les' Disunity Hinders
> Economic Recovery
Spike Jones
Tickets Are
On Sale Now
['he final.stabilizing of the Jap-
ase economy is being hindered
the. failure of the Allies to de-
mine the amount and kini of
.arations to be exacted from
n, according to Dr. Otto G.
af, assistant professor of Ger-
. and former member of the
Wr Department Intelligence
vice in the Far East.
n an article in the current is-
of the Michigan Alumnus
arterly Review, he points out
three agencies that share re-
nsibiliy for administration of
fan-the Allied Council for Ja-
I, the FarEastern Commission,
I General Headquarters of the
led Supreme Command.
ontest Has
r ewar basis
or the first time since the war
whnner of the University ora-
cal contest will participate in
Northern Oratorical League
test, according to Prof. Louis
Elich of the speech department.
he University elimination con-
will be held April 15 and the
Us on April 17. All sophomores,
lors and seniors are eligible.
testants must register the title
heir speech in the speech de-
tment office by April 4.
he oration may be on any sub-
".and must be written and
norized. The time limit will be
ce minutes for the elimination
test and ten minutes for the
h winner of the University
test will go to Northwestern
,ersity on May 2 to represent
haigan in the Northern Ora-
cal League Contest. Other
nbers of the league include
consin, Iowa, Minnesota, West-
Reserve, and Northwestern.
[e amara Is
ward Winner
omaine T. McNamara, '49, of
t Acton, Mass., has been
ied the recipient of the Arthur
good award of $50 by Dean
ward Keniston.
he award is given to the holder
a scholarship who has shown
tanding achievement in schol-
Ip and extra-curricular ae-
[iss McNamara holds the
versity of Michigan Clubs of
ton Scholarship. She has an:
lamic average of 3.87 and has
icipated in Soph Cabaret and
or activities.,
his is the first time the award
been made.
' High Studnts
'ose Book Drive
lose to three thousand books
e been collected by sophomore
s at University High School to
shipped to the Philippines.
'e collection came in response
aplea by Prof. Roy Swinton,
the engineering school, who
ke at Assembly and told the
lents and faculty of the pri-
on he had seen as a prisoner
var. The girls conducted the
e under the direction of Miss
'ion Weiss, physical education
ears Engineers
Lree Detroit industrial engi-
s addressed Sigma Rho Tau,
ineering speech society, last
it at a meeting in the Union.
osaire J. Laporte spoke on
son foundation for submarine
wells; R. A. Marinelli spoke on
cts of inventions and machines
society; and C. Aretus Hussey
e on solving the problems of
t formations in the permo-
t region.
No Unanimity
"There is no unanimity of Qpin-
ion on the subject of reparations,"
Prof. Graf explained. One faction
favors maximum de-industrializa-
Aon and heavy war bills. The oth-
er faction, mindful of the chaos in
the Far East, points out that the
econcmy of that area may even-
tually depend upon a prosperous
He explains that stripping Ja-
pan of her industrial power would
endanger stability of the Far East
and so reduce living standards in
the country that radicalism and
political chaos may result.
"The Japanese are an energetic
people, capable of indescrible in-
dustry, discipline and sacrifice. If
driven to desepration by economic
restriction, they could constitute
a formidable satellite of radical;
groups in the Far East. Commu-
nism. breeds on human misery" he
said. '
Reparations Question
"Nothing can be done to restore
Japanese industry until the rep-1
arations question is settled," Prof.
Graf said. 'Once the extent of,
reparations is fixed, the Supreme:
Commander can transfer indus-
tries and equipment to the claim-i
ants and can begin conversion andi
reconstruction of the industry left
in Japan," he points out.
"Reconstruction and democra-
tization will not go forward until
the issue is settled. The Japanese
farmer or the Japanese workers
will have no foreseeable economic
security until he knows how much
he will have to work for repara-
tions and how much he can work
for himself."
Dean tBursicyr
Reception To Be Held1
For Foreign Students
Residents of Chicago House will
welcome Dean Bursley and 12 for-
eign, students, recently voted as
honorary members of the House,
at a reception at 8:30 p.m. today.t
Prof. J. W. Lederle of the Politi-
cal Science Department will lead
a round-table.discussion on meth-
ods of education in foreign coun-
The foreign students, who repre-
sent Turkey, Palestine, India,;
Egypt, Cuba, Brazil,'Philippine Is-;
lands, France, and China, will bel
given all the privileges of thec
House, according to House Presi-;
dent Al Luckham.
PCA Supports
FEPC Fight
The Ann Arbor chapter of Pro-
gressive Citizens of America has
decided to join with the FEPC
Coordinating Committee in the
fight to make Michigan the fifth
state in the nation with a fair
employment practices law, ac-
cording to Prof. Theodore New-
comb, PCA chairman.
