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February 14, 1900 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-02-14

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15c, 20c, 25c and 30c.
Envelopes to Match.
Agents for Geo. B. lord's and Crane's
Fine Stationery.
100 Visiting Cards Engraved witi)
Caopper Plate, $1.25.
American Torchon, Raw Silk and Cheviot
Mat Boards.
Poster Papers in all the Popolar Colors.
~I166~dII& 0Go

In Your Inside Pocket
Isawbat youcan saeonaastor overcoat msade to yourarder bys. Weguaraantee aefect
St orne a e a la nseenoobeligtiotoetebay.Ourimeseasasortmenteof ovee3,4000
samswll please youa All «'eel Suite ss andOeats from: $12.00 up:.
Goodrich, Wlke & Murphy, FreeS Seem ovee Firs National
DO YO4U $ 1OKiE ?

Headquarters far
and Complete lieeof GYMASsIUM
334 Soth State Stare

. ........... H. .. Cpitl,550,000. Surplus, $30t0t0. Trasacts
4PI)ttS 111' Stc slefor - 5c R EMPF es.t CE.GRENVie-Pret
FREDa H BELa aser.
4311Brunsw tick ( our1S toutr 25c FIRST NATIONAL BANKOranea dIbo
Capitel, 8100,'00. Surplusan td Profits, S40,00['
Old Number: rrasacattsa eeaakingbusiness. Foreign
44 SO. MAIN ST.,A I .~ex~chaeoght eansldt urnshtolttters o
AT THE ATHENS _I*H SATRE. Calendar. aS W. LARKISOtN Catsirce-r
Aistytt Betestteta "Patblot Romni"e
teb. 14.-i~tiss Kattharine E. Oliver, The AnnH Arb1or Savings M Ri
tvlirt tillbeIraelletInt ttTh e oLittle inister'," Univetrsity tCapitat Stoct. $50,000.eSurluo sa s15,00s
ttetatre Thttrtdatt,-Feb.' 15 lh, is a Itall.Rsoures. $,500,000.
srttmatization of0Mitre 'or'elt ttt 'l I 5yyitg l tt Orattaized atuntder It-o thGeraBasnkieg taw
I lt c~ 5 Ic IZ.- etI f u~l ftistate. Ri vst deotsaits,tbays tad sells
tttta novtel entitletd " t' tvenett.I a : o i ttet e Lovr lecture roottt. exoato o n teosprincipatatiaatties o t e tntett
iit very interestin" stacy anti ttein- Saturdoay, Feb. 17.-St talen tinea's Stotasa.t caheod sloooae dsstai
Safety tlpsat bs stottaaet.
taoist toittmuch strentgthned byIs the IKc,,oDrum ttnotHarris hall-After- OatIERSo:sChrostanatcktoPre's. ;W. D. Htar-
naatt anti evening. rnan, Vioce-Pre.;'Coas. E. Ciscocsieta;a M.
dramtattic protuton. tt s lamela- TnesayJ.FizAsstnCahay, lets. 25-Soolal andattin S.
traiawt es n osseca .A ore .J 30H RS l as otndettialepower antI tnflagg- Thootsay, Feb. 22.-Freasmn lateJ. V.ASHEA, ta2Xice-praeysT
lag interest. Itit s flledt witlointerest- at in alloa, hail. JOHN.C. WTZ'a, Asst. Cashier~fVI
lag dranmatie cscneostawhch grapple Friday, Feb. 23-"A Pereian Gasrdan," BANK
flat to 1 theharttrtinga.andtihOttomatm Choral Union Series.

