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March 04, 1947 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-04

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Karl Marx Society


EVIVAL OF THE Karl Marx Society on
this campus will be considered today by
Committee on Student Affairs.
Since Wayne University has banned per-
nently an organization known as the
nxian Study Society, the Committee's de-
ion today takes on new weight. A Stu-
it committee at Wayne suspended the
irxian Study Society for the remainder of
s semester stating that a meeting last
ursday was "in the opinion of many pre-
it, a thinly-veiled political activity dis-
.rse." Dr. David Henry, president of the
Aversity, later made the suspension per-
The Karl Marx Society, which was active
campus from 1940 to 1944, would bring to
is campus prominent lecturers on Marx,
cording to a spokesman for the group. He
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
re written by me)nbers of The Daily staff
nd represent the views off the writers only.

said that the aims were "to study the simpler
economic and philosophical teachings of
Varxism and their intellectual contribution
to the world."
Approval of the Karl Marx Society at this
University may well bring forth the same
charges of "political activity" as were made
at Wayne. It is significant, however, that
Governor Sigler, in his radio address Satur-
day, said "Let us bring the Communist out in
the open. He will not like it because he can-
not carry on his deceit and trickery in the
light of day."
If we interpret it correctly, this statement
is an argument for official recognition of the
Karl Marx Society. Recognition by the Stu-
dent Affairs Committee seems a feasible step
to "bring the Communist out in the open."
We will know that such an organization ex-
ists, have a record of their membership--and
of their activities. By recognizing the so-
ciety, we can see that its activities stay "in
the light of day." By not recognizing it, the
Committee on Student Affairs will take the
position of forcing such societies to meet in
-Paul Harsha

"Up from the Ranks"

E SEVENTEEN telephone company
residents whose successful "up from the
is" careers were reviewed in a recent Bell
phone System advertisement would en-
iter much greater difficulties if they
e starting out today, for they would find
organized labor is slowly driving the
Odom a man once had to advance through
own initiative out of American life.
n'rty years ago, when each of these exec-
es was a boy, his father probably told him
ething like this: "Son, if you want to
ahead in this world, there's only one
g you've got to have, and that's ambition.
1 if you start right at the bottom of the
er you can work your way up to the top
y yourself if you've got the will to work."
see what good advice this was, we need
note how the careers of these men have
ed what could be accomplished by the
to work. From insignificant beginnings
clerks and field linemen, .they have ad-
ced during an average of 36 years of
dce until now they are the presidents of
r individual companies. These success
ies should now be classed as ancient his-
however, because -one look at a libel
just completed in the New Jersey Su-
ne Court is enough to prove that the
to work is no longer appreciated in
[he court ruled on Feb. 21st that Local
of the UAW (CIO) was guilty of slan-
ing two of its own members in a 1944
le of its magazine when it accused them
"conducting themselves in a manner

unbecoming union men by working too
hard, turning out more trucks on a Ford
assembly line than anyone else."
Patriotism might well have been respon-
sible for the increased labor, for almost ev-
eryone connected with the case has forgotten
that this country was still at war when the
union made its accusation. However, as-
suming that -these two workers were stimu-
lated entirely by personal initiative they
were not offered any encouragement, in fact
they told the court that after the story had
been printed in the magazine:
1. Other members of the union ostracised
2. They both were dropped from the car
pool in which they rode to work.
3. Fellow members of an American Legion
post refused to talk to them.
This suit officially brought to light only
one case of union slow-downs, but there
have been hundreds like it across the coun-
try. Honest work cannot even be recog-
nized, let alone appreciated, in today's
industry where a union keeps a good tight
hold on an energetic man to make sure he
doesn't embarrass any of his lazier co-
While it is true that many valuable im-
provements to American society have been
made by organized labor, they cannot in-
clude the destruction of a man's freedom
of initiative by making sure that he isn't
"working too hard."
-Harold Jackson, Jr.

