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March 08, 1947 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-08

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SI i. l'. 1't .


st of Vets' Receipts From
7 Man Sources Are Taxable

ASHINGTON, March 7-(1Pt)
me discharged veterans think
because they served in the
d forces they are entirely ex-
from paying income tax,
's a mistaken impression.
general, income received
civilian sources by dis-
ged veterans and members of
trmed forces is taxable. How-
pensions and other kinds of
PAG Range
PAG, the Ann Arbor radio
on, will begin broadcasting
r with a power of 1,000 watts.
nouncement of the change
nade over the station yester-
Studio officials said that the
ling. audience will be almost
led by the increase in power.
expected that its listening
will now include northern
-northern Indiana, and the
in of Canada adjacent to De-
in addition to blanketing the
e southeastern Michigan re-
e improvement in the facili-
if WPAG is being made pos-
by the recent installation of a
lete new transmitter. The
in secured permission from
'ederal Communication Com-
on several months ago to put
aore powerful equipment into
AG formerly broadcasted
a power of 350 watts.

"compensation" received by dis-
charged veterans from the gov-
ernment for service in the armed
forces are exempt from taxation.
That means you need not pay a
tax on mustering-out pay, dis-
ability payments or any benefits
received under the GI Bill of
Rights, such as education and sub-
sistence payments. Also exempt
are certain amounts of cash,
bonds, or both.(except interest
on bonds), received as compensa-
ion for unused leave under the
armed forces leave act of 1946.'
Disability retirement pay of a
service man or woman is not tax-
able. Other retirement pay for
soldiers, sailors and marines (us-
ually regulars retired for age), is
taxable. There is no tax on pen-
sions and compensation paid to
the family of a war veteran for
services rendered to the armed
forces. Government monthly al-
lowances to the families of serv-
ice men and womeni are not tax-
The law exempts from tax all
active service pay of men and
women in the armed forces below
the rank of commissioned officers.
An uncommissioned warrant offi-
cer's pay is not taxable. Such serv-
ice pay is tax free not only for
1946 but also for any year in the
war, beginning Jan. 1, 1941, and
ending when the President pro-
claims the termination of the war.
The rockhopper penguin has
yellow eyes part of the year, and
red eyes the rest of the time. j

Old And New
Are On Exhibit
0,1,, - mF I *1 ( d -
(olleeioni itielules
Works Seized In War
Chemistry books, old and new,
provide the theme for the General
Library's current exhibit.
Books of unique and special in-
terest have been selected from the
chemistry library by Prof. Byron
A. Soule of that department.
On display are chemical Joul -
nals, reviews, and popular works,
in addition to volumes relating
to the various fields of chemistry.
Books printed in Germany, Eng-
land, France, Italy and this coun-
try are included in the collection.
The metamorphosis of chemical
publications from the 16th cen-
tury to the present day is shown in
vivid contrast by adjacent displays
of early and recent editions.
Many German scientific peri-
odicals published during the war
years were obtained in neutral
countries, smuggled out of occu-
pied countries, or seized in the
war. This valuable material was
then taken over by the Alien Prop-
erty Custodian and reproduced in
the United States.
One of the most interesting
books in a German publication,
"Beilsteins Handbuch," called the
organic chemist's Bible. The
copyright of this valuable book
was taken over by the United
States in 1942 and authority to
reproduce it was granted to an
Ann Arbor, firm. Through this
reproduction the war price of
$1800 for the 59 volume has been
reduced to $400.
Another book entitled "Qualita-
tive Chemical Aanalysis" was first
written by two University profes-
sors and printed in 1874. Since
that time the book has been re-
vised a number of times. The lat-
est revision, by Prof. Soule and
Prof. R. K. McAlpine of the pres-
ent chemistry staff is in use to-
Among the earliest publications
is a volume on mining and metal-
lurgy written in Latin entitled "De
Re Metallica," published in 1556.
Bears .

zionist * ino --N. . .
'Two seminars on "Zionist politi-
-al parties in the U. S." will be
held at 1 and 3 p.m. today, at the
Hillel Foundation. A party in cele-
bration of 'Purim' is scheduled for
the evening and is cosponsored by
Hillel and IZFA. There will be
dancing, entertainment and re-
Plano Recitl . . .
Ruth Wilkowsky, music sehool
student will present a piano re-
cital at 8:30 p.m. today in the
Rackham Assembly Hall.
The program, which is open to
the general public, will include
compositigns by Beethoven,
Haines, Rachmaninoff and
Alpha Eta Tea . .
Alpha Eta will give a tea from 2
to 4 p.m., today in the Harrison
Room of League to honor the
alumnae of Delta Zeta in Ann Ar-
Polotical DiseCUSSio,,. .
There will, be a Saturday
Luncheon Discussion at 12:15
p.m. today at Lane Hall.
Robert Carneiro and Lymon
Legters will lead the discussion
on "Politics: Practice and Mal-
Practice." Reservations for the
luncheon should be made at
at Lane Hall before 10 a.m. to-
- '
Talk on Freedom . . .
Ralph McFee, publisher of the
Washtenaw Post Tribune and a