.PCA was formed in December
by a merger of the NCPAC and
the Independent Citizens Com-
mittee of the Arts, Sciences and
Professions with the objective of
uniting liberal action on basic
economic, political and social is-
Indian Anthropologist
To End 'U' Visit Today
N. Datte-Majumder, anthropol-
ogist from Calcutta, India, will
complete a two day visit at the
University today.
A specialist in social anthro-
pology, Datte-Majumder has made
special field studies of the San-
tal, largest aboriginal tribe in In-
At present he is writing and
conducting research at Northwest-
ern University.
Concert to Feature
Unusual Instruments
Tickets for Spike Jones' "Musi-
cal Depreciation Review," to be
presented at 7 and 9:30 p.m., on
March 21 at Hill Auditorium, are
now on sale at the Union, League,
and in University Hall.
All seats for the show will be
reserved. and sales will be held
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today
through Friday, and from 9 a.m.
tonoon Saturday. These exchange
tickets may be turned in for re-
served seat tickets beginning Mon-
day at Hill Auditorium.
Fresh Air Camp
The show is being sponsored by
Panhellenic Association as a part
of its program to raise funds for
the University Fresh Air Camp.
All proceeds from the review will
be donated to the camp to be used
for food, campers' supplies, equip-
ment, maintenance and improve-
The camp, now used in the sum-
mer for underprivileged boys, will
be open all year for the use of Uni-
versity students if enough dona-
tions are received, according to
Betty Pritchard, publicity chair-
man for the review. Plans for
use of the camp include ice skat-
ing, skiing, tobaggoning, winter
carnival, and weekend parties.
Varied Instruments
Spike Jones recently presented
his "160 minutes of madness" at
Illinois and Purdue where the
show was a sell-out. The ten-
man band will play a wash board,,
cow bells, a flit gun, nine auto-'
mobile horns and a set of tuned
door bells in addition to their
other instruments. Helen Greco is
song stylist with the band and Bill
King will perform a comedy jug-
gling act.
Those interested in ushering for
the show may sign up in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League.
Experienced ushers are preferred.
Final Trip Planned
By Ullr Ski Club
The Ullr Ski Club will go to
Caberfae Sports Area near Cadil-
lac this weekend for their last ski
trip of the season.
The group will leave late Fri-
day afternoon on University busses
and return to Ann Arbor Sunday.
Anyone interested in going may
sign up and pay a deposit at the
meeting of the club which will be
held at 7:15 p.m. today in Rm. 208
of the Union. Those who cannot
attend should contact Don Todd,
200 Hinsdale House, or Bruce Fer-
guson, 5862.
. . . to sing Figaro
* ;
Austin To Sing
Role of Figaro
In Opera Here
Henry Austin, graduate student
in the speech department, will sing
the role of Figaro in Mozart's
comic opera "The Marriage of Fi-
garo," to be presented March 11-15
by students in the music school
and the speech department.
Austin, who was starred here
last spring in "The Old Maid and
the Thief" has had wide experi-
ence in professional acting and
singing, including a role in the
Danny Kaye production of "Let's:
Face It" on Broadway.
Rose IDerderian and Vgiria
Persons will alternate in the role
of the Countess with Dalisay Al-
daba singing the part of Susanna.{
Other leading menibers of the
cast include Carolyn Street Aus-
tinl, Laurence McKenna, Ruthann
P. FitzGerald, Robert Sill, Robert
Holland, Norris Greer, Howard
Hatton and Barbara Lee Smith.
Tickets for the production will
go on sale at 10 a.m. Friday at
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
P-of. Valentine Windt of the
speech department will direct the
production with Prof. Wayne Dun-
lap, of the music school and con-
ductor of the 'U' Orchestra, direct-
ing the music. Prof. Dunlap will
be assisted by Edynn Hames.
/GP Costumes ,,
Women interested in working on
the costume committee of the JGP
will meet today at 7:30 p.m. in
Rm. C of the League.
In southwestern desert areas of
the United States as much as 100
inches of water will dry up in a
year's time.
For Michigras
To End Today
Booth Appicaion'i
Deadline Is Monday
Today is the final day for stu-
dents to volunteer for Michigras
committees, according to Collee
Ide and Allan Farnsworth, co-
The deadline for booth space
applications for the all-campus
carnival is Monday.
Eligible students may sign up
for work with booths, publicity,
concessions, prizes, programs, and
ticket committees for the '47
Michigras, which is to be presented
Friday and Saturday, April 25 and
26, at Yost Field House. Names
are to be turned in at the WAA
Box in the League or the Union
Student Offices.
Booth Applications
All campus residences may sub-
mit plans for a booth to be spon-
sored at the carnival. -First and
second choice of booth should be
stated on the application form, as
well as an estimate of the cost.