'>[ASHINGTON, March 2.-In the past Publication in The Daily Official 4:15 p.m., Tues., March 4. Rack-
Bulletin is constructive notice to es ha Lecture Hall; auspices of the EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily t
week, the optimistic foundation of Amer- members of the University. Notices ha prints EVERY letter to the editor
ican word policy has quite literally been for the Bulletin should be sent in Department of Psychology. The (which is signed, 300 words or less
shanttrdbyaseiesyofhammuterlys.Pes- typewritten form to the offfe sof the public is invited. in length, and in good taste) we re-
shattered by a series of hammerblows. Pres- Assistant to the President, Room 1021 mind our readers that the views e-
ident Truman has yet to decide what to do Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day Furniture Industry Lecture: Mr. pressed in letters are those of the
about it. Currently, he is understood to be preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- Leo Jiranek, Consultant Designer, writers only. Lettersnof more tn
urda~s). 300 words are shortened, printed or 1
considering three broad alternatives, each uroys)' -fNew York City, will speak on o ited At the discretion of the 'edi-
advocated by certain of his advisors. TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1947 furmture design at 11 a.m., Wed., toral director.
44 March 5, East Lecture Room.
Alternative one is to ask Congress for VOL. LVII, No. 104 Rackham Building. All studentsSPad
help in building a whole new and perma- in the Wood Technology Program *'*h*
nent foundation under our world policy. No in the School of Forestry and To the Editor:1
This would require generous grants of au-1 Conservation are expected to at-
thority and financing on the scale of sev- Student Tea: President and tend and any others interested DON'T KNOW who writes the
eral billions of dollars. Alternative two is Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to are cordially invited. "Scratch Pad", but it certainly
to ask for a limited, temporary but honest students on Wednesday afternoon, should be the duty of anyone tak-
March 5, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Ernest J. Kump, Architect, San ing -up newsprint to ascertain the
repair job. This would still require a lot Francisco, California, "What an B.cts. Since there are so many
of authority and much money. And alter- School of Business Administra- Architect Shouldn't Know", 4:15 Jews in the United States, as op-
native three is to propose inserting an tion: Faculty meeting, 4 p.m., p.m., March 12, Rm. 102, Ar- posed to so few Arabs, the argu-
inadequate prop or two at the points where Tues., March 4, Rm. 206, Tappan chitecture Bldg. ment runs, the Zionist propogan-
the structure is in actual danger of instant Hall. da doesnt give the Arab Leaguej
collapse. This would be relatively cheap. French Lecture: Prof. Edward a chance to be hea'd. It is in-
During spring vacation regular Ham, of the Romance Language teresting, however, to note that
Adoption of either of the first two alter- women's residences are officially Department, will lecture on the the Arab League spent almost $4-
natives will undoubtedly result in a struggle closed. Students wishing to re- subject: "Renart et les Croisades," 000,000 last year in the United
between the President and Congress. And main in Ann Arbor should make at 4:10 p.m. Thurs., March 6, Rm. States on propoganda, much of
this struggle would probably be so far- other housing arrangements at the D, Alumni Memorial Hall; aus- which was directed against Zion-
reaching in its effects as to alter the Presi- Office of the Dean of Women as pices of Le Cercle Francais. ism. The Zionists, who spend
dential-Congressional relationship for good soon as possible. their money constructively in
building" up Palestine, not only
and all. Adoption of the third alternative.Academic Notices have to compete with the Arab
will perhaps avoid the struggle, but will re- Women students living in League Office in Washington, but also
sult in no genuine improvement of the ap- Houses who do not wish to move Political Science L Make-up with the tremendous oil-interests
palling aspect of world affairs. It is a grim for the fall semester of 1947 are final examination for those who and cartels whose interest is to
choice, but events have forced it upon the urged to request contracts imme- missed last semesters final exam miti. h rblnlrsi
Presidentt sdh diately from present housemothers will be held on Thursday, March maintain the Arab landlords in
President. so that these contracts can be 6, 2-5 p.m., Rm. 2003 Angell Hall. pber so oil ch sbe btained T
First the Greek situation began t deteri- signed and filed at the Office of Clark F. Norton many foe example the "Christian
orate. The rising Greek crisis imposed de- the Dean of Women. Only in this Century", until its editor returned
mands which the British government lacked way can occupants be assured of Make-up Final Examination, from Palestine recently where he
the resources to meet. The security of Tur- retaining the same rooms. Economics 51, 52, 53 and 54, learned the actual situation.
key depends upon Greece, thus London noti- 3:15 p.m., Thurs., March 6, R m lThe arguments are that.Pales-
fied Th~~~~~~ie Emma M. and Florence L. 207 Economics.Thaguetartatal-
fied Washington that British economic sup- T._.Es tine cannot absorb any more
port would be withdrawn from both Greece Abbnet S iG olasSholarhips.hsnd the Eu- Jews. Robert Nathan and Oscar
gen G.FasettScholarships. Eli- Mathematics: The first lectureJwsRoetNhaanOcr
and Turkey. Then former President Herbert gibility for these scholarships is of the Short Course in Fiber Gass in "Palestine: Problem or
Hoover brought home from Germany a hor- not restricted to those enrolled Bundles will be given by Professor Promise," a non-partisan tome of
rifying report of conditions there. And fi- in any particular school or college Steenrod Tuesday, March 4, 3201 weighty proportions, give a good
nally in China Premier T. V. Soong resigned, of the University. For the terms Angell Hall, 5 p.m. economic survey completed last
leaving the National Government much on which they are awarded, refer yar. They argue the opposite:
weakened and in obvious need of urgent to the bulletin on Scholarships, Special Functions Seminar: 1 an undeveloped country needs
