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February 01, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…be 4~t)O 94r PaiL VOL. X. W IL E T Fine H WINTER and SPRING E Suitings, Golf Suits, Fancy Testincgs. T DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY AWe Carryq the Largest Stock L In the Cityj 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. WI LDER'S SPECIAL Tisi caferascato a graftot bruties thatwil not sled their bristles..«Ie replace all defechteonea,,. 25C> Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD Frsvrl ek eh BRELIAB LEafullnorLNHS R. E. JOLLY & CC A Medical Dictionary Very Campletctnd Up-t...…

February 01, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UN I VE SITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY I Puolished Daeiy (Sundayaexcete)drngthe College year, at T U3 U1VERSI[Y OF MICHIGAN. orcEt The Ilated Press;, Heaning Block. Beth Phoese 147. YIANAGING EDITOR. F. EGELHARDot, '01 L. tIC IN +,S8 iIBANAGEB. T .l ooIii v 'o (.A.1,hate eUeAc. '01 E A. G.7teN ,'H ', J B. lioon, 500 C.. J. ilhea occeec iii SW.C 1. c i ClEsEVee 00 Aet The eahceeeito rce0f11tiDs1 .( o he coleli yier. itha ti<rleier eo noonce c ...…

February 01, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -ar H'LDEBRAP JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRI( SID THE. NEW TAILOR, CE. 120 WASHINGTON ST. 1, J 3 2'2Z 13 , - - - -- MICHIGAN CENTRAL The NiagaraFalls Route" letclv h ihtoah OIN'1114. 31' NI)AII) T11411. Trtki,,g ('filot N\oVC11r 19, 1899. ~ ~ ' ooo s o 1 ..Or h",inrt" ('1 11 h irtsill Grand 111111 p t .. 1t10 lii psi 1 1 IX!. tt11 t5 1 i i ltw, Mliliu II 1113c.. .. 3, . 11. 0<i' X.X N. Y. Bot oS...…

February 01, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Joe'. 1 Oc. AWe have bought the re- niainder of the edition )f the '-nd Nviii pot them111oi wole Wednesday, Jano- "lly 240h at t0c EACH ~he~I~dn&0Go 'pulishers, Bookoellero, Stationers, and Engravers, ,320 8S SThATL ST., ANN nROR- - - - IlIClIGtIAN O M Barber VAO AH Shop anti Bath the Cityj. Sea. sonable 'ates. 3202 STATE. I. R. Trojanowski NBfIRBEhR UtA Ik F FN TEE HeTISFetGTION. UJNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF =...…

February 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…Wbe 4f 94 Pai1( VOL. X. ANN AHBOR, MICJI., FHII)AY. FEBRUARY 2, 1900 No 95. W ILD T T Fine H WINTER and SPRING H E Suitings, Golfl Suits, E Fancy Vestings. T DRESS SUITS ASPECIALTY T A We Carry the Largest A Stock L In the City L 0 108 EAST WASHINGTON ST. 0 R R WIL D *WILDER'S SPECIAL ThIeta femto banotf tooth bototta tthat will not aed teir rio to' We rplie all Wilder's Pharmacy THE OLD F~o sve, i wekwt liv RELI ABLE sthamn'no w(hA- R. E....…

February 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UNIVERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Publihed Daily (Sndas ecepted) dno~g the College yer, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MGIBN, Oreto'ho Inad Pess, Henin, Block. Both Phoe, 147. MANAGING EDITOR. F NEaLtanD0L BUSNESS MANAGER. . 11. Be, .'00 L. EDITORS. ATH'ILTIC, . . . (G. Di Uecaue', '01 T.IR. Wosonlow,00'L. A.II.Bo'cDnoo,'O E A. O. BROWNE, '02. E. J. B. Woo, '00, L..J. NGMoeas,'R,'00, X. .0. oeoCRE,'tOEM, The subscipo...…

February 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIlGAN DAMlY. 3 H PRCiE-to close out remainder of stock-on the best line of strictly j cnstom made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice R E D U C E Dand exclusive, and they also have a feature long sought and that you can get nowhere else. At the price-one forty-nine-they will he No mistake in styles here C____ SPE ' - 117 MAIN STREET -~ann'a~T _________TfE BEST MAKES OF ",The Niagara Fulls Route'" '...…