deluw 1-ivtedom, .will (deliver :tU 1k
on "Academic Freedom" at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow at. Owen Coopera-
tive House.
Sponsored by the Inter-Coopera-
tive Council, the lecture is open to
the public. Refreshments will be
served following the talk.
lient ci Letieg . . .
Prof. Marc Denkinger of the
Romance Language Department
will discuss "Backstage in
French Theatres of the Ancient
Regime runder the sponsorship
of Le Cercle Francais, at 8 p.m.,
tomorrow, Rm. 305, the Union.
Group singing, games and a so-
cial hour will follow. The meet-
ing is open to the public.
* e
Center Supper
A program of recorded ballads
and folk songs of all nations will
be presented at 8 p.m. tomorrow at
the International Center, follow-
ing supper.
The program is open to the
A limited number of supper tick-
ets will be on sale until noon to-
day in the office of the Center.
Supper will be served at 7 p.m.
There is a charge of 50 cents per
* * 4'
Newcomers Group . -
Approximately '75 wives of
foreign students and foreign
wives of American veterans will
be guests at a meeting of the
Newcomers Group of the Fac-
ulty Women's Club Tuesday eve-
ning in the International Cen-
The following foreign women



PRESIDENT GETS DEGREE-President Truman receives honor-
ary Doctor of Laws degree in Waco, Tex. from Pat Neff, President
of Baylor University. Left to right: President Truman, Dean
James P. Cornette, Baylor; and Pat Neff. (AP Wirephyto)
DP Director To Ask for Funds
At B'naiB'rith MeetinMonday
Sidney Flatow, former UNRRA
worker and director of the Zeil- B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation on
sheim displaced persons camp, will behalf of the United Jewish Ap-
speak at 8 p.m. Monday at the peal for Refugees, Overseas Needs
and Palestine.
At Zeilsheim, Germany, where
he was stationed for more .than a
year, Flatow found facilities com-
pletely run-down, and displaced
persons sleeping on the floors of
windowless, heatless barracks. In
addition to repairing the living
two prominent ZOA members. A quarters and providing sleeping
Purim party, sponsored by Hillel cots, he installed hospitals, clinics,
Foundation and IZFA, is sched- schools and workshops. Under his
uled for the evenihg. All are in- administration, the camp, which
vited to attend. was used by the Nazis during the
war for Russian slave laborers,
COOmingEvents was completely transformed.
Flatow also founded the Seventh
Women's Research Club: March Army home for orphans, which
31, instead of April 7, as previously cares for 150 children. He worked
announced. with the Central Committee of
Liberated Jews in Germany and
Graduate Student Council: '7:30 was a spectator at the Nurenberg
p.m., Mon., March 10, East Lecture trials.

IJniion Coiiee ttl
Chicago Synijdhol
To Play March .6
The Chicago Symphony Orches-
tra, conducted by Desire Defauw,
will present the ninth Choral Un-
ion concert at 7 p.m., Sunday,
March 16. in Hill Auditorium.
Third oldest organization of its
kind in the United States, the or-
chestra has the distinction of hav-
ing had only three directors in its
history of 55 years: Theodore
'Thomas, Frederick A. Stock and
Defauw, who is concluding lis
final season as conductor of the
Chicago Symphony, joined the or-
chestra in 1943. He came to Chi-
cago after establishing a perma-
nent orchestra in Belgium and
appearing as guest conductor of
leading European and American
orchestras. At the time of his
appointment as Muscial Director
of the Chicago Symphony, he was
director of the "Concerts Sym-
phoniaues" of Montreal.
WHSl Lecture
"Relationship of Diseases of An-
imals to Diseases of Man" is the
subject of a talk to be given by
Dr. Karl F. Meyer, professor of
epidemiology at the University of
California, at 9:30 a.m. today in
the public health school audito-
Discussing the various diseases
which emanate from the animal
kingdom, Dr. Meyer will describe
the transmission of the diseases
from animals to humans and their
subsequent transmission to other
A graduate of the University of
Zurich, Switzerland, Dr. Meyer is
associated with the Public Health
School at the University of Cali-
fornia as well as with its epi-
demiology department. He also is
a member of the epidemiology de-
partment of the Hooper Institute.
Some veterans are seeking to
buy surplus mine detectors to aid
n search for buried pirate gold.