assistance to prevent its ultimate collapse. Fellowships, Prizes and Loan p.m., Wed., March 5, Rn. 340 W. more people of iitiative,and ey
TheGrek s nlypat o awordFunds. Candidates should make Engineering Bldg9. Professor Rain- think that a million Jews could
The Greek crisis is only part of a world enter Palestine in short order. Ev-
crisis, caused everywhere by the same pov- applitirroug the assiny- ilseak o ahsetof Lyno- idently ordinary Arabs think oth-
erty and economic insecurity, which result ant Dean, and in the Engineering and Legendre. erwise, since over 600,000 Arabs-
in the same political instability, College Prof. H. W. Miller) of the the kind of poor Arabs no one
unitin hic thy ae eroled. Seminar in Applied Ma~tl1a- worries about-entered Palestine
HERE is only one means of allaying this u ci itch the ae enroled since the last war. The truth is
.t.Applications for these scholar- tis (Math. 348) : 3 p.m., wed., inviniciblel
world crisis, either locally or generally. ships for the year 1947-48 must March 5, Rm. 317 W. Engineer-
That is to finance the measures of relief and be made by Saturday, March 15. ing. Professor Hay will speak on -Harvey Schrier
reconstruction which will put an end topov- To All Undergraduates of the Uni- "The Compatibility Relations of EDITOR'S NOTE: "The City Edi-
erty and insecurity. Such is the principle on versity: Elasticity." tor's scratch Pad" is written by the
which are based all three alternative courses city Editor.
of action now being examined by the Presi- Pennsylvania Railroad-Mr. J. Seminar in Engineering Mech-
dent. The question is not what to do, but F. Swenson, Division Engineer, anics: The Engineering Mechanics IRA Drive .
how much to do. Very roughly speaking, the will interview interested seniors on Department is sponsoring a series
differences between t e rehlyperakigve Wed., March 5. Appointments can of discussions on the Plasticity of To the Editor:
differences between the three alternatives be arranged with Mrs. Poe in Engineering Materials. The dis-
are as follows. Transportation Library, 1026 E. cussion of this series will be at HE INTER-RACIAL Associa-
Under alternative one, authority would be Engineering Bldg. All interested 7:30 p.m., Tues., March 4, Rm. tion is initiating an all-camp-
concentrated somewhere in the Administra- invited. 402, W. Engineering Bldg. us drive to increase its member-
tion to undertake the task of economic re- ship so that it may fl that the
construction in the many and widely sp- The Employers Mutual Liability group has the bacing of a i-
IxlurnceCopay o Wscnsi onIcertS resentative group of studentsn
arated areas where American interests are Insurance Company of Wisconsn carrying out its Program of fight-
involved. Estimates of the cost have varied will have a representative at the Faculty Recital: Charles Vogan, cg racial tdiscrimination.
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- Instructor in Organ, will play
from 5 billions to 10 billions, with the higher son Hall, on Wednesday; March the fourth in a series of organ As an organization of students,
figure considered the more conservative (al- 5, to interview June graduates programs at 8:30 p.m., Thurs., the Inter-Racial Association has
though even this would be a trivial sum to (men or women) who are inter- March 6, Hill Auditorium. He the immediate purpose of combat-
spend on reasonably dependable political ested in the insurance field. Posi- will be assisted by the University ting overt as well. as concealed
security). At any rate, large-scale'financing tions for men include claim ad- String Orchestra under the direc- acts of discrimination occuring on
would be demanded. And having thus dem- justers and safety engineers. The tion of Gilbert Ross, in Three this campus. IRA also feels, and
onstrated this country's willingness to bear openings for girls are in their Sonatas for Organ and Strings by Ibelieve rightly so, that discrim-
a fire shre f wrldresonsbiltytheauditing, accounting, claim, and Mozart. Other compositions by iation wherever it exists is a
a fairer share of wold responsibility, the underwriting departments. Stu- Purcell, Willan, Franck, Boellman, matter of concern to all students
other Western nations to continue to join dents in Law School, Engineering, and Jongen, will be heard on the as citizens of a democracy. Na-
seort or Business Administration are es- program. The general public, with tional issues that have any bear-
in the great effort. pecially wanted. Call at the Bur- the exception of small children, ing upon the problem of racial
The second, more limited alternative is eau for further information. will be admitted without charge. relations and intolerance become
represented by a broad program for shoring th sues arernot ofn discusThese is-
'up the situation in the Middle East, with University Community Center: Student Recital: Arlene Burt, suesiaentonyhdiscusse.ac
special emphasis on Greece and Turkey. The 1045 Midway Boulvard, Willow student of violin under Gilbert tion is taken upon them as far as
State Department's economic section pe- Run Villa'ge: Ross, will present a program in it is in the group's power to do so.
State DTuesday, March 4: 3:30 p.m., partial fulfillment of the require- By its program this past semes-
sented such a program to Secretary of State Interdenominational Church Nur- ments for the degree of Master of ter IRA has shown that, whatever
George C. Marshall last week, after the sery Mothers' Meeting; 8 p.m., Music at 8:30 p.m., Mon., March its strength, its voice has been
British'intentions in the Middle East had Wives of Veteran Students' Club; 3, Rackham Assembly Hall. Pro- heard ad its influence felt. It
become known. It would cost somewhere 8 p.m. Rehearsale for Goodyear's gram: compositions by Vitali, has made regular tests of public
between 1 billion and 11/2 billion. As for the Style Show. saint-Saens, de Falla, and Bloch, eating and drinking places for
third alternative, it is purely local ac- Wednesday, March 5: 8:30 p.m., and will be open to the general signs of discrimination. Action
tion, perhaps confined to Greece alone. It Goodyear's of Ann Arbor pre- public has been taken when ver those
would cost comparatively little, and probably sents a Style Show, "The East- public. signs appeared.
ahvles. er Parade," sponsored by Wives of « 01IRA began a survey of restric-
achieve less. Veteran Students. - ExhibitUons tive covenants of league houses,

