S v f Page 4
(AM, -.A . ,
Latest Deadline in the State
a itu
Lloyd Says
Should Lead
Depiores4 ILak o
Criticism of fraternities an
sororities would be silenced if the
assumed "a more positive attituce
of social leadership instead of a
emphasis on ;what should not b
done," Alice C. Lloyd, Dean
Women said in a statement to Thi
Daily yesterday.
"A desire to be 'exclusive' is nc
one of humanity's better traits,
Miss Lloyd said in criticizin
"blackballing." She also feels that
the system is vulnerable in. i:
failure to be "one of the greates
influences" on campus as a beare
of high living standards.
Organized House Clubs
The text of Miss Lloyd's state
ment follows:
"The fraternity-sorority syster
was established on many campuse
shortly before the turn of th
century. On this campus th
groups were organized as hous
clubs and at least one of thei
important functions was the es
tablishment of dignified housin
at a time when the University
had not undertaken housing re
sponsibilities for its students, mei
or women. They still play an im
portant part in the housing sit
uation on this campus.
"Recently fraternities and soror
ities have been under fire in th
national, and to some extent in
local, magazines and journals. The
criticism has been largely levelle
at the method of choosing mem-
bers, generally described as "rush
ing." That system has been var.
iously labelled "superficial, unin-
telligent, snobbish, cruel, undem-
The system started wrong in its
early years when the idea of ex-
clusiveness was stressed and on
"black ball" was sufficient to ba
a rushee from membership. Vot-
ing was frequently done by using
white and black marbles. One
"black ball kept the new studeni
from membership and the mem-
Der who voted with the black did
not have to give any reasons tc
the rest of the group.
Three Quarters' Majority
"If the system of voting were
changed to a requirement of a
three-quarters' majority vote with
no emphasis, publicly or privately
expressed, on keeping students
out of the group but rather an at-
titude of including as many mem-
hers as the group is allowed to
take, much would be aecomplish-
ed psychologically by taking thr
stigma away from a failure to be
There would be disappointment,
of course, but not the sense of
social failure for unknown rea-
sons which is so often the case
still for those students not in-
vited to membership. In other
words, a positive instead of a neg-
ative attitude would be better. A
See DEAN, Page 5
Villa ge Council
Election Plans
Are Approved
Moving in the direction of .what
was termed an 'unincorporated
village,' a Willow Run mass meet-
ing Sunday evening approved a
plan for the election next monta
of a 22-man village council which
will attempt to cope with the as-
sorted common problems of vil-
lage tenants.
The plan, as drawn up by a ten-
man committee, calls for the ap-
portionment of the village into
eleven districts, each of which
will be served by two representa-
tives. The district comprising the
apartment-unit area, and includ-
ing the University's married vil-
lage residents, will be divided on
a population basis, while the sin-
gle men's and women's dormi-
tories will comprise a single dis-
trict, entitled to two delegates.
Elections for council members was
approved for the last week in
April, with the exact date to be
announced later.
Among problems to be met by
the council when it convenes, will
be the still pressing electrical cir-
cuit difficulties and methods for
improving drainage at Willow
,_ _ _ --
Studts(Ieears I~ e7S'Marr (ia(ge) of Figu r*i'
OiOtOV Raises China Question
In uN Four-Power Conference;.
Se ate GroupBacks Lilienthal
OPERA REHEARSAL - Rehearsing their roles in Mozart's comic opera, "The Marriage of Figaro",
which opens today at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, are, in the usual order, Barbara Lee Smith,
Henry Austin, Dalisay Aldaba, Laurence McKenna. and Virginia Person, all leading memlbers of the
cast, accompanied by Arlene Sollenberger.
- e e .
SAC Bans Campus Royalty,
Approves Karl Marx Society
With Political Groups
Students Unaffiliated
Gambling Ruled Out
For Michigras Fete
Revival of the Karl Marx So-
ciety on this campus was ap-
proved yesterday by the Student
Affairs Committee.
The Society, active as a student
group from 1940 to 1944, pledged
itself 'not to promote political or
legislative activity of any kind."
It was accepted "as a study club
within limits of the request as
specified in the constitution
which was submitted."
The constitution said that
membership in the Society is
"open to all students, regardless
of political affiliation or belief."
It declared that the Society was
not affiliated with any national
organization, trade union or po-
litical party.
Faculty sponsor is Prof. John L.
Shepard of the psychology depart-
A spokesman for the Society
said that its aims were "to study
the simpler economic and philos-
ophical teachings of Marxism and
their intellectual contribi ition to
the world."
