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March 08, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-08

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Latest Deadline in the State




See Page 2

No. 108




- --- ------ ------

IP Moving
Cut Funds

West Lodge Free From
Village Electric Problem
Emibree Describes Abuse of Fire Alarm
As Main Hitch in Single Students' I)orm

Of Treasury
Denocrats Cry
'Sham, ''Ph ny'
By The Associated Press
'first Republican move toward a
$6,000,000,000 budget cut brought
a recommended reduction of
$897,072,750 in Treasury-Post-
office funds today, but Democrats
shouted that it was a false start,
a "sham" and a "phony."
The Democrats argued that
$800,000,000 of the total reduction
approved by the House Appropria-
tions Committee is a mere book-
keeping operation. They said it
was simply knocked off the $2,-
031,000,000 estimate, for tax re-
funds for the next fiscal year,
Suggest Reduction of Errors
Democratic committeemen said
the only way to reduce tax refunds
is to reduce the number of tax-
payers or cut down on the number
of errors requiring refunds.
To which chairman Taber
(Rep., N.Y.), who is spearheading
the House Republican drive for a
$6,000,000,000 cut in the Presi-
dent's $37,500,000,000 budget, re-
plied acidly:
"We must expect that kind of
criticism from those wanting ex-
penditures to continue at an un-
tustifiable rate. The Treasury's
Own (figures show that $300,000,-
900 can come off the tax refund
without any change in the laws,
while testimony developed by the
6Ormittee shows a probably sav-
ing of at least $300,000,000 more.
herr can't be very much phony
bout that."
Treasury Budget Reduced
Figuring the tax refund cut, the
Committee levied a reduction of
approximately 34 per cent in the
Treasury budget and less than 1
percent in the Postoffice budget
for the 12 months beginning July
1. Without the tax refund item,
the Treasury cut approximated 16
per cent by the comnttee's own
't that rate," commented Rep.
Gore (Dem., Tenn.), a committee
jiember, "the Republicans will
never accomplish their objective of
a $6,000,000,000 overall budget
cut, for this bill alone accounts
for more than one-third of the en-
tire budget for next year. "
Wednesday Is
New Deadline
For Petitions
'Because no petitions for the
Student Legislature election were
trned in to the Men's Judiciary
Council yesterday, the petition
deadline has been extended o
The Council will accept petitions
1 'roan individual candidates and
parties from 3 to 5 p.m.' Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday in the
Union Strudent Offices.
Petition forms will be available
tomorrow and Monday at the
Union desk.
one hundred and fifty signa-
nures are required for each peti-
tion. Students from all schools
may sign petitions and students
may sign more than one petition.
Candidates wishing to run in
parties must registrar party mem-
bership and platforms with the
Council. According to Legisla-
ture rulings, the entire member-
ship of each party must select a
chairman and vote on the admit-
tance of new members. No changes

in personnel or platforms may be
made after' 5 p.m. Wednesday,
and there may be no more than 23
persons in any party.
All candidates must pay $1 reg-
ulation fees and submit 50 word
qualification statements, either
individually or as part of a party
platform, when they submit their
Marshall Talks
With U.S. Men
BERLIN, March 7-G(P)-U. S.
Secretary of State George C.
Marshall arrived in Berlin today
,on the last leg of his flight to the
Four-Power Foreign Ministers'
Council in Moscow and headed
immediately for conference with

