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March 07, 1947 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-07

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1nual fssembly Bcll Will Be Given

Todc 5ceCarnival
___--Tickets Are

Tickets Available for ior
'Music Depreciation Revi!

Tucker's orchestra, which has
played from the Meadowbrook
in New Jersey, to the Paladium
in California, will feature Don
Brown and Kerwin Somerville,
vocalists, as well as Bud Kim-
ker on drums, and Billy Lee, sax-
ophonist. Highlight of his pro-
gram is a turnabout of the well-
known nutrsery rhyme, which
Tucker calls, "Sing For Your
Supper with Tommy Tucker.'
Contestants are chosen from the
audience, and not only sing cur-
rently popular tunes, but often
have to act them out.
Corsages will be permitted at
the dance, and coeds may recipro-
cate by purchasing boutennieres
for their escorts from members of
All dormitory representatives
must turn in AssemblyBall tic-
kets, which have not been sold,
to Marilyn Ahlstrom between
3 and 5 p.m. today in the Lea-
Senior Society, who will be selling
the flowers at the- beginning of the
j evening,
Included on the patron's list for
the dance are: Pres. and Mrs.
Alexander G. Ruthven, Vice-Pres.
and Mrs. J. P. Adams, Vice-Pres.
and Mrs. M. L. Niehuss, Vice-
Pres. and Mrs. R. P. Briggs, Dean
Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs.
I. C. Crawford, Dean Alice C.
Lloyd, Dean and M'rs. J. B. Ed-
monson, Dean and Mrs. E. B. Sta-
son, Assistant Dean Elsie Fuller,

ton, Mr. and Mrs. P. 1. Sperling,
Mr. andtMrs.John E. Longhurst,
Dr. Samuel J. Eldersveld, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Morse, Dr. and
Mrs. Frank X. Braun, lAr. and
Mrs. 1 1M. Levinson and Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. P. Gram.
Concluding the list are Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Bingley, Mrs. Freder-
ick C. Klein, Mrs. Leona B. ;Diek-
ema, Mrs. Dane W. Poppleton,
Mrs. Martha L. Ray, Miss Jane
Bonell and Mrs. Walter C. Newell.
Martha Cook Tea
Members of the League Under-
.graduate Council and the Wom-
en's Judiciary Council will be
guests of Martha Cook dormitory
at a tea to be given from 3:30 to
4:30 p.m. today.
Every Friday the residents of
Martha Cook ave hostesses at an
informal tea.
Print scarfs, even if they are
not fast color, can be successful-
ly washed if lukewarm suds and
'speed are used. They should be
rolled in a towel after rinsing, and
immediate ironing prevents the
color from running.

Sophomore petitions for posts
in League, Assembly, Panhellenic,
and WAA activities for next year
are due at noon, Monday, in the
Undergraduate Office of the
All second semester freshmen
and first semester sophomores are
eligible to petition. Interviewing
will be held from Tuesday through
Friday, March 21. A schedule will
be posted on the bulletin board in
the Undergraduate Office on
which coeds may sign for inter-
views. Eligibility cards, signed by
the Merit-Tutorial Committee,
must be presented at the inter-
Cabaret Positions Open
Soph Cabaret Central Commit-
tee positiois which are open in-
clude chairman, assistant chair-
men, , secretary, assistant secre-
tary, publicity chairman and two
assistants, ticket chairman and as-
sistant, floorshow chairman and
assistant, script chairman and
dance chairman.
Other posts are stage manager,
and assistant, music chairman and
assistant, costume chairman and.
assistant, makeup chairman, re-
freshments chairman, hostess
chairman, finance chairman and
assistant, decorations chairman
and assistant, ushering chairman
and chairmansof special booths
and concessions.
Sophomores May Petition
Five sophomore posts are open
as Judiciary Council aides as well
as two posts on the League Inter-
viewing Committee. Captains in
charge of hostesses for League
dancing classes are also needed.
Coeds should include plans and
suggestions on their petitions. In-
formation about the duties and
functions of the various positions
are posted on the bulletin board in
the Undergraduate Office along
with the names and telephone
numbers of former chairmen.
More information can be found in
the Presidents' Reports, located in,
the 'eague Library.
Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, executive
secretary of the Alumni Coun-
cil of the University, is at-
tending a district meeting of the
American Alumni Council this
The Alumni group will meet to-
day at the Seaview Country Club,
Absecon, N. J. The Council in-
cludes alumni groups from all
parts of the United States.
Striped garments, when washed,
should be hung with the stripes
vertical to prevent smudging which
Isometimes occurs at the edges.

