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March 05, 1947 - Image 1

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

a t



LVII, No. 105



73 Women
I Pledged
v Sororities


Government Asks


For Financial, Technical Help
Britain, France Sign Aid Pac

amupiM s Houses
Plan Ceremonies
Bids from the 18 campus sor-
orities went out yesterday to 273
women out of the 412 who partici-
pated in this year's formal rush-
ing season.
The women, who will attend
pledge, ceremonies today are:
Alpha Chi Omega: Edith An-
drew, Nancy Fead, Jean Glowacki,
Anne Goodyear, Mary Kinsel, Sal-
lee Maleski, Joyce Miller, Joanne
Pullon, Laurette Taylor, Beverly
Witte, Carolyn Woodhams.
Alpha Delta Pi: Lois Argue, Pa-
tricia Braybrooks, Frances Doty,
Harriet Ewing, Loraine Mich,
Martha Morhardt, Veronica Pliz-
ga, Martha Wise.
Alpha Epsilon Phi: Arlene Dav-
is, Ruth Frankenstein, Tobe Fried-
man, Joyce Gould, Marjorie Metz,
Joan Rakov, Marilyn Safir, Rita
Schaeffer, Ruth Seltzer, Bernice
Alpha Gamma Delta: Marilyn
Banwell, Dorothy Beckton, Joyce
Bunn, Miriam Cady, Donna De-
Harde, Ellrose Eichenlaub, Suz-
anne Hendrian, Rosemarie Kish,
Louise Koning, Barbara Maul, Pa-
tricia Phillips, Carol Richards, Ann
Rogers, Barbara Sawyer, Lenore
Alpha Omicron Pi: Pauline An-
tonucci, Audrey Crawford, Lois
Doyle, Mary Lu Fratcher, Mar-
jorie Ann Lundahl, Margaret Mac-
Dougall, Dorothy Malanick, Pa-
tricia Maloney, Marian Miller,
Irene Pacak, June Rhode, June
Rose Schauer, Carolyn Schwartz,
Constance Skaff, Lois Jean Smith,
Carol Jean Tuer, Carolyn Vicinus,
Virginia Wertin.
Alpha Phi: Barbara Barker,
Joyce Bowen, Catherine Campbell,
Joanne Christensen, Nancy Cress,
Marjorie Flint, Charletta Gray,
Jane Mary Hemenway, Lois John-
son, Beverly Lasher, Carol Leck-
lider, Eleanor Littlefield, Marcia
McCandless, Margery Metzger, Ja-
nice Olivier, Charlene Parker,
Julie Rose, Jean Russ, Elizabeth
Ann Sauer, Marilyn Strohm, Carol
Swanson, Ann Thomas, Virginia
Vieg, Mary Nell Walker.
Alpha Xi Delta: Patricia Beck-
er, Beatrice Brown, Christa Dom-
zalski, Engracia Harmond, Mary
Ann Harris, Donna Harrison,
Eleanor Irwin, Marjorie Jones,
Carol Kimpton, Virginia Leader,
Jo Ann Lyons, Anne Parker, Elea-'
nor Paulshock, Jeanne Plain, Su-
zanne Robinson, Beverly Ryia,
Lois Steere, Irene Straub.
Chi Omega: Shurly Ash, Jose-
phine Bell, Patricia Crandall, Nan-
cy Cupples, Lola Gillam, Ruth Ann
Hansen, Shirley Hart, Drothy
Hieronymus, Marilyn Holmquist,
Elizabeth Klaver, Eugenia McCal-
lum, Lucille Miller, Virginia Purse,
Mary Alice Reed, Constance Rowe,
Doris Sams, Barbara Woodward.
Collegiate Sorosis: Mary Aust-
erberry, Mary Louise Colgrove,
Thelma Fife, Patricia Harrington,
Mary Charlotte Hill, Emily Louise
H-ough, Nancy Lutton, Jean Mar-
son, Virginia Moore, Ann Nichols,
Justine Olson, Margot Redford,
Sarah Vosper, Wilma Wilson, Eli-
nor Yepsen.
Delta Delta Delta: Phyllis May
See PLEDGES, Page 2
Informal Rush
Peri odPlanned
Sororities May Still
Fill Allotted Quotas
Rushing chairman Lois Coth-
ran last night reminded women
who hadn't been pledged that in-
formal rushing will begin in two
or three weeks."

