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March 07, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-07

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illow Power Problem

r of a recent conference on the elec-
rie power situation in Willow Run Vil-
came a specific and organized pro-
by the Village AVC chapter. Theii' res-
n provides that a representative will
>pointed from each housing structure
ake full responsibility for replacing
fuses and reporting abuses in elec-
circuits throughout the Village
cording to Walt Hoffman, Village AVC
man, the resolution would eliminate
hief grievance encountered in the situ-
that of the great lapse of time be-
replacement of burnt fuses by main-
ice personnel.
ore important, however, is the fact
this plan, if carried out by responsi-
iLndividuals, would provide a temporary
tion to the whole electric power prob-
at Willow Village.
orials published in The Michigan Daily
written by members of The Daily staff
represent the views of the writers only.

Each representative could maintain some
control over the use of electrical circuits in
his own- housing structure. In addition he
could replace blown fuses immediately with
regulation 15-amp fuses, discouraging oth-
ers from breaking open the fuse boxes and
substituting wrong fuses. Villagers would
continue to use such dlectrical appliances as
seem necessary.
The only casualty, in fact, would be a
great number of fuses. But replacing fuses
is nothing new to the FPHA, which has had
to replace some 15,000 so far, and the com-
fort of Willow Village residents is probably
more important.
Obviously, this plan would not be satis-
factory on a permanent basis, but it is im-
portant to remember that Willow Village
is a temporary housing project and that
its future use by University students will
probably be limited.
We realize that adoption of the AVC pro-
posal would necessitate a "change of policy"
by the FPHA. It is a change, however, that
would be' much appreciated and respected by
all those who are "roughing it" at Willow
-John Campbell


FEPC Campaign

HE INITIATORY petition to make Mich-
igan the fifth state to establish a Fair
Employment Practices Commission has just
been declared "fatally defective" by the
Vichigan Supreme Court. By a vote of 5-2,
he highest court of the state has ruled that
rregardless of its widespread support, the
neasure would have been illegal as 'a law
ince it contained no title and thus could
never legally appear on the ballot in that
There can be no dispute as to the integrity
>f the court's action, because it is not the
luty of that tribunal to rule on the desir-
ability of a measure under consideration be-
fore it. However, as George Antonof sky,
:hairman of the Ann Arbor FEPC Council
tated, "we do not believe that the FEPC

initiatory petition with more than 200,000
state wide signatures can be so easily ignor-
ed and that the will of such a substantial
number of people will yet conquer."
Sen. Stanley Nowak (Dem.-Detroit) has
already indicated that he will reintroduce
within a few days a new bill to replace the
measure killed by the court, which will be
the same as the previous one except that it
will contain a title.
Legal technicalities oght not to be able
to stymie the will of the people. If the
State Legislature is uncertain as to the
support of the proposal by the people,
let them consider it and then refer it to
the people for their decision in a refer-
endum at the next election.
-Walter Dean

The Cit y Editor's
BACk IN NOVEMBER 1945, an interest-
ing "experiment" in group living was
conducted out at Chi Phi Lodge, 1530 Wash-
The "experiment" was not consciously per-
formed and has never received any public
notice on campus.
But it points the way to a possible solu-
tion of the problem of student association
within the University framework - provid-
ed there is any sort of general agreement
that there is a problem.
What happened out at Chi Phi Lodge is
this: When the Chi Phi's took over their
house again, after it had been used to house
war-time coeds, only a handful of the fra-
ternity's members were back on campus.
They wanted to operate the house, so they
opened their doors to non-members. By
the time the fall semester of that year
opened, an assortment of Chi Phi's, members
of other fraternities and independents had
filled every room and, during the spring
term veterans' refresher course, overflowed
on to divans, etc.
By the third week of the semester at the
latest, this "fraternity" had reached such a
state that you couldn't tell it from the real
thing. Camaradie was high, parties were
held and nobody seemed to ind that his
roommate or the guy who sat next to him
at mealtime hadn't been rushed, pledged
and ritualized.
In short, this random group reaped all the
benefits of a fraternity - a small group
living in somewhat homelike surroundings
- without needing an ominous fraternity
symbol to enforce solidarity.
If, someday, this "experiment" were im-
plemented generally throughout Fraternity-
Sorority Row, the undesirable trappings of
the present Greek setup could be eliminated
without destroying the fulfillment of vital
student needs.
It is absolutely certain that students on
any campus are going to gravitate to small
groups. Few people want to spend four
years of their lives in a mountain of bricks,
mortar and cell-blocks such as the quad-
rangles. But the manner in which students
are given the opportunity to live in small
groups is the criterion of any university's
job of housing.
A number of letters from Daily readers
have come into the office re Wednesday's
"Scratch Pad." One fraternity member has
suggested that The Daily "set up a tempor-
ary open forum column" on the suject.
"This is a question which cannot be handled
in a light manner," he says. "There are
powerful arguments for every stand. Are
fraternities and sororities undemocratic?
Are they in the best interest of the student
body? Should the system be expanded, mod-
ified, abolished or just what?" The Daily
has long had an "open forum column"
known at Letters to the Editor. Perhaps the
questions the fraternity membr raises in
his letter could form the basis of published

