1t.)air Jse.at!Re bor. ~Parker's Campus
Phi Kappa Psi-\rs. Moore Mr3. f
Pti~tttdDeiy Sndy' n ote duag heGreene anadi rs. Pratt, IAn rbor;thle
col ge yefaisss.r ae.Dca.+Haris....br.French Cook in Charge
Boee-th 14t7dRot. Hnin te Z aeta t. tostr ia ro. REGULAR BOARD 2.75. fMEAL TICKETS $300. Short
B____ raPnrsilr. Huatt, Flniit\1Mn orders promptly filled. Fresh Honme Made Candy nose on hand
SIANAGING EDITOIC rer. orit rs trstt etstg; with the famous Sponge Caramel a specialty. Pop corn alls
F.ENELAU,''t. is. Pierre.Plini: tie .risseo Hopkitts anti salted peanuts now ready. Come in and try them.
ISUcNt-sS MANAGER. Smtalle atn Lerrnard, Detroit; tht
I . HAN,' Li..Misses Pierre attd Huiirbard, Plintt; thte W S. PARKER
EDOITORS. ilisses Haisey, iStuaert atd Sttith,bars.
ATnlLreS, . . 0.D. HneeNUnrot Ei tiac:; th it lsses Bemtente ritr Miss [lion- 709 N. University Avenue
T. it. woan -.'a0 L. A. 5, MtoirnnsLi.'1 itt Cassnt tols; \iss Wetiuore Cit-
A. G BRONE. oz . J.B, W -,'0, pROOFS printed
L. J. MnxU nrte, '0, i. t. tee,'ii at lottiet Fisir t li on Taan issue of the
-Norton, Jetnie Ririrrris randiLtile ti."
D'Connrrrrr Detroeirt ir.JointP cilr
The" lput fth e Iiss.0fo e itig yr.ati itareglat itt e r et ore nt l-a d C rut . iiih e a o onec a oie c n ncto_ n c, G ad R pc, l en H lls ite ran g
otruwtei tit nut edrtirteisear ttf treiiineCttsritttilrei Drwlng
handedi t ttrhe DtItYs rtic rfot rm e. r0rnrr K teSm thr N ree.Lari tret) rirr
matted a tote titerrtre 3p, to at the td iue -a, Ttken fiaep the
preoiano- ta ti i h tee eri 0a eteeted toi n Irr tlbrls J rl ~nat iss FPost 'cc't Orignal.ut Fo nate at
appetr.lrr ile titae M s M ri rT te.p:o ,
Bnherpatnttir y rs lta heDAIY ffieStablers Art Store 217 South
trtoir rune '-riarrrted r thlirr r nes th tHuon
Maner.inSurribi-. te r. rrco er avrttne Py ttli e4th Ae.
mpreting itaer'lrrattrc-roiieti-iyriiir o
carrec er s e t itiyr ( iaRe aid eels .h tr isi i
Auifa err- a~eit ~it niiiIairIIeerit M. Corgnt tptre$sit (irri B-ICYCLES STOR3ED
theuotiteirb}inentu ik rri-ton ett lst ir _ _ ______FO_______ n
oncnc__ tnl gt-. .Ra d;te Ai~,I nell ,\1FOR THE WINTER
A. t. AcDteDiG ~tL oDtnA sFe ik Sees c pting iMorsel tat the loser 21 cetts per mothti
totiitsAtRerie - . idI w e onftetionsincannt reit t
is_\_____c_}____ 11 s. ii ensneoansunae -1 ~SA,-17 E. Ann St.
Nit1 ~l ritlIhldO(I ---tiitt nnld oii
BEAUTIFUL DANCE. lrne imuIncli TtWsigo n 1 any -
tus ity Eerytihig iiitho anyTypewriter Cpi~
it ntnn~if"'I pget race L 1u1e b1 1 'etc lne irrirt y orn i nitat 1Htotigter-
itl oco i E c vr a 1u R (s ar a t i'I er'-s ea's.O0 ly11'tVjl iper 100 Words.
the eerie tieraceire eli iiaid11c\Anerier el e'R °'i Y""2Ci........i SC-IOOL UASDO TANDf
hie, n rbi.T he mitteeOFneIoh ugc Ifathenho
1 Prkr rad Igier ni i illa hirtienUPORTABLE LAMPS, ETC.,
hiae ate c k M . .S ki- \t inn enirert - .I.V n i ,IClct A SEIA~LTY. SNTAY PtUMBINGr, STEAti ANti tOT AT titHEtATIN-,.
ne ad Ir, . \oolw~that~ir~; hea ichira: . . I udSig.-, J. F. SOHUH, 207 E. WASHINGTON ST..