Willow Run's electrical diffi-
culties were clarified Friday when
it was revealed that no problem
,omparable to that in the apart-
Soviets Hold
U.S. Note from
Hungary Press
BUDAPEST, March 7-(P)-A
high Hungarian official declared
today that the Soviet commander
in chief in Budapest had forbidden
newspaper publication of the
American note protesting Russian
interference in Hungarian affairs.
American sources said the sup-
pression would be strongly chal-
The official, whose name could
not be disclosed, informed a repre-.
sentative of the U. S. legation that
the manager of the official Hun-
garian news agency had received
"direct orders" from Soviet 'Lt.
Gen. V. P. Sviridov "to suppress
the note"
Sviridov, however, denied em-
phatically to Col. John H. Scopes
of the U. S. Military Mission that
Soviet authorities had ordered the
suppression. Scopes said that, be-
fore he could complete his sen-
tence asking about the suppres-
sion, Sviridov interrupted to deny
responsibility, and added: "It was
an action taken by the Hungarian
(Diplomatic informants in Lon-
don said that Britain would join
the United States in the protest
againstalleged attempts by the
Russians to help the Communists
gain control of the Hungarian gov-
OPA May Get
141M1ilons To
Close Up Sop
WASHINGTON, March 7 - ()
-Senator Bridges (Rep., N.H.) re-
ported today that a Senate-House
Conference Committee has agreed
to give OPA about $14,u0,000 to
wind up its affairs by July 1.
OPA officials previously had
said $17,000,000 voted by the Sen-
ate would provide only enough
funds to keep the agency going
through April. The further reduc-
tion indicated the agency possibly
would have to close down earlier.
Senator Bridges said the Sen-
ate-House committee action
"means the OPA is out June 30' or
even sooner unless they drastically
cut down."
The Senate had voted approxi-
mately $7,000,000 for terminal pay
leave for OPA employes, $5000,-
000 for the agency to liquidate, and
$5,000,000 for operations until the
agency closes.
Bridges said House conferees
agreed to Senate provisions for a
"death sentence for OPA, CPA,
OWMR and other hangover war-
time agencies."
The conference report goes to
the House for acceptance, then to
the Senate before being sent to
President Truman.
Stock Market Staggers
NEW YORK, March 7-(P)-
The stock market staggered under
its worst beating in four months
today as heavy last-hour selling
hammered prices down $1 to more
than $8 a share.
Market analysts viewed the
break as the result of a number
of factors, including postponement.
of President Truman's trip to the
Caribbean and announcement of
a conference on Monday to con-
sider international problems.

ment units exists in the West
Lodge dormitory area.
This disclosure came from R. H.
Embree, FPHA manager for the
single men's and women's dorms
which house over 1900 University
students. He declared that, while
there were occasional burnt fuses,
there have been no great or per-
sistent problems of overloaded cir-
cuits on the scale of that which
has been apparent in the family
units elsewhere in the village.
Thus only routine investigations
every sixty days have been found
necessary, he said.
Embree attributed this to the
fat that hot plates and water
heaters are srictly forbidden for
tenants. "When this regulation
was found to be violated and ten-
ants cooked," he continued, "the
main difficulties arising were in
garbage disposal rather than in
power abuses. Roaches became
evident and the tenant violator
was told to refrain from further
The only abuse in the electrical
setup at West Lodge seems to
have been in the fire alarm sys-
tem, Embree said. "The wires,
running along the ceilings as they
do, have all too often been used
for coat hangers and have set off
frequent false alarms. Investiga-
tors have consistently urged that
such practice be halted because of
the confusion and inconvenience
which invariably results."
Royalty' Will
Set Precedent
For Michigan
The Michigras committee hopes
to establish a precedent through
its petitioning for permission to
elect a king and queen of the car-
nival, according to Jack Harlan,
publicity chairman.
University policy has never be-
fdre allowed elections' for' kinigs
and queens to be held in connec-
tion with campus events.
The petitions, which will be pre-
sented to the Student Affairs
Committee by the lMchigras cen-
tral committee, are now being cir-
culated in dormitories, sororities,
fraternities, and league houses.
The carnival, scheduled 'for April
25 and 26 in Yost Field House, will
feature parades through the
streets of Ann Arbor as well as the
traditional Michigras carnival
events. -
Monday is the deadline for ap-
plications from houses wishing to
sponsor booths according toJerry
Gaffney apd Kieth Jordan, booths
Information and applications
blanks may be obtained by calling
Miss Gaffney at 2-2543 or Jordan
at 7595. Applications should be
put in the Michigras box in the
League Undergraduate Office or
the Union Student Offices.
U.S. Trusteeship
Agreement Near
7-(AP)-The United Nations Se-
curity Council tonight neared
general agreement on an American
proposal to take over the Japan-
ese-mandated islands in the Pa-
cific under a UN strategic area
trusteeship, but put off a final de-
cision when Australia asked for a
committee to study the proposal.
Only the Australian resolution
and one Russian amendment stood
as barriers to passage of the far-
reaching proposal which would
give the United States rights
amounting to virtual annexation
of the vast chains of the Mar-
shalls, Carolines and Marianas.