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 300 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readcers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omittedpit the discretion of the edi-
torial director.


Veteran Bnuis

To the Editor:

"Cable that idiot at UN and ask him whether he's working for
us or the rest of the damn world."

SOS from London

Letters to the




tND SO, at long last, destiny has caught
up with the-United States.
N'w we are being asked to fish or retire
o our own boathouse - no more bait-cut-
ng for other people! Our friends have run
ut of tackle. Another fisherman has ap-
eared for whom anything else than the
hole lake is too small.
This is the meaning of the British avowal
f its inability to prdtect Greece any long-
r. London is admitting that its available
ieans are too small to remain spread about
he planet. Either they will be recalled to
>ok after the diome fires in Britain - or
aese fires will go out. Obviously, therefore
hey are going to be recalled. Into the va-
ancies thus created, somebody is going to
We can heed the SOS from London and
fill the gap - or the Soviets will do it for
us. Whether it is Greece or Palestine or
[ran or China, this is the message.
There is nothing startling or sudden about
his knocking at our door. Fate has been
overing around since the close of the last
ar. Then was the first ;call, the invitation
o enter the League of Nations and Play a
al part in shaping the future of Europe
nad of Asia. We had shown great power.
ower implied responsibility.
Had we listened, there wduld be a differ-
at world now. There need have been no
ap grabs, no Italian insolence, no building
p of the German aggressor, no Hitler, no
rorld War II, no prostrate Europe and no
oviet menace."
Had we consented then to play a modest
part in the world theatre, we should not
now be compelled to take the lead or get
off the stage.
We refused. A part in world responsibility
as the last thing we wanted. It would
ave meant less time for our amusements.
twould have meant daily cooperation and
>ntact with "slick" foreigners. We were
.rong, we were rich. We told ourselves we
ad nothing to fear. Why should we be-
>me our brother's keeper?
Today destiny no longer beckons appeal-
gly. Destiny is abrupt - "Come on, you-
et in or stay out!"
"It's not true," they snarl. "The United
tates has nothing to fear from anybody.
he whole world outside the Americas can
o communist, go to pot - and we would
ill remain happy and democratic and pros-
erous. Do not listen, Mr. Citizen!"
This is the question. And we know the
- m

The United States of America - six and
a half per cent of the world's people living
on about seven per cent of the land -- can
by no stretch of the imagination defend its
prosperity, its influence, its democracy or
its independence without allies. Afpower
that got control of Europe, Asia and Africa,
could, once it got prepared, dictate to the
two Americas. We could submit - or go
down fighting!
Here is the danger. Here is the dilemma.
This is the choice revealed by the British

(Continued from Page 2)
Mr. Laurence Sickman, curator
of Oriental Art of the William
Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art in
Kansas City, will give an illustrat-
ed lecture at 4:15 p.m., on Fri.,
March 7,Rackham Amphitheatre.,
His subject will be, "Archaeologi-
cal Research and Discoveries in
China During the War Years."
The public is cordially invited.
Auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts.
Furniture Industry Lecture: Mr.
Frank E. Seidman, of Seidman &
Seidman, Grand Rapids, will speak
on economics of the furniture in-
dustry at 11 a.m., Friday, March
7, West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg.
All students in the Wood Tech-
nology Program in the School of
Forestry and Conservation are ex-
pected to attend and any others
interested are cordially invited.
Ernest J. Kumip, Architect, San
Francisco, California, "What an
Architect Shouldn't Know," 4:15
p.m., March 12, Rm. 102, Ar-
chitecture Bldg. '
A cademic Notices

Events Today
University Radio Programs:
2:30 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. Tales from Poe--Thou Art
the Man."
2:45 p.m., Station WKAR, 870
Kc. The Botany Series-"A Bo-
tanical Stamp Collection," Dr.
Lewis E. Wehmeyer, Associate
Professor of Botany.
3:30 p.m., Station WPAG, 1050
Kc. George Cox, baritone.
The Geology and Mineralogy
Journal Club: 12 noon, Rm. 3055,
Natural Science Bldg. V. Brown
Monnett will speak on the sub-
ject, "Geologic Exploration on the
Canol Project, 'Northwest Terri-
tories, Canada."

