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February 13, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-13

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[900. No 100.

The Musical Club's Concert. sucht as to coil forth most farrorablivcrit- Katherine Oliver's Recital.
Spring The annueal tonie concert of the Glee. icisnts fromt all over thte couttry. Tihe foilo-n lag are amiongthoe patronos
Batjo ttaIdiMatndolini clubs givetsin n O tid isr olatt tto0k lrilege, of 'te Scofthtrecital of Miss Kateritne
Announc m n tliteoliro rttda vtlo has l neartt d hcimitttsilt to ittttntridsoft (4 tci ott NN'edttodo1ev ening:
*tttrits. liecotidutede a tBileTr i - Rget tH-enrt S.Dea a n'd dirt.
p~~~~~ ~tite tttot ttccessftti otte ever giveti it intg class lited i zttt o nolyibtytte capt- t B Ha o B Iutiit n
thi tyte tttticaticlibs. Thte haltetiirtt of tte itatloftent numbtieringto urtt 01'Btctt DoiRcor tdo
G . . I L . NvI)farly cllfilled, tte ttaitt floor ibe- itttitct 11otrttotre. 'No stett wttit atit r i'htI B ht rt td Mo
]i, cuidb he tedifferetnt frterttity ltitttcti G ot r etaste DeaniV'N trtC.N tVahrantattd
un1100rfessr tttgs n ttetce Cwtitith- eit ele tB rs
Ne ehave iust teceiveid out line prisadthe partronlesses. It trot oite ciiici"letrei.ii iiooutbnM slt d t coroeantA ett B.iPres-
of spring owoolen for mein's of te titoot elegattivgoweed aitdien icitr.ernd;reah 01esor Cott iandM.ti Pttdeiisc ot D e Dleart
ovear. ft includes everythoiog ttt vrtle ie ttiltc fttiiter i lg en oofthet in11111 pitor,ouitt 40 Dei
Staplesthoat are suitahi n e eutflsee te Firstouc nd Obrino itt 1ctad r. ~at Da
siraitie for lion season. Vie 'ire a'iii too ii ittthtefaSecticrI11sJaitterful
'ae - --ratnd Nits. Haris l o tto le;
rlosowtoing frill ranges itn not cllcitt Niti 11111" ithtrtet r til t ttlittle Poovcr a r e accli-.I t stit 10oio t turdt Vi I Pete Pe
cities, ino quality and style 1 .1 vter'itoth tti oe i 111i
sit the imosti exactinig taste, ti liigee 1111 itAr.i 111. iPatItetn iliilit.ttteoo lii 11110
eionststitg of lop Coals, Sutll Thle (ti lrutb ts wellibalanted s iotheoteni"hut" ietllcoi oiliitdiii N IIrPdt.itiiioPofen
togs, Fancy NVests rood CGolf idiffereit parts 1111d 01111111interfet 1111ttt-ii01g 0 hmn o criture no11 dii iIr .E oly r n
ro seig. Aein ieyou to son.Il asa ais e t ile NiMatcit reemstoto glveit at new mteanilng. Vihit- ls .Hed ,Poesr atod
rail andinsfpect our line at olitheiii r." Fo Ianencoe to tiseo my diiee Ndda Ndhs ac rs . .BeintaiPtrofesoranid dirt.