The President and Secretary Marshall Thursday, March 6: 2 p.m., In- dormitories and sections through-
gave the Congressional leaders the first fant Care Class' Speaker, Miss The Museum of Art presents an out Ann Arbor.* It circulated pe-
installment of the grim factrs last Thurs- Marie Pressley, Washtenaw Coun- exhibition of drawings and water titions and participated in rallies
aTheenat othraReesetastihvrs- ty Public Health Dept.; 8 p.m. colors by George Grosz through in support of the efforts to un-
day. The Senators and Representatives University Extension Class in Psy- March 14. Alumni Memorial Hall, seat Bilbo and pass anti-lynclling
were briefed on both Greek and Turkish chology; 8 p.m. University Ex- weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12 and anti-poll tax laws, and is still
situations although the latter was not re- tension Class in Spanish, Ross and 2-4; Wednesday evenings 7-9 actively seeking the passage of an
ported. The real problem now facing the School. and Sundays 2-5. The public is FEPC bill in Michigan.
White House is how to deal with an Friday, March 7: 8 p.m. Inter- cordially invited. The Inter-a'cial Association
economy-minded Congress, which has for denominational Church Lenten recognizes that intolerance can
months been living in a kind of dream Service; 8 p.m. Duplicate Bridge Willow Run Village Art Show not be fought with "tolerance",
in Study Room; 8:30 p.m., Party University Community Center
world. Obviously, a restricted demand for e.g., by granting minorities rights
bridge and dancing in Nursery. 1045 Midway which they possess by virtue of
authority and funds will in some respects Saturday, March 8: 6 p.m. Pot Willow Run Village being human beins. y re
meet with a more friendly Congressional Luck Supper. For reservations, Crafts and paintings by Village nition of the equality of all men
reception. Yet certain of the President's call 3120, extension 29; 8 p.m., residents on exhibit at the Univer- no matter what their origin or
advisors argue that the first alternative, of Square Dancing, led by Mr. and sity Center, Assembly Room mrer what thir oriin o
creediswaIR isseigt
demanding the fullest powers and most Mrs. David Palmer. through March 30. The public is obtain.
ample funds, will be the best tactics in Sunday, March 9: 3-5 p.m., Tea cordially invited. The membershi booths that
the long run. Their argument is simple. for students of the Rackhamhe m ib s a
School of Graduate Studies and Michigan Takes Shape-a dis- will be found in the League, Un-
The facts of the world situation, so they their wives, play of maps, Michigan Historical ion and University Hall are being
say, urgently require broad scale action. The Wednesday, March 12: 8 p.m., Collection, 160 Rackham. Hours: maned by hosean active inte
emergency is everywhere. We must either U. of M. Glee Club at West Lodge. 8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday through est in fighting intolerance. I am
meet it everywhere or accept the eventual , Friday, 8-12 Saturday. asking for the support of all stu-
creation of a power vacuum throughout Eur- Lectures dents to make this drive a success.
ope and Asia which only the Soviet Union ..Science Research Club: March Miriam Levy
can fill. This choice, between acting deUversity meeting, 7:30 p.m. -Executive Committee, IRA
M. Gilbert, formerly of the Bard Program: "The Giant Kidney
sively now, or giving the Soviet Union the College faculty, and former Clini- Worm of Man and Other Ani-
chance to become the unchallengeably pre- cal Psychologist and Prison Psy- mals," A. E. Woodhead, Depart- Fact Finding . . .
dominant world power, is the real issue con- chologist with the U. S. Army, will ment of Zoology. "New Guinea to To the Editor:
fronting us. It is, bluntly speaking, an issue lecture on the subject, "A Psychol- Nagasaki" (motion picture), A. J.
of survival or non-survival. ogist in the Nuremberg Jail-Life French, Department of Pathology. ATTENDED the Willow Village
(Copyright, 1947, New York Tribune, Inc.) with the Nazi War Criminals," at (Continued -on Page 3) government planning commit-