IN REPLY TO Mr. Mayerson's
answer, to my letter, the follow-
ing facts are pertinent:J
The Chicago Area Counci of
AVC, representing 4,000 members,
held its annual convention Oct. 25,
1946, and debated the (then) pro-,
posed Illinois State Bonus, result-
ing in the platform committee's
conflicting reports:
"The Minority report objected
specifically to the method of fi-
nancing the bonus. It charged
that the people, along with the
veterans; would be saddled with
irrepealable taxes on horse race
gambling,-cigarettes and real and
personal properties.
"The Majority report conceded
'that certain politicians are using
a bonus to gain control of the
veteran's vote' and that it 'is be-
ing financed so that it takes much
of the money out of the pockets
of persons including ourselves,'
but it pointed out:
'We find that we can better af-
ford to pay taxes over a period of
years than to do without the bon-
us now . .. It is the only solution
available now . . . The AVC will
do its utmost to assure its ap-
proval.' "-The Chicago Sun, Oct.
26, 1946.
1. Clearly on the issue of a
state bonus, there is a split of
opinion among local AV Commit-
tees, with reasonable men differ-
2. However, t h e reasonable
members of the majority report
who favored the bonus, also favor-
ed other social benefits:
"The proposed platform also'
called upon Gov. Green to call a
special session of the General As-
sembly right after the elections to
consider the plight of veterans
seeking housing."
Clearly the issue is not "Bonus
versus Housing." The two are
distinct issues, not to be confused.
3. However, the issue "whether
a State Bonus?" is now entirely
academic in both Michigan and
Illinois, since a democratic vote on
the issue revealed the mandate of
the people. i
If AVC locals continue to op-
pose the execution of this demo-
cratic mandate, the inference is,
such AVC locals care nothing foi
the expressed will of the people.
4. The only real issue at this
time is, "Whether a federal bon-
us to reiedy inequalities between
the bonus amounts voted by dif-
ferent states?" Michigan's max-
imum bonus is $500; New York's
is reported to be $50.
Does Mr. Mayerson believe that
a Michigan veteran is worth ten
times as much compensation as
a New York veteran?
Does he believe a bonus should
be awarded on the theory of
"Sovereign States Rights?"-with
the resultant inequality?
That is the only real issue at
this time.
--Emmet J. Donnelly
* * *
New Proposal

Wngton. Then my group would
stage a big campaign kig
students who felt that ti
a.mendment was no goo toge
busy and dash off a letter t the
senator or congressman-all ma-
terials including stamps courtesy
of the committee. But we may
as well face it-this amendment
seems pretty certain of getting
before the 'states for their rati-
fication-so then my ommttee-
still undaunted - turns tothe
states and bombards them.
I admit that all of these ef-
forts woud probably not have a
very marked effect but at the
very least it would give the stu-
dents who took part in them the
satisfaction of doing something
concrete towards gaining their
goals. The University might not
approve-I don't know-but the
publicity might overcome their ob-
I suppose this proposal will go
the way of most proposals but at
least I will have had one satis
faction out of proposing it - I
must confess I get a certain per-
verted pleasure in seeing my name
in print.
-George May
* * *
Seven Cent Cup?
To the Editor:
1THY IS ' that while some
caterers in Ann Arbor charge
only five cents per cup of coffee,
others charge seven cents? As I
see, it, this is a conspiracy of mon-
opolistic capitalists exploiting the
public, or that inefficient produc-
ers are permitted to co somthing
for which they are not best fit-
ted. This shouldn't happen in a
free competitive economy or I
don't know my Ec. 52.
Since I am compelled to either
buy 2/5 less cups of coffee per
month, or seek out and walk out
of my way to patronize the five
cents per cup establishments, this
is undemocratic and an encroach-
ment upon my freedom, i.e., free-
dom of experiencing the least dis-
utility while -getting the greatest
satisfaction of my craving for caf-
Because of the insecurity of not
knowing what price I'll be charged
for coffee, I'm becoming even
miore irritable than I was in pre-
vious years. I snap at people,
though I don't at all look like a
tu'tle (I think).
I propose that a committee or
oI'ganization be formed to anni-
hilate this confiscatory practice.
Also, a petition to be sent to U.N.
calling for an explanation of cof-
fee policy by Brazil. I'm no For-
ester, but I saw some pictures of
xrazilian coffee trees-they bore
evidence of having been too close-
ly trimmed, contributing to a
smaller market supply of coffee
(unbrewed, that is). To hasten
action, only those persons whose
hearts beat with manifest destiny,
and who have a sympathetic re-
gard for fundamental human val-
ues undertake this highly import-
ant duty.
The only alternatives I see are:
1. Some governmental agency
such as V.A., formed for ability
for supererogation, undertake the
brewing of coffee to insure a uni-
form high standard of efficiency
plus economy.
2. Educate the younger gener-
ations to abstain from coffee and
its evils.
3. Take the coffee cure, if the
Health Service has one.
The time to act is NOW. OR-
GANIZE or my personlity sl l
be further warped, anid I'll end
up a state asylum statistic instead
of a Michigan graduate.
-George Georgiou


