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March 09, 1947 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-09

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Student Attacks Vets Subsistence Raise

mmenda~t on

To The Editor:
NO ONE ARGUES with the ad-
vocates for increased subsidies
to student vets that the cost of
living has increased nor that ev-
eryone needs and wants more
money. The survey recently con-
ducted at this university only
proves these non-contested facts.
Rabies Check
Described By
Speaker Here
Practically complete prevention
of rabies can be accomplished by
the compulsory vaccination of
dogs, Dr. Karl F. Meyer, profes-
sor of epidemiology at the Univer-
sity of California, declared in a
talk yesterday at the School of
Public Health.
Discussing the "Relationship of
Diseases of Animals to Diseases of
Man", Dr. Mayer pointed out that
Massachusetts has been free of
rabies since a program of vaccina-
tion of dogs was set up there. He
said that it is the duty of all pub-
lic health organizations to see that
rabies is brought under control.
The money received for dog licens-
es could cover the expenses of
such a program he suggested.
Salmonella infection, another
common animal disease, is trans-
mitted to man by cattle, hogs,
rats, mice, and a number of oth-
er animals, attacking the gastro-
intestinal tract, Dr. Meyer said. He
also indicated bovine tuberculosis
as a disease which can be contract-
ed by man. This disease not only
passes from infected cows to man,
but man can in turn infect
healthy cows, Dr. Meyer declared.
Inves tgahton
Discussion Set
"Are Investigating Committees
a Threat to Academic Freedom?"
will be the subject of a forum to be
held by Michigan Youth for Dem-
ocratic Action at 7:30 p.m. Tues-
day in the Union.
Prof. Preston W. Slosson, of the
history department, will act as
moderator for the forum. Partici-
pants will be Morton Rosenthal,
Ann Ginger, Fred McDonald and
Jay Nolan.
A short talk on the principles of
AYD will be given by Rolf Cohn,
Michigan intercollegiate director.

Shortages of finances and the ne-
cessity for thrifty living is the tra-
ditional role of the college student.
There is nothing unique in the
A more sensible, but admittedly
less popular approach, is to deter-
mine what wages a veteran should
have, pay him that, and then face
the harsh reality that the govern-
ment no longer owes him any-
thing. Many would rather become
perpetual gratuity seekers, plague-
ing Washington periodically for
more alms.
The following figures are rough
but at least conservative estimates
of the wages Uncle Sam paid in
dollars and cents to veterans. If
the figures are wrong perhaps
some of the idle advocates of more
gratuities can correct them. They
apparently have the enthusiasm
and the time. The rest of us less
vociferous vets are normally oc-
cupied with muniane problems of
study and individual finance.
Average pay per mo.....$80
Clothing ................ 15
Food.......... .........40
Medical aid....:..........5
Total per month .......$140
equalling $1,680 per year.
Tuition and books under
the GI Bill for 4 years $2,000
For subsistence........3,120
If married, $4,000
Total .................$5,120
Assuming the average tour of
duty to be three years, add the pay
actually received, the mustering
out pay of $300, the amount re-
Home Found
By Alchemists
The University Alchemists have
a home.
Members of the Alpha Beta
chapter of Alpha Chi Sigma, pro-
fessional chemistry fraternity re-
cently ended a search of several
months with the completion of ne-
gotiations for the purchase of a
new fraternity house at 1319 Cam-
bridge Road.
Before the war the fraternity oc-
cupied a house at 727 S. State St.,
but it was turned over to the gov-
ernment F.H.A. program during
the war emergency
Increased interest in the chem-
istry fraternity, and the return to
campus of many veteran mem-
bers made larger living condi-,
tions desirable and instigated the
search for new quarters.
Plans are being made to move
into the house next fall.