Congress and the Budget

NGRESS SEEMS determined to show
President Truman who's boss.
then the President presented his budget
;ongress, he informed the legislators that
:ad cut it down as much as possible.
ut the House decided to lop six billion
despite the warnings of the Army and
y that this would cripple our military
gram. Rep. Engel of Michigan counter-'
y saying that if General Eisenhower and
niral Nimitz can't get along with what
>unts to no funds, they ought to "step
le and let someone else take over."
ep. Knutson of Minnesota said that his
y, the 20 per cent across-the-board in-
e tax cut, could not come into existence
bout the slash.
3E SENATE, rejecting the idea of crip-
pling the armed forces, decided to lop
y four and one-half billion off the Tru-
i budget.
committee will now have to tgngle with
issue, and Rep. Knutson has promised


It the Michigan.. .
[UMORESQUE (Warners), Joan Crawfird,
John Garfield.
AM AFRAID Humoresque is strictly a
woman's show and as such will hold no
reat satisfaction for the male population.
will only make them feel uncomfortable.
hey will feel even more uncomfortable when
hey realize that the women about them are
ositively wallowing in the story. This con-
erns a sullen genius of the.violin and a lady
runk who before the picture is over is leav-
ig husband number three with every inten-
on of making the boy virtuoso husband
umber four. Only his enormous ego and
watery grave keep them apart. The lines
ritten by Fannie Hurst are typical and
>und a little on the stilted side in everyone
ut Oscar Levant's mouth. Levant as usual
;eals the show in his own obvious way. He
nid the musis make the whole effort worth
It the State . .
ESTER KENNY (RKO, Rosalind Russell,

that the Iouse will never accept the Sen-
ate's figure.
All of which reminds us of a story in our
political science textbook. The House had
passed a tariff bill imposing a 25 cent duty
per ton of coal. The Senate increased the
levy to 50 cents. The House demanded a
conference, and the conferees compromised
on 75 cents.r
-Eunice Mintz
THE REPUBLICANS are discovering that
it was much easier to be on the outside
screaming criticisms than it is to be on the
inside trying to forget reckless campaign
promises. The Republicans, during the cam-
paign, committed themselves pretty deeply
to. the proposition that they would cut in-
come taxes by at least 20 per cent. At the
same time, after the manner .of promising
politicians, they would reduce the national
debt substantially without impairing the
services that the Federal Government' sim-
ply must perform. Of course, these expert
surgeons would do nothing to interfere with
the programs of the Army and the Navy.
They would also do a lot of other things in
the public behalf, particularly including
something about public schools. In other
words, their pre-election promises clearly
indicated that the Republicans proposed to
eat their cake and have it too. Not only
this, they were going to put nice chocolate
icing on the cake and serve it to the public
with ice cream, without extra cost.
Unfortunately for the Republicans, they
won both Houses of the Congress. Some of
them had hoped that, while carrying the
House, they would lose the Senate and thus
be in a position to blame the intransigent
opposition for their failure to deliver on
their promises. Now they have no such
excuse. The result is that certain fissures
that may develop into chasms'already ap-
pear in the Republican ranks. Congress-
man Knutson has only one formula, an
impossible- one of "a 20 per cent cut in
income taxes across the board," which cer-
tainly would be soaking the poor in favor
of the rich. In the Senate Mr. Taft caught
himself in time to refuse to go overboard
for this 20 per cent cut. But he apparently
believes that, after the manner of Andrew
lk/rallnn1 and . . h A 4-F,~ l itn"(Iniclg TT noxr

It .. i a * *g a ra

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