cllsses
under the direction of Robert Mel-
1 pir nr

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