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March 08, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-08

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Selfish Interests

IDE from the good that can be said for
labor unions in their avowed purpose of
ing the worker to a better deal, one can't
but deplore the selfish interests so often
layed in union activities. It is a sad situ-
p when unions lose sight of their real
m for existence and allow these personal
ests to transcend those of the worker
even the country itself.
iother instance of this has been in and
of the news in recent weeks when a pro-
I to merge the country's two largest labor
es, the CIO and the AFt4, has been kick-
around the labor scene. This action'
d have eliminated countless inter-union
utes not in any -way caused by differ-
s between management and labor but
nion rivalry alone. With this merger the
:er's case could be subjected to the
iny of public opinion free from con-
ing incidentals that have nothing to do
-the basic problems. Now, however, the
osal is dying from indifference on the
of the unions.
torials published in The Michigan Daily
written by members of The Daily staff
represent the views of the writers only.

Currently the organizations have been
drawn together for repelling new anti-
labor legislation and Philip Murray, CO
president, has proposed that joint action
for the present be limited to the legislative
front. This only reaffirms the truth that
the unions are not willing to unite except
when threatened with a common danger
and then no more than necessary to retain
their individual powers
There is no reasonable excuse why the
CIO and AFL can not be united. Yet, the
moment the-suggestion is made there ensues
a profound silence and soon the matter is
back in the moth balls for some other day.
Sometimes the excuse is offered that the two
unions are fundamentally opposed in their
structures; the CIO based on industry-wide
organization and the AFL on a crafts and
trade basis. Yet, an examination of the AFL
will reveal several industrial unions such as
the Brewers', Union listed on its rolls.
Quite probably, the biggest obstacle is the
selfish reluctance of union heads to relin-
quish their positions of power in a step nec-
essary to achieving unity. Until they realize
that only by surrendering personal ambi-
tions through a program of compromise can
labor regain its lost respect, labor unions
will go on. defeating their real purpose.
-Bruce Schwartz

Rebuilding Government

PROXIMATELY 630,000 resident veter-
ans of Michigan will soon be cashing
is checks anywhere from $20 to'$&00. The
rs of the state settled the issue at the
s and the legislature has cleared the
;s for action.
hat check will look mighty good to most
rans. With prices continuing to nount,
e have experienced tough sledding. The
us promises to grease the runners and
the load.
ere warned not to look a gift horse in
mouth, and few vets will be guilty of
rning the checks to the government. A
est amounts to a duncecap; a "thank
' brings an Adams hat. But if we ignore
advice and peer closely into this nag's
ith, traces of festering trouble spots are
ar back in the molars, there's that old

bogey of increased taxes. Decay is in its
first stages, however, and the pain won't
be felt until bad times presses the $270,000,-
000 burden down harder.
Looking for something more imminent,
the eye settles on a bad spot near the front
that looks like an abcess. Its name is "in-
flation," of a bigger and better variety.
It doesn't require an economist to predict
the immediate effect of a large bonus upon
market prices. At present production is not
meeting demand for scarce goods. The cre-
ation of additional buying power can only
force prices higher in the hot competition.
Consequently, it would be far wiser to dis-
tribute the bonus in a period of slack to
stimulate production. As it is, this particu-
lar affliction might well, be termed "con-
sumption," and the ailment threatens our
gift horse with oblivion.
-Elmer T. Miller