i u U i

i ._. ,

Psililtes, Ilitisclc~oStatitttes, edy, twhiecaacs in natoarally, is not Stuorday, lets. 24.-isttltte ttack; lect transacts a general
I itiad Ir t Boksl'liers, ttonr'only genouine butt apioropriate. Thloe il gymnttlot p.tt Ilt l. Bankintg Busines
play is wall staged, the company ear- Stadeetesatra cordially invited 00 in- '''
20s S IT ST, rying alt the scenery Soc the produc- ,Peet our e'tntpicte lins ofsuisats, ter- 7COLEGaeGAPS,
tion. the great earthquaeenei c dasRa -RueS an bt. . GOWNS end MODS
ANN ARBOR - - .- IlMCHIGANthee test act ie wonderfuclly realititc.Ra -Hue . ana. - Rerottng at
Ties plot starts with tne decepstione of SAt BO S? CAPS apd GOWNS,
U. of 1, Barber VAPOsRBATHS a tautsband teho ie afterwarod buriesdt ttItt-s 4downt toonsoall StItse Newt
The Only OGets i LSSCNS
Shop nd B th e City. Rea- alive tby ltiswife and best iriend, boat Ctistar S ttote,116 F1ast0lltttttttrte., ssfoCASrpNS
shpadBt 'fn ieot ip,tobac t-tc dciarsCOLG.FSS
teetbie reee.energ~es froot tiestombl, andtihttspun-t \ o Stc~.CLASSSTAIOE,
O 632S2ateSTATE. . R . Trojanottski ialtnttmentetd outtto thoe ering e' DS ar Po.CLLEGESTINSR,
ff f[ iTe by that htotbattd is a truly effective 5n Itso O~ntott lit COLLEGEPIS
131RREN theme and 2iis wll re d ou's it bthett jusin a~ ttatatRyant& Kettle. SPECIALTIES
GUfFoN rEBS SPOOTISFAPi'TON. otago st b etrssrtttU tnt 008WO EN O
enaeIortecarcesasind 111 O: At EDO S I'l. aitt1, b'ifty SesosttltSt.
UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF tthe. Altt.ttenedtict in ttoesdulsoocstht Itarstsrar'sttasssttt _______________ ___ ILL.______
- A C N G .cfi fbaio ttostni lanti CoctesCs.acio - t
as tloot oasotoitdilostosst1ottre- - b Atslice
IIare OlinL (j t atdts s M'itarthata o rdiott st' is t tstst-I (lli tt(Innir
G n .i en' et s i~rc sot M so iotlie stile0sor lotal 'st i t o itesrcstittt o 05lithe .Jt.Jt.t -at3SattJ pipeful"
Laie'be 0 na (las wll8 ot o ).Il. sokenof ty tse tress whtereverthtite t- a~tiletic coutltt adoptone reaso
PINK BROS., Instructors (ctomptatnythatte. atptearted. ssetialists Son reso
Officae aldAcadeey, Nicbal Sall,330-"3365S.State Soeattute5 tof tse ssrtormeance tsill sIsttto5ot sossbteseac ~ - h l n
$~ P.CIAL HOLILAY OFFER ! d Ita -0 ls art S Isc tte is-til -tt ole is~Is-of alter (Is oo" ot ttlstsa is)Crv
sftihelt rett-sCut pipe to.
co acsw it-it st be s seepttosbit
otne ofths r.' allria~ t,s she Obit'g prtoounctted lOtS EL:5 h ee, hig nacco is so
ILAUGHLIN FttOUtNTAIN as \ popular ...
PEN _ . N. Ihan'sOctroos atuday c tplte liseotftAdler to s. ane
1 en, pos Ead n r SO t slt151 Osototrialstday( sits at tt~athato Rtyan & Route, 200 The curved
tU~A. n tttinsof.S anhttbaSi ort last 202 SS t atzestt
001or5ottt it- attst 5 IttoceRy an & lesle. St'se- tin 1hoX that fits any pocket is another
so them.eto' S ot antstreet. i ThI slowi-' r te othna eots, h
ftos rsitttsttsso ea10stle tytyo i hoo scht-ool s1 tudtensts to llotwosIl ota, :st- reason. No other pipe tohacco has ever
ITBC0n fe o 1.0fri. bt si shotnt' t hefatthtot nloroos's made as many friends in so short a time.
if t sits Y~j(]JHav j o te scrtay tsoftthe oatcatotlo a s;ssltselssLake, ttanti tortor: ~its a1 - "tdiaponsooon.
fi sn ts uit MAOEgA eiation tw cnty-tone Sisalvetfo h v in _ro lua lud ne
___ t RFT ly tehrinlwclaoss. Ettehtonse of theese Mih l-I-ldito th ow IIMtons. N\Y.I ' Ito A triat box wilt be gent So any one
toil-ty t e a ltotlt t ert se-ont t ~es I sot tsl'ototA n o iss o 000 Plist
iSy o ri tstn t-ee st n tl-s~ hvs r Miacthiga inthee Northoern Or'atorcal ieoldl on t:aloots II osols le50 to anywhere on receipt of ten cents in
Q1AIT 1Ar~nP1, Tsit Laue rors:tFraskSCols, sorot r.ttot stamps. Address Old Engls e
-eyoe e et oocatldrat - partmient, The American Tobacco
flI - if fnee edn{fsfu-rCo.,Ill Fifth Ave.~ New York City.
Lesadacr~AUHInFG. lO IAu re-All dealers sllit.
o!Y OO'[ SPALDINGS Official
129 triswold SI., etre H eMih.Itootlens fore c- omng a eson OateAbei od
REFERNCE:atrrithe mast text-nsive-insacvero
Atny iBatkbr pe ssCo auyi i-otdscedl hcre is 511read11 on tttr ttfici atl op to y sle 5ading
Detoit I tables ansd acor open for yot o 2 l o-e caoosinAy. lti
1 y u o u s o t Coutry.soisllta
make selections. It'e have tnadelt- ritaRi ttrsctatFORass. /
~ tss~tuS~tsevery preparatione to strictly retain Bees H]gall Tenis
rLrq Tit T e...( the previous stansdardl of ossr tailo~r- FooctBlsl Aelci tics
NOT IE~lGl~irnstxn! n ansI to lrocs tptly serve ottr Spaldiug's Official League Ball '
oatns. 'e solicit youcr tnspectionIatcOtoslhlsib N
LAU NDRY 7tat an eacly (date. L easuestd all leadingtcoleatsso
ci ats.Spaldinsas estalltidae fsr1950,1Stc
t 3 s T HOlS.t 0FWail rpb Streelt. 1/[1il Hattltsote 0 sta/oe ttA. G. Sr e n& Bros.
103Boda.S5 elPoe !> A R & CO Tailors. yaf}Atte, j5artaI'ree




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