Dutch. Play
To Be Given
"Hans Brinker or the Silver
Skates," staged by the Clare Tree
Major Children's Theatre, will be
presented at 3:30 p.m. .Friday,
March 14 in the Ann Arbor High
School Auditorium.
The story, a classic in children's
literature, was written by Mary
Mapes Dodge for the entertain-
ment of her two small boys. The
book has had over a hundred edi-
tions and was translated into other
languages. It also received an
award from the French Academy.
There are unreserved seats only,
and tickets may be purchased at
all Ann Arbor elementary schools.
The play is being presented by
the- Junior Michigan Alumnae
Club, a member of Michigan
Alumnae Club. It is the first post-
war project of the club.
Basketball Club
Will Meet Today
The WAA Basketball club will
meet 4 p.m. today in Barbour
Membership in the club is still
open. All interested coeds are in-
vited to join. Women who were on
teams that have been eliminated
in the tournament are urged to
join the club to keep up practice.
Members of the club are di-
vided into teams according to
their ability and skill in the game.
Exhibition games and instruction
are scheduled for this semester.
An old toothbrush, if fairly stiff,
is a handy thing to use for clean-
ing combs.

a a
Set in c ur'e1 iitic atmosphere,
the Campus Casbali will feature
this wui: the remurn engagement
of Lyvnn Wohgenmth. vo:-alist
and speca elections by Al Town-
send and li- oresrar. .
Mis Wohlnut. semi-classi-
cal vocalist, was requested to re-
peat her prormamce after her;
al~p'eai ance in the Casbah flor-
she lat semester.
Two speial s ciians will be
rendered by the orchestra dur-
ing the evening, Al Townsend
wi; :lpply the vocal for his own
original arrangement of "An-t
niversary Song," and Lois Rob-
erns, regular vocalist with the
hand, will ake the singing hon.
ers in Townend's special ar-
rangement of "Guilty."
The newly. decorated Casbah
will a ain flow a modern art.
theme in the Dal style. The sur-
realisi effect will be piodticed
by new pi urcs and a different
or hodme ha ws used lasi
atro :45 p . omihoridayve
.The prya ahihi ponsor-kl
adby ath Udai in the League
Balieoom. Tickets for both
nights are nui; on sale at the
League desk. Tlw coke bar will
rrminn opvn to serve refresh-
ments to the dancers
The flo,how committee is al.-
ways looking fer new talent for
the Cabah. Any student enter-
tainer is urged to call Penny
Klausner at 2-5587 for information
and to arrange for an audition.
To OBroadcast
icahigan Maize," to be pre-
sented at 1I:45 p.m. tomorrow over
station WPAC, will feature latest
news about Soph Prom, Spike
Jones and petitioning.
The program, which is sponsor-
ed by the Union and the League,
cnmbnes nws of curret campus
them. Traditions and customs on
the campus are explained and
their histories told.
Students are still needed to
help with sciript writing. Those
interested should call Marge Zal-
1cr e t 2-2339 for further informa-

Now On Sale
Tickets for the Ice Carnival,
"Melody on Ice," may be pur-
chased at the Coliseum or from
members of the Ann Arbor and
University Skating Clubs..
The carnival will be presented
at 8 p.m. Sunday and Monday at
the Coliseum. The program in-
cludes group numbers, "Southern
Belle" and "Circus." Solos and,
comedy acts have also been
Among University students in
specialty acts are Frances Rad-
ford, who will skate with Glenn
Ford of the Ann Arbor Club, and
Phyllis Babcock, Martha Weig and
Joan Smith, who will participate
in the "Pink Elephant" number.
The program has been arranged
and directed by Mary Frances

