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February 16, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-16

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iuttF5 al

FINANCIAL MATTERS giate. It sa referred to the Board of
Considered byj the Athletic Board.- lie reptort of the finaincial secretary
Announcemn t Monett to be Raised byj Lecture fromo Atil1t 1899, to Jatn. t, 1900, fol-
1 9and Dance--Financial I FOOTBALL.
'Statement. Peeecpts-
PG I-H I.WI L D & CO* onsiicetibie rootote hasiness ssasPGamrs ........$4,209 95
trtsaced it te meeting of the Atihtetic Scaom ices.. 483 00
Board tlomcast evetnitig. Besides this the $4692 95
Wehave ijtst recessvetioutlitne hoardii decided ott severalisetihods bc- 1 t ft tot
of si-ring soolens for mst siceotheregutlar atiteticconitests for Supis ......5899 70
swear. Is inciodes everything in 5raisinig msoney idusring te sao.Te aay5.......,802 50
staspies isat arc suitabie anti si- irsSst ibeanillstir stated lecture cby Tsait. 5Tblic....1,052 25
sir. bie for the season. We are Prof. P. C.Ireei ott Liqiied Ait. The Seritseiatd Laltos ..o2t 67
aisoisihoswisag fusl ranges ina foe- itrtoces ofltcisertinntos ill bi e Petrsoitalcxptctses . * 36 13
cilties, in qisaity ansd styieto usedt for tic peret isstscitsirtos etiseit of - 4,332 27
suit the maost exacting taste, Regesnts' Field.I ivhilse iseitl he Po$t 360 6S
Conoistinagcif 'Top Coats, Stilt- givest inirs's ttit hallottite esvenitgBASEB ALL.
usgs, Fancy Vests and Golf of MIarcit;i.it is iexpected sisaltte Recipts-
Trousterings. NWe invite youts o ihallsrwilb iledi t tverfdosstw i s s it s'icikits ...$ 280o3o
cali asnd inspect oar line at sastomt ia dissiont fecOf 2 enits srillGmet ..... ..1,02 91
ittchrisged. $1,783 41
TAT 1'Antherisfitsantcisalsventure still ibe a pRespt-
~II ~ S sicn t.i hilets'scidasce. 5t illbe giv en Suies ........$452 63
I1(V T I 1-4 1-' intvesrsats p issiasissis lituisringtefirsi Salies..., .. 275 00
pasrt of -arsch. Fusll s-atticulas wsill he TrasiingTattle .. 5 30 tO
108 E.1AWasbitgtor) St. gsiven tir.lt is it cha rge of te sante Setvice and Labtor.. 114 84
eonnites hih tad te orerPeisondl Fxpeinses 92 44
coisissstee soticl tiade ~stfortet1,065 03
dantce such a sticcess.
PRESCRIPTIONS A petitioi s receisid from thie IProst.......... $ 718 38
ftreshttis lasits.Beintg still a hriliatnt TR ACIK.
F ILIED We avar specsimets of freshttmatn soluthility atnd Reci s-
ATreenstty flowitig Etnglish, it followssField Day., ....$ 97 59
AT ongitanted N"Whereas tse AllI tisisiseti foothall$971
nttght service Z tS
AL i ortots played sits two gamses dutritngthe fs15
storandstare seasoti of t8993 antd Suples .$ 8 9 45
HO R peardt fl TanngTbl :: Whra, l. 1cfee played Sai 250 00
Hre0cUiptionsa lstrosighout ott of thseiiamsely the Serirscisatd Laito' . 45 99
aalhor, gastsestits Amia Coliegetalthought le Piiii ietc 15
isadiiplayeiid s it ste'V-ritiy Reserves M lN's eMet... 3 9
Wide's Pharmacy uptthdaeothr'maae(Nv
it),ad .semlpts(insothinigi ,083
Fo, ces e"Whereas, sitlwcsith0e tersonal 5 I
THE OLD isenlaying in ai stock Inc the iof tiii:athleic cBiard of irictorsiiTIbetS
1ELIABLE Ihttn .T(iIt Ii ucsisisi ~ i~ris'is
GxARS ndTOBSACCO. by hlping ut ste :I-'stFreshmnteamsIc)tsli epl s (noting}.ir
li - W ees, r. - ~~eehs not ibeen st ' i' Expensev .. 2 0
aasrcied thisriglisi istheafoirvsaid AuAll NN. i.Iiiial et ci . scso0
I ireslti swea trlci tiheiefor c ieit$
"Resolvecd, thatit 11i theiuansimsos
Semetof the literary-engsineeicl-itt IA\ Ii iSCHOILNSTIC.
a f10 ta nertee istn peculisar IC c ts'
Medca HAfee sisholdi ie itwtitedte5privilecg essse t$ 85 98
iii assAll-Freshmns wea icticr if iPth irdS upci ie5$ 173 35
iii na v fControl econssdrc 5itpis l after.1c'ers 1 1 thieit 55 22 02
invrestigaiting te cise.- - 195 37
75cl 1csutcctilt" subistted cito tsc Botasi
7osf Controalbithusccoti sssiiccsaposscin to s ... .......$ t09 59
srawsusithserissoluitis."A liii 5:TIC ASSO3CIATION.
(Signted) ceps
p-oDtDate CompeeCLAY .A 3 ICRIAShcsNsos$.tot
S11 's AR'S CANALEAY.siici esh itiIck..t,6i86 00
LtdS.5.5 CSNAILR'lII 'ITE. listileres ... 23 00
CALKIN'S PHARMACY F.I 190. __; C.....8t..11 8o5
ticeisoars id itis upon11)011 esctale. I tiltaisiit ...... 704 45
Ist was dscided list to at pt to itt-its 3 nrs