February 02, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…4' THE UNIVERSITY OF MITCHIGAN DAILY. 1 Fine Writing BY THE POUND:- P pe 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Agents for Geo. B. Huord's and Crane's Fine Stationery. $10000 In Your Inside Pocket Iscwhai you can cave on a suior ccercoat made aayourcorder by cc. Weccarant ea aperect ft orno aaw. lall acdalecec o bbygatioc ao buy, ccanicme n-e c a nt noer 3,00 nampleswcla - yo AllWl noitR andOcal t fr om ann$1200 up. God ich, Vlhr'...…

February 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

… '4evf 94ll PaiLt4 VOL. X. ANN AR~BOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1900 No 96. Spring Announcement 3. H. WILD & CO. VWe have just receiveui ooi line of springawoolens for men' wear. It includies eereiything in staples that ar suitale and (le- sirabie for the season. We are also showing foil ranges ins nov- eities, in quiiity soil style to shit the moot exacting taste, consistings of ' OP ICoats, Susit- losFancy Ve sis soil Golf Troirser...…

February 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…'2THE UN! V E SH'Y 01 MICHIGAN DAILY &~Th ~ IeHutooru and Political Science Parkcr'8 Carrptis journal (lub. Puoixwxied Dail} ex eiii ct t ur d i the At he l1ft lei ii5 of0the i toryiiarlix f . . . f(t oo.a oiia ceceJtrll ft . rnhC o nC ag I -;A U l xstyPofessor- xl hl 1.oi iio \UII+ *q *+Fec oo nCag o dv TYoM rcFURJ'OSIIESOFIRST-CLf1SS BOARD. Bot 'i~iw 4" al oi SmeIictttre o ((tlvall! REGULAR BOARD $2"75." 11EAL TICKETS $3.00. Shor't 11xxicilp...…

February 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SGLE NJO AND _ SMANDOLIN CLUB U Annual Home Concert will be Given in _ UNIVERSITY HALL= I SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 10th. t AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP. ms Reserved Seats on sale at Calkins' Drug Store r *lI commencing Tuesday morning Feb. 6, at 9 o'clock. -=1 4- 40 Reserved Seats, 75c and $i.oo d General Admission for Seats in rear +0. of Balcony, - - - - 50 Cents m e i …

February 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UIVERSITY OF! MICHIGAN DAILY For JUNIOR HOP All Styles All Sizes PAT. LEATH ERS GO~I$'I S°LL AGENTS 1F°RIINANNSU2ES 19SUHMI MICHIGAN CENTRAL 'The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Tainag Effect November 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express ...........555 A. . AtlanticExpresso.......... 7 45" Grand Rapids Eopresso....... i....110" Mailand Express............. 347P.m.. N. Y. BotonaSpecial ............458" Fast Eastern................…

February 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 96) • Page Image 5

…THE UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN DAI1LY. Up Town : 310 S. State St. Down Town: Opp. Court House, Main St. OUR BOOK BUIhA 88 18 GRZOW1NG By always givillour 01])It Iotis one hi11(1dre(ets Avortli for0one dollar. WE' AVANT INo IT 11I A BE f'or tie o~ieniniie oo tALN1) D ELY SIE, ant t 0u11 onlel.shock of ULa n d 3led hec1look s - anti1 exi -Boois1(f1rtevery tiejiatitt eiti,both nei n Id et conctd la, is ]tow reanly. Threerta-ons b} wi'.t we hope to ...…

February 06, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

…64 U THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Fine Writing BY Paper BTHE POUND:- 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Agents for Geo. B. Hiurd's and Crane's Fine Stationery. STUDENTS remiember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, which we fully guarantee. What nole can you ask? Try ns. 1'IRTIN $,CHALLIEIR DO'-# YO'U $1ti'4OKEt%? 4 Pittsbutrg Stogries for 3Bill Aitaliooti Cigars for 4 Britnswick Cigri...…

