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March 12, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-12

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Latest Deadline in the State

D3a iijy





Truman Talk
May Set New,
U.S. Policy
Expect Statemeiti
On Greek Crisis
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 11 -
President Truman will address a
joint session of Congress tomor-
row-and the nation-in a policy
statement which may set far-
reaching new standards for Amer-
ican diplomacy around the world.
The issue is: What the United
States should do to stem the tide
of Communism abroad.
The President's speech, starting
at 12 noon (CST), will be broad-
cast by the major networks and
also televised.
To Discuss Greece
Described in advance by Sena-
tor Vandenberg (Rep., Mich.) as
transcending party politics in im-
portance, the Chief Executive's
talk is expected to center chiefly
on the situation in Greece and the
Near East.
Vandenberg said, however, that
the problem involved "may prove
to be symbolic of a general policy
which may have to be pursued
around the world."
To Recommend Loan
On Capitol Hill, the general be-
lief was that Truman will recom-
mend a loan of $250,000,000 for
Greece and $150,000,000 for Tur-
key both as a means of bolstering
their home economies and indi-
rectly as a barrier against the
westward surge of Communism.
Senator Jenner (Rep., Ind.) de-
manded that the American people
"be made acquainted with all the
secret commitments with foreign
nations which might cause us to
lose the peace."
Sen. Jenner Asks Frankness
"If the American people are to
be. called upon to finance the
world," he said in a statement,
"they should be told frankly and
honestly whether there were many
other secret commitments made
at Yalta, Tehran, at Cairo, or at
any other place on the globe.
"If we are to give Greece $250,-
000,000 to save its government
from Communism; if we are to fi-
nance the government of Turkey,
or if, indeed, we are to establish a
protecorate over the entire
world, Congress certainly must
know the facts and the people
must know the real situation that
confronts them."
Group Seeks Support
For Legislature Bill
The Ann Arbor FEPC Council
has made arrangements to meet
Lewis G. Christman, Repubican
representative from Ann Arbor,
Saturday to urge him "to co-spon-
sor the non-partisan FEPC issue",
according to George Antonofsky,
Chairman of the Council.
At the group's first meeting,
held last night, plans were laid
to launch an intensive letter-
writing campaign to representa-
tives Christman and Warner and{
to Senator Downes. The cam-
paign is designed "to express the
sentiments of Ann Arbor voters
and encourage the legislators to

support the FEPC bill, introduced1
by Senator Novak and to bring
the issue before the voters on Aprilx
7," Antonofsky said.
The Council went on record asf
feeling that "in view of the out-
rageous Supreme Court decision,
every effort should be made to im-
press local representatives witht
the importance of the bill." E