Sororities who haven't filled
their quotas or preferred to wait

'EASTER PARADE' PREVIEW-Attired in what what will be spring finery this spring, Mrs. Alvin
Anderson, Mrs. Frank Powers and Mrs. Fred Clausin (left to right) will be among the wives of Uni-
versity veteran student- who will model at Willow Village University Community Building today.
For details see page 5.

Gilbert Describes Interviews
Wih German -War Criminals
Dr. Gustave M. Gilbert, prominent psychologist who lectured at
Rackham yesterday, was the first person to decide that it would be
profitable to make psychological studies of the top Nazi war criminals.
In an interview yesterday he explained how his job as an Army
intelligence officer, interviewing German prisoners, aroused his curi-
osity as to the motives and moral values of the leading Nazis slated
for trial at Nuernberg. He applied for the position of prison psycholo-
gist, and "though the Army was slightly taken aback," he got the job.

Local Counmeil
Will Continue
FEPC Fight
Although the Michigan Supreme
Court has declared the Fair Em-
ployment Practices Act illegal,
"the fight to make Michigan the
fifth state in the country with an
FEPC will continue more vigorous-
ly," according to George Antonof-
sky, chairman of the Ann Arbor
FEPC Council.
Branding the Supreme Court
action "outrageous," Antonofsky
said yesterday "we do not believe
that the FEPC initiatory petition
with more than 200,000 state-wide
signatures can be so easily ignored
and that the will of such a sub-
stantial number of people will yet
Sen. Stanley Nowak (Dem. De-
troit) said yesterday that he
would reintroduce within a few
days a new FEPC bill to replace one
the Supreme Court killed Monday,
according to an Associated Press
report. Sen Nowak said his bill
would be the same as the previous
FEPC measure except that it
would contain a title, according to
the Associated Press dispatch.

In this role he remained at
Nuernberg throughout the trial,
holding daily conversations with
the ex-bigwigs of the Third Reich.
This day to day study, aside from
giving him the enviable chance
of telling Goering what he
thought of him, turned up many
sidelights on the character of the
men who once ran Germany, he
Daily Conversations
As Dr. Gilbert saw them, the
prisoners were nothing but a
group of double-crossing, back-
biting hypocrite who tried in ev-
ery way to shift the blame to each
Commenting on them individu-
ally, Dr. Gilbert characterized
Goering as being "a morphine ad-'
dict. Tried to appear the jovial
innocent while browbeating other
defendents into protecting him."
Individual Comments
Hess: "A hysterical neurotic.
His lapses of memory were genu-
Ribbentrop: "Cowering little
weakling who seemed to have no
mind of his own."
Streicher: "A perverted little
In summing up his findings at
Nuernberg, Dr. Gilbert placed ma-
jor blame for the atrocities on
the vicious propagandists of Nazi-
ism and urged that Americans
must be wary of that same sort of

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, March 4-Rep.1
Thomas (Rep.-N.J.) t o 1 d thea
House today that "through our
coddling policy of giving Russia
our patented knowledge she may
well be on her way to discovery"
of many atomic bomb secrets.
.Thomas made his report as
Chairman of the House Commit-
tee on Un-American Activities. He
blasted at what he called the "le-
gal espionage" system by which
he said Russians were able to get
hundreds of thousands of copies
of industrial, chemical and mili-
tary patents.
The Post Off-ice department,
seeking to overcome an unex-
pected $287,697,250 deficit, asked
Congress today to authorize a
general increase in postal rates
except for first class letters.
SHANGHAI, March 4 - The
Chinese government, beset by civil
war and economic troubles at
home and by uprisings in Formosa
that one observer termed a revo-
lution, tightened its press policy
Foreign correspondents feared
censorship of the Chinese press
might follow and some predicted
complete suppression of criticism
of the government.
House, temporarily side-tracking
a GOP drive to slash President
Truman's $37,500,000,000 budget,
today approved a $10,000,000 ex-
penditure which had not been re-
quested by the President himself.
Overriding pleas by Rep. Dirk-
sen (Rep.-Ill.) that the economy
line be held, the House voted 243
to 110 to authorize the expendi-
ture of the new millions for im-
porting foreign farm laborers.