Mrs W tm rean t\ie 'tA eder. Jr in AlhrlE pislon nit dreJ 1. te tinere, lDel-
lotI Iil i teti IeUpi lonii 00 M E ' IV ERY...
boi 1\eteii sal tinta DIes eltCi. . tuu "I*I-
Sg aChi-Mr. i s .Tal r c- eoratit-N. G itegle Phi Dleta
toi:A s. .S Biirir eel IToledo; heitA. aerBrokedi Inieeneueii
lies. L A . Hiirttr.Seoiut Benid; H-iJ. Ctitbll, Phii Kappa ltn. FINE COACHES
the Misses Laitd. LenoxFrees55eb- Rerepturn- ID. WS'Milsu, Zena. Psi: A DF rP tis Re piosEc
siere, Fr tilii Costtiainteld Ross, DH (G.G HaiioniChiiiPIsiA DFrPris eetosEc
trait; Miss iStored te. vDie errs; lii~s-
Spies Menomnite: Miss Pat, Sit. 1 1he iaclty of tie U ice esits tr te 1~r .3Good and Prompt Service Guaranteed
Johns;tiss Knutigt, RKalamiazoo ; iie rcrrenitl ee eat r nisiss of233 pirr
M'ilsses W55 rin n td Mteet Mt n tsnu h s.Oit fD thee trie is preidentit 58 tre'------
loot the litters 1. Palmter atdtn.F poessrst ifjtntor pofessorisi16 s
Palter BenbRid;Miss BettitilarI, sii ta t professors,5 one re sidetlectrir,
1T'oleso;a lit r nuan.Flintti; iss Sunr- tittonrtesidentltrert ts6 itstructrors ) ~ ~ * ~ uin ~ A
ttn haqen i-.sListentlereget is2 emoitntr-toers ndssiesetantts in t'-( STUDENTS' LECTIURfE ASSOCUIA-
Sautti n d;e iti ,lli 5t. Joint, Butfalo. siut ietir andtue1 ibria it in in urt eretf-
Otler guests wirlertnd Mshl- f iceestof aiiiistatrionTitlve efathte TI ON COURBSE TI C KETS
R.S ttn SDtoiM ssrs..W ili od , 33tnteliiint n ie p r esr a l e roei
Clis is ia aSnutet it rla riiB. Tlas or. 1)- icoui at the totali nuitbet re tasirent
t Irt lii ntd lit s Cicic CLain g.al iiTile primn y cots in ra ry
SnigmoAlha. }l i oni-ir - J. lRetn-ll iiider l ietinitf the Norterneit50 REDUCED TO $1.50o
neds- B. B.6' etFin teland Stnley,- Dnetrs i atD r isecal tieriue wli s iMondaev-5een-
the hlisses Abhic ure ha rt, A tusigIFelmrunitsne. Thleie arees atfthese 5
Mlountin annulI-. 'nil w ie ni ln otet o leeldin, catr enimit
rago; M ins Alned et ot iio;cme h ' criynce st. lTheosain-~
lIis J 11 Cci rnt lin Eithli. tierionithetin l wsill ctrersen I tie LniiiSOUSA'S BAND .d
Hushes, I't n Repid; h r S A 1es 1ets gin- cotic tt e rneren rbe and Six Other * " *
Bak , Chicago f t t its andl sttim oltit ltot e irFipe N-umboers fr '-l--"-u-
lIne J. DH Ii eel e-. -t t M s Itonda, b. t2, sneratun semeneter
lftnes ess linHarin n az eri begins 7
mini Sterncer, oldo eel ss r~ n.~s Sousa and his Band, University Hall, Tuesday,
es sanClastainSt Onstl LD ENGLISH IUEvening, February 20.
Tiftis mni Siinsner Batle CteeIk; C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Whinte Alhion i ss 1 e 1N io
aneMis-ilOteoMisPs- [ QITop ndnotte; lins Psqee, Atrii I l\f
Arblor. Pulie1un0c IGaifEADQUSRTE,RS FOR
Biba Theta iAromt .D-a
anti lMnsLinus B Lee AnmnnoArbor tine (PIPE TOBACCO Trunks, Valises, Telescopes, Dress Suit Cases
Alisses Buchne natiPointes iac i sCos-ir nte anp0n ptn.T U KAN Aa5a1ua t an ite
Lansing, the'lites Penttonnanon lET - AEeyEBcrpto. RNKADRALS RPIRN CO.,stPies
Shta-, Flitnt tte Ilisses Dintanit ant STAEBLRI& CO.
ooayerCinrao;tie lteerBnntlenij,,,,,,, ________aol0.MAN~HORSE FURNISHING GOODS.
toyarChco;teMseBuerSt.MANA.ad Brady, Detroitl; the hisses Denros - 307 Souath Main Street. ANTON TEUFEL.