House Kills
OPA, Passes
y Treasury Cut
Democrats Fail
To Change Bill
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 11-Two
big appropriation bills-one kill-
ing off OPA next June 30 and the
other making a controversial
$800,000,000 cut in Treasury funds
-were rammed through the House
and sent to the Senate today after
Democrats made futile attempts
to change them.
The bill containing the OPA
v death sentence is a $179,645,668
deficiency bill, supplying funds for
various agencies.
Treasury Appropriations
The other provides $12,388,029,-
971 for the Treasury and Post
Office Departments.
Roundly defeated in attempts
at amendments, the Democrats'
gave up and voted with solid Re-
publican ranks for the Treasury-
/ Post Office bill. The final tally
was 387 to 0.
Gore Fights Bill
In the fight over this bill, Rep.
Gore (Dem., Tenn.) spearheaded
i, a Democratic move to retain a
> , ®1 standard indefinite sum for the
payment of tax refunds. The Re-
3 / publican-controlled ,.appropria,-
' "/ tions committee had tossed this
CUSHLAMOCHREE! - J. J. O'Malley, celebrated fairy godfather out in favor of a definite $1,231,-
of The Daily's popular comic strip character, Barnaby, turned up 000,000 fund, $800,000,000 below
at the 1947 Dartmouth Winter Carnival in this prize-winning budget bureau estimates.
piece of snow sculpture by Theta Delta Chi fraternity. ment must p hatever gefuns
--.------ ment___must pay whatever refunds
are due, regardless of the amount,
PLEA FOR ROYALTY: and accused the Republicans of
trying to take credit for a "phony"
$800,000,000 reduction.
Co m mittee W ill Petitio tThe vote on the $179,645,668 de-
ficiency bill, a compromise be-
eor IVI cfiuras K i gi Queeistween two different bills previ-
!"ously passed by Senate and House,
",__.--__ _.was 341 to 49. Opponents includ,
Te Michigras Committeewil daned 47 Democrats, one American-
present its petitions for permi cordance with a Unversity polcy Laborite and a lone Republican,
. s-of many years' standing that no Rep. Javits of New York.
sion to elect a king and queen to campus organization would be al-
University officials, despite the lowed to choose a king and queen Se
action taken Monday by the Stu- for any event. Michigras has been Deadline Set
dent Affairs Committee, accord- circulating petitions in sororities.
hing to Jack Harlan, publicity fraternities, and dormitories durnPetitioning
chairman. ing the past week, requesting that ili
The SAC ruled Monday, in ac- the carnival committee be givenn
permission to have royalty in con- For T hursday
+ Bi gnection with the 1947 Michigras.
No thi ng SuIts Harlan said that the petitions The petition deadline for the
would be submitted to the Student Student Legislature election has
Eight University coeds were Legislature next week and would been extended until 4 p.m. tomor-
Lod yesterday that they woulc then be taken before the Student row.
have to face a national maga- Affairs Committee if the Legisla- In announcing the extension,
zinc photographer's camera ture approves the Michigras Com- which applies to registration of
clad in something more than mittee's proposal. party membeships a wel.as pet
bathing suits. In commenting on the action of tiyning, Harvey Weisburg, chair-
A University spokesman said the SAC, Harlan said, "The ques- m of the L eisurg, ctin
that it would be all right for tion of a king and queen for Mich- manmte egislatures election
the coeds to pose in their usual coa a ae p yteUie- mmittee, said that he hoped a
thecoes o pse n hei usaligras was taken up by the Univer- large number of students would
campus costumes, but added sity committee before our request, take ntae of theetr time
that bathing beauties don't together with the petitions, was ke advaitage of the extra time
conform to University tradi- snbmsiittpt. oesfeotoe2e, we will fol-3
tion, which prohibits exploi- low our original plan of placing positions which will be filled
tation of coeds' charms. our proposal before the Legislature March 18 and 19w
The Student Affairs Com- and the Student Affairs Commit- Six petitions were turned in to
mittee, conforming to this tra- tee next week. the Men's Judiciary Council this
dition, ruled Monday that "We believe thatw a ross-see- Tepk.m
choice of a Michigras king or Lion of student opinion is rep- The petitions, which must be
queen will not be permitted. rion ted yttudents re signed by 150 students, will be ac-
resented by the students who have cepted by the Council from 3 to
signed the petitions," Harlan con- 5 p.m. today and from 3 to 4 p.m.
eied, "and I feel that the Mich- tomorrow in the Union Student
/ j igyan students want Michigras to Ofcs
have a king and queen." Offices.
y"h a e a i and queen ."C andidates w ill be required to
ira, t ione all-cy in- pay $1 registration fees and to
pus carnival, s sponsored by the submit eligibility cards and 50
VATICAN CITY, March 11 Union and the Women's Athletic word quaifiation statements
(I- -Pope Pius XII, completing Associatio and will be held on when they turn in their petitions.
(F)-Pp Pu IcopeigApril 25 and 26 in Yost Field Prymmesmypo hi
the eighth year of reign in a tom- House Party members may pool their
teio a. word allotments for party plat-
p 'stuou5 world. told the Associ- ----- - forms.
ated Presi today he was hopeful Pro beo Siavii;N Statements and platforms will
the world would achieve a just 1 be published in The Daily before