Bidault Says
Treaty Aimed
At Germany
Provisions Subject
To UN Charter Law
By The Associated Press
DUNKERQUE, France, March
4-A treaty binding France and
Great Britain to act jointly against
any possible future aggression by
Germany and pledging the' two
countries to a 50-year alliance was
signed here today by foreign min-
sters Ernest Bevin and Georges
The pact also calls for mutual
action by France and Great Brit-
ain in the event Germany defaults
in any of the economic obligations
imposed in her surrender or in the
forthcoming German peace settle-
Economics Security
The two countries, under the
treaty's terms, also will 'take all
possible steps to promote the pros-
perity and economic security" of
each other.
All the pact's provisions, the text
stated explicitly, are subject to the
provisions of the charter of the
United Nations.
Bevin and Bidault affixed their
signatures to the pact in the tiny
Dunkerque sub-prefecture build-
ing, the largest' structure still
standing in the devastated city
where, in 1940, the Nazi army in-
flicted on Britain her greatest de-
feat of World War II.
"On the occasion of the sign-
ing of this treaty, the foreign
ministers of Great Britain and
France express the hope that
these guarantees will soon be com-
pleted by the conclusion of a four-
power treaty laying down condi-
tions for the disarmament and de-
militarization of Germany and the
methods of putting them into ef-
Not A Western Bloc
Bevin, en route to the Moscow
conference of the Big Four For-
eign Ministers' Council, said be-
fore the signing:
"I think that Russia realizes
that this treaty is not a western
bloc but only a step in the pattern
of universal peace.
'We are now realizing that peace
is really individual and must be
re-established that way.
Bidault has announced that the
same treaty provisions would be
offered to "the other great allies"
and to the Netherlands, Belgium,
Poland and Czechoslovakia. The
treaty also has been described as a
possible forerunner of a Big-Four
pact such as that proposed last
year by former U. S. Secretary of
State James F. Byrnes to cement
allied accord in relations with
Marshall Asks
Ratification of
Peace Pacts
WASHINGTON, Mar. 4-()-
Secretary of State George C. Mar-
shall and James F. Byrnes testi-
fied today that quick approval of
peace treaties with Italy, Hungary,
Bulgaria and Roumania would
speed removal of hundreds of
thousands of occupational troops
that the United States, England
and Russia still maintain in Eu-
After former secretary of state
Byrnes had answered questions of
the Senate foreign relations com-

mitteefrndea rtwohurcair-
man Vandenberg (Rep.-Mich.)
told reporters:
"I see no substantial congres-
sional opposition (to ratification
of the treaties) but I do not like
to return a jury verdict until the
jury has had a chance to hear all
the evidence."
Treaty Ratification
Secretary Marshall stressed the
"importance of prompt ratifica-
tion" of these first postwar treat-
ies as a "start on the road back
to peace."
"The treaties were not dictated
by thi T~nita d sate" Mrsvhall

