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March 11, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-03-11

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TUESDAY,. MACH 11, 1947

................. . . ...... . ............ .......... . ......... . . . ........... . ......... .

Authorities Accuse Garg Staff
Of Posing as College Students

Blushing coyly, the AAUP, the
University Senate, and the Board
of Regents have categorically ban-
ned the March Gargoyle from
campus sale.
As is customary in such cases,
Will Petition t
Interviewing for sophomore pe-
titioning will begin today and ex-
tend through Friday, March 21,
Jean Louise Hole, chairman of
the League Interviewing Commit-
tee, said yesterday.
Eligibility cards must be signed
by the Merit-Tutorial Committee
before the interview. Coeds must
also submit the names of a fac-
ulty member, an upperclass-
woman, and their housemother
for reference either on their peti-
tion or at the time of their inter-
Interviewing will be held today
from 2 to 5:30 p.m.; tomorrow
and Friday from 3 to 5:30 p.m,;
next Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday from 3 to 5:30 p.m.; and
next Tuesday from 2 to 5:30 p.m.
Slosson to Lead
MYDA Discussion
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department will act as
moderator for a forum to be held
by Michigan Youth for Democrat-
ic Action at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Union.
(Continued from Page 5)
American Pharmaceutical As-
sociation, student branch, 7:30
p.m., March 12, East Conference
Room Rackham Bldg. Mr. Lind-
wall, representative of the Eli
Lily Co., will speak on the sub-
ject, "Diabetes and Its Cure."
Sigma Xi: 8 p.m., Wednesday,
March 12, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Dr. Orren C. Mohler will speak
on the subject, "The Atmosphere
of the Sun." The public is in-
Undergraduate Education Club:
Open meeting, 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
March 12, UES library. Professor
Wingo and Mr. William Morse will
lead the discussion on "Do Teach-
ers have the right to strike?" Re-
Scalp and Blade: Short business
meeting and pledge meeting, 7
p.m., Sunday, March 16, Union.
Pictures of the 1942 Michigan-
Notre Dame game wil'l be shown.
Formal initiation has been post-
poned until March 23. Any mem-
bers desiring to bring guests may
do so.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration fratern-
ity. Smoker, Wed., March 12, 7:30
p.m., Rm. 304, Union.
Scabbard and Blade: 8:30 p.m.,
Wed., March 12, Michigan Union.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
Inter-Faith Committee: 4 p.m.,
Wed., March 12, at the Hillel
Foundation. All students invited.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Meeting of the Forencis Commit-
tee, 3 p.m., Wed., March 12. Every-

one interested is invited.

the Gargoyle staff will have no
right of appeal.
Labeling the March issue as a
"threat. to the high-minded prin-
ciples of 100 per cent American
non-Communist education," Lu-
cius P. Haggard, spokesman forl
the anti-Gargoyle forces declar-
ed, "Members of the Gargoyle have1
infiltrated themselves into all
walks of campus life, posing as;
ordinary students in many classes.
They are excellent organizers and
powerful but insidious trouble-
makers. They foment unrest by
asking pertinent questions. If;
their fellow classmates knew the
principles for which the staff
stands, they would not tolerate
Gargoylists in their University."
Muchado Manifesto
"Managing editor E. H. McKin-
lay should be drawn and quarter-
ed," Markham B. Muchado, pres-
ident of the "I am a University
Man" Clurb, asserted yesterday.
McKinlay, who posed for the art
staff sketches of Garg, has been
drawn before, but never quarter-
ed. "I used to live in Willow Vil-
lage, though," he said in'his own
defense, "but that is neither here
nor in Ypsilanti."
Action to curtail the Gargoyle
arose following the staff's an-
nouncement last week that the
March issue would present Garg's
Guide to the Comprehensive Edu-
"Sixteen years in sixteen pages,"
is the staff's claim. Starting with
pre-school nursery rhymes, the
March Gargoyle (scheduled for
sale Friday) is designed to take
the prospective student through
grammar school and high school
in one easy swoop. Delayed mo-
mentarily by two pages of regis-
tration material, he is then able
to complete his essential college
education in English, history, geo-
graphy, mathematics, biology, and
foreign languages.
"It's not that we object so much
to the type of education Garg of-
fers. In any enlightened democ-
racy we agree that both sides of
the March issue should be pre-
sented. But the Gargoyle has ab-
solutely no regard for University
efficiency," Beauregard J. Nore-
gard pointed out in explaining
why Garg was banned.
'Ticket Sale Opens
For League Dance
Tickets for the League House
Dance, which will be held from 2
to 5 p.m. Saturday in the League
bahroom, will be on sale from 10
to 12 a.m. and irom 1 to i p.m.
today through Friday in the lobby
and at the door of the ballroom
on Saturday.