American Institute
tects: Student Branch,
Rm. 101, Architecture

of Archi-
4:15 p.m.,

lir. American Citizen can place his
money, his power, his brains and his ener-
gy behind creating his kind of world order
- or he can refuse and see somebody else
set up an order 'that spells his doom.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)


Algebra Seminar:
March 7, Rm. 3201
Prof. W, F. Eberlein
Boolean Rings.

4:15 p.m.,
Angell Hall.
will speak on

All Gargoyle Literary Staff
Members: Brief meeting, 4 p.m.,
Gargoyle Office, Student Publica-
tions Building.
Association Coffee Hour: 4:30-
6 p.m., Lane Hall Library.
German Coffee Hour, 3-5 p.m.,
League Coke Bar.
Delta Epsilon Pi, Orthodox stu-
dent society; 8 p.m., St. Nicholas
Church, 414 N. Main St. Profes-
sor 0. M. Pearl will lead the dis-
cussion on "Early Religion of
Greece." Refreshments. All stu-
dents invited.
Cost Supper: All interested in
Cost Supper at Hillel Foundation
tomorrow at 6 p.m. please contact
William Resnick (5473) before 5
p.m. tonight.


A merican Conservatism

PARIS-The American Conservative would
not, I think, feel very much at home in
Paris. His opposite number here is a kind
of beaten man. I have heard a French Con-
servative suggest earnestly that the very old
and the youth ought to be let off on collab-
oration charges, as an act of conciliation
and mercy. If he could obtain anything like
this, he would feel that he had won a great
political victory for these times. But this is
a defensive line at best; it does not very
much resemble the full throated roar of an
American Conservative's daily political dis-
Even the Left, though it has its vehem-
ent and bitter moments, sometimes seems to
walk on eggs. One Frenchman, who had held
a position of some importance in the Popu-
lar Front Government before the war, tried
to explain the thing. "The French were
beaten by the Germans," he said, "and then
set free by the Allies, and they did compara-
tively little to halt or help these great events.
This sad knowledge is deep inside them, it
cooks within, and as a result they are not in
the mood to listen to grandiose political
ideas from anyone."
Since the Right here is linked directly
with those grim past events it is quite
clear why it lacks that gladiatorial note
which at the moment, marks American
Conservatism. One of our Southern con-
servative Congressmen or one of our Ohio
Republicans would, I think, cause a riot
here with his first statement to the press.
One has a feeling that American Conser-
vatism is a very lucky Conservatism in-
deed, retaining an ebullience and confi-
dence almost unique on the planet today.
The nther thino is that Euroneans do not

show that all Leftism is related in a mystic
way; Europeans much prefer to think it is
not. As a result, western Europe does not
altogether share in that very complete new
philosophy, about the world clash on every
level, at home and abroad, between different
ways of life, which America pushes today
with so much verve. The evangelical (like
the gladiatorial) note is missing from west-
ern European Conservatism; it hardly has
a syllogism to its name; it tries at most to
defend, not to convert.
THERE WAS THE CASE of the confused
waitress, to whom I put the usual quest-
tion about the future of France.
"We are not very proud right now," she
said and she actually turned her face away.
"But what will happen?"
"Perhaps there is still an elite which Will
save us," she said surprisingly. She was a
very confused waitress. "Maybe the monar-
chists will do it. I read their paper."
"What about Socialism?" I asked her.
"I like Socialists very much, too," she said.
"They are quite nice."
She would accept either monarchism or
socialism, which is, I think, rather unlike
any American approach I know of.
SO THERE IS something almost quiet here
in contrast with current American atti-
tudes of anti-Leftist assertism and defiance;
to these a tired Europe listens, as to a dis-
tant roar. One wonders if American Con-
servatism realizes how unique a quality now
envelopes it and how what it believes to be
a perfected cosmic philosophy is dwindling,
through force of circumstance, to the singu-
lar and the national.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Corp.)

