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March 11, 1947 - Image 3

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TUE /MTCHI 1y~y4AL1i JATyy

Pa taa! 'apimpip


Fifty Golf Hopefuls
Answer First Call
New I iiik (C*ach Hert IKatzeitmyer
"Past performances (1 1 .1 t in-rmore, we're three weeks
course will rot Serv(C as th(' i' lkiteif)gctting started."

Third Place Cinder Team


Tops, Declares Coach

for this year's vaity cquadc." re-I
vealed the new Michigan golf
mentor Albert C. "Bert" Katzen-
meyer, as he surveyed the swing-
ing of more than 50 aspirants in
the initial try-out session yester-
day afternoon at the Intramural
Katzenmeyer, who transferred
from Ohio State to assume his
new position here with the
Physical Education Department,
has a4 wealth of talent on hand
to carry the Wolverine links-
men to the Western Conference
title once again.
With Bill Barclay at the helm
last year and Katzenmeyer as as-
sistant coach, Michigan's easy-
swinging golf lads represented the
lone varsity athletic squad to gar-
ner a top rung in any of the Con-
ference's final standings.
"Our prospects are very bright
but competition will be keener
than, ever before," declared the
new 29-year-old mentor. We'll
have to practice quite a bit in-
doors, for the University Golf
Course is covered with snow.

Dave rcirlay, tr.,ini captain andl(
probable inUinber )one man, and
five other holdovers from last
year's squad were on hand to
greet Katzenmeyer. They includ-
ed - Pete Elliott, of football fame,
Bill Courtright, champion wrest-
ler, Ed Schalon, John Bennett and
Roger Kessler.
For the first time since the
war, Michigan golfers will em-
bark on a trip through the
South. The southern expedition
gets underway April 7 with
Washington and Lee University
at Lexington, Va., and closes
with the University of North
Carolina on April 11. Virginia
Polytechnic Institute, Univer-
sity of Virginia, and Duke Uni-
versity will also meet the Wol-
verines during this period.
Katzenmeyer plans to carry an
eight-man squad for the southern
tour, but the regular squad will
consist of 12-15 members. He
plans to form a freshman golf
,qugad at Michigan to insure the
varsity team with prospective ma-

DARKHORSE FLYWEIGHT-Bob Johnson, Wolverine 121-powmder, applies a wrist lock to Arnold
Plaza in the final 121-pound bout in the Conferenl.e Wrestling Meet at Evanston, Illinois, Saturday
night. Johnson dropped a 9-2 decision to Plaza to clinch second place honors in his weight division.
M ihigaSurprises Bi Nine Grapplers

Aladdin's genie had nothing on
Coach Cliff Keen, Michigan mat
mentor, who uncorked a bottle
full of surprises for the tBig Ten
muscle men who gathered at Ev-

Play refreshed...
have a Coke
+ ' J
~ n

t rr


anston, Illinois last weekend for!
the Conference Wrestling Meet.
Michigan's fighting grapplers
came up with two dark horses, in
the persons of Messrs. Bob John-
son and Dan Dworsky, who really
put out when the chips were down
and earned the precious eight
points that put the Wolverines in-
to a third place tie with Iowa.
Captain Bill Courtright, 'Batt-
ling' Bob Betzig, and Maurice
Smitty' Smith, shone in Michi-
gan's well balanced attack which
netted 20 points over five weight
Johnson Stages Comeback
Johnson, a former Wolverine
mat captain, made a sensational
comeback when he captured sec-
ond place honors in the 121-pound
bracket of the Conference tour-
ney. Johnson returned to school
this semester after a three year
absence and waded through five
weeks of intensive conditioning to
earn a starting berth in time for
the Big Ten finale.
Purdue's Arnold Plaza decision-
ed Johnson 9-2 in a hard fought
battle in the final bout. Johnson
earned the right to appear in the
finals by virtue of his 4-2 victory
in an overtime match over Herb
Farrel of Indiana.
The Michigan flyweight fought
Farrel to a 0-0 tie in the regular
three periods and entered an over-
time period to score a snappy re-
versal followed by a quick escape
in the closing seconds.
Dworsky Surprises
Dworsky, Wolverine h e a v y-
weight, set the Conference heavies
on their heels with a fine show of
wrestling ability that earned him
the runner-up spot in his weight
class. Vern Gagne of Minnesota
edged out the battling Wolverine
by a narrow 2-1 margin in the
final bout.
T h e Michigan heavyweight
scored two of the biggest upsets of
the meet in defeating the top-
heavy favorites, Ray Gunkel of
Purdue and Chuck Gottfried of
Illinois. Gunkel, Dworsky's vic-
tim in the opening round, was un-
defeated during the regular Con-
ference campaign and slated as a
sure-thing for the crown.
Dworsky earned a spectacular
5-1 victory over Gottfried with a