"Beneath it all,

Tickets for the Spike Jones
"Musical Depreciation Review"
will be sold from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
today and from 9 a.m. to noon to-
morrow at the Union, League and
University Hall.
All seats for the show, which
will be held at 7 and 9:30 p.m. Fri-
day, March 21, in Hill Auditorium,
are reserved. The exchange tick-
ets may be turned in for reserved
seat tickets beginning Monday at
Hill Auditorium.
Spike Jones began his ca-
reer as a drummer, and played
in his grammar school orches-
tra. In high school he organ-
ized his own band which played
over a local radio station.
In 1942 he organized a group
of musicians to play novelty num-
bers for the fun of it. A recording
director heard the group and, after
they made a record of "Behind.

Those Swinging Doors,"sent
a 'contract.
The "160 minutes of mu
madness" is being presente
Panhellenic Association in
effort to raise funds in ord
maintain and improve the
versity Fresh Air Camp. Al
ceipts from the review wi
turned over to the camp.
Panhellenic hopes to r
enough donations to enabl
University to open the can
year round for the use of stu
Student groups could usE
camp for skating, skiing, t
goning. and weekend parties
camp is used in the sumnim
underprivileged boys from
ropolitan Detroit and soutl
ern Michigan cities.



1. Molds the hips
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It's all elastic finished, every bit
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yq E"' t xaf aztrraan xnur sx. us.,..

Save Time with VAN DYKE
Chisel Point Leads t s piki
With Aisel Point "Van Dyke" leads, you get 20%
ong.r' eins of unvarying width...save 20% more time


between sharpen'ings. Those exclusive pre -shamed,
rectangular leads write with the sane Microtomic
smoothnessasroundHI-DENSTT''Y "VanDyke"leads.

Chisel Point lads in
degrees: 4B,.2B1, H?,
Round leads from 911
to 7B.

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3 ,.x to
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Daily Both Stores
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
a newsy feature of
this short-sleeved blouse
with its engaging all-
over print of rshaggy
dogs on backgrounds of
green, blue and pink
Sizes 34 to 38, 5.00
CHARM with this tai-
lored blouse by Tex-
tron which builds up to
beauty with row on
row of tiny tucks.
White and chartreuse.
Sizes 32 to 38, 5.50.

Spring is anticipated in the
numerous parties being planned
for tomorrow.
The Alpha Rho Chi house will
hold an informal dance given to
honor their new pledges. The
pledges of Alpha Tau Omega will
attend a formal dance at the fra-
ternity house from 9 p.m. to mid-
night. A record dance to welcome
new pledges will be held at the
Lambda Chi Alpha house from 9
p.m. to midnight.
The new Michigamma braves
will be honored at a dance at the
Phi Delta Theta house. The Phi
Rho Sigma's will give an informal
party from 9 p.m. to midnight for
their pledges.
Hillel Foundation is planning
a holiday dance celebrating
Purim, with decorations and en-
tertainment following this theme.
Alpha Sigma Phi house is having
a hard-times dance, featuring Paul
Wilson's band, from 9 p.m. to mid-
The pledges of Sigma Nu are
holding a costume dance for the
active members. The decorations
and entertainment will follow the
prohibition-era theme, with gam-
bling tables in the dining room,
and the atmosphere that of an
old-fashioned speakeasy. Zeta Psi
will hold a Gay Nineties party, a
dinner dance beginning at 7 p.m.
Chi Psi, Delta Sigma Delta.
Delta Tau Delta, Phi Chi, and Nu
Sigma Nu fraternities are plan-
ning record dances for tomorrow.
Swimming Club I
The WAA Swimming Club will
meet at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow in the
Union Pool.
The meeting will be an Inter-
collegiate Swim Meet and will not
be open to spectators. This mee
climaxes prt ices since the first
of the year. Results willbe tele-
graphed to Michigan State Col-
lege where scores will be com-
piled and results announced.
Bought, Sold; Rented Repaired


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With Suits, with new Spring Dresses,
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It's deep armholes . . . its flange
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Tailored to a "T" in smooth Worsted
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Sizes 9-20.
Choose a short shortie-a Belted
Wrap-or a Loose Back from our
exciting collection . .. from 35.00.



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