Student Recital: Ruth Wolkow-
sky, pianist, will present a recital
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sat.,
March 8, Rackham Assembly Hall.
A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss
Wolkowsky has planned a program
of compositions by Beethoven,
Haines, Rachmaninoff, and Cho-
pin. The public is cordially in-
Drawings of the human figure.
March 7 through March 27, Main
floor, Architecture Bldg.
Paintings by Charles Farr and
Gerome Kamrowski of the faculty
of the College of Architecture and
Design, Rackham Galleries, cur-
rent through March 14. Gallery
will be open from 10-12 a.m., 2-5
p.m. and 7 to 10 p.m.
Conservation of Michigan Wild-
flowers, an exhibit of 46 colored
plates with emphasis on those pro-
tected by law. Rotunda Museum
Building. 8-5 Monday through Sat-
urday. 2-5 Sunday. Current
through March.
Michigan Takes Shape-a dis-
play of maps, Michigan Historical
Collection, 160 Rackham. Hours:
8-12, 1:30-4:30 Monday through
Friday, 8-12 Saturday.
Willow Run Village Art Show
University Community Center
1045 Midway
Willow Run Village
Crafts and paintings by Village
residents on exhibit at the Uni-
versity Center, Assembly Room,
through March 30. The public is
cordially invited.

IZFA .will sponsor an
Shabbat at 8:15 p.m., Hillel
dation. All are invited.


Lenten Class in Religion: 7:30
p.m., Russel Parlor, First Presby-
terian Church.
Coming Events
Dr. Karl F. Meyer, Professor of
Epidemiology at the University of
California and the Hooper Insti-
tute, and a member of the faculty
of the School of Public Health
of the University of California,
will address the students of the
Michigan School of Public Health
on Saturday morning from 9:30 to
11:30 in the Auditorium on the
subject "Relationship of Diseases
of Animals to the Diseases of
Man." All those interested may

To the Editor:
IT OCCURS to me that the ef-
forts of the students arehpret-
ty much wasted by writing to The
Daily. Every once in a while some
half-way decent criticism or com-
plaint or suggestion turns up in
in the Letters to the Editor col-
umn-you have to wait- an awful
long time sometimes but if you're
patient I think you will find this
to be true. But after all-who
reads the Daily-some of the Uni-
versity students, a few of the fa-
culty and some hospitalized vet-
erans. Does President Truman,
foreign minister Bevin, Kim Sig-
ler, Senator Taft, Francisco Fran-
co or Henry Wallace read the
Michigan Daily? Presumably not.
Now here is my suggestion
which you can ignore, laugh at or
take seriously-I don't care. Why
not set up some sort of commit-
tee - one more on campus
wouldn't.make much difference-
a committee which would have the
exclusive job of drawing up me-
morials and remonstrances, get-
ting names on a petition, getting
an organized letter writing cam-
paign by literary-minded and
properly incensed students under-
way on any subject they thought
Take this proposed amendment
to the Constitution limiting pres-
idents to two terms as an ex-
ample. My committee, let us say,
would decide that this amendment
was no good so they would pass
around petitions for students to
sign and then these would be sent
to somebody or other in Wash-

Women's Research1
31, instead of April 7,<

Club: March
as previously

Graduate Outing Club: Winter
Sports, 2:30 p.m., Sun., March 9,
northwest entrance of the Rack-
ham Bldg. Sign up before noon
Saturday at the Check Desk,
Rackham Bldg.
Acolytes: 7:30 p.m., Mon., March
10, East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., Prof. Lobanov-Rostov-
sky will speak on "Hindu Philoso-
(Continued on Page 6)

Editor al Staff
Paul l'arsha ......... Managing Editor
Clayton Dickey............City Editor
Milton Freudenheim..Editorial Director
Mary Brush........... Associate Editor
Ann Kutz........... Associate Editor
Clyde Recht.........Associate Editor
Jack Martin.............Sports Editor
Archie Parsons..Associate Sports Editor
Joan Wilk...........Women's Editor
Lois Kelso .. Associate women's Editor
Business Staff
Robert E. Potter .... General Manager
Janet Cork.........Business Manager
Nancy Helmick ...Advertising Manager
Member of The Associated Press




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