Delay Veterans' Bonus

IBritain Poor
LONDON-The coal crisis seems to have
put Britain into a brown study. A labor
relations expert here tells me that the girls
in her shop are dropping more anti-Ameri-
can remarks than usual. The fact that we
offered coal doesn't close the gap; it is the
disparity with the warm cousin which hurts.
I am afraid the coal crisis has made Bri-
tain feel permanently poor, instead of tem-
porarily broke. Men twist away from that
thought, as is natural; they look for ex-
pedients. The cry goes up, "We shouldn't
have exported any of our coal last year; we
could have avoided the fuel shortage." But
the coal exports brought food into the coun-
try; otherwise the coal crisis might merely
have put on another face, and been a food
Britain has been looking for expedients
for a long time, but today there is a kind
of angry passion in the search. Men seek
by a single stroke deftly to smash the dif-
ficulty, at once and without nonsense, as
if to quell their own apprehension that
perhaps it isn't smashable. The old slo-
gan, "Let's raise our own food," is heard
again. With what labor? The labor that
is required to dig coal, or the labor that is
needed in the shorthanded factories?
The press is full of this search for dodges,
as if the whole nation were wrapped up in
a single giant puzzle contest. Civil Service
workers offer to step out of their jobs into
industry for a number of years, provided
their old posts'can be saved for them. Here
again is the same note of trying to make one
do for two, of stretching something already
taut. It is as if the search for gadgetsekept
morale up, by stifling the sinister feeling
that perhaps there is some strange new is-
land-wide shortage at the bottom, an emp-
tiness not to be filled.
There is almost a deliberate effort to keep
it superficial, perhaps because to keep it
superficial is to keep it manageable. A Bri-
tish writer complains that Britain cannot
afford to spend fifty millions of dollars a
year on fancy imported fruits such as pine-
apples; and it is like Winston Churchill's
pleas for the smoking of fewer cigarettes'to
reduce tobacco imports. But these efforts
to shrink the problem don't really shrink
it; they are a little alarming in their pet-
tiness, for they raise the question of how
strong Britain can be if she can fall into
difficulties because of a bit of pineapple and
Britain's sale of her foreign invest-
ments, which was just a blurred chapter
during the war, is having an aftermath
like a grim novel in three volumes. And
suddenly a Leftwing laborite explodes,
"What are we doing with 140,000 men in
the armed forces, and another 500,000 to
equip them? That's on the American
scale; we can't afford it. Let's revise our
foreign policy realistically, use most of
these men at home for production, and let
us realize that our destiny lies, not with
the great powers, but with the poor coun-
tries of Europe, with which we must in
some way join."
So far this is only a thin cry on the Left.
But it is true, it seems to me, that the Bri-
tish are thinking today, not of how cold they
are, but of how small they are, long dark
thoughts of scale and size.
These are odd thoughts in this most im-
pressive of cities, a city that looks so cur-
iously like one big bank.It makes one think
of the grand put pinched mansions of the
south after the war between the states.
There is a touch of terror too, terror at a
void, an emptiness that can no longer per-
haps send out troops and coal and exports'
as once it did. And one wants to say to
Amerians, who talk so often of the unity of
the western world, look, it's changing, it's
changing, see? But one does not know quit
how to say it, and it takes its place among
those relatively undescribed major events of
our world which occur between the fully re-
corded incidents of our wars..

