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March 07, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-07

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Latest Deadline in the State




Sec Page 4




JvIll, NO. 197




, ..s - - - - - -


lage Fuse
blem Will

Tenants To Meet
F'HA Engineers
Acting on tenant-proposed rem-
edies for the electrical circuit dif-
ficulties at Willow Village, Charles
H. Annala, housing manager, an-
nounced last night that plans
were under way for a meeting of
tenants with FPHA engineers to
discuss the recommendations.
Annala disclosed that a letter,
enclosing proposals fostered by
the local AVC and civic groups,
has been dispatched to Benjamin
Glassberg, FPHA area. superivsor,
requesting such a meeting. The
proposals in question include se-
lection of tenant representatives
who will assume full responsibil-
ity for the replacement of burnt
fuses, a key sore point in the sit-
Regular Checkup
Another suggestion for alleviat-
ing the difficulties brought on by
alleged misuse of the electrical cir-
cuits is a regular check-up and re-
port by these tenant delegates of
all electrical abuses. A plan call-
ing for the billing of tenants
maintaining electrical appliances
was also advocated.
Annala said, further, that del-
egating to students the job re-
placing fuses with those of the
crect amperage would certain-
l help the atuation, in that the
temptations for using dangerously
I high-current fuses would be ar-
rested. in addition unit service,
on the building structure basis,
would be much more prompt than
existing village-wide maintenance
Rewiring Problem
Requests as to why rewiring has
not been effected to meet increas-
ed needs .of the village, brought
from the housing director an an-
alogy to a used car which was
generally malfunctioning, a n d
needed overhauling. "Like a used
car owner, management is wary
of large scale alterations because
it is not known ?recisely how long
the village, lik the car, will be
used. Present indications point
to the belief that few students
will reside in the village two years
Electrical Bills
That the gravity of the situa-
tion is barely realized ly the resi-
dents was stressed by the direct-
or. Annala attributed this to
the fact that only a few were fla-
grant violators of the rules re-
garding uses to which electricity
was to be put. But these few,
'whose electrical bills might easily
come to 15 or 20 dollars per month
if metered, he saic, were imposing
hardships on the rest of the com-
munity. "Lack of tenant cooper-
ation, and absence of voluntary
compliance would make any pro-
posal or edict or investigation to-+
tally ineffective."
British Arrest
25 Terrorists
Violence Continues
Amid 'OpenWarfare'
JERUSALEM, March 6+-P)- --
Arrest of "25 known terrorists un-
derstood to be members of the
Stern gang and Irgun Zvai Leumi,"
Jewish underground organizations,
was announced by the British to-
day amid, continuing violence in
the underground's declared "open
Police dogs were employed in
an effort to track the attackers of
an army camp near Hadera early
this morning in which three Brit-
ish soldiers were wounded by small
arms fire and mortars.
The one fatality reported during

the day was a Jewish driver of a
military truck destroyed by an
electrically detonated road mine
near Rehovoth.
Last night there were two at-
tacks on the British security zone
in Jerusalem in which Army head-
quarters, the residence of the com-
manding general, the public in-
formation office ,and the foreign
press camp are located.
Faculty Gies
To Red Cross
With the national Red Cross
campaign swinging into full gear,
Robert Williams. administrative

'U' Will Offer Freshmen
Course in 'Great Books'
Adopted as .Experiment, Designed To Give
New Students Synthesis of Western Culture
Freshmen enrolling in the literary college next 'fall will have an
opportunity to supplement their general education with an optional
course in the "Great Books," designed to offer students a synthesis of
Western culture, and given for the first time in the history of the
The new course, approved this week by the literary college fac-
ulty, will be conducted on an experimental basis for two years under
the direction of Prof. Clark Hopkins of the classical studies depart-
ment. The course will be elective during this time and will be limited