and lasting peace but the price PEORIA, 111., March 11 -(/Pv the election.
might be agreements which would Police began questioning striking Under Legislature rulings, par-
curtail to some degree the sov- railroad workers today about the ties must register thier full mem-
ereign rights of nations. mysterious shotgun assassination bership with the Council. No
Receiving two Associated Press of railroad president George f". changes in personnel or platforms
:orrespondents in a private audi- McNear, Jr., and in Washington will be allowed after the petition
ence, he commented that positive, the Department of Justice said it deadline at 4 p.m. tomorrow.
constructive ideas have not as yet was giving "immediate active Withdrawal from a party after the
entered the building of peace, study" to the case. deadline will constitute with-
-- - -- drawal from the election.
Legislature rulings also stipu-
TAXI-MEN TELL ALL: late that no campaign literature
may be distributed on the campus,
defined as the area bounded byj
Studenius' ack Sei'at. atter N. University, S. University, E.
University and S. State. Campaign
N o1 c u 1aexpenditures are limited to $5 per
Ni/b candidate and no slanderous or
lyMINT1 andrto almosttat'fthe libelous literature may be clistrib-
DICK MiALO(Y cab diivers. .
Ann Arbor's taxi drivers hold Although students seldom dis-
varying opinions a today's Uiii- cuss scholastic pursuits. occa-
versity stidcrt, but they are sionally they pss comments on
accorid on one thing -y their their classes and the merits of I
,eat (ony r;l iau'o not itel their respective professor one New Q uarters
e-cal )driver said.
adage thd All the taxi drivers agreed that A meeting of the "Gripes" Coin-
Workingon t1old th y "can always tell a student." mittee will open the new erm-
cab drivers are good judges of u- Reasons for this were vague. the o ema-

State K
Henry Claims
Not Subversive
Committee Members
Call Chapter 'Front'
By The Associated Press
LANSING, March 11-A State
Senate Committee investigating
'Communism in Michigan recom-
mended tonight that the Ameri-
can Youth for Democracy chapter
at Wayne University be banned
from the campus.
The recommendation was given
to newspapermen by two commit-
tee members: Sen. Matthew F.
Callahan, Detroit Republican, and
{Sen. Colin L. Smith, Big Rapids
epublican, after the group's first
The two committee members
said at the conclusion that they
believed they had produced evi-
dence showing the AYD was a
"Communist front" organiza-
Previously, questioning Dr. Dav-
id D. Henry, president of Wayne,
Sen. Callahan asked:
"It has been reported to us this
is a Communist organization and
the governor of this state has said
it was. Will you assure this com-
mittee that you will suspend it?"
Dr. Henry replied, "Not unless
it violates University regulations."
Callahan said, "Despite the fact
it is a Communist organization?"
Dr. Henry replieu, "I don't
believe the Wayne chapter is. I
find no evidence of subversive
activity or political activity on
behalf of the Communist party,"
Callahan said at one point, "I
think the Attorney General can
proceed against this outfit under
the criminal syndicalist law and
put out of business."
Later he and Smith said the
Committee was not ready to act.
The Committee took testimony
from Lawrence Reilly, of Detroit,
director of the Lutheran Research
Society, "studying activities inim-
ical to our country," that the AYD
was a Communist front organiza-
Cpl. Vincent Neering, of the
state police, introducing records
of the AYD at Wayne Univer-
sity, testified that "from its na-
tional leaders," the AYD is
known to be a Communist front
However. "the rank and file are
not exactly Communists," he add-
Henry C. Keywell, operator of
the Barlum Hotel in Detroit, testi-
fied to a scuffle with a group he
said represented the AYD in his
office resulting from the refusal
of waiters in the hotel dining room
to serve Negroes.
Keywell said from 85 to 120
persons, mostly 16 to 21 years of
age, picketed his hotel for sev-
eral weekends as a result of the
incident and that the AYD was
The committee placed great em-
phasis on a mimeographed "cal-
endar" taken from University
files and purporting to be a list of
activities of the AYD.