Story Teller
Wins Babe,
The Blue Ox
Babe, the Blue Ox, returned to
Ann Arbor Saturday when she
was awarded to "Texas" Webster.
winner of the Liar's Contet teld
by the forestry school at its all-
nual banquet with the Michigani
State College forestry school.
Babe, a replica of Paul Bunyan's
pet, was carved by a University
forestry student several years ago
and is the symbol of champion
"tall" story-telling between Mich-
igan State College and the Uni-
versity's forestry schools. '1 his is
the second time that the Univer-
sity foresters won her back.
Webster's tale on the plight of
a domesticated catfish in Texas
was judged by faculty members of
both universities to be "taller"
than his opponent's, which con-
cerned Paul Bunyan's corn stalk.
Guest speaker was Roberts
Mann, Superintendent of Cook
County Forest Preserve, Illinois
who gave a talk on bringing con-
servation to the city, and em-
phasized the necessity for preserv-
ing a wildlife area around the city.
This banquet is held annually
between Michigan State College
and the University.
(Continued from Page 1
naire had also been used with
adaptations in the Psychology 41
course, Guetzkow said that ques
tionnaires to be really effectiv
would probably have to vary some
what from course to course as wel
as from department to depart
mcmt. One of the reasons for such
variations, he said, is that teach
ers want to determine the value o
particular teaching techniques.
Although the questionnaire
were handed out during the gen
eral lecture for all psychology 3
sections, 57 per cent of the stu
dents chose to participate in th
first grading and 35 per cent i
the second.
Expresses Disappointment
Miss Riegal expressed disap
pointment last night over th
number of students who partici
pated and said she felt sure tha
the institution of faculty gradin
throughout the literary collee
v,ould arouse school-wide inter
The questionnaire was drawn a
and the results tabulated as
Legislature project. Dean Hay
ward Kenniston announced Fel
15 that student evaluation of fac
ulty services had been approve
for the literary college and tha
faculty committees are working o
plans for putting the system mt

Fied Courses
Reaehes 150
ItI I oth V ills uhl's38
.Enrolhnen' i lthe first post-war
fi('1d ('Ourse in educaiO lto he of-
iere( in the Iower Peninsula of
Michigan has climbed to 150, it
was announced yesterday by E. J.
Soop, assistant director of the
University Extension Service.
Upper and Lower Peninsula
The Lower Peninsula program
began Feb. 24, and is now running
concurrently with the field course
in the Upper Peninsula, which
was reinstituted last fall. "This is
the first time we have had this
type of program running in both
the Upper and Lower Peninsula
at the same time," Soop said.
'Circuit Riding'
The main purpose of a field
course is to bring classwork into
localities which normally could
not be reached by regular Univer-
sity extension courses. To iccom-
plish this, a different faculty
member leaves each week for a
"circuit riding" trip throughout
the areas coveredby each course.
He spends one day in each com-
munity, teaching two consecutive
periods of the same class. This
plan makes it possible to estab-
lish courses in points whose loca-
tion would make impossible the
usual Extension Service policy of
holding one hour classes several
times a week.
The education field course now
being taught has been prepared
1 under the direction of Dean J. B.
- Edmonson, of the school of educa-
tion. The purposes of the cours
-are to conserve the time and ef-
l fort of those who wish to keep
- abreast of more recent trends ir
classroom instruction, provide fo]
an effective tie-up between edu-
f cational theory and practice, anc
to stimulate a genuine desire or
the part of the teacher to grow
s professionally by working on rea
- problems in his own school oc
1 classroom.
Prof. Newco A
To Address IRA