Court Decides


Of Contempt, Upholds 'No Strike' Rul


Co ngress Hails Act, Favolrs New



strictly to freshmen. The course w
U.S. Bureau
Predicts Late
Big Food Price Drop
Foreseen by Experts
Bureau of Agricultural Economics
said today forces now at work
seem to indicate a business reces-
sion late in 1947 and. a downturn
in prices, particularly in foods.
It said wholesale food prices--
which in recent weeks climbed to
a record level-may decline from
15 to 20 per cent by the end of the
year. Farm prices could drop 20
to 25 per cent, it added, if the
business downturn should come at
the time when farm marketings
are heavy.
Downward Adjustments
The -Bureau emphasized, how-
ever, that "timely downward ad-
justments" in prices could improve
the outlook.
The major force which the Bu-
reau said is operating to bring on a
recession is a declining volume of
purchasing power. The Bureau
said the "real income" (that is
purchasing power) of salary and
wage earners has been declining
since V-J Day.
Production and sales of goods
have been held at record dollar
levels since the end of- the war,
apparently by spending of wartime
savings and by installment credit.
Purchasing Power Down
The Bureau said that there are
signs that purchasing power de-
rived from these supplementary
sources is declining. Many per-
sons already have obtained all in-
stallment credit they can get or
want to carry.
It said early downward adjust-
ments in prices could improve the
outlook by causing the "real in-
come" of wage and salary earners
to rise to a level consistent with
continued high business 'activity.
The report added, however, 'that
such flexibility in the price struc-
ture has rarely been observed.
Decline Predicted
Industrial activity may reach a
record level during the first half
of the year and then decline from
five to ten per cent during the last
half, the bureau's economnists pre-
The annual rate of income pay-
ments during the first half of the
year is likely to increase somewhat
over the annual rate of $173,000,-
000,000 reached in the last quar-
ter of 1946, their report said.
"If industrial activities decline
as much as anticipated, income
payments to individuals in the
second half of 1947 may be 8 to 12
per cent below those of the first
half," it added.

'ill not be open to all students desir-
ing to elect it because of the lim-
ited number of instructors avail-
"Great Books" will be a four
hour course, including two semes-
ters of work.
Although the study of the "great
books" is expected to parallel
closely the other studies of the
freshman year, Prof. Hopkins
pointed out, the accent in the new
course will be largely on the books
themselves, with a minimum of
backgrou'nd study.
Guided by Others
Dean Hayward Keniston of the
literary college emphasized that
the University does not intend to
"copy any other institution. We
are, however, following the same
general line in introducing this
course as has been followed by
several other schools, including
Columbia, Harvard and Chicago."
Prof. Hopkins said that the great
books course, proved -successful
at Columbia, would be used as a
guide by the University commit-
tee, although the two courses
might vary considerably in detail.
He pointed out that Columbia has
taught such a course for 20 years
on an optional basis, before it was
made compulsory recently. At Co-
lumbia, he said, there are 30 books
required reading for the course.
Broad Scope
Originally the faculty consid-
ered a course on "Great Books of
the Western World," as a method
of introducing the student to the
basic ideas of European culture.
In the final conference on the
course, however, the faculty de-
cided not to limit the reading to
the "western world" and thereby
give the course a wider scope.
Prof. Hopkins said that each of
seven departments, including the
English, geography, history, phil-
osophy, romance languages, Ger-
man, and classics departments,
would assign an instructor for the
course. The instructors are ex-
pected to make the decision on the
books to be used in the course.
Cut Expense of Course
One pro ,lem that will be en-
countered Ii the new course, ac-
cording to Prof. Hopkins, is the
price of the books to be used by
the students. Obviously, he said, it
will be necessary to select works
which have been published in
reasonably-priced editions, be-
cause of the nrber of books re-
Offering of tdie experimental
course has been interpreted as evi-
dence that the University is inter-
etedindmaking its contribution in
the field of general education foi,
the undergraduate.
Indian Rule Approved
LONDON, March 6--UP)---Brit-
ain's decision to quit India by June
1948 won parliamentary approval
tonight despite Winston Church-
ill's protest that "chaos and car-
nage" would follow Britain's evac-