Banned at Wayne University
Feb. 28 was the Marxian Study
Society in the first disciplinary
action taken against a Wayne stu-
dent organization under Gov. Kim
Sigler's demand for an investiga-
tion of Communist activities in
Michigan colleges.
Truman Plans
Greek Policy
WASHINGTON, March 10-(P)
-President Truman will tell a
joint session of Congress Wednes-
day exactlywhat he proposes the
United States should do in the
Middle East, where communism
seeks to expand.
He will outline "tne whole situ-
ation," including plans for aid to
Greece and perhaps Turkey.
Arrangements for the historic
address were made today as Pres.
Truman gave key Republicans and
Democrats of Congress, in secret,
a final briefing in advance to en-
list their support. f
Campus royalty and gambling
devices were ruled out for the
traditional Michigras carnival by
the Student Affairs Committee at
their meeting yestesrday.
The Committee found that lot-
teries and gambling are "forbid-
den by state statute." Kings and
queens, it voted are outlawed by
long-standing University policy.
The Committee put its stamp of
approval on reactivation of Delta
Theta fraternity, a Spring Parley
of discussion groups, the Univer-
sity of Michigan Arab Club, a
Chinese Students Christian Or-
ganization, and a Journalism So-
ciety to be composed of graduate
and undergraduate students of
Two Petitionts
Now on. File
Students Urged To
Run for legislatuire
Repoiting that two petitions
for the Student Legislature elee-
Speech, Music
Students Will
Present Opera
'Marriage of Figaro'
To Open Here Today
The confused antics of a love-
sick barber set to a Mozart scori
is the subject of "The Marriage
of Figaro" which opens at 8:30
p.m. today at Lydia Mendelssoha
The cast, composed entirely of
students in the music school anc
the speech department's play pro-
duction classes will feature Rose
DerDerian and Virginia Persons
alternating in the role of the
Countess, with Henry Austin as
the bewildering F;igro.
Replete with .i ludie ous situa -
tions and side plots, the plot olfers
numerous opporui titit& for the
light music which Mozart has sup-
plied with wit and skill.
Presented for the first time in
America in 1835, "Thl 'e Marriag)
of Figaro" has been performed
by such noted singers as Nordica,
Sembrich, Farrar and most re-
cently Ezio Pinza and Hjoerdis
Prof. Valentine Windt, of the
speech d('pa rtment directed the
production here, with Prof. Wayne
Dunlap of the music school. assist-
Noiiiiuee 4Viii
More Pledges
For Support
Sen. Bricker Casts
toile Dissenting Vot<
WASIIING ON. March 10 -
David E. Lilienthal won 8 to 1 ap-
proval from the Senate Atomic
Committee today and pledges of
support from three mliore senator:
in the fight to folow on the Sen-
ate floor.
With the committee's verdict in
Senators Smith (Rep., NJ.), Ive
(Rep., N.Y.) and Saltonstall (Rep.
Mass.) announced they will vote
for Lilienthal to head the Atomic
Energy Commission.
Senator hiekenlooper (Rep.,
Iowa), committee chairman, is-
sited a statcn ment saying lie
voted for Lili nthal because he
dee;ed such a vote in the best
interests of the United States.
Senator Bricker (Rep., Ohio)
cast the lone conmittee vote
against Lilienthal, Lthis lining up
with his fellow lawmaker, Sena-
tor Taft, for an expected bitter
debate on the Senate floor.
Bricker subsequently tol1(1a
news conferenet It "radicals
pinkoes oil ultra liberals are work-
ing in and abot teatOic en-
ergy project."
Bricker said FBI records, just
made avaiable to the committee
last Thursday, disclosed that
some of the men already ap-
pointed to important positions
by Lilienthal and by Carroll
Wilson, ge neiral manager-desig-
nate, "are subject to serious
question as to their loyalty to
our form ol' government."
Cleted to the eiatt along
with Lilienthal for a final confir-
mation < vt ' were thie other four
mcmbers of the commission--W.
W. Waymack, Dr. Robert F. Bach-
er, L. L. Strauss and Sumner T.
