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February 08, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-08

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94 PaiL~4



No 98.

G. H. WILD & CO.
Wte hav e just receivedi ou line
of spring wooens for men
sear. It includes everythsig in
staples that are suitable and ie-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in no-
eties, it quality and style to
suit the imost exacting taste
consisting of. Top Coats, Suit-
iogs Fancy Vests and Golf
T[rouserings. We invite you to
call aiit inspect oiii lune at
108 E. Wasbirogtor, St.
Urs stihat ill tsiedsit
thiristle.Wer- ac l
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE OLD Forseveal oelc wenav
RELIABLE a fulland nowareray ul ico 57V iEd -
PI5 , 'itii's A5CVtIAI.TY.
-..GOING AT ... .

Preparations for a Department So.:
cial Tomorrow Niht at
the Armory
The sideiis of the lis dpa rimeiii
liat-cplaniiedt to celerte ue cloisgofii
the seiieser sith a soitiiinctioi dii-
ierent froiiiaots- heretoufoei siitld
They ar to giset informa luts anice iit
te light infant re a riorytiomoriroiwi
A cetuiiiic ieecoistiiig of r~-n
taies ohsall tre ftoile lse a
sciarge of i e arrngiettaniiilit wisll
ihsliii as ocal(net riii it ta
ite ofi aid it-tobyitelmdat
iment. Stide ts Irotiotherti sitni tnto s
hwerwilheiniteditnd welcomed1
Thit dancetwill ibe stictl iformaland
ieveryieliltt iisilt adtiiii suretilis
ishIodattd. iTheull U fM a,
has beenitecitaued aiid iiill friiitsi thii
imiisit lortwott-stps and is ts Iroti
eight itntiil sits Sittai isuvits siroo
'PTefollowingiiisthliet itttonioils
miittee:ItHitrolihtatiltan IstLPtHits
frostssthestniorslastssI iutnasit Rtt
W. P nL? .ad IFet W. Pot-
ter, thirmanis ,trouit lttte u io, till
Lauthetr 1)yitasditajortA. Dolingsit'
fromittt hisStyest clss Titkets Imay
lit seturtdfros tetiltlow : .A
Cittltiss oil J I Iaet iui ott R.i 1
Gittios it 00A. tsttt oo Rce;r
oz ild C.ill. Crlne. io i
iTh last aetaknhod fth tn
ter with Ielthuts sias tnd al t-ill ;,mu
gemsn It i tictl lit ftttttl . Th
men arcli till t I te t britle t i r la1 de1
frends lThe gand t rchwillbegi
prmte yat e - Thsdace-il i-k
Augujtmsor ltip.sThe poititt asseftot
sisstothetpeieshlt ts oftie sat ciss-
eriuThsfu isttit ofplus- -- tertican ot
eobesite at.ts tis tetet
;sAdmisutsitl aos clstsatug atshillpersis
fitsA sesis coustilse sssss.ts
AuguetstutatisT fomsshosiidenssy
iltl fiaroymsiiartiernlotsoseteditsmit
otersfitrChisplst "izon,"toilsbet
lobestl tsthe Attthofsotheias-tetor
night. rsT homi s s e it s i ti c-totl
bithigsd01athe espapertt. 5asan sy
ilt tsth-er ootasmArioa'everthsei
tembrsiist h beetndbecaeo tess-
tioten iopuncger orcutemeopersitu
thdeirtseas disptayissomeofscuthe
andssirasossrTshtienluss ceteosto
tha wtht. oti fol oadFa
Cirteas nor, Debafte. t
Atiags ftthe ofuthetboarsay h
3le thfoveosvinArouionasasethat
'hemsle, hat aencusitteetbeapin-
temathlnwdeti soato oe U.afnd
thi view ofpesetinsome smol to
thea onr raorcaymn.
thagranting of setebrsadcapsto

the athletes of the University has on- COMMITTEE PREPARED
doobtedly given the greatest impetus
to University athletes and to the ath- For Junior Hop.-Elaborate Arrange-
letic association. ments.-Special Illumination.
It is the intesutioss of thse oratorical Thte Junsior Hotp tomittsiee lis eosm-
association to psrousote interest in do- pitted all araniioetfo It-e great
bsatissg sod oratory-bt'somnesvhat sim- seslees tdsisstlsls i a
flar msethodst, by- grasiting caps or rib- ,scl eJde navne ilb n
lions, to that'lie suitsrinm ayst-resetd"
andtikhots swIo tte osessare wo htaseististtes15.Te
givn Mchianeve a or prmi lnt teitsitaits itditbisthe gtters frost
siasseitnsdebaisithass hesienosint
It t is ticipattet thatthse cositests itilt mst soldma tofgest b
for svearintueCsecatioor ribbsons will tutu it iiofartiftaurl5ea1esgrace-
be is gretasowssexists forthe lhstsrtilitr stsngacss -.Th a lights
of iseatring thstathletic "sl." 11wililbe lowereiso s -bejutbelows
liss ctatopy its grtenl ~-siils tiillprc