burst of power in an overtime
period that took the Illini husky
by surprise.
Courtright Champ
Cbourtright was true to form
throughout the meet and encoun-
tered 1de difficulty in annexing
thei Conference 155 -pond crown
for the second year in succession.
C-ky's 9-1 victory over Illinois'
Ken Marlin in the finals gave him
the title and garnered a precious
six points for the Wolverines.
Courtright scored one more
point for Michigan in pinning
Warren Gregory of Purdue in the
semi -finals.
l3ob Betzig, Michigan's out-
standing 155-pound find, turned
in one of the most colorful per-
formances of the entire meet in
amassing three points for the
Wolverine cause. Betzig pinned
Dick Fisher of Indiana in the
opening round and bowed out 11-
8 to Illinois national champ, Dave
Shapiro, in a semi-final match
that was acclaimed the finest ex-
hibition of wrestling of the entire
meet. It was nip and tuck all the
way but the Illini champion had
the edge on experience and proved
just a little too much for the batt-
ling Wolverine.
Retzig Wins
In the consolation tournament,
Betzig pinned Walter Sherman of
Northwestern in 21 seconds of the
second period in the opening
round to score one more point for
Michigan and cinch another
marker for fourth place honors in
the 165-pound class.
Michigan's scrappy 136-pound-
er, Maurice Smith, turned in his
best work of the season in cap-
turing third place in his weight
division by downing Iowa's Duane
Hanson 3-2 in the final round of
the c o n s o l a t i o n tournament.
Smith's victory added two points
to the Wolverine total.
Wolverines Johnnie Allred, 128-'
pounder and Ward Peterson, 175-
pounder, drew tough opponents in
the opening round. Lou Kachi-
roubas, Illini crackerjack who
went on to cop the title, subdued
Allred in 4:51 while Norm An-
thonisen, Illinois captain and Big
Ten runner-up, pinned Peterson
19 seconds shy of the final horn.

