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March 04, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-04

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Latest Deadline in the State


Pledge Lists
Are Revealed
128 Men Receive
Bids aL Dinners
A total of 298 men were pledged
at dinners given by 32 campus
fraternities last night.
The list follows:
Acacia: Robert C. Beer, Richard
E. Campbell, Howard K. Clark,
Porter M. Kier, Merrill C. Miller,
Anton L. Olson,
Alpha Delta Phi: Wesley H.
Carlson, Walter F. Yates.
Baum, Kenneth
Alpha Sigma Phi: John B.
Baum, Kenneth R. Boehme, Wil-
liam C. Bromfield, Ralph L. Bu-
shy, Scott H. Elder, John M.
Heaphy, William A. Keebaugh,
Douglas E. Lent, Charles R. Oak-
man, George Rubay, Jerry W.
Ryan, David F. Ulmer, Roger J.
Van Dyke, Charles H. Wolfe, III,
Gordon M. Waldron.
Alpha Tau Omega: James R.
Armstrong, Jocelyn T. Barnes,
Sumner Howard, John S. Logo-
thetis, Peter S. Logothetis, John
L. Martin, Philip L. Mercado, Mar-
wood F. Rupp.
Beta Theta Pi: Malcolm G.
Bourne, Jr., Charles N. Campbell,
John P. Comer, Everett A. Knapp,
Donald W. McCready, Jr., George
B. McKinley, Arthur J. Meier,
Robert F. Williams.
Chi Phi: Alexander J. Bacon,
William R. Wallace.
Chi Psi: ' William A. Brown,
Louis W. Hamper, Jr., Charles L.
Lyle, Donald MacKay, John J.
McCormack, David R. Muirray,
Jr., John A. Pflug, James Watt.
Delta Kappa Epsilon: Glenn B.
Carpenter, Jr., Robert L. Kuehn-
le, Lester W. Moll, Martin C. Oet-
ting, Daniel G. Quirk.
Delta Tau Delta: Richard A.
Bohl; James A. Burk, Dale D. Drol-
linger, Sinclair J. Harcus, Robert
F. Higbee, Robert L. Isaacson,
Lists of sorority pledges will
not be available today and will be
printed in The Daily tomorrow.
David S. Johnstone, Richard J.
Lee, Donald C. Mitchell, William
L. Menacher, Lennon A. Thomp-
son, Ralph F. Young, Robert K.
Delta Upsilon: James A. Beck-
man, Robert Heiderer, Dick C,
Mandeville, Ralph H. Mertz, Nic-
holas Muhlenberg, Robert E. Vehn.
Kappa Sigma: Robert F. El-
lena, Harry D. Evans, Gerald W.
Fauth, Jr., Paul C. Hunsberger,
Merritte W. Ireland, Addison H.
Kermath, William W. Manning,
Robert F. Mettler, Bruce R. Pax-
ton, Randall J. Replinger, Russell
A. Sheilds, James E. Walz, Justin
C. Williams.
Lambda Chi Alpha: E. Allen
Freiwald, Stanley W. Attwood,
Curtis E. Bottum, William Chase,
Jr., Richard A. Entenmann, Jack
E. Evans, David X. Gilbert, Milton
E. Higgs, Donald E. Kelly, Leo
Kulka, Jr., Robert E. McMillin,
Glen R. Metzker, Thomas -B. Mil-
ler, Fred Otto, Donald F. Pitz, Eric
W. Soennichsen, Lyle Stewart,
George Tuck, Jerold D. Wingeart.
Phi Delta Theta: William H.
Bartlett, John G. Labp, Martin
A. Marsack, Robert H. Rose, Blaine
Rudolph, James W. Smith. James
E. Watson.

Phi Gamma Delta: Dale S. Co-
enen, Phelps M. Connell, John S.
Todd, William S. Zerman, John
A. Lindquist.
Phi Kappa Psi: Benjamin Dan-
sard, Dan M. Davey, Guillermo
Durana, Jack E. Harbaugh, Don-
ald A. Krueger, Frank E. Miller,
Frank M. Mosier, Claudius Pen-
dill, Jr.
Phi Kappa Tau: Herbert E.
Greene, Eaton V. Kelly.
Phi Sigma Delta: Morris D.
Baker, Donald Flitman, Richard
D. Freidman, Don A. Goldberg,
Murry P. Greenblatt, Elliott S.
Greenspan, Nathen Levine, Rich-
ard B. Rosenthal, Norman R. Sch-
akne, Jack Schechter, William M.
Phi Sigma Kappa: Hugh G. Al-
lerton, Glenn R. Bauer, Gordon F.
Belgum, Roy. H. Brogren, James
R. Burton, Philip E. Burton, Gus-
tav A. Butterbach, Jack L. Court,
Unlocked Safe Is