The Musical Clubs' Concert.
Seats sire befog rapidlytsesrvetd for
the concert if the Glee, Bansjo asid
tiandlini rluibsnest Satusritay eveing.
Evert- indiciations poins to Isthe moot
susccessfultoessrt over given by mu-
sical letubss represensting the Univer-
sity. Nearly sit the fraternities have
taken blocks of seats ansi sill attend
its parties.-
'The clubs have boon rehearsing
es-cry night tis sweelk and are rapsidly
ptutting the finishuing tosuchses to thseir
swonk. The programs consists of tswo
parts, seven nusmbesrrits the first and
six in the second. The Glee club still
suite four numubers, flue iMasndolin and
Banjsso clubssecrl three, stud besides
these regular numbuuters stitt be selec-
tions by a huasrtet, us zither solo iby i-.
H. W-soodiros, andi hsuorous sonugsby
R.iH. Sutpheni.
'fle patroneses arsitas follos :
PMesdamues its-g-ll. itutchinus, C.A.
Coolet- Al F.Citles-, ttiuus i Patter
silts iht'tstFtrettruKnowlton, Hilt-
titliste1st-e-i- tl~rt 11n.Pttng
1od lo S'tasushiyPt i--lot iugeloss,
Tr owb-hrielg' te urrc tuthe,/Int-
t.hlerthMorrislPretsss Hti ngus,
Mehi-hems Ails-usBteistsie, icusi-uis
Bl-nd- -sush l 51 -
T'e s~ris-'--us a-I sholos:
s-srrsgs---tit IitP ier tch .Jet itis
Th l C sy C itilsi.... ...C . .ili k
tt sss Crwlytlititt Sm t
suadoit ltbI
Al araisl Chi nnsu_
ZtithrslLaTi i ....h leseist o
Al t 'egiment iPatush Cite. Ch.ilize
PhA " suhi1. st
A1tlla littt 1ric c o
'lesits Asfthe Ce Wuauth u..~t--uiei-a
Gcte Cit-lu

ieals ts-ottealfromsts iectshsitgiriders
hittin s i te is ithhutszotasl its-
sted o veticl, -i~ behun fousthelu
haute qurI t he w ll, T is isill
tisse ascolte tcsiespyittelwlitegird-
irs andtheitaschectsesursalbettuties of tse
sytils -111 rotess sill nstt l ie sls osedh.
1hi who ile esanoiss sill bt set ititsiin-
tanithstets. is Athite bistngus wsill lbe
str ettchetdsrtuntu he rati-gof ste rust-
n51is rac:1ad fos tuwsillitt hssung Its-
tionsof heiltee1 cturelsthrcih1wih
wiill appeasthisicglesams of rotss of its-
iad sce 01 Oethetiltrutncesttarc t';t
lettesigoiinoloelistncthsntrde-soilts a
thocktIs.hstishtietlist-Al'-stwill be sdis-
phae intvaiouospirist sitetroom.
'it ei rs til-i tud said orct s t r is-ill lit
Resiides ths-etettic sliht ing wh ieuhtiill
be ot a gand calea net stilt-oel
lihtfih s efet wlf it ro still itt
pm e u calcum ghs lin stwills 0.
staedill tegley n ilttrowa
flood f delcate olore lit-Is oiillte
defe t Wil be c., ecill aea ti ll-tirm
hiss sll tu suit e ccttr i i 551
it m re n oabetha evr b f ute
1( is i hisbuldng whc -tol ees-
lTe tdtolititns aletlby Brcit'itye
ofletrit. ~ 1 C
Theutti IC iuiiorls> it C s hnpas
and ais tial rit
I'he atronssesfor te 11an illr
Ies Ime SitB. ungel, It RIPrs-
cot, 1. ElGe en A.1.Patm1 11
Ilarrsotl oule V. C Va Iha le 1let
Sit-fstJ. C. ti l tonsluCi.itg .st nhu
gsslt-usti I'.C.Fe sutC.ML 5 h5es-te,
eotry GeorgeWorce saysrsL"during
Is greF.ier rt ci.E. fot F-.rW.Isatda

corresponudens ts iteothleryof Ite
Pestdet Frcuue of Brossnsis susieisisa5Hiousse oh RepsreetativsCosnd of te
lecture touur iifst hesdinug citiesioifste Senate at Washingston, ftndIsea-rd msany
CUnittd Stites, Presidenut Hsadleyo of the msost celebrated peublic speakeers
al s t juilst retuurnedilfrom sa eterye ,of the counstry.PMt btlief is that PMr.
tensivetrill oflthskinid. Hestatste Crosby surpasss tem sall us effectise-
fis Prtesidetiuoef Yale so go wst) nss.e' dlr. Crosbys till sptesa-us iii-
st Mississipitior south ofsth io. ecreisy tall. Admiissionusfree.

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