Tickets on Salk

(Continued from Page 2)
n., Sat., March 8, Rm. 319
edical Bldg. Subject: "Some
t Studies of Plasma Pro-
All interested are invited.
hematics Seminar on Com-
Variables: 10 a.m., Sat.,
i 8, 3011 A. H. Mr. Gale will
on Riemann Mapping,
'matics Seminar on Stochas-
ocesses: 5 p.m., Mon., March
7 W. Engineering. Prof. G. E.
beck will outline certain
ids in stochastic processes
show their relations to
life Management Seminar:
P.m., Mn., March 10, Rm.
Natural Science Bldg. Dr. C.
ack of the Game Division,
rvation Department, will dis-
vater legislation and prob-
pertinent to Michigan. All
ts in the field of Wildlife
dement are expected to at-
Anyone else interested is"
1ly invited.
lent Recital: Ruth Wolkow-
Lanist, will present a recital
rtial fulfillment of the re-
ients for the degree of Mas-

ter of Music at 8:30 p.m., Sat.,
March 8, Rackham Assembly Hall.
A pupil of Joseph Brinkman, Miss
Wolkowsky has planned a program
of compositions by Beethoven,
Haines, Rachmaninoff, and Cho-
pin. The public is cordially in-


Tickets for the Mozart opera, will speak at the meeting: Mrs.
"The Marriage of Figaro," which Adil Belgin, Mrs. Lina Tatto,
will be presented March 11-15 at Mrs. Ay Abdellatif, Miss Cath-
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, are erine Yao, and Mrs. Parvathi
on sale now at the theatre box of- Subrananian.
five. Mrs. Joseph T. Hartsook ,will
Under the direction of Prof. Val- entertain the speakers at dinner
entine Windt of the speech de- at her home before the meeting.
partment, Prof. Wayne Dunlap of
the music school, the cast of the ADA Meeting , ,
opera includes students from both
the play production classes of the Americans for Democratic Ac-
speech department and the music tion will hold an open meeting at
school. 7:30 p.m. Monday in the Union.

Organ Recital: Kathryn Karch,
student from Monroe, Michigan,
will present the final program in
the current organ series at 4:15
p.m., Sun., March 9, Hill Audito-
rium, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music. Miss Karch
has studied wtih the late Palmer
Christian since enrolling in the
University. Program: Composi-
tions by Bach, Karg-Elert, Widor,
and Dupre. The public is cordially
The Museum of Art presents an
exhibition of drawings and water-
colors by George Grosz through
March 14. Alumni Memorial Hall,
weekdays, except Mondays, 10-12
and 2-4; Wednesday evenings, 7-9
and Sundays 2-5. The public is
cordially invited.
Events Today
Dr. Karl F. Meyer, Professor of
Epidemiology at the University of
California and the Hooper Insti-
tute, and a member of the faculty
of the School of Public Health
of the University of California,
will address the students of the
Michigan School of Public Health
from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Aur
ditorium on the subject 'Relation-
ship of Diseases of Animals to the
Diseases of Man." All those inter-
ested may attend.
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Fireside discussion, on "Christian
Faith and My Job," 7:30-9 p.m.,
Guild House, 438 Maynard.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: Bowling party, 7 p~m.,
Michigan Recreation Alleys.

(Continued from Page 1)



Room, Rackham Bldg.
Student Branch of the Ameri-
can Pharmaceutical Association:
7:30 p.m., March 12, East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr.
Lindwall, representative of the Eli
Lily Co. will speak on the subject,
"Diabetes and It's Cure."
Acolytes: 7:30 p.m., Mon., March
10, East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., Prof. Lobanov-Rostov-
sky will speak on "Hindu Philoso-
phy." Faculty members and stu-
dents interested in philosophy
cordially invited.
Conversation Group of Sociedad
Hispanica: 3:30-5 p.m., Interna
tional Center.
Inter-council of the Student Re-
ligious Association: 7:30 p.m.,
Tues., March 11, Lane Hall. In-
struction and briefing in the ad-
ministration and principles of the
Christian Reformed Church will be
followed by a group visit to that
church to observe some of the
ceremonies held there. All stu-
dents cordially invited.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Meeting, 8 p.m., Sun., March 9,
Hussey Room, League. Record
concert following meeting.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Tryouts for manager of the "Hil-
lel Snack Bpr," 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
March 10. Everyone interested in-
Ball and Chain Club: 7:45 p.m.,
Mon., March 10, Russian Tea
Room, Michigan League: Pro-
gram: Bridge and refreshments.
All wives of student veterans cor-
dially invited.