(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corp.)
Before he Storm
WASHINGTON-This is the lull before the
storm. The signs now are that Presi-
dent Truman will attempt a piecemeal ap-
proach to the world crisis, asking now only
for enough funds to meet the emergency in
Greece and Turkey. He is under double
pressure to do so from Capitol Hill, where
his advisers wish to avoid a knockdown,
dragout fight; and from Greece, where the
need is so urgent that promptness of Con-
gressional action is of high importance. Very
likely, the piecemeal approach will succeed
this time.
The important thing to note, however,
is that President Truman's and Secretary of
State George C. Marshall's White House
presentation a week ago was by no means
confined to Greece. They described not
merely a Greek crisis, but a world crisis.
If the President chooses now to ask only for
the few hundreds of millions needed for
Greece and Turkey, he will simply have to
go to Congress later on for more funds for
other areas. The issue of whether or not
this country is going to assume its respon-
sibilities in the world will have tobe met.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice tocall
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the of ff ice of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angehl Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVII, No. 108
Members of the University Sen-
ate: The special meeting announ-
ced for the University Senate has
been postponed until Monday.
March 17, Rackham Amphithe-
atre, at 4:15 p.m.
Sorority representatives may call
at the Office of the Dean of
Women to discuss housing need-
ed for their members outside of
the chapter houses for next fall.
The representatives must bring
with them the full list of members
including those who will live in
the chapter house and those who
will live outside.
Action of the University Com-
mittee on Student Discipline: The
following action was taken at the
meeting of the Committee March
6: The President of the Alpha
Delta Phi Fraternity and seven of
its members having appeared be-
fore the Committee and having
admitted that those present, other
than the President, have been
guilty of entertaining women
guests at the chapter house on the
evening of February 22, 1947,
without proper chaperonage, it is
ordered that the chapter be fined
one hundred dollars and that each
of the offenders be f4ned ten dol-
lars, all of which fines are to be
paid to the University Cashier and
that the action taken be published
in the Daily Official Bulletin.
Women's Housing Applications
for the Summer, 1947:
Women's housing applications
for Summer, 1947, will now be ac-
cepted at the Office of the Dean
of Women for dormitories, sorori-
ties, League Houses, cooperative
houses and private homes. At the
time the student applies she will
be asked to indicate her preference
as to the type of residence. Stu-
dents now enrolled at the Univer-
sity who are planning to continue
for the summer and those ad-
mitted for the summer session are
eligible to apply.
Women's Housing Applications
for the Fall Semester, 1947
1. Women students living in
dormitories now who wish to re-
main in the dormitories for the fall
and spring semesters of 1947-48,
must file renewal forms with House
*Directors during the week of Mar.
3, 1947. No renewals will be ac-
cepted after Mar. 10.
2. Women students on campus
now who are not living in dormi-
tories but would like to apply for
dormitory accommodations for the
fall and spring semesters of 1947-
48 may do so at the Office of the
Dean of Women on Apr. 1, 1947
beginning at 7:30 a.m. They will
be accepted up to the number of
spaces available for them.
3. Women tentatively admitted
to the University as first-semester
freshmen for the fall 1947 may
apply for dormitory accommoda-
tions now, and will be accepted up
to the number of spaces reserved
for them.
4. Women students on campus
now may apply for supplementary
housing for the fall semester, 1947,
at the Office of the Dean of Wom-
en on April 1, 1947.
5. Women tentatively admitted
to the University with advanced
standing for the fall semester 1947
may apply at the Office of the
Dean of Women for supplemen-
tary housing now, and will be re-

ferred for definite reservations
after April 15, 1947.
(Dormitory applications will be
accepted only from those women
students whom the Office of the
Dean of Women expects to be able
to accommodate in dormitories.
Others will be instructed immedi-
ately to apply for supplementary
housing. Students may apply for
only one type of housing.)
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, Schools of Educa-
tion, Forestry, and Public Health:
Students who received marks I, X
or 'no report' at the close of their
last semester or summer session
of attendance will receive a grade
of E in the course or courses un-
less this work is made up by March
10. Students wishing an extension
of time beyond this date in order
to make up this work should file a
petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with
Rm. 4 U.H. where it will be trans-