Nou 103.
Unicersittl Professors Dice Expert
'Te pure fiod lairs of Aissosri are at
tise is-iais agreetd case ithie cosrt of
crimisnial crrectsiois ini St. Lous, to e
itaksen to uthssreste ciurt. Ott Fehru-
ry is andissote tesimiony of te first
tsr ccwitilsesses for te satetv-s taen,
t-t of Psroffessois JB Alllt of the
Univer~ sits-ofVigii and os Di. A. B.
Nrsotan r .CAVauhnitof te
Unierit o Mchigoan, Dii. Alalet
andi Psrstnwein iscostur tsJsnuary-
4- to 26. 'Fie testissmonsso Dr.re-
cot relte masinly tso te ciiical ctes-
tonssI ivledilslits o DiN Vaughanito
rcsstissof5slitsiolioical ceisstry,
asid oilshd sailrii uplont te effecs of
cciii ii itinlmittlets ti ithetseocatre
added to food. Thelie sltis wtidey
conicrnihe usc bslsicseaslt, ad last'sar
bteigenatedesinitsone saste ater ansoter
to irtetisIooils agistte estcrochi-
sicntesiof imausfacturers.
Facultg liepresentatices in Confer-
Tomsoriowsthsieig 9 till hold a cot-
fereisce of thi fastlty represetatives
is she Chicatgo Beach Hotel, Chicago.
Tue object of te mseeting is to decide
wsheter or tot thit coference shall x-
tendi its jurisdiciont o track athletics as
swell s th trieball and fooal, ait ha
dlotie alradyShottldiit-iit'is till
irobablymeanlii the liif6llinsg to pieces of
te N. I A.A.,'as te iegrater
utunivestiles of te sisdrdeisest are siarly
silthr tcicis totimsc NWesrs Itercolegi-
ate.It as nteded ithat Po. AH.
Patenill;htil ,vpescilL Aicigan,
bting tt o h iis illisss iitill ibecquite
55mp5sstilelfor imiodoi o. n isi
stesaitjudgi'e Lmisc sill iii itivhitgoitto sit
in sth isconference.i
To Find a Qantarhach.
iIn rsponie-itoiCap.Snwscalsv-
eral canidatil fornextseasnslVari tiy
met estrdayat he gm_ he ork
consisite misestir si intsyin ite ariiois
mncilaI handsl illsthescalmithe iqualiisler-
lict Iposiii.AN.NN.Talcoit aeis-
ber f te'osVarity nd 1aptii of te
rootclas tea lat seson ooke ite
instructingoftie men.lThesied ot- a
gomidquastr-ack mcis restin s Street
mmml be ls iI~ ineligile 55 lay icnteri sason,
andm ll ifforts t ipresiiintill blit s~tit
W. I.A. A.A. Commttee Meets.
Dttrectors Chasiis rd s l it is tits for
Clime-s-i- miherele silltrti-isenstuslicii-
gas mlt.a miunsiteismeetingtofr te e-
vison f lthe onstitionlimits e l t~c s-
ccii Inte'rcestiate Amnatu 'thletict As-
stisatin.ThIcoliettess is made up s~aof
itpreitti uls tftont NWiiscosiIlinioiis,
ChticaoNottre 1D-nss' mut Atissr-ig nstild
Wsa aimsoited sithe ait nultmeetoi isinisg
if thicasocilstists Its sofhtceis to si-
cie upomn amendimentcsis to listcostius-
51551 ilto 555retnteutulistorelthe scet an5-
nualmeeiiiting, a55n5d istsaexncissilsoi
slim rtcsommndaionmmiiofamisetoitutu ets
ciostituionim- Thecomititeetees at
lis t' l Viimicitria.
Mineral Water Tested.
Eherhaach & Son have ni-da a et
of te miseral water from te ampts
wrell. TShe swater aC895 feet depth
showed 13 per cent of al, and hat
at 1355 feet showed 1 per cent of
al Either of these in in sfficient
quantity to mae the soasafeture of
salt proitable, in sufiient cheapness
in tran meehanical work could e se
cured, an it in done in the Saginaw
valley. Both veins of water are ex-
cellent, at leat equal in value to the
water at Sit. Clemens no. Ypsilanti.


aige assintersclalstic basehdll league Supsies ....... ....$ 241 30
this stpringssiil-ar so sue foot1al1legueSalatries ......... 1,234 00
lasS fall. Tsesre itt setvcial 5reasosts wihy Scsrvices .... 119 02
luais 1' ousilicjueits. .. 75 14
such alau ntfa sible. A hn- isalEpneBttonsiuaccouti-5. . .. 250 35
somettysilt-er hotvunsrcuii till Iteitsesent~ed $1,919 ft
ts tePointiac ighs school teamslt
cha~mptionss its it fail's foothilll-arues ' rofit..........,.......$2$1899 99
Muocht of thuesucctss 01 thtis leaguse, a SUMMNIARY'.
nuewtenteusre ittuivsitsy atletcueaetest- slesifts-
siosu.is duse 10ote diligetwrnsof lte NApril6 ob ...8129 25
pareset insterschsolastic mtasuager, Artusr Fitih sitAcct 360 68
C. Broirne. Basseball cct.feel . 718 38
Two newr sentlers were elected So the thltic sn....1899 99
boardl of directors, Fros thie literary Esrhemisi's-3175
departent:S A. H. Felkser, os, Madison, 'iTc'iacout....$ 991 155
Wit, Fromsth ie denial departmenlts: Kair Tenitis accounst 33 35
J. Muartintdale, 'oi, Fultosn, Ill. AMiscellasneous .. So 8
A petitiost was received front Illinsois Intlerschsolasts icct 109 39
College at Jacksonville relative to their 1134 69
admnission 1mnt ste Western Intercolle- Du~e Treasurter .......-$1,97281

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