Say Plan.
Inder Study
o. A idGreece
Carri bean Trip
1y The Associated Press
About $125,000,000 worth of guns
and other military supplies may
be sent to Greece, it was reported
today after President Truman ab-
ruptly cancelled a Caribbean trip
and called Congressional leaders
to confer Monday on what one of
them called "the most fateful sit-
uation" in American history."
At issue was whether the Unit-
ed States would step into the
breach opened by Britain's deci-
sion to liquidate her outposts in
Greece and elsewhere. Greece is
the scene of armed conflict be-
tween the anti-Communist gov-
ernment and leftist foes.
Strengthening Army Program
President Truman is reported to
have under consideration a $250,-
000,000 program of aid to Greece
this year. Officials, who cannot
be named, said today that if this is
finally agreed upon, about half of
the total probaly would be ear-
marked for strengthening the
Greek army to maintain order.
The officials said that putting
an end to the civil strife was
deerned essential to making ef-
fecive any large scale American ef-
forts to "get Greece back on her
feet economically.
From United States World War
I surpluses, now cached largely
in occupied Germany, such mate-
rials as trucks, tanks, planes and
clothing might be transferred by
an administrative order. But Con-
gress must enact special legisla-
tion if arms are supplied from
sources other than surplus.
Britain's Plans Satisfactory
It was said authoritatively
there has been no serious proposal
to dispatch American troops to
Greece, and that Britain's plans
to withdraw her forces gradually
were considered satisfactory.
EPresident Truman was ihformed
by aides before his recent trip to
Mexico that probably $250,000,000
would be required altogether for
effective aid to Greece for the re-
mainder of this year, plus possibly
$100,000,000 additional over a five-
year period.
Among the many ,questions still
undecided was whether this gov-
ernment proposed to bolster only
Greece, or to extend aid also to
Turkey and other governments
who might be in distress at least
partly as a result of Russian pres-
Vets' Report
Fiing Lauded
Waldrop Says Most
Forms Are Correct
University student veterans were
complimented yesterday by Rob-
ert S. Waldrop, director of the
Veterans Service Bureau, on the
way they hate cooperated with
the University in filling out their
absence reports.
"The veterans have done an ex-
cellent job in filing the forms
this last week, "Waldrop said. "By
their cooperation they have eased

the job which is a bother to all of
us. The tabulating section has re-
ported to me that almost all of the
forms filed last week were made
out correctly."
Claim numbers must be written
legibly and the hours of class
missed, not the days are to be re-
ported, he stressed. Course names,
numbers and the days on which a
class meets need to be filled in
only if a student veteran has
missed that class.

Clark Foresees
New Coal Strik,
Asks Court Mo,
John L. Lewis Accuses Governm
Of 'Police Patrol','MuscleMau'I
.. O 100 ~. ~

of Labor Lewis B. Schwellenbach (right) smiles broadly as he dis-
cUsses with Sen. Allen J. Ellender (Dem.-La.) the headlines on the
U.S. Supreme Court decision affirming conviction of John L. Lewis
and his United Mine Workers on contempt in failure to halt coal
strike last Fall. They are shown in Washington.
University's 110th Birthday
To Be Observed by M' Clubs

By The Associated Press
torney General Clark expressed
fear today of another coal strike
March 31 and drafted a plea to
the Supreme Court for quick ac-
tion to head it off.
Clerk asked the court that its
mandate against Lewis and the
union be issued "forthwith" in-
stead of waiting the customary 25
days. That delay would bring it
up to March 31, and Clark declared
there is "danger" of another soft
coal strike then because of the
deadline set by Lewis when he or-
dered the miners back to work
Dec. 7.
Clark based his motion "upon
the public interest in these cases."
He notified union attorneys that
he will appear before the court
Report Labor
Law to House,
-Chairman Hartley (Rep., N.J.)
of the House Labor Committee
said tonight it is going to report
legislation which 'will be called
punitive" but that "labor's right
to organize and to bargain collec-,
tively will in no way be impaired."
Hartley declared, in a speech for
the radio that "Congress must do
something about labor monopo-
lies" if another coal strike and
walkouts -in other industries are to
be avoided. He remarked that the
Supreme Court decision in the
John L. Lewis case, upholding an,
injunction, will be effective only
until June 30 because it is based
on the Smith-Connally Act which
expires then.
Hartley said in his speech that
"no special interest, be it that or
management or labor, rises above
the general welfare of all our peo-
"I recognize," he continued,
"that the legislation which my
committee is going to report will
be challenged by the labor leader-
ship as destroying labor rights and
you will be told that collective
bargaining will be scuttled.
Liquor Ration
To Be Lifted