February 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…be 'tOf' 94 PaiL~4 VOL. X. ANN AR{BOR, MICH., THURSDAY. FEB3RUARY 8, 1900) No 98. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO. Wte hav e just receivedi ou line of spring wooens for men sear. It includes everythsig in staples that are suitable and ie- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in no- eties, it quality and style to suit the imost exacting taste consisting of. Top Coats, Suit- iogs Fancy Vests and Golf T[rouserings. ...…

February 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…THE UN Of NUCHIGAN DAILY 2 2 THE UN VLI+ITY 01 MICHiGAN DAILY Pooooolod Daily (Oonday o o ptoot otooo~og the College yearoat THE UNIVERS71Y OF MIGMAN. opicE: TheoIlandototPress.Heningoo ,Block. Both it too tco.147. MIANAGOING. EDlITO. F. ENooto-otoot.01 tL. totJoIN lt 201.0 \ GIAIt 101)11'())It S ATIILL'l(;S, G.0'1). IuI a 101001E TX. t loo o. '00 1..A. L. I Mt ('GALL, 1. 01 &. G. Botaoo'02. E, J.B. Wol,000,0 L. J. MoolOt so,'Utt. \V D. H11...…

February 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HILDERAND THE NEW TAILOR, 120 WASHINGTON ST. XC-IGAN CENTRALI ',The NiagaraFalls Route" let5be te'jhtcjabr Alarm O K I CENTRIAL STANDARD TIME. migOa. Ns n 9189 U. of Ml. Pils c0c to $10.00. Fine GoixGEAST.Watch Repairinga Specialty. Expes ....... . 555a.u.0 r i,, T net (>lo e hirts 11n A: ,Epes ee uyr W indow - lnoitl an ict, J.L, CHAPMAN, JEWELER, 11 ro d Exprss . ....…

February 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 GLEE, BANJO AND 0, A ~ICLUBS t'* Annual Home Concert will be Given in t it -tom " UNIVERSITY HALL + SATURDAY EVENING, FEB. 10th. I FEle 1 t4-111 AT 8 O'CLOCK SHARP. SReserved Seats on sale at Calkins' Drug Store 4 commencing Tuesday morning Feb. 6, at 9 o'clock. t Reserved Seats, 75c and $.00 '=t IGeneral Admission for Seats in rear rof Balcony, - - - - 50 rears $ .-AN% row .,tf. Ntf, Ntf .Stf, "\tfi su s...…

February 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 98) • Page Image 5

…THE UNIVERSITY 0OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Up Town: 310 S. State St. Down Town: Opp. Court House, Main St. - ~ OUR BOOK BU81N588 18 GR~OWING SBy always giving our patrons one hundred ents worth for one dIollar. WE WANT VOITI TRADE Sfor the opening of SEtCOND) SE "IEST'EIt, and1 our olll1lete stock of Law and M1edical Books and Text-Books for every department, both new and second~ hand, is now readly. Three reasons by which we hope to obtain and1 reta...…

February 08, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 98) • Page Image 6

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY Fine Writing Ew'J POUND:-Pa e STUDENTS remember that we can supply you with a $1.00 Fountain Pent, the Laughlin or Waterman, which %ve fully guarantee. What mote can you ask ? Try us. 14ARTIN $CHAIIJER DO," YOU $MOKE? D. R~ TI NKEF & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATSCAPS, MEN'S FUIINS and Completelineof GOr. caSUc GODeS and SWEAERS. AOENCY Fun LONGILEY HATS 334 South State Stree . 4 Lrll>> LJ...…

February 10, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

….dhbmmmm..A !Xbr lt*of 94 Pai~~4. VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY'. FEBRUARY 10, 1900. No. 99. Sprin~g A BEAUTIFUL DANCE. Anouce en WATERMAN GYMNASIUM THE SCENE OF THE FINEST _ PARTY nlF RFCFNT YFARP'_ G. H. WILD & CO. We have just receiveol our line of spring woolens for men' wear. It includles everything in staples that are suitable and ule- sirable for the season. We are also showcing full ranges in nov- eities, in quality and...…