It mentioned the picketing of
the Barlum Hotel and that "dis-
crimination (was) busted" at Boe-
sky's Restaurant.
My-DA Alfirs
Red Probe'
A forum on the subject "Are
Investigating Committees a Threat
to Academic Freedom" sponsored
yesterday by Michigan Youth for
Democratic Action revealed both
sides will welcome an impartial in-
vestigat ion of subversive activities,
but the affirmative opposes the
proposed investigation on the
grounds of partiality.
The affirmative,, voiced by Ann
Ginger and Morton Rosenthal,
stated that any investigation
which does not state its powers,
does not have constitutional au-
thority and terrorizes the thoughts
of man, is bad. In the Callahan
Committee, they said, there is no
miaranteeo n ianrtal investaa-


n Leaders

Veto Russian

Discuss China Question;

sks AYD Ban at
Ban Communist Party,
Schwellenbach Says

Secretary Testifies B
Rep. Hartley To Offe
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 11 -
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach
and Chairman Hartley (Rep.,
N.J.) of the House Labor Com-
mittee agreed today that the
To Be Decided
LANSING, March 11-(P)-The
State House of Representatives
will vote Monday on the Bishop
Bill calling for an appropriation
of $11,349,000 to meet budget de-
ficiencies, including $1,250,000 for
the University of Michigan.
The bill, which appeared on the
House floor for debate today,
passed the Senate two weeks ago.
Rep. John P. Espie, chairman of
the House ways and means com-
mittee which reported the bill
favorably, led a vigorous defense
of the measure.
"Strikes dug deep into our wel-
fare funds," he said. "A heavy in-
flux of veteran-students at our
colleges forced them to spend more
money than they had; war-broken
homes have raised the cost of ca-
ing for dependent children, and no
one making up a budget two years
ago could have foreseen these and
all the other things that brought
on these deficiencies."
"Why make appropriations,"
said Rep. Eugene C. Betz, Monroe
Republican, "when departments
can just go out and exceed them.?
When are we going to put the lid
Rep. Sherman L. Loupee, Do-
wagiac Republican, said the $50,-
000,000 veterans trust fund should
be used to meet the deficiencies,
and Rep. Charles R. Feenstra,
Grand Rapids Republican, bitterly
denounced state agencies for
spending "more than they know
they have."
TFigaro' Has
Close Shave
First-nighters nearly saw a mod-
ern dress version of "The Mar-
riage of Figaro" yesterday when
the train bearing the specially
made costumes for the opera was
dela., .d en route.
Snow storms in New York State
necessitated a re-route of the Ann
Arbor bound train carrying the
costumes and it appeared that the
sets and the musc would have to
create the illusion of old Seville
without the aid of the colorful
wardrobe planned. However the
costume train arrived in plenty
of time for a last dress rehearsal
and the opening performance.
The opera, produced by the
speech department's play produc-
tion classes in collaboration with
the music school will be presented
at 8:30 p.m. today through Satar-
day at Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Tickets are still available for

ef ore
r Bill

Outlawing Party

Communist party in America
should be outlawed.
Hartley told reporters he will
introduce a bill to do so.
"See what I started," the Sec-
retary grinned approvingy.
Rep. Landis (Rep., Ind.) raised
the question, in a committee hear-
ing on proposed labor law chang-
es, of ousting communists from
offices in labor unions.
Schwellenbach, in the witness
chair, said that "doesn't go far
He asked:
"Why should we recognize the
Communist' Party in the United
States? Why should they be able
to elect people to public office,
and, theoretically, elect members
of Congress?"
He told reporters later that
while lie was indirect before the
committee, he is direct in advocat-
ing that the Communist Party be
The trouble is in proving any-
one is a Communist, he said. The
Labor Department has had diffi-
culty pinning people down as
Communists, he said, although it
has discharged six persons.
ives Answer
Offiial Says People
'Shocked' by Demand
NEW YORK, March l1-(IP)-
Eugene Dennis, General Secretary
of the Communist Party in the
United States, said tonight that
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach,
in advocating that the Commu-
nist Party be outlawed in Amer-
ica, "openly joined forces with the
ultra-reactionary G.O.P. and its
Parnell - Thomas - R a n k i n Un -
American Committee."
A statement by the Communist
official said that "the American
people, the followers of the late
President Roosevelt, and especial-
ly the labor movement, were
shocked at the demand.
Dennis said that "all Ameri-
cans, especially all trade unionists
and their organizations, should
remember that in every country in
which the Communist Party was
outlawed, the free trade unions
and the liberties of all sections
of the common people were also
Exchange Checks
Still Beim cg Mailed
Students who sold their books
through the Book Exchange
should not be unduly alarmed if
they have not as yet received
their checks, Ken Bissell, director,
said yesterday.
"There are still a few to be
mailed," he explained, "because of
lack of student help last week."
He also advised students whose
books were not sold to leave them
at the Exchange throughout the
remainder of the semester and
until the beginning of the next
school year. ,
Starting today the Book Ex-
change hours will be from 1 to
5 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, and

