l COATS for Spring-the most convenient coat in a gentleman's out-
T O P fit We are showing a line that come nearer to " made-to-order"
~T O Pthan anything yet produced. It will pay yon to see them.
$12 to $20.
L Sles ealways eorrect Iher e.Receccnnnew Siring Stl/es in [fees eae.y
__________t TH-E BEST MAKES OF
tThe Niagara Falls Route." A
CENTRAL STANDARDt TIME. -tc lr h b t grp " M nu~olins dill!
Tasking Effet Noembenr19, 1899.1!!GIG AT -
ietroit Night Sxpress..........55 .M
An,.tc xpes............ 745SuciaJoeph-olian',- -librn{
taiead Eptxp e s ..........34.Iti _ _1 1I .....ssilsst' sstssst
NMa. istoSpecia ......P....45 "-U H E t 0c ri is1 tr
Fast Eastern................ 9 43 sc~ c icc ce dc'ese
Mail adsExprss. OI.cGc'WS .... .. . ...-990w tw.Lieoly or fmMsicsStorer
Boto,.. snd Chicagc........8 18"1 " -
Fast AesternEpress...........l1i3AtP. x.
0. R. ted Kal. Ecpresc...........5453
Shcg igtEesscc...... ...9 43 The Fine Tailoring H a3ve Y ou
Pacic Express...a ...........12 30 At.A.
Steashi t~Tickets. ali Claseses, c toad l'rsm
Erpest poits at lowest rates. Fell infor- t 'OCLSsFe
mationeon applicatio se or fPOCbANS Ost
0. w. SIJO aLES. H. W. BaeEs,whryocagedem
G.P .A',Cc. Ag'tlAnn Arbor. T a e o h iy
* ~~ Harvard Gorerisor8 of Massacho- Ccic Grecr.Il!W.HrsS N.Fse19
Core19.-Instioduiction to Homesc
A~aDS2 MSm %F T=Z1oS; ixten o th goernos Liaia-tCasswilofee Wenesdyoev.14noIMsTABLchseassa-ce 7ClasseHaraillt meetn. Wednes3,T.ay, Fe' Thet14
Tr rst nsiriorsyCtra Si1899.-gaduates4 exclusive of those who cc Cocirse 21.-Introducction to HireekL1 11he1Sad
srd riee ceived honorary degreso. I siey were Eapigraphsy and Dialectical Inscriptions. THURSDAY, FEB. 15.
SUHNOEThi John Hancock 3.754, Jamues Bowdoin Three hsours. Class will meet Tlicrs-
1745, Samuel Adanms 3770, Increase day, Feb. 15, at 3 p. 01. i3 Ait Lectuiie Aidesi B eit'st
*No. .- 1:25 A. eM No. I:- Octi 5. 2z. Sumoner 1767, Caleb Strong 1764, ChrisRomtarng
Nc. 3.-11:31 A. iM. *No. 5-14:30 Y. im. ' ltist rasehours. FDB O AAANI
Nc. 4.- 8:00 e. si. No. 3.- 4:5e itt.m.lopher Core 1sc,Ribridge Gerry 1763, H.F. DeCocsWlimEsi 72,Lv icl 82
'RueteenesAt'n Arbor aed Toledo onlc Edward Everett '31, Johia H. Long '37, Thae Ann Arbor Music Co. have isa Pices, - 2v,, 35, sitean 75..
All tralee daily except Stndaiy. some inducements to offer stu-
E. S. BNET0. GILM>ORE, Agent. George D. Robinson '56, John Quincy dus ntbltordtlo nruie S ctci os Jobnw sh5 It
WI.BNETG.P. A Adanms Bracksett '65, Williana E. Rus- of roos. -Q G P 0 R O(O N 8
Detroit, Ypsilanti and Ann Ar- sell '77, S. T. Greenhalge '63, and 1_________'''- -''
bor Railway Roger Wolcott '70. From 1780 to tool1 V'ANTED-A partner for my law Mailnee d Sight. Popular Prised 25cmat-.
CrltvfoDeri y pslnt vrygveeuasasirad a. ness andlilbrary. Liberai termsilees.Eveingpicescc, 25, 3Band 5ceceents.