Wolverine Cagers Whip
OSU in Final Tilt, 66-62
Michigan Clinches First Division Berth
As Suiprunowiez Sets Pace with 25 Points
Special To The aily
COLUMBUS, March 3-Michigan's seven point half time lead,
plus the 22 point second period performance of Mack Suprunowicz, was
enough to enable the Wolverines to pull out a 66-62 season finale from
the Ohio State quintet here tonight, and give the Maize and Blue un-
disputed possession of fifth place in the final Big Ten standings.
Michigan closed its season with six wins and six defeats while Ohio
State, the defending Big Nine cage champion, wound up with five
victories and seven losses.
The contest witnessed by 5,235 was a real Wolverine-Buckeye
thriller, particularly in the last 10

Mack Suprunowicz walked off
with individual scring honors,
caging 25 points. Twenty-two of
these came in the exciting second
half. Jack Underman manufac-
tured 24 points for the Ohio State
Michigan Leads At Half
Michigan was in front at half
time, 27-20, after the Bucks
jumped into an early lead. The
Wolverines tied the score at 10-10
and went on from there to com-
plete their first half margin.
The score was tied at 62-62 with
only 16 seconds of play left when
Bill Roberts, Michigan center,
sank a field goal. Suprunowicz,
forward, then intercepted Ohio
State's attempted throw-in from
out,of bounds and dropped in an-
other field goal, making the score
66-62 just two seconds before the
gun sounded.
Suprunowicz ran wild for Mich-
igan scoring 10 baskets and five
charity tosses for 25 points. The
clever, ambidexterous Wolverine
freshman threw in 22 of his points
in the second half to overcome a
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON, March 3 - Prime
Minister Stalin, after six years as
commander of the vast Russian
military organization resigned his
post as minister of the armed
forces today because of the "ex-
cessive pressure of his main work"
and handed the job to politically
astute Marshal Nikolai Aexan-
drovich Bulganin, the Moscow ra-
dio said tonight.
LANSING, March 3 - The
state supreme court today rul-
ed off the April 7 ballot a popu-
larly initiated fair employment
practice law.
By a five to two decision, the
Court issued a write of Man-
damus forbidding the State
Board of Canvassers to place
the proposal on the ballot,
The controlling opinion writ-
ten by Associate Justice John
R. Dethmers held that the
FEPC proposal was fatally de-
fective because it contained no
title and because it did not meet
the constitutional requirements
for a title it could not become
OSLO, March 3-The Norweg-
ian Parliment in a secret session
on Feb. 15 turned down a Russian
request for military bases on the
Arctic archipelago of Spitsbergen,
an official statement said tonight.
The vote was 101 to 11, with the
opposition all Communists.
Supreme Court took on the case
of James C. Petrillo today but
passed up another opportunity to
rule on John L. Lewis.
It agreed to review litigation in-
volving the constitutionality of
the Lea Act, which was passed es-
pecially to control the activities
of Petrillo, head of the AFL Fed-
eration of Musicians.
Meanwhile it let another opin-
ion day go by without a decision
on the government's injunction
against last November's coal mine
strike and the contempt convic-
tions against Lewis and his Unit-
ed Mine Workers for disregard of
that order.