tion of that unit. The $900,000
fund for the maternity hospital
was crossed off the ledger.
Chemistry Building
Bishop declared one faction in
the legislature sought to stop all
institutional building and another
to complete all buildings now
Funds for completion of the
Business Administration school,
the engineering building addition,
and the chemistry building are
provided in the compromise allo-
Keeping Promise
Bishop said the committee was
"keeping the promise" of the last
legislature to give Michigan State
College and the University of
Michigan each $3,200,000 to com-
plete parts of their programs, thus
providing M.S.C. with a total pro-
gram of $7,000,000 and the Uni-
versity $8,000,000.
The committee allowed a $235,-
000 increase in alloments for mis-
celaneops state institutions, an
increase of $274,000 for the oth-
er state colleges and held the hos-
pital group to the same appropri-
ation allowed last year, with some
changes within the group.
The committee stopped progress
on the proposed worthwhile state.
hospital with a $565,000 grant for
site and some utilities, and ap-
proved funds for the addition of
1,400 new beds at four other in-
19 Students
Face Council
Hearing Clears 12
Of Ticket Charges
Nineteen of the 27 students giv-
en a last chance to answer the
charge that they obtained and
kept fraudulent football tickets
appeared before the Men's Judi-
ciary Council yesterday in the first
of two hearings.
Twelve of the students were
able to present evidence that they
had sufficient credit hours to
entitle them to upperclass seating.
Records of five others who pleaded
innocent on the same grounds will
be checked to determine their
class standing, Talbot Honey,
chairman of the council, said. Two
students pleaded guilty.
Penalties for students found
guilty will be recommended to the
University Disciplinary Commit-
tee, Honey said.
Yesterday's hearing was held for
students who did not appear at the
Dec. 2 trial of those charged with
falsifying their registration cou-
pons to obtain upper-class football
tickets. A second hearing will be
held by the Council from 3 to 5
p.m. Thursday in the Union.

State Finance Proposal
May Curb 'U' Building
Compromise Would Hold Up Completion
Of General Service Building, Other Units
LANSING, Mar. 4-(I')-A $37,903,000 compromise state building
program that would delay completion of the General Service Building
at the University of Michigan and other proposed units throughout
the state was sponsored today by the senate finance committee.
Senator Otto W. Bishop said that although the compromise calls
for an increase of $6,903,000 over previously appropriated grants of
$31,000,000 some projects will have to be disbanded.
The plan allows the University only $1,000,000 for the General
Service building. Estimates of building costs for the unit are near
$3,000,000. The proposal also limits funds for a new power house to
$525,000 and will prevent comple-t


AVC Sets Up
Plan forVillagye
Representatives Will
Check Fuses, Circuits
Willow Run's AVC gave full ap-
proval last night to a special com-
mittee's proposal that one person
from each housing structure be
given full responsibility for replac-
ing burnt fuses and reporting
abuses in electrical circuits
throughout Willow Village.
The proposal, made by the AVC
chapter in conjunction with var-
ious independent citizens' groups
at the village, came as a tenants'
remedy to the problems which
precipitated the recent village-
wide investigation of ,the 'uses to
which eectricity has been put. It
will be submitted this morning to
Charles H. Annala, FPHA direc-
tor at Willow Run. The resolu-
tion provides that the represent-
atives, each of whom will care for
one housing structure, will replace
all burnt fuses with 15-ampere.
fuses. They are to seek the caus-
es of malfunctioning of the cir-
cuits with a view toward educat-
ing their fellow tenants in the
more careful use of appliances.
The representatives will also re-
port anyone breaking into the
fuse boxes and must indicate to
authorities any excessive fuse
According to Walt Hoffman,
AVC chairman at the village, the
resolution would eliminate the
chief grievance encountered in the
situation, that of the great lapse
of time before replacement of
burnt fuses by maintenance per-
Hoffman Head

Government sources said
London today Britain would ca
ry out a program of reducing h
forces in Greece-aimed even
tually at complete withdrawal-
- despite United States offers
financial aid to the strike-toi
The British decision agai
keeping the Greek occupation fo
at its present strength, estima
at 15,000, came after study
American offers 'of both cred
and surplus arms and stores
Greece if the British would cc
tinue efforts to maintain ord
the sources said. .
The exchanges began when B;
ain informed the United States
could not bear the burden of
economic commitments in Gre
after March 31.
A foreign office spokesman,
claring reductions would be c
ried out according to plan, i
final'withdrawal would take p1
when it was "practicable." He
not elaborate.