Car leve or etrit nd psiant evry oveor as l~rvad mn. offered. Edward 0. Mains, Lowell,
every half hour, begnigat 7:35 a. im. Since the incorporation ciithc cityhui. 103 Granger's School of Dancing
until 7:45 p. mn After that to Detroit of Boston in 1822, fourteen of the __________
at 4 .inro, 9corner Ae. and 11 "mi thirty-one mayors have been Harvard LOST-A Icilr of gold-boowcd glasoses
atin :4 omcornep.Anand :1pM.ninil s e
ats.; Detroit. 111 Griswold St. graunates. They were: John Phil. its case, stampled Dr. Inntc isand Rill
ips 1788, Jsa Quincy 1'490, Harrison I. Leave samae withlaM.1A. Swig, 2 n4S m s e
IV Gray Otis 1783, Theodore l~y man 1810, S. Slate and receive resward. 102
1$Samuel Atkins Eliot L7, Jonathan AUCTION!!i! AUCTION!!!1 Academy on 1Slaynard Sc,.
BREAKFAST - ANN AR BOR Chapman '25, Martin Brimmer '14, Picisl closing-call sale ciflihi entice
John Prescott Bigelow '15, Josiah stock of Bookes, Well Paler, Stationiary, READ THE DAILUY.
SUPPER - ST. LOUIS, MO. Quiney, Jr., '21, hVathaniel ,. Shurtieft etc., etc., recetaly owaed by WV. W. 'Wet-
' 31, Frederick 0. Prince '36, Salmuel A. mooe, io6 Southl Slain St. Auction
sales wiii be condalcted each day e- ct.
WABASH - FST TRAINS Green '51, Nathan Matthewvs, Jr., '75 cp bosai t4ocokii iil2~ ' .. ulaok
and Josiah Quiney '80. o'clock p. an. Everythsingsgltsanid
CHIRIill Ge. Dio1121 J/iss This LstlWarranted for 1 Yeai.:
FRELL - CARCARS Anccieo tanatnSil olamslcce. 'i
A ewlie f anatanShrt jst$1.00
SL5G eeesdM. . .,Cli ge in at Wadhams, Ryan & Rteule. See H. H. HERasT, Trustee, ~ A d Lair
RS.GenodMP.ACiao them. Siuth Main street. i118 a6 cJceaweierSI
POUND - A Lady's small silver Thse hsoe of Rev. J. H. Crooker wac The Moset somplete Lineof
wratch. Ownser cats have sameid Iy call- cccli filled witha ladiec frolic sll liii
in-sa at thsis office atad paying fsr Itsis churches Monday afternoon, and the LO WNE Y
0 9% Z I n r a i ntice. HCOAE
Becwcen Toledo ad Columsscbc, csing Caica
depoinc o thOcc cies.
Through Slce tc shingatcnand Bcltimore
ii W. Fort St, Dcetrit.
One of the mostR prominent candi-
dates f or the republican nomination
for governor of Illinois is Richard
associationa was well sitiriedi. Sirs.
Crioker cats elected presidentandai the
sthier officers cvere selected frociaths
Is the City isn be fcsnd
Yates, son of Illinois' war governor Rpiscspsal, Miethidist acsd Congregaiionc 338 S. State St.
and an alumsnuc of the University, Me al chuarchcs. Qaite a large mecmbler shin
is nmaking a wvhirlwind eanmpaign hav- wsa reccisved, adia goodmsacny lhices0.M MA TN.
~ig spoken in nearly every county inpromiscd tojoiln ise near futurc. FUNERAL
the state.-
'loclas Long, '01 law of Dearbirn, DIRECTOR
Hocward hats at Wadhams, Ryan & has cot been able to retcurn to ccii- Embalming a specialty. No. 209S,t'
Rcule. Heat hat on the market at ; lege yet this semester on account of Ave. Ambulance night and day. Mes-
$3.00. 200-202 5. Main at. 'illness. idence 302 Fifth Ave.
~PriA hoes for Women..$3.50
See the "New Puritan " Last 110 LEHIo ~t
O Every Kind ENOCH DIETERLEEmbalr a d iveesicitEs ilisSheet an d al Fihno
9jFuera Dheto juttoehlA5locAwesrMr. FocDe tieA c tle LPhessst119. S o a ulig l id
FothPeoes Nao 8s.:11w'.asleieg.No. 116 E. Libesly Streset. Sesidence 638Sti E, Lambert. R a d l