Monday to ask that it be gr
The decision which uph
contempt convictions a
Lewis and the union yes
gave five days after issua
the mandate for Lewis
scind his contract termi
notice-equivalent to a
call-and notify the min
the action. If he fails to
the full $3,500,000 fine a-
by Federal Judge T. Alan
borough against the uni4
be imposed; otherwise it
cut to $700,000.
Lewis, telling the Senat
Committee that the Goverr
blocking peace in the coal
try by playing the role of
man" and "police patrol
flatly he had no suggestion
to prevent another nationw
He declared that except
eral possession of the mii
union could settle its disp'
the private owners,
This 'led Senator Taft
Ohio ) toconclude that t
apparently will be shut
again July 1, when the g
ment is slated to turn the:
to the operators.
Politics came up, too, wh
mittee chairman Taft re
that Lewis' authority is s
"it's' practically up to you
tide what your union does
shot back that he had been
where Taft, who has bee
tioned as a likely president
lidate, was "pushing the
lican party around."
.Dutch Boar
American S

The University's 110th birth-
day will be celebrated on a world-
wide scale by alumni clubs during
the week of March 17.
March 18, 1837 has always been
labelled as the date of the found-
ing of the University in Ann Ar-
bor. It was on this date that the
act was passed which created the
Board of Regents.
-"University of Michigan Clubs
in Tokyo, Seattle, Columbus, Ma-
nila, San Francisco and Los An-
geles are planning celebrations,
thereby making the occasion an
international affair,
The Tenth District, Westbrn
is Postponed
Brewster Predicts
Senate Confirmation
-The Senate Atomic Energy
Committee got all set for a vote
on confirmation of, David E. Lil-
ienthal today-then put it off un-
til Monday.
Somedmembers were mystified
by the maneuver. All nine were
present for the vote which had
been predicted last night by
Chairman Hickenlooper (Rep.,
Iowa). One, Senator Conally
(Dem., Tex.), had hitch-hiked a
ride from Waco, Tex., in President
Truman's plane to get here.
When the committee ended its
two and a half hour closed session,
Hickenlooper told reporters that
"some members"-he did not say
who-still wanted to "clarify some
issues in their minds."
"The committee will vote Mon-
day at 10 a.m.," Hickenlooper said.
Sen. Owen Brewster (Rep., Me.)
today predicted the confirmation
of David E. Lilienthal "by a com-
fortable margin."
At a news conference after an
off the, record talk to a group of
Chicago businessmen, Brawster,
asserted, "The violence of the crit-
iscim of those who dare question
the omniscience of Mr. Lilienthal
is strangely suggestive of the
somewhat emotional approach of
Sen. McKellar."
McKellar (Dem., Tenn.) has
spearheaded the opposition to
Lilienthal's confirmation.
Cut in Forces
LONDON, March 7-( P)-Prime
Minister Attlee was confronted to-
night by a rebellion or more than
100 Labor members of Parliament
who demanded that Britain's
present armed force of more than
1,000,000 men be cut by almost

Michigan, leads all others which
are planning meetings. The Third
District is close behind. T. Hawly
Tapping, general secretary of the
Alumni Association, will speak at
the University of Michigan Club
of Columbus in that District.
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven will be the guest of Honor at
the University of Michigan Club
of Washington. The Kalamazoo
club will have as its guest Provost
James P. Adams. Vice-presideht
Marvin L. Neihuss will be the
speaker at the celebration in Mid-
Regent Roscoe 0. Bonisteel, for-
mer president of the Ann Arbor
Alumni Club, will be honored at
its celebration.
Clubs observing the anniversary
have been asked to submit sug-
gestions for the naming of the
celebration which may eventually
become an alumni tradition. The
Alumni Association Board of Di-
rectors will consider all the sug-
gestions made and will determine
the permanent title at a session
on June 12 in Ann Arbor.
Fraternity Fined
For Rule Violation
A fine of one hundred dollars
has been levied on Alpha Delta
Phi Fraternity, by the University
Disciplinary Committee, and seven
members fined ten dollars each,
after the members admitted enter-
taining women guests at the chap-
ter house without proper chaper-
Sigma Delta Chi
Twelve students were initiated
into Sigma Delta Chi, professional
journalism fraternity, last night
at a reactivation meeting in the