ceived under the GI Bill, and you
arrive at the figure of $3,487 per
year for single vets, tax exempt.
Consider with this a thirty day
leave per year with pay, free enter-
tainment, cheap post exchange
prices, reduced insurance rates,
and tax exempt cigarettes, and it
adds up to quite a wage. This
wage is equivalent to a $4,400 wage!
for war workers.
Uncle Sam pays the bill. Under
the present confiscatory tax rates1
and the attempted reduction in ex-
penditures it will take 100 years
to pay off the debt. Any increase
now of necessity will be charged
to our great, great grandchildren.'
I don't want them financing my
Attention, student delegates to
Washington to testify before the
House Veteran Affairs Committee:
Deal with realities.
Don't go armed with worthless
statistics proving we want more
money' or that prices have gone
Tell Congress why $3,487, tax
exempt, is not a fair wage for war
service not resulting in disability,
keeping in mind that this war was
not won by vets alone, but by the
entire nation.
Tell Congress why a select group
of vets alone should be favored
over other vets not attending
Suggest some constructive meth-
od of financing the increase with-1
out further indebtedness or in-
creased taxation.
Tell Congress what effect the
increase would have on inflation.
Tell Congress how many jobs
have gone begging in Ann Arbor.]
These questions go to the root<
of the problem.
Raids on the public treasury by
able bodied vets already favored
by legislation are venal.
Super-sentitive legislators that1
violate their trust to the nation by
yielding to these unwarranted de-
mands for increased subsidies
should be given the ax.
-David Young
Saiie Rig
To the Editor:
VOTE for a soldiers' bonus! Vote
for the diversion of sales taxes
to the cities! Support the bill
raising G.I. subsistence allowance!
Somehow these all have the same
ring-I'm out to get all I can get
and to heck with everybody else.
Perhaps some of us are "mising
the boat" and don't know that our
state and national governments
have an endless source of revenue
on which to draw. Somewhere
along the line I gained the im-
pression that the funds on which
governments operate come from
taxation in one form or another
and I'm sure we all know who
pays those taxes.
Did the government promise us
veterans a college education on a
silver platter? I don't recall that
they did: Prior to the war and the
G. I. Bill of Rights, a good many
of us wanted an education badly
enough to work for it (jobs were
hard to find then) even if it
meant earning 100 per cent of
our expenses. (My case is not an
isolated one either.) Now, when
the government pays over 50 per
cent of our expenses, we show our
gratitude by demanding an in-
crease in our subsistence allow-
ance. Come, come, let's show at
least an iota of drive and desire
to prove we really think an edu-
cation is worth striving for!
-A married veteran,
L. E. Tompkins

Work on Vital
Issues Listed
State M U4 Adjuist to
Loss of T ax nds
LANSING, March 8.-'A1)-With
the Legislature nearing the half-I
way point of the average length of
past sessions, its accomplishments
are admittedly meager.
Following, reduced to its sim-
plest terms, is a summary of the
Legislature's progress to date on
such important matters as finan-'
ces, labor, rent control, and the
veterans bonus.
Throes of Readjustment
The State is in the throes of
readjusting to the sudden loss of
nearly 75 percent of its lucrative
three percent sales tax to munici-
palities and schools. The diver-
sion was ordered in a constitu-
tional amendment adopted last
The revenue loss presented the
State with an estimated $83,000,-1
000 deficit, but efforts at making
it up are at a standstill pending
a Supreme Court decision on the
legality of the amendment.
No final action on any labor
measures have been taken.
Incorporation of Unions
Two bills have been introduced
seeking incorporation of unions,
requiring periodical financial re-
ports and forcing unions to abide
by contracts. Both are still in the
House labor committee, effectively;
buried under a welter of argu-I
State rent control between the
possible end of federal controls
June 30 and Oct. 1 was proposed
in a bill introduced last week. The
measure would permit rents in
areas of the state now under OPA
control to rise not more than 10
percent unless a higher increase
was agreed to by the tenant and
landlord. The bill is still in com-
A bond issue of $200,000,000 was

Sidney FaI o
Will Describe
Ref woee Pli&it
Sidney Flatow. former F UNRRA
worker who witnessed the mass ex-
odus of the Jews from Poland and
the Nuernberg trials. will speak
at 8 p.m. tomorrow at the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation in behalfI
of the United Jewish Appeal forI
Refugees, Overseas Needs and
Flatow was director of the dis-
placed persons camp at Zeilsheim.
Germany for more than a year,
and took charge of repairing the
living quarters, providing sleep-
ing cots, and installing hospitals'.
clinics, schools and workshops.
Flatow founded the Seventh
Army home for orphans which
cares for 150 children. He also
worked closely with the Central
Committee of the Liberated Jews
in Germany.
Released from the Army for his
UNRRA assignment, Flatow was:
formerly executive director of the
Jewish Center in New York.