February 10, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UN NE R SITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY J 1 I t C 1t.)air!Re bor. ~Parker's Campus Phi Kappa Psi-\rs. Moore Mr3. f Pti~tttdDeiy Sndy' n ote duag heGreene anadi rs. Pratt, IAn rbor;thle col ge yefaisss.r Cook in Charge THE UNIVEfSI1Y OF MCHIGAN. Hortot. Gillert, Grerite, Rider, Bartel- FURNISHESoFIRST-CLASS BOAR~D. Boee-th 14t7dRot. Hnin te Z aeta t. tostr ia ro. REGULAR BOARD 2.75. fMEAL TICKETS $300. Short B_...…

February 10, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01" MICH[GA\T DAILY. M /\MM V 'V1 W /\''V / /\Mi /\.W /\ 'V V M/ M/V iwv 'V /V wvvvW /WV .'WV /W NVV /W V NV r/ / / l'./V /W 'WV rWV M/V 9 = =.:M MMMM M " ' /W / MMMM/W / MM/W / /V M/ M/ 1/ MMMMM MM/W / MN\MMM/ / / / M.1M ,MM/ / M iv i. .n z.N ~PAT . LEATH ERS S°LLZ AGENTS Lr°R? FANAN S[1-E~S For JUNIOR HOP All Styles All Sizes GOODeP1]ED'$ 119 SOUTH MAIN «wwww.iw w niww vwwwwvw wwwww vwvvww .iw , w , ;, Mi .n iv .v . ii.i...…

February 10, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY, 4 TH UNIERSIY OFMICHGAN AIL Writing BYf THlE POUND:--Pa e S 0,25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Akert for Geo. B. Hurd's and Crane's Fine Stationery. '45 Visiting Cards Engraved with po.pper Plate, $1.25. 'American Torchon, Raw Silk and Cheviot Mat Boards. MOUNTING BOARDS. Paster Papers in all the Popular Colors.. 'lies, IBooksellers, Stationers, and Engr avers, STUDENTS remember that we can supply you with...…

February 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…ASheIM- UtO( '4lt .PaIo VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1 [900. No 100. The Musical Club's Concert. sucht as to coil forth most farrorablivcrit- Katherine Oliver's Recital. Spring The annueal tonie concert of the Glee. icisnts fromt all over thte couttry. Tihe foilo-n lag are amiongthoe patronos Batjo ttaIdiMatndolini clubs givetsin n O tid isr olatt tto0k lrilege, of 'te Scofthtrecital of Miss Kateritne Announc m n tl...…

February 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

… THE UN I V E;E1bITY 01, MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UN' VEIlSIlY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Poiwbe d Daily (Stedy e,epteici dee g the Colieg.yer, tt THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHGAN orrice:c The tInlad Pee, Henig Boc. Bth thee, 1. 11:IAGAING ICICTR~. F. hEl r.n1.1ttete'Oh L. t1 i1NSS51:1: LGE'. rihti rH. 15 0 .)htehe,'iC . R. eceecie '0t L. A. tt. MD Ucitt1,'tC E A. G. Becececia '. . . B. lWool), 'h0, L.. J. M ce\ TtOEstv, 'hi, w 'h. tt.tettit. 'echM Theetioceiti...…

February 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.3 3 lV EVI RED CED i 11,0 mistake in r styles here s =i -' fir- r- r=r PRICS-to close out remainder of stock-on the beet line of strictly cnstom-made shirts ever shown in the city. The patterns are choice and exclnsive, and they also have a featnre long songht and that yon can get nowhere else. At the price-one forty-nine-they will he snapped op quick. i ) IFI GoODPE u 117 MAI STREE -fi r- r- e- r-- .- ,...…

February 13, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY D 4: TINKER~ & SON Fine S AUrJEMIA. HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for W i ngremember that we can supply you with a $1.00 HAS, Cr, MEi's FE NISseaSw Fountain Pen, tie Laughlin or Waterman, which ad Gorplet lie O GMASIsUM W ritingwe fuly gura'nee Wht moe can yo ask 7'Tr us. ossradlWAER. S Paper M A 1, 7 yoAGENCY FOR LONOVGLEYSATS BY THE POUND:- D . S K _ 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. DO YOU $iYIOIKIEin and rha...…