$3,0O0 F0r
Seized on Fri

LANSING, March 7-(/P)-AlI
liquor rationing in the state will
end with the opening of business
Monday, Governor Sigler an-
nounced today.
The ration lifting order applies
only to scotch, premium Canadian,
bonded bourbon and bonded rye.
All other types of whisky were
taken off rationing several months
Sigler said premium Canadian.
and bonded whiskies had reached
sufficient supply to warrant re-
moval of rationing. Supplies of
scotch, however, are still very
short, he said, but it will be solt
on a first come-first served basis.
Bar and hotel quotas on scotch
will still be maintained and only
one. bottle of scotch will be sold
to each private customer.

BATAVIA, March 7-(1P)-
Dutch marines, sailors and
police boarded the America
erty ship Martin Behrman
Ind overpowered the first m
he attempted to raise the
olank in carrying out the
lers of his defiant captain tc
trate the Dutch authorities
Tugboats nosed the ship'1
other dock for the unload
her $3,000,000 cargo in accor
a confiscation order fron
Netherlands East Indies g
mnent. The ship had been l
at Cheribon, in republican
^ontrary to Dutch regulatic
Gray Walked Off
Capt. Rudy Gray, who ho
tified the Dutch several hou
fore that he intended to s,
the United States, walked
Ship after informing Dutch
Lt. John Hamerslag that c
of the vessel had been 'taker
me forcefully by armed me
Today's developments fc
oy 8 hours the U. S. Stat
oartment protest to the
over regulations under whic
:ship was seized.
The Martin Behrman arri
-he port of Batavia severa
aigo under escort of a Dut
Aroyer with a cargo of r
ugar, cinchona bark (qu
%nd other products load
Cheribon, Java port east c
which is under control of t
donesian Republic,
Dutch Warned Captain
The Dutch had warned G
ould not sail for America w
argo, on the grounds that
the produce of Europe-
plantations illegally seized
A Netherlands foreign
spokesman asserted tonigh
the cargo on the American
ship Martin Behrman consi
'stolen products" and th
the action of the Dutch
forces in seizing the vessel a
tirely legal.

Movies of Bottle-fed Black
Bears To Be Shown Today

Woman Listed As Union Life Member


Because a large segment of the
nmale campus population takes for
granted the statement on the
matchbook covers that the Union
is "for Michigan men," they may
be somewhat surprised to learn
that a former Ann Arbor business-

versity was highlighted by her ef-'
forts to bring to the attention and
interest of students, Michigan
songs, especially those which were
introduced by way of Mimes, the
opera written and put on by mem-
bers of the Union for a number of
years until 1941. She accomplished

by the fall semester. The entire
series of editions is on display in
cases, decorated by Mrs. Root, in
the Union lobby.
At present, she is working on "A
History of the University of Michi-
gan Music," a descriptive account
of the types of songs and their

Movies of the University Zoo's
well-known pair of black bears,
'Brother and Sis,' bottle-fed when
brought here 14 years ago as
three-week old cubs, will be shown
by Miss Crystal Thompson of the
staff this morning at the Chil-
dren's Museum's weekly program
in Detroit.
The film record of the bears,
taken by Dr. Dean W. Myers of
Ann Arbor, traces their growth
from infancy, when each weighed
under one pound, to maturity
three years after, when 'Sister'

get enough sleep. "Feeding the
cubs was quite a problem for we
had to give them whole raw milk
by nursery bottle every two hours.
day and night. An assistant and
I alternated at this chore. We took
them home with us at night, and
as regularly as clockwork they
would squeal for their milk. It was
tiring to have to get up so often
at night, but we grew very at-
tached to them."
"After two months, as they got
bigger, we were able to feed them
less frequently. Then, since they
were drinking so much milk, we
tried to use ginger ale bottles and


US Ship Blazes
At New York Pi
NEW YORK, March 7-
Fire raged for nearly four

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