Bias in textbooks is a I hrt'at t
a sympathletic understaroi t g ofi[ i
other countries as well as to
friendly relations between regiins
and lpopulatiOn} groups of our own
country, Dean James B. lmon -
son, of the education school said
"We need an authentic report
on what is taught and what
should be taught in the American
schools and colleges about Russia
we also need to know what is
taught in Russian schools anut
the United States," Dean Edmon-
son stated.
Relatively Unerased
He believes that American text-
books are relatively free from de-
liberate bias, but that there is
grave danger that prejudicial
teaching may result from the pro-
paganda to which pupils and
teachers are continuously subject-
It is true that even if textbooks
were completely free from bias, it
would still be possible for preju-
dices to find expression in the
classroom since teachers and pu-
pils are both influenced by preju-
dices expressed in their homes, in
the newspapers, and over the ra-
dio, he declared, adding that sec-
tional prejudices often make it
impossible to avoid prejudiced
*According to reports, our coun-
try is grossly misrepresented to

Biased Textbooks Threaten
Sympathetic Understanding

thie Russian children," hie said.
'There is, however, much evidence
that American children are learn-
in little about Russia except the
views of extremists as expressed
by the propaganda of the anti-
Russian groups and the equally
objectional propaganda of the
pro-Russian advocates."
Common Ideals
Immediately after World War I
a study was made entitled, "Civic
Attitudes in American School
Textbooks," which revealed evi-
dence of some unwarranted bias
in textbooks, Dean Edmonson re-
The Canada-United S t a t e s
Committee on Education produced
evidence to the effect that the
s:chools of both Canada and the
United States have, failed to stress
adequately the "common ideals
and aspirations, the mutual prob-
lems and common achievements,
and the other evidences of genu-
ine friendship." Similar reports
are needed on the textbooks of
other countries," Dean Edmonson
INow at 115 West Liberty!

5nnd f -y Ofder or Ched.If you are not completely satisfied, return jacket
w him Sgays for full refund.
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Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of
the sociology department will
speak on "Prejudice vs: Discrimin-
ation" at a meeting of the Inter-
Racial Association at 7:15 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union.
In distinguishing between pre-
judice and discrimination, Prof.
Newcomb will stress the part IRA
can pay in fighting both.
-CTe o 7 Sat , . 0r 111d Or square-
headed ----wtldee r n one to
yourIfactil features!
,mele as(oIa fBarbers
U etween NicI i. andm&Slate i'heatres

100th Anniversary of the Birth of Alexander raham Bell . March 3, 1947

A very limited quantity of
nationally advertised expan-
sion watch bands
27 Men's 10K gold register-
ed and guaranteed watch
bands. Were $32.50. Now
12 Men's standard gold filled
watch bands. Were $11.50.
Now $5.00.
40 Ladies' 10K gold register-
ed and guaranteed watch
bands. Were $25.00. Now

He gave
the world
a new Voice

'y Moffett, 1918.

Alexander Graham Bell was a teacher
of the deaf. He was also a trained
scientist who made it possible for
millions upon millions of people to
hear each other by telephone.
The telephone brought something
into the world that had not been
* .- . A t.-a n'dnr

try was born, destined to employ
hundreds of thousands of men and
women and be of service to everyone
in the land.
Alexander Graham Bell was a great
humanitarian, not only as a teacher
of the deaf, but in his vision of the
hAn,-ftc tht- telenhnne mcoulbring

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