num er t sng "L l 0l ii itiit its iof tile '"gr cs ofloratort hat ciriticlim I. C. Aditt Piofsor i C. S. Ben-
eniel oralinits tou1r1c elnd oted des no1111 tandino1100istoit Prot'ssor n r.B .Hint-
ii ir eerboy, celsj hop girlisostudentsoL THR Toes rI ir ci tiePtof 01 t elits.B.di-'.itotop-
adf ul. Ito Nh Sutpheniitwhiliws th LiraianatOb 1011 snPtroless.or anddirts. A NA.Staitley,
funnyi l 111 o1 ile cuacleai i wi th ________ _____Profesor 1 td 1duo PF.NN'. elsey, Pro-
108 E. Wasbir)g toi) St, is sonig iDitteintoit Schitt."i Another Vlein of Mineral Water. fesorioanldAirs.. C. Knowlitott Dr. anid
The__mandolnclubdeserves__secialandlMdii C. B.'daierede Professor aitd
I le itiiciiii ut icoiOc oIec Thiile rcampitos xielil t is ots dlowni 1.17i
leion 1 forlot itos Irciditii o f Nht rt i ie liic 1ii of litllrow drt. B.C.3Johnsion, Dr. ond diis. J. N'.
fet n hehrdsthid fdie oc, atin, Di.an t drt N. S.Hoff1 Dr.
AcE (roste atSea"tdo iiwertoet eti ofetahefeeisis atidd Mrs. teorgeDock, Protetsor and
W IL L -ecu tt Ite St B 5 cic It o 0 theheotfull dayps or ik fotri shift iof1t ous. Nrs . A.C.dMcLauginuitProtessor aitd
SDPEC IAL.numibers.cIo fie iBafji clbisitiiidout-tfile secoiid tvciii otmiiicral wtO etr0 du Cwasc iotddi V.P
i E edly the hest tile Nicigan cev itl . ri~ ee ttel 0ier a.'rLtCt i ofseoto r.otid di rPs. die- P
li in ialiitnlot hi-. Hid NdWoodiroii's .iic 00t ti ci to z etrto te fuo ie eitihetoows elL m ad, Pofdssio J Pn d i d.lFR1ie-t
strthaiwatrwilt teatrst aneht
is i 1 e'tie so ctitee at frecie. ea ence wasiut a O te1110 c iiais t e ldr.i s seon e i o in -lu 111 P f oo i
Thse htwllntse re e-iahseion e eir umer thei pro- iri Cilli il5 iile it eofes ol Pi ' re. o 0. 'tl. diges.DN.
liceirtbr11111esiiN~leirepriaci flii e rll wt er 0 a111111 e t beei n tt li I Ic d 'MrsI ''tile o elPit Pr .es irll.
tilectreionesrgrainthingrncooedibutBiticoox'cted1tht11hi-i. ba.
W id rs P a"c liiI lie c ivtli ihei r b 1 tot or 1.1iiiiicioi ' Iceil NinD -lotit PR .oc'e . JPofsoran oitit
0 1110t 1101111ridayreaidlti ;1ilnlc1 i r et GI .iliooiil 41010sor tic-rs. '
-ttie Irep1111rcilinidits cos lo le FI otiteoit ProteHsLn, roeso nd Als J -
oraile tieicicia'as. tftmanycisocialie roile cll itictofstikng thssecn
vanlneil te atr t dpttie127
THEeO D (aeboirtl40s0ufeeitiICm SS, tileaniithee ii' iuiui;ocinl
theIADetrtiittclibc i)I-. a(O~iiMrs,- C..B.il iii iiii. 1 0111
GARSi1 aiid OitACCO. Mi. .. . J par