. . . to present jazz concert.
'Ten Top jazz
Stars To Play
Here Tonight
Program To Include
Boogie, Blues, Swing
Norman Granz' "Jazz at the
Philharmonic" will bring every
type of jazz, blues, boogie woogie
and swing, played by ten of the
nation's top artists, to campus at
8 p.m. tonight in Hill Auditorium.
AuditQrium doors will be open
at 7 p.m. Women will have late
permission until one-half hour
after the concert is over.
Anti -Discrimination
"Jazz at the Philharmonic"
grew out of jam sessions in Los
Angeles night clubs. Even then
Granz worked with a firm anti-
discrimination policy under which
he refused to play at any clubs
which restricted admittance or
had segregated seating plans. At
present, his contracts stipulate
that he will not play in concert
halls which practice "segregation
of white people from Negroes."
His first major concert was a
benefit which helped free a group
of Mexican youths. Immediately
after that, the group played 18
concerts at the Philharmonic
Auditorium in Los A n g e le s -
whence the name, "Jazz at the
Major Concert Halls
In 1944 the group went on tour.
and since then has appeared in
most of the major concert halls
of the country, turning away
thousands and receiving "rave"
Coming to Ann Arbor on its
fourth national tour, the talent
roster includes Coleman Hawkins,
Buddy Rich, Willie Smith, Joe
"Flip" Phillips, Trummy Young,
Helen Humes, Buck Clayton, Ken-
ny Kersey, Benny Fonville and
a very recent addition, Roy El-
Granz, producer of the unique
concert, has initiated within the
last two weeks a program to mo-
bilize band leaders in a drive
against discrimination. in the en-
tertainment world. Early respon-
ses indicate complete accord from
top members of the music pro-
. Tickets will be sold all day to-
day and immediately before the
performance at the box office.

British Haifa
Office Hit by
Irgun Arouse(I
By Martial Law
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, March 3 -Five
hand grenades were hurled into a
British military office at Haifa
tonight, shortly after the Jewish
underground organization Irgun
Zvai Leumi proclaimed that "open
warfare exists in Palestine."
A British announcement said
there were no casualties in the
grenade attack.
Irgun claimed that it had suc-
cessfully attacked British Army
camps at Petah Tiqva and Hadero,
in retaliation against the imposi-
tion of martial law on more than
a third of Palestine's 600,000 Jews.
No Confirmation
There was no confirmation by
the British of these claims.
Meanwhile the Jewish Agency,
warning of the possibility of "ab-
solute anarchy and chaos," de-
manded that Britain define terms
of martial law imposed yesterday.
With approximately 250,000
Jews isolated from the rest of the
world, Jewish and British sources
agreed that indefinite continua-
tion of the military rule would re-
sult in financial ruin for the areas
Two Slain
The Jewish Agency, indignant
over the slaying of two Jews by
British authorities within the last
24 hours, asked whether such kill-
ings were considered "right" un-
der terms of martial law.
One of those killed was a four-
year-old girl, Ketti Shalom, who
was shot last night while standing
with her mother on the balcony of
a house in the martial law area of
Jerusalem. The mother also was
wounded. British officials said the
girl's parents apparently had
quarreled, and that soldiers opened
fire when the father tried to leave
the house.
Isaac Poli, 30-year-old Jewish
war veteran, was killed in Tel Aviv
today when he failed to heed an
order to halt. The two deaths
boosted the fatality total from vio-
lence in the last three days to 22.
Dr. Gilbert TO
Talk on Trials
Psychologist Worked
At Niernberg Jail
Dr. Gustave M. Gilbert, psy-
chologist who made daily studies
of the top Nazi war criminals dur-
ing the Nuernberg Trials, will
lecture on his experiences as "A
Psychologist in the Nuernberg
Jail" at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Lecture Hall.
In the course of his year of
clinical work with the former Ger-
man leaders, Dr. Gilbert was oc-
casionally asked to give testimony
before the Court. The most spec-
tacular instance of this was his
testimony on the mental state of
Rudolf Hess, who had feigned loss
of memory during the early stages
of the trial.
Before his special assignment
to Nuernberg Dr. Gilbert spent
four years with the Army as clin-
ical psychologist and personnel
consultant. He has had clinical
experience at Columbia University

and Hunter College and has also
taught psychology at those insti-
Dr. Gilbert is the author of
the forthcoming book "Nuernberg
Diary," dealing with his recent
studies. He has written many
articles for professional journals,
as well as a story on the war
crime trials forsLook Magazine.
The lecture is sponsored by the
psychology department and is
open to the public.