________ ___ _e Heard on

Shakespeare Film . .
Movies of excerpts from two
Shakespearian plays. "Julius Cac-
.ar " and "'Macbeih" will be shown
at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow in Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
The program is the sixth in a
series presentd Ey the Bureau of
visual Education of the University
extension service.
The films will include Act III.
Scene 2 of "Julius Caesar" and
Act V, Scene 1 of "Macbeth."
ADA eet jng ..
Thbe mein of Americans for
anounce fotomorrow in ye-
yes-l'asDail , sbeen ost-
poned until later in the week.
T mm I ii rive . . .
The Michigan Famine Commit-
tee is organizing a "Heifers for
Europe Drive" to begin March 24.
They will ask campus groups for
donat, ions. The next meeting of
the committee will be held at 4:30
p.m. Wednesday at Lane Hall.
Record P'rogram .. .
A priogram of recorded ballads
and folk songs of all nations will
be Presented at 8 p.m. today in
the International Center.
The program is open to the
;StIud'f2eLns Wint
I Three business administration
students have been awarded $150
scholarships for the spring semnes-
ter. Dean Russell A. Stevenson
James P. Churchill of Imlay
City. William R. McTaggart of
Flint, and James K. Dent of Mer-
eel'. Pa. received the scholarships.

Rev. Howard Sugden. pastor of
Ganson Street Baptist Church in
Jackson. will speak to the Michi-
gan Christian Fellowship on "The
Supernaturalism of Christ." atj
4:30 p.m. today at Lane Hall.

ill CF Adldres

. .

broadcast over radio station WJR
Qrgan Recital . . at 12:30 p.m. today.
Kathryn Karch, music school The broadcast will be a discus-
student. will present an organ re- sion of the present difficulties in-
cital at 4:15 p.m. today at Hill volved in building an adequate
Auditorium. budget for the state government
The program, open to the pub- and will include, in addition to
lie, will include selections by Bach, these current problems, an ex-
Karg-Elert. Wider, and Dupre. planation by Dr. Perkins of how
- ------ a budget is constructed. George
Cusing, news editor of WJR, will
Senate La or act as moderator.
While a member of the Univer-
sity faculty, Dr. Perkins held the
HU(IrIIgs End ~position of professor in the politi-
cal science department in addi-
ASHING O, Mrc 8 tion to his duties in the School of
-The Senate Labor commniitteePublic Administration.

Rladio Today
Dr. John A. Perkins, state
budget director and former secre-
tary of the University Institute of
Public Administration, will par-
ticipate in the "In Our Opinion"

oended its public hearings on labor
measures today with testimony
from Fiorello H. LaGuardia that
feCeral power to sleize struck
plantUs should be renewed~c.
The Senate committee. after six
weeks of hearings, will spend the
next two or three weeks writing a
bill to the floor. The House La-
bor Committee is to end its hear-
ings next week.
The House Committee today was
urged to investigate the two-year-
old jurisdictional strife in the
Hollywood movie studios by Oscar
Sheatte, a studio construction su-
perintendent who declared that 'I
am in danger of my life" for tes-

Hillel Foundatior
lais Snack Bar
Hillel Foundation is planning to
initiate an after-the-theatre snack
bar, to be open Saturday evenings,
to all students.
Members of the committee in
charge are looking for someone
who would be interested in man-
aging it. according to Howard
'Freeman, chairman.
Anyone interested should come
to the Foundation between 3 and
5 p.m. tomorrow, or contact Char-
lotte Kaufman, assistant director,
at 2-6585.

sold last Tuesday to finance bonus
payments at the rate of $10 for #D ebate , Tea

each month of domestic service
and $15 for each of foreign ser-
vice. The maximum payment is
$500, and the first payments are
expected to be made in April. Men
and women, residents of the State,
who served honorably for 60 days
or more in the Army, Navy. Mar -
ines or Coast Guard are eligible.
Stassen Moved'
By Talk With Pope
ROME. March 8-(A')-Harold
E. Stassen was received by Pope
Pius XII today and said he had
found the audience "a deeply mov-
ing experience."
The Republican leader, winding
up two days of fact-finding in
Italy-the fourth of 17 countries
on his two-months itinerary, also
saw Premier Alcide De Gasperi,
the heads of key economic minis-
tries, and other Italian leaders.
Gov. Sigler Proclaims

TGo t hio,
The University Debate Team
will journey to Ohio Tuesday to!
participate in two debates on "La-
bor Should Have a Direct Share
in the Management of Industry."
The Michigan team will face the
University of Toledo in the after-
noon and meet the University of
Bowling Green in the evening,
both in Toledo.
Bill Flaskamp and Bill Starr will
represent the affirmative and Sid-
ney Zilber and Archie Carmichael
the negative for the Michigan
Prof. WhiLte 1 Be
WWJ Guest Soist
Prof. Andrew B. White of the
music school, will appear as soloist
with the Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra on its broadcast over
WWJ at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
He will sing the "Toreador
Song" from Carmen by Bizet, and
"Home on the Range" by David

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