Decision May
Aid Draf ting
Of Labor ill
Hartley Says Public'
Still Needs Protection
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Ma rch 6 -
Congress members hailed the Su-
preme Court decision in the John
L. Lewis case today but pressed
ahead regardless to write new
laws governing labor unions.
"The decision will tend to clar-
ify the legal situation and assist,
us in drafting labor legislation,"
commented Senator Taft (Rep.-
0), Chairman of the Senate La-
bor Committee. He said a labor
bill may be ready for the Senate
within two weeks.
Strike Legislation
"It doesn't step in the way of
our intention to consider legisla-
tion dealing with strikes that af-
fect the health, safety and econ-
omy of all the people," said Rep.
Hartley (Rep-N.J.), chairman of
the House Labor Committee.
John L. Lewis, who spoke up
angrily when he was originally
convicted of contempt by Judge
T. Alan Goldsborough of District
Court, was silent today.
And Goldsborough's secretary
said the Judge had "no remarks'
to make whatsoever."
Krug Silent
Secretary of the Interior Krug,.
President Truman's lieutenant in
the victory over Lewis, likewise
was silent on the Supreme Corts
opinion, which in effect upheld his
remark yesterday that "we settl.d
one strike all right."
Senator Ball (Rep.-Minn.) at
first said he thought the decision
removed any need for amending
the Norris-LaGuardia Act, but on
further study of the decision he
said Congress "may want to take
a specific look" at the act.
Right to Injunction
He said the government
"should always have the right to
injiunction or criminal prosecu-
tion in cases where public health
and welfare is involved. We still
have got to do something, too,
about the closed shop."
Police Seek
Stolen Bonds
Daylighit Theft May
Be Linked to Others
Ann Arbor police are searching
today for $15,000 in bonds which
disappeared in the. daring day-
light theft of a State St. drug
store Wednesday.
The series "E" non-negotiable
war bonds disappeared from an
unlocked safe" sometime during
business hours, according to po-
lice reports. The thieves appar-
ently entered the store and ming-
led with customers during the af-
ternoon, seizing the bonds while
the safe was left unguarded.
Detective Sgt. Damon of the
local police forces said that there
was a possibility this newest theft
may be linked with a series of
smaller safe thefts which occur-
ed late last month. in each of
the previous cases, thieves had en-
tered business establishments dur-
ing daylight hours, pilfering safes
in the same manner
Drug store officials said that
contents of the safe were checked
at noon by employees. A later
check at 6:20 p.m. of the same

day revealed the loss.
Novel Sermon
Is~ Protested
Rev. William Rainsworth, -of
Dexter, may have to dicker with
Detroit police before he gets per-
mission to give a rooftop sermon
in the Motor City.
Tenants of an anartment near

FIRST TRIP-This is just the first trip over a 20- foot drift near Deerfield, N.Y. for this rescue party
hzivliug critically-ill Mrs. Antoinette Oraski from her snowbound farm home to a waiting ambulance.
'The snowshoers face another trip for the woman's husband.

Judiciary Will
Take Student
Student Candidates
Required To Pay Fee
The Men's Judiciary Council
will accept Student Legislature
election petitions from individual,
candidates and organized parties
from 3 to 5 p.m. today and from 1
to 5 p.m. Monday in the Union
Student Offices.
Candidates for the 23 positions
to be filled in the March 18 and
19 elections will be-required to pay
$1 registration fees and to submit
50 word qualification statements
when they turn in their petitions.
Party members may pool their
word allotment for party plat-
Limit on Wording
The statements and platforms,
which will be published in The
Daily next week, will, be cut at
the discretion of the Council if
they exceed the word limit, Tal-
bot Honey, chairmanrof the Coun-
cil, emphasized yesterday.
One hundred and fifty signa-
tures are required for each peti-
tion. Students in all schools may
sign the petitions and students
may sign more than one petition.
New Rulings Passed
Under new Legislature rulings,
parties must register their full
membership with the Council and
no changes in personnel or plat-
forms will be allowed after the pe-
tition deadline at 5 p.m. Monday.
Withdrawal from a party afterI
the deadline will constitute with-'
drawal from the election, Honey
Membership in any one party is
limited to 23 students by the rule
that party membership may not
exceed the number of positions to
be filled in the election.