February 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…be ' of 94 PaiL~4 VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, 31ICH., WED~NESD5AY, FEBRUARY 11, 1900 No. 101. Spring Announcement J:J:JItJ G. H. WILD & Co. 'al~l W5e have just receiveil our line of springswoolens for men's wear. It includes ev erything in staples that aire suitable and ale- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in qjuality an(d style to suit the most exactiug taste, consisting of 'l'op C.oats, Suit- ungs, 1Fan...…

February 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…THE UN IVE1{S ITY OIf MICHIGAN DAILY Ill ~Vermont Unicersittija 8ensation. ~j., ~ 'The students of the University of Vermont have not in years heen so Pubiited natty (Sunday s eepteefd)es ~g the! much aroused aso over the attempt now tollege atn progr ess to enforce the penalty for THEE UNIVERSIIY OF MICHIGAN. cheating in the examinations under Uept55: The Inlad Preas', HnningBioch. the so-called "honor" system. Of the Both Phonec. t47, __ __...…

February 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. l COATS for Spring-the most convenient coat in a gentleman's out- T O P fit We are showing a line that come nearer to " made-to-order" ~T O Pthan anything yet produced. It will pay yon to see them. $12 to $20. (GOOD8FPEED'S . I17 MRIN STREET L Sles ealways eorrect Iher e.Receccnnnew Siring Stl/es in [fees eae.y __________t TH-E BEST MAKES OF tThe Niagara Falls Route." A CENTRAL STANDARDt TIME. -tc lr h b t grp...…

February 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…4 4 THE UINIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Fine Wrilting BY THlE POUND:-Pa e 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Agents for Geo. B. lord's and Crane's Fine Stationery. 100 Visiting Cards Engraved witi) Caopper Plate, $1.25. American Torchon, Raw Silk and Cheviot Mat Boards. MOUNTING BOARDS. Poster Papers in all the Popolar Colors. ~I166~dII& 0Go $1000 In Your Inside Pocket Isawbat youcan saeonaastor overcoat msade to yourarder bys. Weg...…

February 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 102) • Page Image 1

… '*or 9 4lf , P iu VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1900 No 102. SprngyOFFICIAL PROGRAM land; "Tiherange," Gerge B. Hor-I DIPLOMATIC COURSE tan, Frit Ridge; 6:10, "The Farmer __ 0f Michigan State Farmers' Insti- aa a Businesa Man" A. C. Bird, Agri-TobEsaihe-P eednso Announcem ent Lu~~tte, Fith Annual Round-up. cltural college; 0:40, "The Farmer aa ob salsed Poednso Announcemen a Citien" lon. Cyrus G. Lce, Cold- Regents' Me...…

February 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 102) • Page Image 2

…THE .UNoV }.l-,sll I Of MICHIGAN DAMI Pa tietod Daiy (Stnd aysexeptd) dr ng th ( oott er toat THE UNIVESI(Y OF MICHIGAN. ot The nattd P e, Hnnig Bok. Both fhtone. 147 IIANAG(1NG EIIT)11 iastl~aNtito.M NA(0I-!I. (.i itA 'CI.0 1. Uaa 111, 1. ttoot,010 . lt. ot toowO 0L.1 A 1 MOtUOwoot,10 A.J C}. too ott I'0( 0 J131. tiWoo,00 1 'rho O~w lt ttit Otprice; o t tt t .00 O Tot no -o t- tdy Notts, oto- niaina w ttotr1it o tt In t ~tfor t tht' toto oto...…

February 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 102) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01F MICHIGAN DAILY. JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. HIDBA THE NEW TAILORSI DI 120 WASHINGTONST MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Takin.g Effect Noeinbher 19, 1899. Detroit Night Express........I....555 A. Int. Atlantic Expess..........7 45" Grand Rapids Express....'.....11 1tO Mai and Exprsi.............. 3475. N. Y. Boston Speial...."........458 Fast Ea-tern. . . "4 MaiosotdlExpress...…