a gift of a friend of the Univer-
sity, prizes for essays are offered
to students who are candidates
for the bachelor's or master's de-
grees in Business Administration
or Economics in the following
amounts: first prize, $250; second
prize, $150; and third prize, $100.
The subject of the essays is
"How Can Real Wages for Work-
ers of the United States Be In-
creased?" The esay or paper
should be addressed to a mass,
non - professional, non - academic,
audience such as the general run
of readers of American newspap-
ers, and its purpose is to clarify
fundamental economic Kelation-
ships or principles as they bear
upon the subject. The papers
should not be over 10 double-
spaced, typewritten pages in length
and they may be shorter.
The contest will be supervised
by, and the papers will be judged
by a committee consisting of Pro-
fessors William Palmer, Charles
N. Davisson and C. E. Griffin,
chairman.The selection of papers
for prizes will be on the basis of
the Committee's judgment of suc-
cess in attaining the stated ob-
jectives. Manuscripts nst be
typewritten, double-spaced, and
submitted before May 1, 1947, to
Mrs. Hile, Assistant to the Dean,
108 Tappan Hall. The author's
name shouldinot appear on the
manuscript itself, but . should be
placed on a separate sheet that
will be detached before the paper
is read bynthenCommittee. Awards
will be announced on or before
June 1, 1947.
The Committee reserves the
right to award no prizes or fewer
than three if in its judgment the
number of quality of papers is
Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical
History Prize: Established in 1939
by bequest of Prof. Alfred . Lee,
a member of the faculty of the
University from 1908 until his
death in 1938. The income from
the bequest is to be awarded an-
nually to a junior or senior pre-
medical student in the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts
for writing the best essay on some
topic concerning the history of
medicine. Freshmen in the Medi-
cal School who are on the Com-
bined Curriculum in Letters and
Medicine are eligible to compete
in the contest.
The following committee has
been appointed to judge the con-
test: Assistant Professor John
Arthos, Chairman, Prof. A. A.
Christman, and Assistant Profes-
sor F. H. Test.
The committee has announced
the following topics for the con-
1. History of a Military Medical
2. Medical-Aid Man.
3. Medicine in Industry.
4. Tropical Medicine.
5. Any other topic accepted by
the Committee.
Prospective contestants may
consult committee members by ap-
(1) A first prize of $75 and a
second prize of $50 are being of-
(2) Manuscripts should be 3,-
000 to 5,000 words in length.
(3) The manuscripts should be
typed, double spaced, on one side
of the paper only.
(4) Contestants must submit
two copies of their manuscripts.
(5) All manuscripts should be
handed in at Rm. 1220, Angell
Hall by May 1.
Stanley Warburton of the Jun-
ior College of Fullerton, Cali-
fornia, will be at the Bureau of
Appointments, Monday, March 10,
to interview candidates for admin-
istrative and teaching positions. He
has openings in industrial arts,
men's and women's physical edu-

cation, deanships for both men
and women, chemistry, and gen-
eral science. Call 4121 Ext. 489
for appointments.
University Lecture: D. Nichol
Smith, Merton Professor of En-
lish Literature, University of Ox-
ford, will lecture on the subject,
"Shakespeace Criticism, Old and
New," at 4:15 p.m., Thurs., March
13, Kellogg Auditorium, Dental
Building; auspices of the Depart-
ment of English.
Ernest J. Kump, Architect, San
Francisco, California, "What an
Architect ,Shouldn't Know," 4:15
p.m., March 12, Rm. 102, Ar-
chitecture Bldg. -
Academic Notices
English 2, Section 21: Class will
not meet this morning, March 8.
--L. M. Wolfson
Biological Chemistry: Seminar,
(Continued on Page 4)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words ar shortened, printed or
omitted At the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Vet Finances
To the Editor:
NO ONE ARGUES with the ad-
vocates for increased subsi-
dies to student vets that the cost
of living has increased nor that
everyone needs and wants more
money. The survey recently con-
ducted at this university only
proves these non-contested facts.
Shortage of finances and the ne-
cessity for thrifty living is the
traditional role of the college stu-
dent. There is nothing unique in
the situation.
A more sensible, but admittedly
less popular approach, is to deter-
mine what wages a veteran should
have, pay him that, and then face
the harsh reality that the govern-
ment no longer owes him any-
thing. Many would rather be-
come perpetual gratuity seekers,
plaguing Washington periodically
for more alms.
The following figures are rougl
but at least conservative estimates
of the wages Uncle Sam paid in
dollars and cents to veterans. If
the figures are- wrong perhaps
some of the idle advocates of more
gratuities can correct them. They
apparently have. the enthusiasm
and the time. The rest of us less
vociferous vets are normally oc-
cupied with mundane problems
of study and individual finance.
Average pay per mo. ....... $80
Clothing ................... $15
Medical Aids.. ........... $ 5
per month, equaling $1,680 per
Tuition and books under GI Bill
for 4 years..........$2,008
For subsistence............$3,120
(if married, $4,000).
Assuming the average tour of
duty to be three years, add the
pay actually received, the muster-
ing out pay of $300, the amount
received under the GI Bill, and
you arrive at the figure of $3,487
per year for single vets, tax ex-
empt. Consider with this a thir-
ty day leave per year with pay,
free entertainment, cheap post
exchange prices, reduced insur-
ance rates, and tax exempt cigar-
ettes, and it adds up to quite a
wage. This wage is equivalent to
a $4400 wage for war workers.
Uncle Samr pays the bill. Under
the present confiscatory tax rates
and the attempted reduction in
expenditures it will take 100
years to pay off the debt. Any
increase now of necessity will be
charged to our great, great grand-
children.. I don't want them fi-
nancing my education.
Attention student delegates to
Washington to testify before the
House Veterans' Affairs Commit-
Deal with realities.
Don't go armed with worthless
statistics proving we want more
money "or that prices have gone
Tell Congress why $3,487, tax
exempt, is not a fair wage for war
service not resulting in disability,
keeping in mind that this war
was not won by vets alone, but by
the entire nation.
Tell Congress why a select
group of vets alone should be fav-
ored over other vets not attending
S u g g e s t some constructive
method of financing the increase
without further indebtedness or
increased taxation.
Tell Congress what effect the
increase would have on inflation,