Note Reveals
Lack of Fun(
For 'Essential

Marshall Stresses
Importance of Aid
By The Associated Press
Greek government in an ur
plea for American aid asked
United States today for fund
meet immediate needs, and
for American economic and t
nical experts.
The State Department publi
the text of a note which
Greece now is "without fund
finance the import even of t
consumption goods that are es
tial for bare subsistence."
The note from Prime Minis
Maximos and Foreign Minisi
Tsaldaris said Greece ne
funds to make immediate pi
chases to enable civil and m:
tary forces to restore secu
and to create means of self-s
port for the future. No spec
sums were mentioned.
Earlier, Secretary of State 1
shall had said aid to Greece
matter of primary importane
the United States."
However, he said "the fina
cisions 'will rest with the P
dent and the Congress." He p:
ised that Mr. Truman would
plain fully and soon whatever
tion the administration hac
The note from the anti-(
munist Athens regime was c
March 3 and said that for G
to survive, she must have: ie
to buy food and clothing, he
again becoming self-suppoi
American experts and admini
tors to guide the use of aid th

Of Village AVC
Walt Hoffman was reelected
Willow Village's AVC chairman,
in an uncontested election at West
Lodge last night, and immediate-
ly declared that he would try to
make his chapter "an even more
effective sounding board for the
gripes of student veterans."
At the meeting, Gayle Thomp-
son assumed the post of vice-
chairman for the current semes-
ter. Charles Blackmar was unan-
imously elected secretary of the
village chapter, succeeding Miss
Thompson. Carroll Barber was
also unopposed in his reelection
as treasurer. The new executive
committee, as chosen at the meet-
ing, includes Richard Eichbauer,
Ollie Lyon, and Cleve Mathews.

For editorial
rushing, see the
Scratch Pad" onl

comment on
"City Editor's
page 4.

Bandleader Granz Uses Jazz
To Fight Racial Segregation

Harry Ward
To Talk Here
Will Discuss Russi
Democracy Today
"Some Common Mistakes Ab:
Russia" is the title of the lect
to be delivered by Dr. Harry
Ward at 4:15 p.m. today in Ra
ham Amphitheatre under the a
pices of the Russian Circle.
"Democracy and Social Char
will be discussed by Dr. Warc
8:30 p.m. today at Jones Pu
School under the auspices of '
New World Forum.
Dr. Ward is a professor-emneri
of Christian Ethics, Union Th
logical Seminary, New York,
general secretary of the Metho
Federation of Social Service.
After the first world war,
Ward served as chairman of
American Civil 'Liberties Un
which worked toward guaran
ing full civil rights -to conses
tious objectors.
Suspens ion o
}g png

for informal rushing will be open
to prospective pledges at that
time, she said.
Names will be transferred auto-
matically to the informal list.1
"Since sororities are limited to
a membership quota of 60 women
to a chapter, they can't possibly
take every girl they'd like to have,"
she said.
"It was just as hard for the
sororities to lose the prospective
pledges as it was for the women
not h nl edged."

Official Hits Trapping Traffic violators

Let the five new motorcycle pa-
trolmen whose hiring was recent-
ly approved by the Ann Arbor
Common Council take warning-
-- -vreir nin7eirhaAv i

public as well as on enforcing
Prevent Accidents
"The reason I want my traffic
officers to be in plain sight at all
time sk hnie s I nwold much

squad cars from traffic duty and
allow them to return to answer-
ing regular radio calls from the
police dispatcher.
Contrasts Changes
In contrasting changes he has
- -ma -r lanrnmiflamin Ann

While Norman Granz sells "Jazz
at the Philharmonic," which ap-
peared here last night, he is at the
same time "selling anti-discrimi-
nation to the audience."
Granz said yesterday that he
is interested chiefly in working
against discrimination and has
found jazz as the best idiomatic

this is that those of us in music
either should do something similar
or at least find some comparable
method whereby we can add our
voice against discrimination . . .
I am suggesting that we ... band
leaders . . find some way to fight
this disgraceful situation of dis-
crim ina~tiolnandegj regation"

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