Truman Advocates Lowering
International Trade Barrier's

WACO, Tex., March 6 -(A') -
The alternative to lowering of in-
ternational trade barriers is eco-
nomic war, President Truman
warned the nation today in an ad-
dress delivered after he received
an honorary degree from Baylor
-The President left -by plane for
Washington at 2:14 p.m. (CST)
after pausing here three and a
half hours ,on his return from his
good will trip to Mexico City.
Crowd Thinned
Senator Connally accompanied
the President back to the Capitol.
Cold, wet weather thinned the
anticipated 150,000 persons ex-
pected to pack highways and
streets along his line of parade,
but despite the cold, downtown
sidewalks were jammed and Waco
Hall where he spoke was packed.
Eighty-nine-year-old Dr. J. T.
Harrington, Chairman of Baylor's
Board of Trustees, introduced the
President as a candidate - for the
Vet Checks Are
At Post Office
The Ann Arbor Main Post Of-
fice is holding government checks
for the following veterans:
Beifman, Alfred; Liskow, Mary
These checks will be returned
to Columbus Monday.
The following checks will be re-
turned March 14:
Avery, Wilber Carrier; Begel-
man,, Jack; Bezanker, Abraham;
Brunettei, Benito E.; Henne,
Richard Edwin; Jackson, Rock-
well E.; Lahr, Frank F.; Laskow,
Frederick H.; McKennea, Sidney
Francis; McNabb, Ralph E.;
Thomas, Jack P.; Straub, James

award that later was presented by
Pat Neff, President of Baylor.
Appeal For Support
The President appealed for full
Congressional support of the re-
ciprocal trade agreements pro-
gram, and for the forthcoming
Geneva negotiations.
He said "we are the giants of the
economic world" of today.
"We can lead the nations to eco-
nomic peace or we can plunge
them into economic war," he said.
"In such a war, nobody wins."
He warned that isolationism
could result in another depression.
Royalty Asked
0B Michigras
Petitioning To Elect
Campus King, Queen
Petitions asking that University
permission be given to Michigras
to elect a king and queen for the
all-campus carnival are now be-
ing circulated in campus residenc-
es, according to Jack Harlan,
Michigras publicity co-chairman.
"We know that this action will
set a precedent, since no campus
organization has ever been able to
have a king or queen," Harlan
said. "However, we hope to be
able to gain permission to choose
them for this one occasion," he
Petitions have been distributed
to sororities, fraternities, and
men's and women's dormotories
throughout the campus under the
supervision of Harlan and Jerry
Comer, Union publicity chairman.
"We are circulating the petitions
in an effort to gel a cross section
of campus opinion on the subject,"
Harlan stated.
Michigras, sponsored by the Un-
ion and the Women's Athletic As-
sociation, will be held Friday and
Saturday, April 25 and 26, in Yost
Field House. The carnival will
feature booths sponsored by
campus houses, and concessions
including ferris wheel and other
rides, as well as the traditional
Michigras parade.
Labor At To
"The Wagner Act in Action"
will be the topic of a panel discus-
sion presented by management
rand lanor attornevs at 8 n.m. to-