February 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 102) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAy DAILY 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY I Fine Writing BY THE POUN___ ape 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Agents for Geo. B. liurd's and Crane's line Stationery. SThBENTS remember that we can supply you withi a $1.00 Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, awhich we fully guarantee. What mot e can you ask ? Try tic. MARTIN $ CHALLJ'R 4 Pittsbuxg, Stocie-s for 13 Dill Attloty CioitI's for 4 B~runswic...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…Wbe '4ev 4.0 iuttF5 al VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1900 FINANCIAL MATTERS giate. It sa referred to the Board of SprigCnrl Considered byj the Athletic Board.- lie reptort of the finaincial secretary Announcemn t Monett to be Raised byj Lecture fromo Atil1t 1899, to Jatn. t, 1900, fol- 1 9and Dance--Financial I FOOTBALL. 'Statement. Peeecpts- PG I-H I.WI L D & CO* onsiicetibie rootote hasiness ssasPGamrs ........$4,209 95 t...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVEWI"VlIX 01 MICHIGAN DAILY U 0;1 #1* ttii. Poteched Datty (Sundacys excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ()~m The Intlad Press, Henntng Block. Both Pheoe, t47. iOANAGING EDITOR. F.BENGELtHARD.c'01tLt IUSINESS MANAGER. it.Ii. fleet. 'tt L. I"1ITORtS. A,'i'ILETtCS,. . . G. D. ttcosece, '01 B T. tK. Weeccect, '00 L. A. It. MeDecUsAec,,'01 B A. G. Beeceec, '02. E. J. B. WeeD, 'to, G. J. MeeeaeoEee,'Ot, W. D. H...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…THlE UNIVER.ISI' OF MIC(I44N IDAILY. 3 EDUCED L $3.50 GL HE 29 SPECIAL [PRICES ON ALL LINESG 19SOT MAIN ST. MICHIG N CENPAL ~THE BEST MAK2ES OF The Niagara Fals oue." . fep't~hl, the 1fhebot'oy L er Mii A1l CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. G Ili Iiili1[1S } DetrottNight Expressl ... ..............4455. I,2Schn se B im ', ahbrs Atlantic, Expres. . .......... . . 4t Mal and E4.p44's......... . . . .3 47,'tIrI.sims4 liM.r~' Fast Eattou .......... .:4 Mil...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

… THlE UN[VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY _' Fine K$10.00 WritingI I Your Inside PocketI ritin9~Is what youaca save on a suitor ovecoat made ttayaarardeby at. Weguarantce fit o notale, Call aad ate, at obligation to bay. Oar itmmense asaotmtaent of samapletstill please you. All WealSuits atiOverco-tats faoa $12.00 up. Paper Goodrich, Walk~er & Murph. Frot Rom ver D. fl TINKER & SON' HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATS, CAPS, MaNS FUR...…

February 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

….ASLAmft..A 3t*0( 94 PaIl VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICil., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1900 No. 104. Spring Announcement 6. H. WILD Sc CO. Wi he ssejust 1ecerivtil 00r line ,of spring wooleins for locus wer t inclurles ev erything in -taples that ar suitable soil Ie- sorslle foi the season.\Ve arc aso shoingss full ranes iusnove- eties, in quiality ansd style to sits the imost exacuting taste, consistinig of ITop Coats, Suit- insesFancy ests sand...…

February 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

… '2THE UN VLL ,lt)UOf ICt lGAN DAILY Pushie ed Daily (Sudas ecepte) dueing the Clege yea, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. oricue The Inand Pes, Hening Bok. Bth Poes,.147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EuuseIARDu, '1 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. , PH. HASee'0L. EIUTORS. ATlILETtCS, . . . G. D. fleNTsuT, 'It E T. R. Wesset,'II L. A.I. MeDOinheL,'I E A. . BONE 02. E. J. B. WOD, '0, L.J.MsuseeuEuM,'I0, W. 1,II ICKEY,0lE, The ubceipton pieeot the Vle cea S2.l0o he c...…