t-te' S A iOPFlIOIUT'Y.


Prof. King to Lecture.
011texi Frday Sa ittay ndtiiiii I
mt.rtt iii deiiitritre leceitit01ad-
diressvesr o1Chiristia1 Eid1 ce.1Tes
itappan hall andiilliesitytall. IMlie
first i i da t , ini 1 pp iiihitll;
th ubetisi "h Niii"Sigiicaince
oftile Dil I . tiiioii
dalle,dAieiiini3;3. lielieurtiredlot
ceege thideandtspetiismloite 1d1ne it
Hiilsiae ll egceliterling;bldin asl
11111morein 1a777taiiglihilt dc-grueccin
1370.1;dfertwit 0yells sti iiiiliphulo-
sopthyt ianidi matematile' it i110 11 iii h
recivd hs .N.L"In tile meaontimite
he cmplted is iorkilibeliniiSti-
11.110 recreii"C B.D.i uS..anin 1897d
Bis eiacinge 1111 Obrin)ea n17
as tutrti'mtiheatilieand hasiib1en
rint im 11111 1111 oiiicii li ti>cx ia

000 a yearitothtie uivericisity
11,1 tlol ciountl ( the tri adlof 0W
Prdod tS fr rioairs. Joihitn iui-
to n ftcnro r;1,110hasi ll
as- tihe to-ols'.e rtrndcc'kilh
rassistantl filnger'' lcitiol Huhztilli
go on ai.1ttmiidii'nig t ad w r n i hc
lietedIn, it Drilhlert V.IN Ed ar , of
Cicag'o" ithiiJoe 11110itt NfN miI'oru a
i sitn. T eyaecrfl
01 e te ,wh li ke ali el iles
tak e uc h idterest iinteirtmitrk.ii il-h
llr Snttutisoi t h ol i n l~illiio att hroiw
loo Io gsan it Iin t onllits0vccy
teatvttrIble itndeed.
AiiT tearuiFooiball'totiitMeem

Reed, _l Ir i i l .1. . MI - I. atnd
diis Ni J +iwy M.an r. J.NV.
'siteehiii i r.thu h-.R. tamp ell,
dlr. iteldi r.Claoth ,oio di. aid dirt.
Nd J. hioPooot u. andtil 1 I1- . i.
Revtsed Trach? Schedule.
'1eiii iin ii" eccte oil track- tiecis
hasfinll ces aran<ed vlitrleectr
hFitzptrcikiind hLaird:i
rio. 4-Pr ina111 i hh oll liteel.
dill -lieshman-sohomorl meet

dliii it 4-dhicIilgi-to-otr
kli 2turn -it.'eiit -eroor.lne
diii ii 'dN I e'ii~ior-ie lli rirt
silo utu 1.11



mtrutd yiniwokiH arvarhdtIllattu Severrlul iterryi 11liie 1oct11 ito hay
S W A E S oree otils' otori at Cerliii.fir inutrichi upor t ieec tilt" football
SW E A T E R S ciaturdofesoreteof mathemaottirs teamsttofriututhue pgtilt' e ovls
ru-oasociute profesoof iii ioscophy u Proifesstor dd'hite ofthe U ieriy of
ug-g rofessor of tphtiilooy -' 9 17.Petsi lvp- i a makr s tue h s s elct ion11111101
.;GOING AT.. . . wheuriutobuh.thur citaieruf systemictAu-'erui caitI Fooitballteatm :
fluog n h emciir tie lstieocstill con- 1Left cdl du uu
ttin ed1t o ie tiltnhed rourset ittPhuh- Iueft I cha -ir 1 h ur l ltst.
osohy to colhrge studets.Lcft gutard-urryii p'Harry-
aHeitst meuobier of turescuusel of Centret t iy Bututoso.
1 -4 O ff eiaioiu hootputislieurdoOuts lectutre s Right taickleHgh Wynnte.
anduddresses,'attunlosito eductionali Righut eod-Uneos.
_______ tntureliugioius j11011110 anoustlintes oh Quart e-NoutnDiluber.
CotrtipsoanciSatlly'stpsychloiesFtrd- Lefe thalf-bri-eien Jottes.
itatutos lHusuto'y of Phiulosophys atd Pull-bacek-RiehuarcdCart-el.
WR SNLoz'sMctrocosnmos.Head Coaeh-' dIr.IDooley.
Hi ..1i: S Ltes recetoentribtutiotos lasebeen Assi'stnt eoi uoihHruit.

JIa tuu 1N - Iel'rtli i ie'~reI) iic tc oted-
Pedaqoqu(ClSotl CElects Ofices. A
ct lcin DeI toiteuigtetoluuiu ti
''''''Vci toot itur euteatt" eete
inle Iuuirtt Cduttu u
dentdoitoleucthutlE'ets Offticers.ot
Atr aur i0 Lietitgto I eelacatlscl
etiohedla st cuilgtshefl loie gofc
tel : 'Pide tnetp-earBs.vMorrip' vie-prtoet1
ient t Pe.IE .ot rabitrti e c 11 uto ut Ndce-prsi
tdet1 ciii itrtip' J.0Addionpeoing
setay th dit NdEmmau'ckerma;tor

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