Pike-- ild inrial mnanage- Wi
World News
tion were turned in yesterday, ed by Edwyn Ilames, mnisical dir-
Tom Walsh, publicity chairman ectoI.
for theLegislature'selectioA limited number of (ickets are
forth Lgisaure's elecion comi- still available.
mitte, yesterday urged students tos-i
run for the 23 positions which
will be filled March 18 and 19. Aihelio
Petitions, which must be signed
by 150 students, will be accepted Petitous 1 1
by the Men's Judiciary Council
from 3 to 5 p.m. today and tomor- Although nominations for the
row in the Union Student Offices. student member of the Board in
Students from all schools may Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
sign the petitions, to be chosen in the March 18 and
All candidates will be required 19 elections will be made by stu-
to submit 50-word qualification dent athletic managers, petitions
statements, either individually or for additional nominations will be
as part of a party platform, to be accepted if they ar e signed by 350
used for publicity purposes. Each students.
candidate must submit his peti- Petitions for the position will be
tions, eligibility card and $1 reg- accepted by the Men's Judiciary
istration fee in person. Council from 3 to 5 p.m. today
Candidates desiring to run in and tomorrow, in the Union 6i U-
parties must declare the name of dent Offices. Because members are
their party when they register. elected for a two-year term, can-
The chairman of the party, who didates should be sophomores,
must be chosen by the entire mem-'Harvey Weisburg, chairman of the
Student Legislature's election com-
bership of the groups, will be re- mittee, said.
quired to register the party's plat- Bob Wiese and Bob Chappuis
form and membership. are the present student members..
'UI' VETERANS AT HOUSE HEARING - Bill Haydon, president
of the University Veterans Organization and Jane Schacht, treas-
urer of the Michigan Women Veterans Organization, as they testi-
fied before the House Committee on Veterans Affairs March 7.
House Committee Receives
Testimony of Vet Delegates
By The A Ass*iad Press
MANILA, '1uesday, March 11--
A 50-year-old Manila barber told
police and newsmen today he had
hidden a hand grenade in a bag
of peanuts, then hurled it at
President Manuel A. Roxas last
night in a futile asr assination at-
A Fihlipino photographei-, the
chIiief of i~he presiden tial palace
guards, and five others were
wounded by flying fragments, but
the president was unl tmrt.
WAS4IUNGTON, March 10 -
John L. Lewis today opposed
the government's attempt to
speed up enforcement of the
"no strike" edict the Supreme
Court clamped on him.
Throgh his attorneys, lhe told
the higi triunnal the "public
interest" would not be harmed
by delay.
WASHINGTON, March 10 -
President Truinan today asked
Congress to establish an "office
of selective service records" to
preserve the files of the wartime
draft agency for "reasons of na-
tional security."
RACINE Wis., March 10-
TFhe bitter 14 -month struggle
between the UAW-CO" and the
J. 1. Case Co. ended today with
the signing of a contract which
President Harvey Gitzman of
Local 1840 said "is not the kind
of contract. we struck for.'
WASH INGTON. March 10 -
HerbertI Immover recommended to-
day that an estimated $155,000,-
000 be spent for Austrian relief
' i-ins-Y 0 ii next 1 5 mont hu
Members of the House Commit-
tee on Veterans Affairs got an
hour-and-a-half long earful of
statistics from University veterans
Bill Haydon and Jane Schacht at
the subsistence hearing last Fri-
day in Washington.
"Rep. Lusk of New Mexico, who
has a son at the University, said
that the U. of M. delegation was
Clark Warns
Aglainst State
The state should not develop
into a Santa Claus to which peo-
ple look for handouts, Prof. John
Maurice Clark, of the economics
department at Columbia Univer-
sity, declared yesterday in the
first of the 1947 Cook Lectures
'A conception of liberty that
includes provision of material
means to whatever people may,
want to do, must be used with
caution. It may well wipe out the
distinction between a free society
and a paternalistic one in which
goods are bestowed instead cf
C(mniunity Contributions
When the growing acceptance of
the belief that both the comnu-
nity and its members have dlefi-
nite contributions to make to
each othei- is fully realized, we
will be once mo-e an organically
constituted society, after a several
century lapse, Prof. Clark sawd.
World Struggle
Forces driving to chaos and an-
archy and forces of centralized
control have enveloped the world
in a great struggle, the Columbia
economist asserted. Between
them, stand the men desperately
striving to salvage a basis for a
humane community with some
effective degree of democracy, he
"Ther. is no point in asking, in
the Year of Atomic Energy II, for
a wor'd saie for democracy and
freed )m. Society is condemned
to live dangerously," Prof. Clark
The mu xt lecture in the series of
five, entiled "An Altenative to
Serfdom ' will be gicn by Prof.
Clark at 4.15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre. "The
Human Material-A Biologic tl
Approach" will be the subject of
the lecture.
the best informed group they
talked to. We wish to thank the
veterans who cooperated so well
with the questionnaires" Haydon
Forty-three delegates represent-
ing 71 schools testified before the
House committee last Friday for
five hours, during which Haydon
and Schacht told the committee
that a campus survey showed 69
per cent of working students felt
necessary outside work impaired
their studies.