February 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSI'TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. r e-r -I- I !TC Styles alway s correcer se. /- /- !_ r'=j-'r1T -1=1T=1_T1_L - GC G /- /- /- > - -- l- /- - )P COATS for Spring-the most con fit We are showing a line thai than anything yet produced. $12 to $20. venient coat in a gentleman's out- tcome nearer to "made-to-order" It will pay you to see them. COODSPEUDS I17 MFRIN STREET Receiving nsew Spring Stl/es ina Hats ei/Clf MICHIGAN CENTRAL .r" f T...…

February 17, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TUE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY i Fine Writing Paper BY THlE POUND- 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c. Envelopes to Match. Agents for Geo. B. Hlurd's and Crane's Fine Stationery. 100 Visiting Cards Engraved witi) I Copper Plate, $1.25. ST8BENTS D. 4:1 TINKERF & SON HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for I remember thiat we cau supply you with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, Mas Ns FURNSsisaas Fountain Pen), the Laughli...…

February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…be '*of Srl VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, -RICH., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1900 No 105. Spring Announcement G. H. WILD CO. We hav e just r eceivedl our line of spuing woolens for men' war It includes everything in staples that ar suit'able andI ie- sirable foi the season. We are also shoswing fall ranges in nonv- elis n qualitysort style to soi tshe most exacting taste, consisting of 1Top Coats, Suit- ins ancy V\ests andl Golf Ii osriinns VsWe insvite...…

February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 2

… TB E UN 1 V! :' SITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY '2 THE UNs\'i; SIll 01 MICHIGAN DAILY Coferences ol the Count Secre- Pblshed Daily (Sndyexeceptd) Odenng the The secretaries of the _..chigan college yea, at county institute societies w1 hold THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. three conferences during the fifth an- nual roundup of te farmers' insti- 5) icaco The Iland Peas,ening Blck, cates at Ann Aror. The conferences Bth phases. 17. - --- will e at 8 o'clo...…

February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY 01" MICHIGAN DAILY. _______ ____ W.____ F WVWWWW7N7PY - - -a - o'W JUST H ILDEBRAND r Y " v v v vy v v v y v vvvvvvV-yv yvv vii\L i / /VVV'9/ V A' STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. THE NEW TAILOR 120 WASHINGTON ST. MW -Z ;Z ZA&- , MICHIGAN CENTRAL, -he Niagara Falls Route. CNTRIAL STANDARD lIME. TaigEffect Noemcbr 19,1899. Dietroit Night Expriess ........55 .M AtlanticExi es . ............74 GranddIRapidsExb'press.........…

February 19, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 105) • Page Image 4

… THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY - TH-NVRIYOFMCIA AL Fine- Writing Paper 10000o In Your Inside Pocket D. fl TINKER & SON~ HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Is what you can saeon acsuit o ercoatmade to yuoderebyus. We guarantce aperfect fit an no sale. Call and tee, nobligation to bay. Oar itanse asoratmnet oatotr 3,000 samtpeawillplease you. All Wool Suits andl Overcoats froni $12.00 uap. Goo ric , alkr & urp' Front Roam aner Fist Ntional Goodrichn...…

February 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

… 340!f "44 VOL. X. I ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1900 Spring Announcement Q. H. WILD & Co. ; c iDaejust irscived1 0ur line <- it l wIII" ioolteis for men's Nv t ilds ts tIJthiiii5in Ataa it- iith-t aie suitalltandil se- t~l l i r te s-on. 'AWe-are -ms )5o is' full ran, s in nov- i n duaiIi lityas yl e ) tto soot eth-sos teitin( tt, ot-g of 'l'opCt s, iiit- ii'5 ac ests adsoi l fsl ii seinos. We invteue 0to cal itrIispicetoiii...…

February 20, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 106) • Page Image 2

…TI UNi \ I, 1181 X Ot MICHIGAN DAILY lU'L Aspirants for Oratorical Honors. Publishd Daily (Snays escepted)i during the teredi and qualified for thse oratorical' Coilege ycac, at contests o, the various classeo. Thtere THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, are twenty-two contestants from thse c)'BI eaca The Inland Press, Hesing Black. i.rst year law class. Only six will be Both Phases. 17. alloxvetl to speak in the class contest. Bact ttht. highest six ...…

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