Costs will be paid by the Michi-
gras committee to a certain maxi-
mum amount, and any additional
expense will be underwritten by
the sponsoring house. All sorori-
ties, fraternities, men's and wom-
en's dorms, and league houses are
eligible to submit Dlans.;
Color Sketches
Applications will be considered
by the committee and notification
of acceptance will be made by post
Each group should have a title
for its booth, and should submit a
color sketch with the entry. Appli-
cation forms may be obtained from
Jerry Gaffney, 2-2543, or Keith
Jordan, 2-4431. The forms should
be submitted by Monday to the
Michigras box in the Undergradu-
ate Office of the League or the
Union Student Offices.
Chemists Will
Discuss Jobs
An occupational forum which
will survey job opportunities and
their educational requirements in
applied chemistry will be held at
8 p.m. today in the Rackham Am-
Speakers will be Prof. RaymondI
M. Keller of the che.mistry depart-
ment and Prof. Donald L. Katz ofa
the chemical engineering depart-1
ment. Phi Lambda Upsilon, na-
tional chemical honorary society,
will sponsor the meeting.
During many months of the
year more water evaporates fromi
the Great Lakes than flows overt
Niagara Falls.;
1I1SUI l Tryouts . .
Ensian tryouts will -meet at 4
p.m. today in the Student Publi-
cations Building to have their pie-
turc tiaken.
II lid IDiseussioi, **
"The Whole is Greater Than
Any otIk Parts" will be the sub-
jvc(t of a discuission to he led by
Rabbi Herschel Lymon at 8:15
p.m. today at Hillel Foundation.
After Rabbi Lymon has spoken
on how the Jewish problem is
linked with the general world
problem, the audience will par-
ticipate in the discussion.
Wo f en voters .. .
The Ann Arbor League of
Women Voters will hold a discus-
sion group meeting at 2 p.m. to-
day at the home of Mrs. E. W.
Dow, 544 Thompson St.
The tolpic of discussion will be
"tow the Wheels Go Round."
The evening international group
will neet at 8 p.m. Thursday at the
home of Mrs. Lawrence Preuss,
2403 Pit tsfield Blvd., Pittsfield Vil-
Furniture Lecture . .
Leo Jiranek, consultant de-
signer from New York, will speak
on furniture design at 11 a.m.
today in the East Lecture Room
of the Rackham Building.
Although the talk is primarily
for students in the Wood Tech-
nology Program in the forestry
school, it will be open to the
Chess Club Meeting..
The Student Chess Club will
hold a tournament at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 302 of the Union. All
interested students should bring
their own boards and men.
4 I
Architecture Talk ...
Mr. Lynn Fry will speak on
"The Campus Construction Pro-
gram" at 4 p.m. today in the
Architecture Auditorium.
Sponsored by the American
Institute of Architects, the talk
is open to the public.
Arabic Course..
A course in modern Arabic will
be offered by the. Arab League
beginning at 7 p.m. today in the
International Center and contin-
uing every Wednesday and Friday
Time of the class meetings is
subject to change depending upon
the convenience of the students.
There is no charge for the instruc-
tion. Interested persons may reg-
ister at the office of the Inter-
national Center or call 4121, ext.
Class officers will be chosen
today by seniors in the archi-
tecture school who will graduate
in June or August.
The meeting will be held at 5
p.m. In Rm. 101. Arch. Bldg.
* * *
Spanish Film. .
Sociedad Hispanica will present
the film "A Visit to Mexico" and
a special Castanette dance by one
of its members at its regular meet-
ing 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Inter-
national Center.
The film will be open to the pub-
* * *
Business Talk . ..
A talk on problems of plant
expansion will be sponsored by
Alpha Kappa Psi, Business Ad.
fraternity, at 4 p.m. tomorrow in
Rm. 313 of the Union.
H. M. Kidd, Toledo business
man, will stress the South Amer-
ican field in his talk. The lec-
ture is open to the public.
_. _..
Class Election . .
Senior Society-..
Senior Society will meet
p.m. today in the League.
room will be posted.
at 5
French Lecture..
Prof. Edward Ham of the Ro.
mance Language Department wil
lecture on "Renart et les Crois-
ades," at 4:10 p.m. tomorrow, Rm
D, Alumni Memorial Hall, undei
the sponsorship of Le Cercle Fran.
c ais,
Faculty-Student Tea..
A faculty-student tea honor-
ing members of the Spanish De-
partment will be held 3:30 to 5
p.m. tomorrow in the Russian
Tea Room of the League.
* * *
Epidemic danger from malaria
in the United States is remote, A
combination of Anopheles 'mos-
quitoes and active infections
would be required and only dur-
ing an untreated relapse could a
patient transmit the disease (an
ordinary mosquito cannot spread
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