Prior to entering the Army,}
from which he was released for his
UNRRA assignment, Flatow was
executive director of the Jewish
Center of New York.
The meeting is open to the pub-
Whale milk is not essentially
different from cow's milk.

bacon rind. Animal food is given
sparingly, although it is a normal
part of their natural diet, in order
to reduce parasites."
Ten quarts of milk and six
pounds of bread form the daily
summer diet of the pair, according
to Miss Thompson, who said that
during the present winter months
they often eat nothing at all for
several days. "'Brother" eats as
much as 'Sis' and the others com-
bined," she pointed out.

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1432 Washtenaw
W. P. Lemon, D.D., and James Van Pernis,
Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Music
Ruth Kirk, Church Worker
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. Sermon by
Dr. Lemon: "Religion Without Halo."
5:00 P.M.: Westminster Guild meets in the
Russel Parlor. A student panel discussion
will be held on "Student Views on Re-
ligion" with Mary Ranger and Tom Boyd
among those participating in the panel.
Cooperative supper follows.
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan
F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation
Madelene Jones, Choir Director
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students.
Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship Service. Ser-
mon topic: "Go Back To Begin." Nursery
for children during the service.
6:00 P.M.: Supper at the Congregational
Church. The seconds discussion in the
series of "Christian Faith and MY Job,"
will be led by Dr. Paul Kauper of the
Law School.
409 South Division Street
10:30 A.M.: Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject:
11:45 A.M.: Sunday School.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday evening testimonial
This church maintains a free Reading Room
at 706 Wolverine Building, Washington at
4th, which is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Here the Bible and Christian Science lit-
erature including all the works of Mary-
Baker Eddy may be read, borrowed or



A -Q

1304 Hill Street-Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
For National Lutheran Council Students
9:15 A.M.: Bible Hour at the Center.
10:30 A.M.: Services in Zion and Trinity
5:30 P.M.: Meet in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall for supper and program. Miss Sylvia
Tsai of China will be the speaker.
7:30 P.M. Tuesday: Church History Class
at the Center.
7:30 P.M. Wednesday: Lenten serveies in
Zion and Trinity Churches.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Rev. Alfred Scheips, Pastor-(Missouri Sy-
Saturday at 7:00 P.M.: Gamma Delta Bowling
Party, meeting at the Michigan Rerrea-
Sunday at 9:45 and 11:00 A.M.: Identical
services, with the pastor preaching on
the subject, "Surmounting Spiritual Self-
Sunday at 5:15 P.M.: Supper meeting of
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club.
Wednesday at 7:30 P.M.: Lenten Vesper Ser-
vice, with sermon by the pastor, "Art thou
then the Son of God?"
West Court, Willow Village
Rev. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain
10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship. Sermon: "Meet-
ing Life's Inevitables." Nursery Program
in Preschool Christian Education during
church service.
4:00 P.M.: Christian Fellowship Group.
8:00 P.M. Thursday: Choir Rehearsal.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector
The Rev. John M. Shufelt, Curate
The Rev. John H. Burt,.Student Chaplain
Miss Maxine J. Westphal,
Counsellor for Women Students
Mr. George R. Hunsche,
Organist and Choirmaster
8:00 A.M.: Holy Communion.
9:15 A.M.: Post-Confirmation Class, Page
9:45 A.M.: Young People's Confirmation
Class, Tatlock Hall.
10:00 A.M.: Student Religious Seminar, Stu-
dent Center.
11:00 A.M.: Junior Church.
11:00 A.M.: Morning Prayer. Sermon by Mr.
5:00 P.M.: Student Confirmation Class, Tat-
lock Hall.
6:00 P.M.: Canterbury Club Supper and
Meeting, Student Center. Speaker: Pro-
fessor Stanley D, Dodge. Subject: "How

"Zionist political parties in the
U. S." will be discussed at I and 3
o.m. at the Hillel Foundation by







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Ministers: James Brett Kenna and Robert.
H. Jongeward
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director
Mary McCall Stubbins, organist.
Student Activities: Kathleen M. Davis,
9:30 A.M.: Student Seminar. Pine Room.
10:40 A.M.: Worship Servcie. Dr. Kenna's
sermon topic: "Jesus the Misunderstood."
5:30 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild. Lenten series of
student-led discussion groups on: Personal
Living, Inspiration, Literature, Basic Be-
liefs, Society, followed by supper, fellow-
ship and worship.
1# ;... . i T -




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