Tell Congress how many jobs
have gone begging in Ann Arbor.
These questions go td the root
of the problem.
Raids on the public treasury by
able-bodied vetsualready favored
by legislation are venal.
Super-sensitive legislators that
violate their trust to the nation
by yielding to these unwarranted
demands for increased subsidies
should be given the ax.
-David Young
To the Editor:
Harold Jackson, Jr.) one-sid-
ed "job" on the American Union
movement in The Daily of March
4-I shall not dignify your piece
of cited extreme and omitted sub-
stance by detailed response. Form-
al reply would only lend this ar-
ticle that sanctified quality of
answered and antidoted partiality,
which it does not now possess.
Rather, it is more effective to
allow this line of inquity and in-
nuedo to stand or, more likely, fall

To the Editor:

HO IS THE G.I Bill for? On
the editorial page I read two
views on who should take advan-
tage of the Bill. The VA and a
couple of economy minded boys
feel the Bill was designed "to pro-
vide an opportunity to each vet-
eran whose education or training
was interrupted by - his entranc
into the service".
Tom Walsh feels that the Bill
should aid those whq would not
normally have had sufficient
money to continue their educe.-
tion. Before we can argue the
merits of the Rogers Bill, we must
choose between the basic prernis-
es. "Citizens first, Veterans sec-
ond" is a worthy slogan. Let us
add, "The educated citizen ,is the
best citizen". I suggest we take
the "price tag" off of education
and give everyone with the ability
and desire, an opportunity to bet-
ter himself and his country.
-Ullrich Stoll
* 4 *
To the Editor:
I W MANY relatives do Mr.
and Mrs. Lyman Bttman
have on the editorial staff of The
-Donald F. r. eta
P.S. I know another couple who
need an apartment in case you
run out of space on the front page.
Who You Kiddin', Kid?
To the Editor-
READ YOUR letter column reg-
ularly and each time there is a
letter advocating an increase in
subsistence. I am bewildered as
to where these peopfe get their
ideas. However, the letter wrtt
ten by Carl LaRue has so angered
me that I feel I must write in
protest. At first I thought it was
a satire and as such very clever.
But the last line made me realize
the boy s in earnest.
The war has sharply divided the
people who were in the ,armed
forces into men and boys. Into
those who realized why they Were
in the service and who wished to
improve themselves when they got
out with some assistance from the
government and those who felt
that because they wore their
country's uniform for a few years,
the world owes them a lving.
When the law was written it
was to assist men and women who
wished to go to college and help
them get through and to make
things a little easier they added
some cash which'is called subsis-
tence. The law, to my knowledge,
was not written to repay ex-ser-
vice people for any discomfort
they had during the war, r to
keen on giving them things t he
rest of thei lives.
I wonder 'if these young boys
who want more realize how much
better off they are than vets. of
other countries.
If they need more money, let
them spend their griping time on
a part-time job as my husband
has done.
The nick-name we have for our
country is Uncle Sam-not Santa
-Mrs. Joyce L Howard


Letters to the Editor..