Germans Not
Molotov Says
Bevin Asks Russia
To Give POW Total
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, March 11-Secretary
of State George C. Marshall won
his first diplomatic triumph in
the Foreign Ministers Council to-
night when the United States,
Britain and France put up a solid
front and blocked a Russian pro-
posal to place the complex China
question on the agenda.
A conference official said the
three western representatives, op-
posing a suggestion by Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov,
insisted that China must be pre-
sent if Chinese affairs were dis-
cussed in the council, and Molotov
finally withdrew his proposal.
The four foreign ministers
then split wide open when they
tackled the first and least con-
troversial problem of Germany,
the question of demilitarization,
informants disclosed.
Molotov hurled a broadside of
accusations that the western na-
tions had failed to demilitarize
their occupation zones, and were
keeping German troops in mili-
tary formations, contrary to the
Potsdam Agreement.
Repeating many accusations
which have appeared in the
Russian press during the last
few months, Molotov asserted
that "except in obvious cases
the elimination of the war po-
tental in the West has hardly
Bevin then let loose a diplmat-
ic bombshell of his own, saying
that while the ministers were on
the subject of demilitarization "it
might be useful" to know the
number of prisoners of war held
outside Germany," the informant
Russia never has revealed how
many prisoners of war she is
holding in her homeland. All
previous questions on this sub-
ject have been rebuffed.
After handing the Russian min-
ister his initial defeat on the Chi-
na question, the Western repre-
sentatives then blocked, at least
for the time being, another So-
viet proposal that the "Big Four"
ministers discuss China inform-
ally and issue a communique on
the subject.
Clark Names
Task of Society
Cook Lecturer Calls
For 'New Balance'
An unprecedented task faces
the world, as we "have never yet
built a great society on the com-
bined basis of freedom and pro-
gressive social morality," Prof,
John Maurice Clark said yester-
In the second of the 1947 Cook
Lecture series, the Columbia econ-
omist said that "our traditional
code cf economic virtues has been
transformed, and we need a new
balance between self-interest and
community responsibility. It has
ignored man's needs as a social
animal and must make a place for
He pointed out that society has
relied too much on mere formal

mechanism for making selfish in-
terests coincide with social, ex-
plaining that some social motives
are better suited to bringing about
a better quality of community
service than mere financial incen-
Thei Columbia economist will
deliver thie third lecture in the
series entitled "An Alternative to
Serfdom" at 4:15 p.m.-tomorrow in
Rackham Amphitheatre. "Compe-
tition and Security" will be his
Detroit WAA Eases
P0,"V0 f iI

The g r o u p confering with
Christman on Saturday will be
composed of representatives of
student groups, the Ann Arbor
Council of Churches, the League
of Women Voters, the Ann Arbor
Citizens Council, the Ann Arbor
F FEP C Council, representatives
from CIO and AFL, and local bus-
The group will urge Christman
to "make Michigan the fifth state
in the nation to have an FEPC
act", Antonofsky said.
State House Votes
Anti-Strike Actlion
T.ANC , TATf -h 11 - (11, A


these performances.




U' To Offer Fishing Classes
As Part of P.E.M. Program


Such exclamations as "hold that
line! block that tackle!" may soon
I be heard emanating from places
other than Ferry Field, for this
mvrin -men at the TTniversity will

>Ad., with the help of Prof. Lagler
and Howard C. Leibee, assistant
supervisor of physical education
at Waterman Gymnasium.
Open to all men on campus, the
fishing classes will begin Anril 14

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