Draft Law Expire on March 3
Congress Split over Budget Ct
Senate Votes .w *F*** w Opening Lef
To Keep Slash 'v'v.}t w For Renewal
At 4.n Bresiden
House Leaders Insist ' } Army To Dischar
On Full 6 Billion Cut t Remaining Draft
By The Associated Press By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 3-Dif- v'>. $WASHINGTON, March
ferences between Senate and President Truman told C
House Republicans on fiscal policy today to let the draft 1a
came sharply into the open today March 31 but gave notice
as the Senate voted a $4.500,000,- newal will be sought later
000 budget slash and Speaker Mar- 'mntary recruiting fails to
tin (Rep., Mass.) announced the 1,641,000 men under arms.
House leadership will insist on a The Army announced sni
$6,000,000,000 cut. .eously that it will dischari
The Senate resolution was 100,000 draftees remaining
passed 64 to 20 with every Re- ranks-those in this coun'
publican on the floor supporting it May 15, those overseas by J
except Senator Morse of Oregon. making it an entirely vol
The Senate adopted its lower fig- force. The Navy already hi
ure principally with a view to leased all its draftees.
safeguarding the military esti- -.Actually no men have
mates. President Truman pro- drafted since last Octobe
posed $37,500,000,000 for all gov- the expiration of the act
ernment spending in the year 31 will mean:
starting July 1. FIREMEN PROBE EXPLOSION RUINS-Firemen probe ruins of 1. Young men will no (
But Martin promptly issued a a building at the corner of Wells and Van Buren streets in down- have o register aeon r
statement authorized by the town Chicago, (March 2) after an explosion demolished the strue- ing their 18th birthday.
House Republican Steering ture. The blast shattered windows in surrounding buildings. ready registered'can tear i
Committee declaring that the
$6,000,000,000 cut which the registration cards they hay
House voted can be made "with- VETS BUDGET HELP: 3 The 6442 local
out endangering national de- boards probablywigo a
fense or security or sacrificing yA A nnounces Go e n e tboardes probaly alhogoh
other essential servicesof gov-deon businss entely athough
ernment." The statement also st Ti Tedlatel and many of
oeemuhiem a deterination W lPa for' .g of Tan,641dfl-time an"1,47
to' mut income taxes 20 per cent. .Yte employcs on the el
The Senate resolution bore a service payroll will be rell
commitment to apply $2,600,- Hard-pressed veterans trying to ruling, that the government wills4.eayrincnie tole
000,000 of any surplus revenue make ends meet under the G.I. Bill pay for the typing of one copy of 4. Any imerei to e
to reduce the national debt. now have one, les expense to thethetpsis. If a veteran wants his ich the mereexistence
worry about'-the government will thesis printpdorvmdedfilmhdto
The House promised to apply pay the cost of having a requir thesis printed or microfilmed, or threat that young men m
only an unspecified "portion" pytecstooaigf.rqie reproduced. in any manner, he iatdwl ermvd
sunpl nusfe on of, degree thesis typed, according to a must pay for it himself.n Trafted ' will be re gthoved
surplus revenues on the $259,000,- VA announcement- The Armys strength is
000.000 public debt. Neither did it Disabled veterans under Public 1,070,000 after June 30.
vote, as the Senate did, to turn all The VA warned veterans, how- Law 16 may be excepted from the President's message said
money received from the sale of ever, in a letter explaining the reproduction clause if they can get losses through separations
surplus war goods into debt re- special permission from the man- 30,000 a month and that the
duction. ,ager of the regional VA, and pro- 'can count with a fair de
Booth Forms viding the "work is an essential 3ertainty on an average of
This latter provision, approved part of the course of training re- enlistments and re-elisti
by the Senate in adopting an quired to restore the employability nonthly. This would make
amandment by Senator Wherry , F C or " Etig3 of the veteran." cit of 120,000 one year hen
(Rep., Neb.), left the amount of The cost of typing a required nessage continued, but "tl
debt cutting in doubt. Wherry Due von a thesis cannot be paid individually i reasonable expectation
said he intended these receipts to the veteran. The VA is only au- etter results may be obta
to fall within the $2,600,000,000 Applications for booths at the thorized to repay the school for
figure, but a coalition led by 1947 Michigras are due Monday, whatever arrangement it mighi
Senator Tydings (Dem., Md.) according to Collee Ide, general make in having the thesis typed Mexico
killed off an amendment that co-chairman. for the veteran.
would have spelled this out. Application sheets are to be de- The VA stressed the fact that it Hails Trumi
The amount of possible tax cuts posited in the Michigras box in will not authorize the typing of
also remained in doubt, although the League Undergraduate Office work that is not an essential par MEXICO CITY, March 3-
Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) told re- or at the Union Student Offices. of a training course. This elimi- 'resident Truman, welcon
porters he thinks there will be Each group wishing to sponsor a nates, according to the VA, the 'Aexico with pomp and cer
room between expected revenues booth should fill out an applica- possibility of getting Hopwood leclared tonight that the
and expenses for both a $2,600,- tion form, including the type of manuscripts, term papers or 're- 3tates stands squarely beh
000,000 payment on the debt and booth, approximate cost, and sec.- ports typed by the University. wommitments to protect
the use of $3,500,000,000 to slice on choice of activity which the ;ountries the world over fr
individual incomes taxes an av- organization wishes to sponsor. ression.
erage of 20 per cent. Michigras, sponsored by the B tt nansAre Speaking in the National
Women's Athletic Association and ifter a thundering, joyful g:
B the Union, will be an all-campus St Look gs his own ambassador of
Better Traf fic carnival hed Apri125 and 26 in Stil Looking +,ill to this sister republi
Yost Field House. .merican Chief Executive v
Applications for booths will be The postcard campaign for a hat his country, pledged t
considered by the committee, and apartment has netted no results a ntervention, can not be in
Chief of Police Casper Enke- each group will be notified by 1et, Mrs. Lyman W. Bittman tol nt "to what goes on beyo:
mann last night promised better March 17 as to the acceptance of The Daily yesterday. wn border."
laws their application. The Michigras Although a few more students He defined his interpreta
enforcement of local ti'afficl committee will defray costs to a who received the printed postcard, he doctrine of non-interv
Speaking after a meeting of Ann certain amount, and any cost ov- sent out by the Bittmans phone o mean that "a strong natic
Arbor Common Council which had er this minimum will be paid by in tips, none have led to the rental aot have the right to imp
just approved his request for five the sponsoring group . of an apartment, Mrs. Bittman will by reason of its streng
additional patrolman, Chief En- Information concerning booths said a weaker nation."