Conviction I
High Court
UMWAction Bran
Threat To Welfar
By The Associated Press
historic 7-2 Supreme Court t
sion today adjudged John L. I
and the United Mine Wo
guilty of contempt and bra
their actions a "serious threa
cons titutional govrnment an
nation's welfare.
Moreover, the high triT
in effect clamped a "no st:
edict on the soft coal miner;
the present.
Rebukes Lewis
With repeated rebukes to L
it sustained the anti-strike
junction Federal Judge T.
Goldsborough issued to hea
last fall's coal strike. It app
the contempt convictions of I
and the United Mine Worker
disobeying the injunction.
$10,000 fine against Lewis wa
As for the $3,500,000 fine ag
the union, the Court u
$700,000 of it as punishmen
contempt already comnmitte
the strike which ended De
And it held the other $2,80
over the union's head, to be
ssessed if it strikes March
any other time so long as the
ernment operates the mines.
No Contract Termination
To avoid the $2,800,000
against the union, Lewis
withdraw - "unconditionally"
notice purporting to termninat
contract with the Governr
and so notify the miners, w
five days after the Court issu4
mandate. This normally wou
issued to Judge Goldsboroug
25 days, which would bring
the March 31 deadline Lewi
when he ordered them bac
work Dec. 7. He also must
draw "any other notice" of
kind, issued now or later. '
contract termination' notices
in effect as strike calls.
The court's surprise annot
ment, coming on a Thursda:
stead of the usual Monday
sion day, astounded the ca
and Lewis and his aides wit
all comment for the time b
From the tone of his Dec. 7t
sage to the miners ending
strke, however, it appeard
he was willing to accept the
court's decision. His reaction
be forthcoming tomorrow whi
is scheduled to appear befor
Senate Labo'r Committee.
Miners Dissatisfied
There was angry mutt
among the miners in the
fields, however. John P. Busa
a union district secretary, pr
ed at Pittsburgh that the
''gave labor a rotten deal."
Congressmen generally app
ed the decision, although a nu
of them said it is still necesse
revise labor law.
Capt. N. H. Collisson, Fe
Coal Mines Administrator, sa
decision will help to bring
union and private operator
gether to work out a contrac
though other factors still sta:
the way. He added that the r
tion of the fine is "immateria
"it was the principle that we
interested in,"
Injunction Sought
It was the Government, a
direction of President Tr
which went into Goldsboro

court to seek the injunction.
The Supreme Court de(
does not rule as to whethe:
Government's contract with :
--the so-called Krug-Lewis a
ment-can be terminated by I
as he contends, or whether
good for as long as the Go
ment runs the mines, as the
tice Department contends.
Ruling Upheld
But it upholds the temporar
junction which Judge Gold

By The Associated Press
BATAVIA, Java, March 6-Rudy Gray, master of the American
liberty ship Martin Behrman, accused the Netherlands East Indies ad-
ministration of "an act of piracy" today and ordered his crew to resist
with force any Dutch attempt to open the ship's hatches "unless they
have the gun on you first."
JERUSALEM, March 6-An Army source reported tonight
that $160,000 worth of narcotics, believed to be the largest cache
of drugs in Palestine history, had been found in an overturned
British Army entertainment unit truck Monday -north of Gapa.
WASHINGTON, March 6-The AFL today threatened to call a
nationwide strike of 50,000 Western Union telegraph company em-
ployes in 30 days.
This would be about the same time As the April 7 deadline for a
cross country telephone tieup threatened by the National Federation
of Telephone Workers, an independent organization claiming more
than 200,000 members.
* ~ *
WASHINGTON, March 6--Tentative plans of Western Union
to reduce its telegraph facilities in more than a score of Michigan
cities are disclosed in a Federal Communications Commission let-
ter to Rep. Shafer (Rep-Mich).

Margaret Truman Will Make
Debut with Detroit Orchestra
DETROIT, March 6 - lP) -*White House she couldn't say
Blonde, gracious Margaret Tru- ,much.
man, the President's daughter, The press affair, in a hotel
came out publicly tonight as a suite, was limited to "pictures
professional singer with hopes for only" of the ash-blonde, blue eyed
a career in opera. young woman.
President Truman's girl, who Nonetheless, as she left, ac-
will sing for a fee on a radio pro- knowledging well wishes, she
gram Sunday night, met the press smiled and sang out:
here in advance of her formal "Thank you. Keep your fingers
debut but by dictum from the crossed."

Hungary Intrigue
f1 . n.

Miss Truman, who is 23, is a
coloratura soprano and will sing
with the Detroit Symphony Or-
chestra on a program (ABC) from


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