Wolverine Perf
Better than 194
What is probably the finest
Michigan track team ever to step
on the cinders finished only third
in the Big Nine Championships in
Champaign last Saturday, which
is probably the best indication of
what a great meet it was.
In Coach Ken Doherty's esti-
mation, the present squad even
tops the 1945 Wolverine aggre-
gation which set a Conference
scoring record, winning the
championship with 75 points
The mile run is a good example.
Don Queller, Maize and Blue
standout who copped third place,
had not taken a good workout in
four weeks. He has been con-
stantly bothered with a bad cough
and a foot injury. After qualify-
ing in the 880-yard trials Friday
night, the cough started up again
and he didn't get to sleep until 5
Saturday night he ran a brilli-
ant 4:16.4 mile and came back
one hour later to post a 1:55 ef-
fort in the half mile, taking fifth
in the latter event. Last year
1:57.8 won the half.
Chuck Low also turned in a
fine bit of running in the mile,
where he ran 4:20.4, which
would have won the grind in
'46. This year it placed him out
of the money in sixth place.
Herb Barten's win in the half
was easily the top performance of
the meet. Going down the back-
stretch in the last lap, he figura-
tively tied the rest of the field to
a post, ripped by them, and open-
ed up 20 yards on them before
they knew it. Only a sophomore,
he tied a 14 year record establish-
ed by Indiana's Chuck Hornbostel,
winning in 1:53.9.
Not far behind this was Chuck
Fonville's new record in the shot
pu.t Second to Illini Norm Was-
ser with only three heaves to go,
the Wolverine star inched ahead,
and after Wasser's last try failed
to overtake him, Chuck really let
go with a 53 ft. 2% in. toss which
rode the old Big Nine mark right
out of the Illinois Armory.
Team captain Charlie Bird-
sall and Rog Kessler also chalk-
ed up the best performances of
their lives in the two-mile. Bird-
sal ran the distance in 9:30.5,
while Kessler was clocked in
9:31.1. This race turned into
a stampede at the end, with al-
most the entire field charging
down. the last stretch together,
Wisconsin's Don G e h r m a n n
outlasting the pack to win. The
next five men were close enough
to almost tag him as he finish-
One of the wildest finishes
came in the semi-finals of the
70-yard low hurdles Friday eve-
ning. With three men to qualify
for the finals, Michigan's Jack
Martin was a sure bet-until his
lead foot hit the last hurdle, cata-
pulting Martin through the air for
three yards, after which he slid
the remaining two yards on the
cinders. There was some contro-
versy as to whether he did not
place, three-point landing and all,
but the judges did not call it that
The race of races, from the
crowd's viewpoint, was the mile
relay. Ohio State got off to a fast
start when Bob Little, their lead-
off runner, brought home a 15-
yard lead over Michigan, and a
30-yard advantage over Illinois
Then the Maize and Blue
and the Illini started to whittle
Charles KO's Bivins
CLEVELAND, O., March 10-(P)
-Ezzard Charles, the National
Boxing Association's No. 1 chal-
lenger for the Light Heavyweight
title, tonight registered one of the

top triumphs of his career with a
lightning-quick k n o c k o u t of
Heavyweight Jimmy Bivins of
Cleveland in the fourth of a
scheduled 10-rounder before 11,-

orma(Ies 1Even,
4 Chuiinpion's
it down. Wolverines Dick For-
restel and Herb Barten, the lat-
ter running after only a 20-
minute rest from his half-mile
jaunt, turned in 50.0 and 50.3
quarters respectively, while Le-
Roy Vranek ran a 48.5 third leg
for Illinois.
The anchor leg started off with
Buckeye Mal Whitfield, who had
run the 440 and 880 earlier, lead-
ing Wolverine George Shepherd
by about 10 yards. Ten more be-
hind Shepherd came the great
Herb McKenley.
The Jamaican raced to the
front in one lap, Shepherd com-
ing right along with him. Mc-
Kenley held Whitfield off to the
last stretch, but the pace had
been too much. The Buckeye
passed him, and Shepherd was a
very close third. The disappoint-
ed Illini fans did not realize that
M c K e nle y had run 48 flat
equalling the world's record he
had set the night before. Such was
the meet in which even a world
mark did not always mean vic-


national championship.


For Real
Dancing Enjoyment
Tihe Melody Men
Phil Savage Evenings 25-8084

i.-- ----- -.. _n... ....._ -

YOu Can Always Find

He re's






Bad er Cagers
Get NCAA Bid
CHICAGO, March 10- (AP) -
Wisconsin today became t he
eighth Big Nine basketball team
since 1939 to represent the Fourth
District in the NCAA Eastern
playoffs at Madison Square Gar-
The Badgers, who won the
Western Conference crown with a
9-3 record and closed the regular
season with an all-game record
of 15-5, were picked today by the
district selection committee of
Doug Mills, Illinois, Bill Chand-
ler, Marquette, and Ben Van Al-
styne, Michigan State.
Since 1939, Wisconsin and In-
diana were the only Fourth Dis-
trict representatives to win the

By McGregor

k+ V




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!IA C ' d A" A Y T A m -aT w rTW A -1. Ah ,f~N 1 1

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