kemann said that his increased may be obtained from either co "We're - President Alema-n we
force would now be better pre- chairman, Miss Ide at 2-2569, orage"e getting very discour-
pared to handle campus traffic Allan Farnsworth at 2-0789 or >roper respect" foMexi
problems.2-4431. The Bittmans sent out 2,500 r "h or ca
T Lists of people wishing to work printed postcards last week to sen- ancompleme ave economit
additional patrolmen would all e on Michigras committees should iors and graduate students not liv-
r y be turned in today and tomorrow ing in dormitories or fraternit-o
beued o mran utyTheyfiv nw oto Jeanne Brown in the League houses. $30 was offered as a re- ng o rogrmeof
trcycleswtoimcathecitya pur- Undergraduate Office or to Allan ward to the person giving them a ust itiprogramof
chased," he stated. Farnsworth in the Union Student tip leading to the rental of an
At last night's regular meeting Offices. apartment or small home.
of Common Council, one of theeg
shortest on record, aldermen rec- MANY TALL TALES: Election Petitio
ommended that the boards in con-
trol of city departments adopt spe- " f " Candidates' petitions fR
cific measures in regard to the Traffie V io ation Dep artm ent -tudent Legislature e
discharging of city employees. Al- l'iarch 18 and 19 to fill 23 pt
derman Shirley Smith said that -sReally 'Aill be due not later than
this measure was designed to pre- Vonday, the Election Con
vent a reoccurrence of the embar- announced yesterday.
rassing situation which confronted By DICK MALOY "If complainants have a legiti- A fifty-word statement of
the city last week. He referred to There is one woman in Ann Ar- mate excuse we release the ticket," fications and $1 must acco
a strike threat by the employee's bor whose job, compels her to lis- Mrs. Tapp said. If the offender is each candidate's petition cc
union over the alleged irregular ten to a continual tale of woe. at fault and bureau personnel ing 150 signatures.
discharging of one of the em- She is Mrs. Ann Tapp, who with can't placate him, he is referred Men's Judiciary Council 1
ployees. her staff of three runs the local to police officials. The clerks are Aeive petitions in the Stude

Citizens Approve City Sanding Walks

Home owners housing Univer-
sity students, house mothers and
students themselves generally ap-
prove of a plan whereby the city
would provide the same service in
sanding walks when in a danger-
ous, slippery condition as it now

for their own walks while most
others remain slippery.
Students Agree
Men and women students and
house mothers in residence halls,
league houses, fraternities, sorori-
ties and private homes agreed that
some action should be taken to

Property Owners
Warning to property owners,
including fraternities, was given
by City Attorney William M. Laird,
who said that under a city ordin-
ance in force, they are liable to
fine or jail sentence for injuries
suffered by pedestrians on icy

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