Michigan delegates, in formal
meetings before and after the
hearing, talked with Senator Hom-
er Ferguson, Rep. Earl Michener,
Rep. Fred Bradley, and VA Ad-
ministrator Gen. Omar Bradley.
"Several of the committeemen,
and the, Michigan congressmen,
with the exception of Michener
who was non-committal, definitely
favor some sort of subsistence in-
crease. Rep. M e a d definitely
wants an increase for married
vets. But no one committed him-
self to the support of the Rogers
Bill, or came out for any fixed in-
crease," Haydon said.
Members of the House commit-
tee plan to publish last week's
findings and testimony in the
Record, according to Haydon, in-
cluding an editorial by Tom Walsh
which appeared in The Daily
March 5.
Haydon was not told when a
vote could be expected on the
New MenJoin
GOP Council
Two Places Given On
Taft's Policy Group
WASHINGTON, March 10--(A3)
-Freshmen Republican senators
tonight won two non-voting places'
on the powerful GOP Policy Com-
mittee headed by Senator Taft of
Senators who came out of a
closed conference of the 51 Re-
publican members said Senator
Millikin of Colorado, Chairman
of the GOP conference agreed,
along with Taft and other lead-
ers, to give the first termers a
voice in shaping party programs.
Sixteen Republican freshmen,
led by Senator Baldwin of Con-
necticut, had demanded more fre-
quent meetings.1
Sirprise Move
Countered By
U.S. Proposal
Marshall Offers Plan
For Limiting Troops
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, March 10-Soviet
Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov in
a surprise move tonight injected
the enormously complicated China
question into the opening session
of the four-power foreign minis-
ters conference on Austria and
U.S. Secretary of State George
C. Marshall blocked an imnmedate
vote on Molotov's proposal to place
China onf th- sr"c'/' *'rh*l1l
then countered with a diplomatic
surprse o1 tits owi, L46eALng
that the conference discuss limi-
tation of allied troops in occupied
countries of Europe.
The Russian diplomat, who
presided over the opening ses-
sion of the momentous meeting,
said China should be discussed
in the light of the Moscow Con-
ference of 1945, at which the
United States, Britain and Rus-
sia agreed to a policy of non-in-
tervention in Chinese affairs.
Marshall replied he had no fun-
damental objection to such a dis-
cussion, but wanted to think it
over at least until tomorrow.
Molotov said that he, too, would
like to think over Marshall's pro-
posal about limitation of allied oc-
cupation troops, before agreeing
to place it on the agenda.
The opening session of the
conference, held while the So-
viet capital was engulfed in a
heavy snowstorm, moved with
surprising speed and with many
expressions of good will.
Besides discussing the China
and occupation army proposals,
the ministers also:
1. Agreed to liquidate perman-
ently the militaristic German
state of Prussia. This action, al-
ready carried out in effect, was
recommended by the Allied Con-
trol Council for Germany and the
Deputy Foreign Ministers.
2. Agreed on a six-point agenda
as outlined at their last meeting,
held in New York.
Supreme Court
Rules on Union
Foremen Allowed
To Join Labor Group
WASHINGTON, March 10 -- (P)
-The Supreme Court upheld the
unionization of foremen today.
It also ruled that in anti-trust
cases, union members are liable
for the acts of union officers only
when there is proof that they ac-
tually authorized those acts of ap-
proved or approved them after
they were done.
The two decisions found the
justices widely split. They cleared
the court's calendar of top labor
cases for now.
Congressmen commenting on the
foremen's decision said it means
that if restrictions on unioniza-
tion of foremen are deemed desir-
able, Congress must act.
Atom Control
Plan Returned
LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., March 10
--W)The United Nations Se-
cur ity Council by unanimous vote
tonight sent the whole compli-
cated atomic energy control ques-
tion back to the U.N. Atomic En-
ergy Commission after the United
States flatly rejected Soviet Rus-
sia's detailed atomic plan.
The Council thus closed its
books for the time being on one
of its most controversial subjects
and directed the Atomic Commis-
sion to nrenare a treat n ntomAi
Faculty Grading Form Not Ready for Use
The Student Legislature ques-
tionnaire, in spite of the fact that
it gives 'valuable information
about teachers," is not yet the an-
swer to student evaluation of fac-
ultv em-ir.P
derived from the results of the
committee's work.
The Legislature experiment was
carried out in two phases. All 11
of the instructors were graded at
instructors who had not been
told," Guetzkow pointed out.
Main Defect
"The main defect of the ques-
tionnaire from our noint of view
Long Distance Calls Reflect
Expanding Enrollment of 'U'
RcRt. 1 it Tb ACK.10N.TR. !