.., .

of its own weight. All that is i
cessary in the way of reply i
long, low, somewhat skepti
--Robert Green

'/ASHINGTON, March 8-A significant
but little noticed event occurred this
ek in the Senate. Senator Henry Cabot
dge of Massachusetts delivered a well
ighed and carefully thought-out speech
ring early Congressional action to rebuild
D government from top to bottom. He ad-
tted the gross inefficiency and confusion
the present governmental structure. What
even more important, he admitted the al-
)t total ignorance now prevailing as to
government's real problems of organiza-
n, personnel recruitment, co-ordination
d administration.
It showed the way the wind is blowing
at such highly divergent members of
ie Senate as Irobert A. Taft of Ohio and
lde Pepper.of florida joined in ap-
oving what Lodge had to say. The truth
that the Congress, committed to bud-
A cutting, is gradually awakening to its
most total ignorance of the government-
facts of life. The budget cutters are
ke blind men pruning a jungle. There
ems to be a good chance, 'therefore that
to more realistic, long-range approach of
dge and Brown be adopted at this ses-
.he Federal government is now totally
king any machinery to co-ordinate the
king and administration of policy by all
many parts, except the person of the
sident himself. The need for such ma-
nery was first pointed out in a confiden-
report which the Joint Chiefs of Staff
e bold enough to prepare last spring.
ey came out with the recommendation
t a Cabinet or. ExecutivehSecretariat
adly in the British model should be es-
lishedwithout delay.
'he duties of this secretariat were to be
ordination of the whole process of policy
dng and administration, from securing
lies of a new problem by all the interest-
governmental parties, through securing
royal of an agreed policy on the high-

est levels and down to insuring parallel ex-
ecution of the agreed policy by all agencies
concerned. This was to be done, very natur-
ally, under the direct control of the Presi-
dent. It was, in fact, to be a much needed
elaboration of his functions.
The Joint Chiefs' memorandum got no at-
tention at the time, one reason being Sec-
retary of State James F. Byrne's doubt as
to its value. But Byrnes has now been re-
placed by one of the originators of the mem-
orandum, and Marshall has already acted
to put a part of the memorandum's recom-
mendations into effect. The weekly meet-
ing of the Secretaries of State, War and
Navy is intended to co-ordinate foreign and
national defense policy. It only lacked a
secretariat to meet the whole requirement in
this field. It is now to have a secretariat.
Presumably, at the same time, steps will be
taken to relate this new secretariat to the
State-War-Navy co-ordinating committee,
which has the same-purpose but is on a low-
er level.
There is an enormous job still to do.' Part
of it is the job indicated by Senator Lodge.
No secretariat, no matter how efficient, can
truly and fully co-ordinate the efforts of a
government so insanely complex that twen-
ty-nine agencies lend government funds,
thirty-four buy land, twelve engage in home
and community planning, ten are interest-
ed in forestry and so on. All reorganization
bills of the past have been farces. There
must now be honest, root and branch re-
organization, as complete and ruthless as
the brilliant job Alfred E. Smith and Robert
Moses did in New York State. Equally, re-
organization and co-ordination of the gov-
ernment will be useless until the problem
of government personnel has been solved.
A $37 billion dollar enterprise largely run by
clerks is the height of folly and bad econo-
my. But it is at least encouraging that real-
istic consideration is at last being given to
the governmental problem in both interested
(Copyright, 1947, New York Tribune, Inc.)


Cloudy with SnowI

Fifty-Seventh Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Paul Harsha..........Managing . Editor
Clayton Dickey............City Editor
Milton Freudenheim. .Editorial Director
Mary Brush...........Associate Editor
Ann Kutz.............Associate Editor
Clyde Recht .......... Associate Editor
Jack Martin .. .......Sports Editor
Archie Parsons.. Associate Sports. Editor
Joan Wilk.............Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork ......... Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager
Member of The Associated Press

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Song Again

PROMISED ourselves not to indulge
in any of these stories any more. But
an't resist reporting the utter confusion
ne male as he came hurtling out of one
he University Hall's dangerous doors in-
he arms of one coed attempting to open

indexing. Having pointed out the compara-
tive merits of the Lawyers' Edition and oth-
er volumes of court decisions, he rested his
case with this pronouncement:
"Personally," he said, "I prefer L. Ed."
Who You Kiddin' Kid
WE'RE HAPPY to present an expurgated

Students in Business
tration and Economics:



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